  • Report:  #35977


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Yep, like most of you unfortunate people out there I got scammed out of $900+. Congratulations, the sales team kept telling me and the intense use of words like 'lucky to be picked' 'holiday of a lifetime' and 'winner' Hey need I go on, your all been there thats why your reading this.

After the phone call I went on the internet and realised what had happend (Thanks to this web site) I had given my authorisation to a company I have never heard about to take over $900 from me. How did I feel.......like an a*s. I promptly telephoned them, got put on hold and then spoke to a young lady who didn't even work there. The next day I got an E mail from the company informing me of my fantastic holiday but by this time I had surfed the net for any legal lines that may have crossed, well they had and with that I E mailed them and wrote to them with my complaint, this is my letter if any of you would like use it and hopefully like me get your money back......(word of advice, be quick and firm with these people)

On Monday 11th November 2002 I was contacted by Adam Bencze, a member of your staff team. He informed me of a great holiday deal that I could not refuse. Although the package sounded good I explained that I wished to discuss it with my partner first. I was then pressured into accepting the deal that was being offered.

Mr Bencze managed to completely confuse me and gave me the impression that I would be able to cancel if I so wished. To add to the confusion, he had called me on my mobile phone, which kept cutting out from my end, making it very difficult for me to get everything that had been said. I carried on the exchange with the knowledge that I could cancel if I was not happy.

I was then told that only half of the money would be taken immediately and the rest later. I asked if I could pay for the holiday after I had received the information on it but was told that the transaction had to go through before any information was sent out. By the time I put the phone down I was completely baffled by what was supposed to be happening.

After speaking to my partner I decided to ring back to cancel the agreement until we had had time to think it through properly. I tried to ring your company back less than 10 minutes after the original call. As yet I have not been able to get through to speak to anyone from your company and on one instance was kept on hold for 10 minutes before I finally gave up hope of speaking to another human being on the end of the phone.

I called my credit card company to stop the transaction but was told it had already gone through. I was also informed that it was the whole amount that had been taken and not half as I had been led to believe. I then rang your company back and eventually spoke to a lady who, after I had told her all about my problem and asked for the agreement to be cancelled and my money refunded, told me that she did not actually work for your company at all but that the phone had diverted through to her as your lines were busy.

She advised me that she would pass my number on to the relevant person and ask them to contact me either by telephone or e-mail. I have yet to receive a reply to my cancellation request but did receive an e-mail advising me to contact you via e-mail in future and a copy of my invoice. I have taken your advice and e-mailed you in the hope that I receive a response. I will send a copy of this letter to you in the hope that you will eventually receive some form of communication from me.

I am sure that this holiday offer is a great deal and that you are a highly professional company but I would still like to cancel this agreement in order that I can discuss it properly with my partner and make an informed decision about whether I wish to take up this offer. I believe that I have a right to change my mind and cancel an agreement under the Distance Selling Regulations 2000.

As you may gather from the tone of this letter, I am most displeased about the way in which I feel I was coerced into agreeing to this holiday deal and the fact that I was denied the time to think it through properly. I do feel that your staff deliberately tried to confuse me into misunderstanding what service I was actually paying for. If you are in any doubt about this, may I suggest that you listen to the telephone conversation as I was informed that it was being recorded.

As your company is obviously very busy at the moment could I suggest that you invest in more phone lines as this, I am sure would give more customer satisfaction and be less costly to them.

I look forward to receiving your reply and my money being refunded as promptly as it was taken



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