  • Report:  #468839


Reported By:
- Fontana, California,

2230 SUNSET BLVD # 330-145, Rocklin, 95765 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This man is a career criminal to say the least. He claims to do credit repair and will gladly take your money with all sorts of promises. His credit repair contract needs to be read carefully. His warranty is worded in a way that makes it 99% impossible to win if he fails to perform. His arrogance regarding any issues you might have is unbelievable. He will tell you how he is a man of integrity, that he is above board and has connections in high places to get things done, but in actuality he doesn't know what he is doing and with attempt to extort you with threats if you attempt to recover your money.

I do have knowledge of atleast 20 other individuals that have been bilked by this man. He operates his businesses in a way that always casts doubt as to whether he is really culpable. Its the classic onion with several layers. His main company, Consumer Credit Information Association, is under the name of his partner Herb Miller. Herb seems to be setup as the fall guy in their relationship if and when anything big goes wrong. Herb has a jewelry store, called Robard's Jewelry out of Auburn that Gary brags about having control over without being the actual owner. In tandem, Gary uses the jewelry store's ability to post "positive" trade lines to an individual's credit report. This is a big sales technique he uses to get people going. He offers this as a free service, but fails to mention that in the fine print of there is a service fee of $199 that will be billed. In addition to this, he is illegally backdating credit history for people, which positively improves their credit score, but of course is illegal.

As far as credit repair. His main deal is credit inquiry removal. In regards to actual credit repair he claims he can have anything removed within a week for the right price, but otherwise he says he can remove everything within 6-8 months. But read carefully, his contract only is saying he will remove 25%, but he will never tell you.

He also does business credit. This consist of him fraudulently posing as the client and running their personal and business information with several banks simultaneously. If necessary, he will create documentation that supports the false information he is submitting for their income and other vital parts of his application process.

He will do a phone consultation with a prospective client. In that phone call he will gather information about them, as well as find out their current financial situation. He generally will BS with them about whatever they are into. If for example they are into Real Estate, he will tell them about his contact that can buy homes and close double escrow. Or he might go on about the home he is currently planning on purchasing for $4M or he might go on and on about his loan modification contact. Once he gets them hooked, he moves on to what he is able to do, which isn't much.

Most of the people, like myself, are looking for business credit. Being from LA, there are all sorts of scams. He came highly recommended to me by a mutual business associates. After talking about what I wanted, I received a bill for the removal of all my credit inquiries, which was unexpected to say the least. When I confronted Gary about this, he told me that he made it very clear that I needed to have those removed from my credit and that I just wasn't listening. I told him that I was not going to pay, which made him upset. At this point I was afraid to push too much more. He told me that he had already paid for the inquiries to be removed and that he would not be left holding the bag. This upset me and I told him that I would report him to the Better Business Bureau. At this point, he told me that if I did this, he would file a lien against my credit and place judgments against me that would make it impossible for me to ever do business again.

Since this occurrence, I have talked with many other individuals that have been screwed by this man. I have dug up the dirt and it shows that this man is a career criminal, but smart enough to not get caught, so far. But he has messed with the wrong person and luckily I have the money and resources to take him down.

Please raise your voice if this man has done the same to you!


Fontana, California


4 Updates & Rebuttals


Beverly Hills,
Just don't pay him!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 25, 2009

Gary Hoopes does the same routine with every client.  "Mr. Petrucelli, uh..Como e stas?"  I like your name!  I'm Italian, too..That make us uh..paesanos, right?"  Yeah my last name was changed at Ellis Island..Used to be uh...Hooperrr---oni...Hooperoni!"  It's true, he'll talk about anything...Suits, jewelry, all kinds of merchandise with which he's got the hook up!  He has an account with one of the credit bureaus to remove inquiries and yes, that service is really his bread and butter.  He'll sell it to you even if you don't need it.  He gets charged 50 dollars or so at wholesale and profitsmaybe 30 or 35 per inquiry.  He charges a telephone consultation fee which is unheard of anywhere, because let's face it, a phone call with a charge would probably turn you off from the get go.  and I believe it's something outrageous like 250 dollars for maybe twenty minutes of his time... The solution to the common problem is just don't pay him.

Until you sign that contract, there's nothing legally binding you.  He gives you a bank deposit slip for you to fill out so you can fund his account.  Unheard of, also.  He won't run a credit card or debit card for services rendered which I suppose is a good thing, considering he has your credit information in his hands, but most legitimate companies operate in such a way.  That way you have a receipt for a purchase, rather than a deposit receipt to someone else's bank account which you can not dispute in the future.  If Mr. Hoopes likes you so much that he's willing to go and delete any information on your credit report, let him pay for it. Then just walk away.


Blackwood, N.J.


Dingmans Ferry,
How to contact Consumer Credit Information Administration

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 03, 2009

Silva: Was just wondering how you found Counsumer Credit Information Administration? I wanted to look at their website to see if they advertised the same way the company I got screwed by. I searched but couldn't find anything.


FALL Guy AKA Herb Miller

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 23, 2009

Number one Mr Hoopes is not a criminal. He has no record. If he fails to perform there is a 100% money back guarantee not a 99% impossable to win if he fails to perform. I would like to know the spacific threat if true. So far there have been Zero complaints or requests for refunds. Next....The businesses in question are two completely different businesses and should never have been linked together. Herb has owned and operated jewelry stores for over 30 years. Here again I must stress the jewelry store has no conection to Mr Hoopes. There are not trade lines. There are however Robard's Fine Jewelry legitimate accounts. We do open accounts like all credit cards that are based on income which positivly improve their credit score. No credit history was ever backdated or promised to be backdated because "that" is illegal and a blatant lie. Next.... As far as CCIA is concerned it does do inquiry removal, it takes 14 to 45 days in most cases. It has taken as long as 6 to 8 months at the most. This is done legally through written dispute letters and sent to all three credit bureaus. There is no way to remove them in a week for the ,"right price" or any price for that matter. Although we have helped our clients get business credit, this is done after their fico score has been improved to 750 or higher. We than shop with all banks simultaneously to get our clients the best rates and the best terms with highest dollor amounts. This is done with two years of tax returns and verified income from their businesses. Please call me directly at 530-889-1819 and send a copy of contract to 530-889-1845 fax. Jared or Steven, Please send me a copy of your contract. Thanks Herb



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 23, 2009

Dear author. I wish to first say that I am not employed by or know the person in question. I am however aware of the persons involved. In your frustration against Mr. Hoopes you have thrown another honest business and man under the bus. This person I "do" know and your tying him to this is uncalled for. You have defaimed a man that has run his own business (no partner) for over half of his life. Some of your facts are false such as the service fees. The amount is not correct. While reading your report I can see that this is more than business, its personal. I think anyone that was told, "Your just not listening" would need an apolagy at least but this has gone too far. In this day and age, what you put out on the internet can cause severe damage and last forever regardless of the truth of it. Now you have involved two "Families". Please concider the ramifications of frustration. I would hope that you identify yourself to the parties in question to resolve this.

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