  • Report:  #1261099

Complaint Review: Geeks on Repair - Bronx New York

Reported By:
TechHell - Kansas, USA

Geeks on Repair
Ste 11 Bronx, 10458 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am Formal Filling a Complaint against Geeksonrepair.com that this make shift company is scamming consumers for services offered claiming to be part of Geek Squad.


  1. The Geeks on Repair is scamming people out of money charging more for services than what is provided.
  2. They claim to be part of dispatch for “Geek Squad” like a subcontractor for for Best Buy
  3. They do not pay their Techs in a time manner
  4.  They do not have a fixed location of business on their website.
  5. They use multiple phone numbers for service they will call from all over, they may not even be located in the U.S. but using VOIP Phones.
  6. They do not have an actual business email address they use [email protected]
  7. They only use PayPal to pay for services rendered meaning they are not collecting taxes or reporting taxes for make shift business.
  8.  They are listed above Geek Squad in most searches.

I have filed formal compaints against this company with the FTC, IRS, PayPal, and GoDaddy.  Techs should advise customers to  issue a stop payment on their credit cards and ask for a check from the customer for the services they have performed  they do not want to pay their techs plain and simple.  I am a security professional and have high credibality for my work. I will not stop until this compnay is shutdown.  Techs should discontinue all ties with this company.  I am also in communcations with Best Buy so they can seek legal actions against this "Fake Geeks on Repair" claiming to be Geek Sqaud 


**** you Geogre the next call your getting is eith from indinan tech suport because I spammed your number or the FTC and IRS to see why you have a fake  company  oh good luck in court once  Best Buy finds out what your doing  oh and my customer   he stopped payment and wrote me check for my services .  


No one should use or work for this company 


2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Geeks On Repair Sends You a New Computer Repair Tech Free of Charge If You Dont Like the First Tech

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 27, 2019

Its 2019 and were going stronger then ever. How is that taking us out of business going for you? lol

Geeks On Repair

Bronx ,
New York,

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 18, 2015

 First let me start by letting everyone who reads this know , Geeks On Repair is a good company who has been around for years and has thousands of happy customers who have been serviced over the years . We at Geeks On Repair GIVE AWAY A FREE COMPUTER AT THE END OF EVERY SINGLE MONTH TO 1 LUCK CUSTOMER. When we take this lying piece of s*** tech to court, we will have a whole line of happy customers who will all attest to our having given them a free computer before the dates of the incident this filthy technician has posted about. Geeks On Repair doesn't take anything from anyone , Geeks On Repair GIVES technicians work in this tough economy and Geeks On Repair GIVES our customers the kind of one on one and full team service some of these loose end techs don't take the time to give , since this one for example trys running a computer repair company from his cell phone. We have a team dedicated to customers service alone. Our team takes calls and receives calls all days including weekends and holidays ; this tech here turns his phone off so you can't reach him when you have a serious problem with your computer on a weekend , late night or a holiday. Here is or rebut all to this filthy person , in its entirety: WHAT IS THIS TECHS GRIPE? HOW DID HE BECOME SO ANGRY? Ask yourselves this as you read through our answers and rebuttals to all 8 arguments he has made. You will find that this is a pathetic human being, his only gripe is that he's upset that were bigger then he is, and he didn't like having his payment withheld because the customer called us needing same exact problem fixed just days after is bad service, stating the tech didn't do anything for him. We record all our calls and even got on a 3 way call with the customer and this filthy tech to set a new day and time of service ,......THIS TECH WENT BACK ONSITE AND STOLE OUR CUSTOMER FROM US AND CONVINCED HIM TO DO A CHARGEBACK AGAINST US!! That you find is what this is all really about. 1. The Geeks on Repair is scamming people out of money charging more for services than what is provided. OUR ANSWER: We never ask our customers for their payment information before sending a tech onsite , we never charge any of our customers on our end , our customers all pay on their end and only after the work has been done , and after they have checked that everything is working to their satisfaction. Proof of this is that a customer pulls out their own physical card and they charge themselves on our website after work is completed , never before work is completed. Geeks On Repair will never ask a customer for money upfront or ask them to pay for services before service has started. Also, By the time a tech gets to customers place to work on their machine , customer has already agreed to our price of $99 for the first hour , $25 every 15 minutes after the first hour. Tech who goes onsite is also aware of what we are charging customer before heading out to a customers place. Both tech and customer are free to turn down working with us if they don't like our prices. Neither tech nor customer had a problem here with our price , so this tech is a hypocrite and spineless little weasel for even saying anything like this, since he went out for us just fine and didn't create these problems until customer complained about his work. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 2. They claim to be part of dispatch for “Geek Squad” like a subcontractor for for Best Buy OUR ANSWER: We NEVER , ever, say we have anything to do with Best Buy or Geek Squad, we record all our calls, I will personally get on the stand and raise my right hand to tell all truth , and the truth is THIS TECH IS A LYING PIECE OF s**t!!! I want him to go to jail for contempt when he gets on the stand and tell a lie. IT IS A FLAT OUT LIE THAT WE EVER SAY WE HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH BEST BUY! Our name sounds a lot more like "Geeks On Site" then it does "Geek Squad". We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 3. They do not pay their Techs in a time manner OUR ANSWER: We have many many techs that will argue otherwise , some of them have even come to our defense here on rip off report , We will easily be able to prove in court that we pay ALL our techs , without exception, right after they have : A) turned in our customer signed invoice B) have created a profile on our tech portal The only exception to immediate payment by us would be if, as what happened in this techs case, customer calls us back shortly after repair has been completed to tell us that the tech did not fix anything or is having the same problem. In that case , as happened here , we get on a 3 way call with tech and customer , and all parties agreed to a new time and day for tech to warranty his work. In this case here , the CUSTOMER CALLED US TO COMPLAIN ABOUT TECH NOT HAVING DONE A GOOD JOB AND NOT HAVING FIXED ANYTHING! This tech showed up to warranty his filthy work alright , but he showed up to steal our customer instead, and to get our customer to get on board with him instead of us. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! We let the customer choose, we send our customers the same tech to fix whatever he didn't fix on the first go, or we send a new tech to our customer FREE OF CHARGE to the customer for the first hour. If same tech refuses to warranty his work when it's only been a few days , we bar tech for ever working with us again. This techs gripe isn't about anything else but that , he is upset that we withheld his payment until he would go back out and warranty his work with our then customer. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 4. They do not have a fixed location of business on their website. OUR ANSWER: We've actually had 4 different fixed addresses on our website and we've had these 4 addresses there for the last 3 years, this tech on top of being a liar is blind as a thieving bat! We will soon be adding a 5th address and location in the next 2 months. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 5. They use multiple phone numbers for service they will call from all over, they may not even be located in the U.S. but using VOIP Phones. OUR ANSWER: We do have a lot of phone numbers , but what this tech has written is trying to imply that were not in the USA and that were not American. Geeks On Repair , the owner , was born and raised in New York City , and the top management and second in command was born in Houston Texas , raised in Northern Virginia and currently lives in and operates from Washington DC. We have both company techs and outsourced contracted techs , they are all American. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 6. They do not have an actual business email address they use [email protected] OUR ANSWER: Our business email is right on our website , ([email protected] ), you can find it in several instances in the "contact us " page and "about us " page , and also stays static and permanently visible along with our phone number in the foot notes section of our website. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 7. They only use PayPal to pay for services rendered meaning they are not collecting taxes or reporting taxes for make shift business. OUR ANSWER: We are in good standing with the IRS, the owner filed his taxes last week , since he had asked for an extension , which ended on October 15th. So now this horrible tech Carl Stephens is slandering pay pal also?! Yes we use pay pal, because pay pal is so honest and has great customer service, and we can see this tech knows nothing about how pay pal works ; pay pal sends us a 1099-K form every single year, and this form is part of the same documentation we send the IRS every year. We are taking this tech to court, what he has written is lies and slander. He will pay. 8. They are listed above Geek Squad in most searches. ANSWER: We are listed in high ranking for the term "computer repair", and Geek Squad happens to be a computer repair company also. But notice that Geeks On Site ranks higher then us , why aren't you mentioning them ? Geek Squad has known of our existence for years. They have been known to run test calls on us , and other computer repair companies , to make sure other companies are not trying to pass off as them; we NEVER are, so they have never taken issue with us and they will care not about your PERSONAL gripe with us. Our main competitor , is not Geek Squad. As I stated before , if someone were to confuse us with another Geek company it wouldn't be Geek Squad, there are many Geek companies out there , some of them with names that sound a lot more like ours then does Geek Squad. Here are some just to name a few : Geeks On Site Geeks On Call Geekatoo Geeks On Support Geeks On the Go So summarizing the whole thing , this here is a tech that became SO UPSET that our customer needed him back out to warranty his work before his payment was released to him, that he has went onsite and STOLE OUR CUSTOMER FROM US, and is now attacking us online. Also, in his own words , he is now spamming our company numbers and website. We know what he is doing , and our attorney has told us to keep a saved log of these different online maneuvers he is now attacking us with , using VPNs and Proxys to Sabatoge us online , he thinks he's masked himself using these VPNs , Proxys and remote servers, but the server jumping techniques he is using are the same used by hackers , we are well versed on the subject since we always help customers from ruthless people like him who are known to steal network information from his own customers and other peoples customers . We are letting him hang himself so to speak , the more of this he does the bigger the pay day will be for us. Finally , we have taken the time to post our version of events right here on rip off report , you can find it under this filthy techs name ( Carl Stephens) along with his picture we've also uploaded, or to make it easier we will copy and paste our version for you right down here, read below: HERE IS OUR VERSION: We hadn’t run into one of these in a long time, looks like these kind of computer repair technicians who like to steal customers are still out there. Carl Stephens stole our customer, and then wrote a very nasty email threatening us and calling us a “slum Bi#ch” , among other derogatory things. He stole our customer, a customer who suspiciously never returned our calls or emails after we sent this tech onsite to him, until some days later, and then only to say this tech Carl Stephens hadn’t fixed anything. You would think after stealing our customer, Carl Stpehens could have at least been nice about it, and not write us an email afterwards taunting us and threatening us, and without provocation. The nerve of this guy. We think this guy Carl Stephens might have mental problems , but we wont speculate on that since were only suppose to talk facts here. Well here are the facts. *we gave Carl Stephens access to our customer after a lengthy phone conversation he had with one of our supervisors that was looking to gauge Mr Stephens level of expertise; he passed the phone interview and since his credentials he had posted about seemed to hold up, we gave him access to our customers address and description of computer problems he was to help our customer with. *we informed our customer that Mr Carl Stephens would arrive at the time customer had requested. *Mr Stephens arrived on time, and to our surprise , called shortly after arrival to inform us he was already done. We thought this a bit odd, since we are usually quick to detect that techs who broker a deal with our customers outside of us usually use this method of calling in before the first hour is complete, have the customer pay us the first hour, then charge the customer themselves for any additional time or work that is needed to finish a repair. We did not think much of it at the time, although in hindsight we should have. Customer confirmed all was complete and working, and then customer proceeded to our payment page to pay for the hour of service. We had prepped Carl Stephens before his going onsite to our customer, and we explained, and he agreed, that in no way would he have contact with our customer after the repair was completed, he would not accept money directly from our customer, and that we would pay him after completion and after he scanned and emailed back our company invoice , signed by our customer, approving his time onsite and the work performed. We started to get suspicious when after this visit our customer was no longer answering our calls,(we always call and email customers after a repair has been completed) and never responded to our email asking to rate our service and the tech we sent him. We called the customer every day after completion, for 4 days straight, to try to get him on the phone and let us know if what Carl Stephens had repaired was working OK for him. We left customer at least 3 voice messages asking him to call us back; he never did. We still didn’t point our finger at Carl Stephens, and still didn’t suspect foul play, and we gave Carl Stephens the benefit of the doubt, even though by now it seemed unusual that he had still , after 4 days, not sent us our customer signed invoice, and after 4 days wasn’t asking for pay either. *It was a full 5 days after the repair was completed that this customer, finally called us, not to say he had heard our voice messages asking us to call , but instead the customer called us to tell us that Carl Stephens had not fixed the problem and that he was still having problems. We nicely asked the customer why he had told us all was completed when tech was onsite and stated the work was done. We asked the customer, why did you pay us, on our website, instead of getting on the phone and telling us the problem was still ocurring. The customer didnt have a very good answer for either of these questions. We then told the customer no worries, we will either send you the same tech back out, or send you a new one, and that either way it would be free of charge to him so long as it was the same exact problem recurring. We 3 way called tech Carl Stephens with customer on the line, and we all agreed that Carl Stephens would be back out on a Saturday and at a specified time we all 3 agreed to. Saturday came and went and we didn’t receive a call from customer or from Carl Stephens. We emailed Carl Stephens, he did not reply until the following day (Sunday) and wrote that he and customer had agreed to Monday now, instead of Saturday. (Apparently they had already talked or met without our knowing). Monday came and went, and no call from customer or Mr Stephens, even though all techs who work for us are told and agree that they must call us upon arrival to our customers place. We email Carl Stephens Tuesday or Wednesday, and here Mr Stephens replys back something along the lines of : “Screw you guys, slum bit*h, i stole your customer, you cant do anything about it, your customer is going to now do a charge back for the first amount he paid you, he is my customer now not yours!” Im paraphrasing; those aren’t all the things he said, he said much more , and much more nastier things, but im trying to keep this post concise. That is the end of it my friends, you be the judge, this guy is UNTRUSTWORTHY, he is a THIEF , and is not worth your time or money. Send him on his way without pay for us, since that is what he deserves. Do not use his services, and do not deal with him, he will steal your customers and will promote himself and his lousy website . Even after signing our agreement to not steal our customer or have contact with our customer, he did so anyways, so there is no trusting a person like that who breaks and breaches agreements. He thinks he has deleted his profile with us, but we have it stored and saved and will use it against him in court if we have to. His picture is placed above , so you all know who NOT to use when you have computer or IT problems. What a bad tech indeed.

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