  • Report:  #755690

Complaint Review: geezers cafe - jacobus Pennsylvania

Reported By:
dogboyjoe - red lion, Pennsylvania, United States of America

geezers cafe
51 n main jacobus, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Bad steamed crabs !!! bad taste, soggy, lite, re steamed, missing most of the claws !  Complained, they offered , I'm sorry but kept my $42 dollars. Bad service! Avoid

27 Updates & Rebuttals


And now for some Music !

#2Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2011


Colleen S

United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

One more thing brainiac...YOU NEVER BOUGHT CRABS from Geezers. You are such a moron. There is no receipt for any Michael Willis anywhere , nor any call in log, nor any information for you. YOU NEVER bought crabs from GEEZERS. Therefore, sherlock, no refund can be given to you. The contract for goods in exchange for money is to the buyer, not some big mouth child who lives in her basement. Your mother was the one who called in, reserved crabs, paid for them, picked them up, and left with them. Deborah Willis, not Michael Willis. SO guess what, you have no right to complain as a consumer. You claim it was your "$42 they kept". YOU NEVER PAID FOR, NOR BOUGHT IN ANY WAY, CRABS FROM GEEZERS dip sht.  You had no contract with them. But hey, keep blowing your mouth off. It only tightens the noose. IF there was a problem with any product, Deborah Willis should have called in or brought them back to Geezers so a refund could be given asap. But no one has heard a peep from her. She had NO PROBLEM with the crabs.  It was her credit card, her $42.00. Get a job. Does she even know you are using her name and email to harrass people....does mommy know you are using her computer?Funny thing, York Regional Police already know who you are...so I guess harrassing people and issuing terroristic threats is how you got your jollies since obviously you are compensating for that which you can not do....

And, guess what, that donation to the SPCA...well nevermind, just keep on claiming no refund was given....keep laying awake at night wondering what else to do for revenge. Keep living your pitiful life around how you can TRY to cause some small business owners to loose their business. Keep trying to drive them under so they have to lay off employees, who in turn will run into serious financial difficulties...all becasue you claim "YOUR CRABS SUCK THEY HAVE WHITE MEAT...." Your sad little life is just, well, sad.

Take your meds, get out of mommies basement, and get a job so you can pay for your own crabs. But keep spending lots of time and money promoting Geezers...advertising is so expensive nowdays



#4Author of original report

Tue, August 23, 2011


Colleen S

United States of America
such entertainment

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 22, 2011

you still haven't learned to shut your big mouth have you? Had you ever bothered looking into how Geezers steams their crabs, you would have seen the outdoor steaming area, you would have read the multiple news articles about the fight with Jacobus borough to have it there.....but hey since you are the customer and always right....then they must have that all for show and they microwave crab orders????are you that dense?. And response is not spelled with a c, your limited education is showing. Your lack of social skills is, and has been obvious.

The money was sent as you requested, but since you didn't bother confirming it , and instead ran around like a wimp hiding behind the computer posting assanine remarks that only make you look like an inbred, ignorant jerk, you hung yourself. Do you really think you can go off on some business and try to destroy them without any form of repercussions against you?

And once again, this is all YOUR FAULT. You refused to give your phone number, how was the owner to look into the crabs to see if there was a problem and get back to you?????? you ranted and raved like some lunatic saying the crabs suck , the meat was white.....and by the time you get in touch with her over email you are foul mouth and calling them scumbags and crooks...just how the heck did you think this would work out for you? really? She tried to explain she couldn't do a credit card refund since, for consumers protection, the 16 digit numbers is not shown, only  the last 4....everyone knows that genius...but you knew better didn't you....so stupid. You could have brought the card in for a refund to it, but you are too much of a big man to actually face anyone after you acted like a 5 year old with a temper tantrum...so you sit behind your computer and troll...and actually think people think you are cool...does this make you feel important, does it give you satisfaction in life, since as you said earlier, the government, banks, the gas companies, they all screw you over so therefore, it only makes sense to go after some small business who is also trying to just make it in this world? Pat yourself on the back big man...everything coming your way you did to yourself. Congrats.

 She went ahead and did as you asked, even though it was extortion, but you already went out and defamed the business....laughing about each post then sending her a link to it all and bragging....you never allowed that business the chance to correct anything....you hung yourself. And when you wind up in civil court I'd suggest you learn some manners when speaking before a judge.

In the end all this will cost you a crap load in fines and time spent pulling down all your rants...when this all could have been solved by your calling the owners and saying, hey I think there was something wrong with the crabs and explaining why....and giving your phone number....they would have gladly looked into it, as any complaint should be , to see if something was wrong....instead you acted like a total maniac....or as I call it...like trash. again, congrats. Keep it up...it is only more work in the end for you to have taken down when the court orders you too....

Geezers has good food, good crabs, good people. You are the ONLY person who has complained in over ten years....that should tell you something...wait you think you are special so nevermind, you just don't get it.



#6Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2011

I think your a bit of a COO-COO CLOCK ?


United States of America

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 19, 2011

Tick! Tock! Grandfather has stopped the clocks, he is disgusted with you.


United States of America
Down Under

#8General Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

It's time you spent a bit of time in the "OUTBACK", not the restaurant, the dinkum real thing with nothing but a water bottle and dingoes for company, the hunger and fear would soon set you right.
Oh! I forgot the dingoes would't want you. It seems you are not welcome anywhere.


United States of America

#9General Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

I have seen that you have escalated not only on Geezers but on several other crab outlets.
when did you do you time, I have a feeling we have met. Oh! By time I mean time in the Navy, you,ve probably eaten crabs for a long time. but are used to getting handouts so when you really get a good batch you have to complain to get some more, something you learned after leaving the service.
Come on! Haven't you  tried to ruin to many peoples lives already, a google search says that you have been  really  busy. You must be very proud of yourself. Edging for a handout from everybody is not going to make you #1 in my book, I would have sent you to the brig on Tasmania where you would get nothing but old mutton to eat if you had served under me. 



#10Author of original report

Thu, August 18, 2011

 Got a dozen STEAMED CRABS at GEEZER'S CAFE (Carryout). Bad Odor (AMMONIA) Grey Soggy Meat ! Lite in Weight, Missing most of the Claws! Asked for Refund told I'll tell him! Hung Up ! If you would like to give Geezer's a try ?? Ask to see the steamer?, steam pots?, Live Crabs, Crab storage? Watch the crabs being selected and steamed? If you don't see this ?LEAVE !!!  WORST I EVER SMELLED !!!! AVOID!! If business is so GOOD why worry about one review? They sure spend a lotta time dealing with Trailer Trash like Me ? Owner told by lawyer to not talk to customer?? Would you like a picture of "A LOAD OF CRAP"?? :-) :-)

Colleen S

United States of America
Too funny

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, August 18, 2011

So let me get this straight, you are on a rampage because these people , on purpose, singled you out, as a new customer, to give you a bag of rotten crabs that had no claws? And because the government is out to get you and the banks, and the gas companies, and blah blah blah, you'll take it out on these people as well, because clearly they are out to get you as well? Are you that insane? Do you really think any business would purposely hunt out 12 rotten crabs with no claws, that are incorrectly sized and empty, with discolored meat, and offer those up to a new customer? Stop being stupid for a minute and think about it. And response is spelled with an S.

Crabs are delivered live. They are steamed there and any claws that pop off will be in the bottom of the bag. There were NO COMPLAINTS that day about the crabs, only yours. You REFUSED to give your phone number, so when the owner got a minute after your ranting foul mouthed call to her (which included the comment "your crabs suck , the meat is white..." and she repeated that to you to make sure she heard you correct and you said it again), to go talk to her husband, she came back to call you back to get more information and realized both you and your wife refused to give a phone number. Then your half insane emails started and they quickly realized this all has nothing to do with their crabs. The SPCA donation was sent, but what the SPCA chooses to do with it is up to them, as they were informed about what you did  and were disgusted by your pictures of feces and threats and name calling.  I doubt they will take your calls nor give you any information over the phone. They deal with crazy people all the time. The BBB is also aware of your demonstrated limited mental capacity to think rationally and nothing will come of your complaint , except to never have anything you send to them actually looked at.

Do you really think you are that special that a small business would go out of their way to "rip" you off? You aren't.

Customers are not always right. most of the time yes, but no business would want a customer like you. Anyone can trace your steps on the internet and see how you troll and love to see yourself talk like you are a big man by bashing businesses all over. Little men do that to give them self a sense of power, it lets them hide and talk big in safety.

The owners have not responded because legal counsel has told them not to. They are aware of your rants but have not had time to click on all the links you send. They have a business to run and crabs to steam. What would they gain by wasting time reading all this? Customers come in and let them know the latest insane rant while enjoying a cup of coffee. Their attorney has print offs. They just don't have the time to waste on you. I know when I stop in while browsing the 40,000 sq feet of antiques, or for lunch, or to pick up crabs, your rants come up, but are usually replaced by things that actually matter. Your opinion just doesn't.

And you say they don't even steam crabs? What, do they cook them in a big microwave or soemthing? Really, so the big set up they have with the steam pots and the crab coolers and the bushels of live crabs are all for show???

You aren't important to this business other than to laugh at. Sorry but you just don't matter. They have award winning food, great crabs, wonderful service, and a huge selection of antiques, not to mention live music events. Why would one little boy who likes to send nasty pictures and rant and rave like a lunatic matter? What would matter is a customer who had a VALID complaint. Not, your crabs suck cause the  meat is white.....



#12Author of original report

Sun, August 14, 2011

Did you ever see so much interest in a problem with a refund by the customers of a coffee shop? and no responce by the owners?? Exposer is what I'm after? When lots of people are in town ? If you would have done the right thing you could have avoided all the negative Reviews on the internet . When you now use your search engine to look up Geezers 80% is neg!! and I will never stop!!!! Refund or donation is no longer required by you! You say I said "The meat was White" what I said was the "Crabs were LITE "in weight , soggy, and had a bad ODOR! (AMMONIA) and missing most of the claws!! Your responce was to say "I'll tell him." Your responce sould have been ! I'm sorry, bring them back for replacement or refund and have a coffee on us ! But you don't give a crap! You got my money. I know Crabs and I like to try new places. You ad says "HOT STEAMED CRABS" and "QUAILITY"  false advertising!! Some employees of Jacobus let me know about the crabs you sell ! You don't even STEAM THEM ! When I ask Linda Costa (Owner) about pre steamed she didn't know what i meant ??? I like it that you do a lot of Name Calling, it lets the people that read this site get a good picture of the OWNERS!! You wrote in a responce that all my bad reviews had increased your crabs sales?? you are very welcome! When I read a Bad Review of a resturant , bad service, dirty, cold food, Bad Odors it MAKES ME RUN OUT AND GIVE IT A TRY!!! I have never in 40 years of buying crabs got a dozen as BAD AS GEEZERS! Every crab was bad! This was intentional! I've had a few lite crabs,missing claws,in the past from crab sellers, but have been replaced the next time I was there!! You are the WORST I EVER HAD!!!! You claim I'm trying to get free crabs ? I have reciepts for hundreds of dollars in crabs from other crab sellers, including CAPT BOBS! I'm very sorry for you, I sure you shop will fall ! THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!! NEVER FORGET IT !!! Now I must go and find another site to leave a BAD REVIEW!!

Colleen S

United States of America

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, August 14, 2011

You never showed up Michael? We were waiting for you to picket along with the police. Where were you?

Exactly, you are a pansy a*s who knows he has no leg to stand on. Once again, you refused to give them your phone number when you ordered the crabs. They received no complaints about the crabs. You called and said they suck , the meat was white....do you really think sounding like some under educated trailer trash is going to get you any sort of credibility? The SPCA has been notified about your fundraising and they are disgusted with you. You hide behind your computer and make threats and send pictures of feces and continue to post rants that only reinforce everyone's belief you never finished high school, are socially retarded, and live in a single wide trailer.

Geezer's crab sales have not been affected. You are seen as a joke. The customers and friends talk about you as if you are one of those low IQ mentally challenged people that drool. And common consensus is you live off welfare in a trailer because of your low intelligence and IQ and probably watch nascar. 

And really, a complaint to the BBB? They are good people in there and have already been given all your rants and pictures of feces. You will never be taken serious by any one there, so congrats to your testosterone fueled ignorance ruining any credibility you ever had...though I doubt you ever had any.

And unless you are going to actually show up and picket, shut the fk up. Takes a big man to sit behind a computer and make threats....But thanks for letting everyone know you've know involved local community leaders in this, it only makes you even more guilty of slander.....you dumb sht. Oh my God I can't stop laughing....

and all because their crabs had white meat in them....really?

Oh my God this it too funny. Please entertain me more with your childish rants.



#14Author of original report

Fri, August 12, 2011

PULL MY FINGER!! Hey OZZIE !!! Whats the differance between a VEGEMITE sandwich & A TURD ??? Nothing, they both taste like GEEZERS CRABS!!!! Say hi to Mel G , Russel C,and Olivia ! Kiss a JOEY for me ! Have a GREAT DAY .


Hey Dogboy

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 11, 2011

Bit obsessed with porn and poo aren't you? I bet you're real cute!Skinny too. Why do I think greasy?  Ease up on the ol' references to venereal diseases (Yes, we get it. Crabs and ......crabs, it's hilarious at least... once, really....possibly) and the excrement references. Just makes you sound a bit, well, disgusting really. 



#16Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2011

Colleen, I saw your AD with the PICS at that same PORNO SITE!! YOU HAVE BEEN EATIN A LOT OF CRABS or SOMETHING!!!! BIG GIRL !! Take some advice LOOSE 100 lbs, get your TEETH FIXED!!! AND PLEASE " WAX THAT BIG OL HAIRY THING" But I sure you fit right in at the GEEZERS!!!!! LOL



#17Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2011

KITTENS? do they call you that because you can't use the LITTER BOX? or do you like a little P**SY?Come to think of it , the Crabs I got at GEEZERS SMELL LIKE A PISSED UP CAT BOX !!!At least you can eat the food at BURGER KING!! Take a d****e ! & tell Mike & Linda I think I twisted my ankle on that FRONT ENTRANCE!! SEEMS A LITTLE UN-SAFE?? Maybe a SAFTEY PROBLEM?? Maybe we can revisit that PROBLEM??See ya soon ? Have a Great Day  Yours , FAT A**


united states,

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, August 11, 2011

OP your a complete idiot and no one ripped you off! why don't you take your fat smelly a*s some where else and stick to you burger king stupid pig and leave the high class business to the respectable people. you don't belong here so go crawl back in your hole.


Next Level

#19Author of original report

Tue, August 09, 2011

I have given GEEZERS CAFE every oppurtunity to refund or make a donation in my name to the YORK ASPCA. You said you would make the Donation but did not ? Your word is as bad as your NASTY CRABS !! So, I have contacted the Jacobus Town office and asked a lady CINDY if they required any permits to PICKET a local business. No permit required. Me and several of my partners "RAINBOW WARRIORS"will be visiting Geezers to make it know to all your customers and fellow business owners how you treat your customers and how you RIPPED ME OFF !!! Putting a dozen BAD CRABS in a bag and saying "ENJOY" was the last straw!! Ripped by the GOVT, Ripped by the Bank, Ripped at the GAS PUMP!!! I have had it ! Your local ad says QUALITY CRABS AT COMPETiTIVE PRICES??? You stole from me !! I will use all LEGAL means to keep you from RIPPIN another trusting customer!!!



#20Author of original report

Sat, August 06, 2011

YES I BEAT MY WIFE! But only when she needs it!!! You gottsa keep deem B****** in line !! JERRY ! JERRY ! JERRY ! JERRY ! JERRY !



#21Author of original report

Sat, August 06, 2011

You must be Dr Phil ??

Colleen S

United States of America
Sick man

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, August 06, 2011

I had a chance to look through all the sick, twisted, off the deep emails you have been threatening the owners of Greybeard's with. You even sent pictures of human feces to them and called them the scum of the earth. What the heck is wrong with you? This is not Jerry Springer, trailer park trash...that is even too good for you. Your emails show serious disconnect between what happened and what you perceived. You took everything as a personal attack against your person when all the owner wanted to know was, what was actually wrong with the crabs and what she could do to make them better if there was an issue. Instead you highlighted, big fonted (so big the print out of a few sentences is pages,) and cussed her out as if her entire goal in life was to personally attack you. At first this was laughable, but to see how you bragged to her about trying to "destroy" her and your 30+ website posts and how you won't stop and you'll show her, tells me you are a sick man with a complex to dominate women. Do you beat your wife? Is that why you use her email to do all this instead of your own and pretend to be her but then when addressed as her, you again, take that as an attack? My advice to the owners was to call the police at this point. You have issued direct threats, all over your opinion that the crabs "sucked because the meat was white"....you NEVER allowed them the chance to talk to you about it before raging on the internet and threatening them with destroying their business and sending them the pictures of human feces and calling them names.

again, what the heck is wrong with you Michael Willis of Red Lion? Do you think you can act like a crazy person because you hide behind your computer and want to feel empowered and strong by thinking you can "destroy" a business because you are mentally unstable?

you are sick. Geezer's has amazing food. Their employees are a laugh and a half and always make me smile. The owners go out of their way for everyone and are always open to listening to anyone's opinions on anything they serve or do. What you have done is inexcusable. And as I said, it opened you up for slander/libel because although the freedom of speech allows you to post your opinion on anything, you are responsible if you abuse that in a way that is against the law, and doing what you have done to a business is just that. To say you were unhappy with their crabs, and then give a reason is fine...but the reason of they "suck" then calling them thieves, scum, crap, bragging about destroying them, bragging about all the web sites you slammed them on, is where you went overboard and hung yourself.

Again, you have shown yourself through your posts and now the emails as a very sick individual.You , for whatever reason, chose this business to take your anger out on and do what is called displacement...you are mad at something else in life but you take it out and create something to rage about on someone else that usually has nothing to do with the original issue.

Get counseling. Shut your mouth before you hang yourself even farther. And if you dare to show up and cause issues at Greybeards or continue to threaten the folks there, the police will , for sure, be called. you are sick.

80% of their crab business is carry out so claiming they ripped you off because you were a carry out and they knew they could get away with it is not logical. They knew you were a new customer, would it really make sense to do that? I'd ask you to think about this, but being a twisted, disturbed man in need of serious medication, you just will continue sending pictures and threats. I will be contacting the agency you wanted money sent to let them know the danger in even communicating with you and I will be sending your name, and the aliases you use to other crab places in York county as a simple FYI so no one has to be terrorized by what really is an immature cyber pycho bully. Geezers is a great place. Their crabs are the best!


Free Meal ?

#23Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011

If I asked for a refund for a BAD PRODUCT !! Is that Wrong ? If I asked for a refund to benefit a charity, Is that a FREE MEAL ???? THINK !! THINK !! THINK !! You notta smarta person?


Freind & Buyer ??

#24Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011



Pretty obvious

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

This quote from your post "When I complained I was not offered any solution!! " tells me you're looking for something free.  It's pretty obvious to me that the responder is correct. Give it up.

Colleen S

United States of America
Ignorance is not Bliss

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, August 01, 2011

I can assure you I am not an owner of the business. I am a friend and crab buyer. Your "complaint " consisted of a call that claimed their crabs "sucked because the meat was white". You then ranted and hung up, then went on a binge posting on every website you could, which, because your wife refused to give her phone number when ordering the crabs, and you did as well, thusly not offering the owners a chance to even call you back to talk about what the real issue was, before you "slandered" their name,  opened yourself up to one heck of a libel lawsuit. Call any lawyer, they will tell you , you messed up. However, thanks to all your posts, Geezers now has several pages of free advertising, and given your general ranting, your immature "names", which include sexual references, your complaint did nothing negative to their business, but they now have, in fact, been selling out. To date, there have been no complaints. Why you chose a small business to target to try and force them to give you free crabs, is beyond me, and why you chose to become some sort of cyber stalker is even farther beyond me. And your new claim that you want a donation made in your name to make up for bad crabs? Really? I am sorry medication has not balanced you out, but attacking a business without giving them a chance to do anything about it before posting your ignorant rants, is illegal. Feel free to act on your threats of passing out thousands of flyers. It will only strengthen their case against you and will only increase the general public's curiosity about Geezers crabs. And again I will say, there were no other complaints about the crabs that day, or ever. They sell out of crabs to repeat buyers. And , Sherlock, hardshells have white meat in them so your original complaint to the owner that the "crabs suck cause the meat was white", holds no value. They also know that you routinely do this to other businesses in an attempt to get free food. So , genius, in my opinion you are about to get served papers for a future date in court to explain why you had to go off the deep end on a company because their crabs had white meat. That was your original complaint and that is what was heard by the owner and employees. You only recently changed it post after post on the internet.

So after court costs, attorney fees, and all the time that you will undoubtedly have to put into your defense, was it really worth it trying to get free crabs?

Geezers does a great business with their food and crabs. You are the only one who has ever reacted like this, maybe you need to ask yourself why? You even posted a rant in the "adult" pornagraphic section of a site that many probably didn't know existed, yet you did. That says all it needs to about your character in my opinion. You have anger issues and taking it out on a business to get free crabs is sick.

 Geezers has great crabs! My complaint is they sell out too fast!


Consumer Responce ??

#27Author of original report

Sat, July 30, 2011

A more transparent responce by a consumer could not be made! Consumer I think not ! Owner I think so ! The Issue is BAD CRABS! and customer service. When I complained I was not offered any solution!! Only when I posted on internet consumer review sites  did I get any response! After several e-mails to the owner, I requested a refund be sent to the York ASPCA . The owner agreed to the refund in my name. The donation has not been made as of today! I've been eating crabs for fifty years! I know bad crabs when I SMELL them!! I believe this was deliberately done because this was a carryout order!!!! and these people could CARE LESS. The so called consumer response was posted after the agreement was made for the Donation !! This was a deliberate attempt by them to DEFRAUD the principle of this web site , in my opinion !

Colleen S

United States of America
Very good crabs, very good service

#28Consumer Comment

Tue, July 26, 2011

Geezer's crabs are very good. They are not bad tasting or soggy, they are not "lite", and if claws fall off during the steaming process(which happens all the time), they are in the bottom of the bag. Their flavor, price, and sizing matches local companies. The staff have never been anything but wonderful. The only complaint ever received was from someone who complained about the meat being white (which is what color it is supposed to be) and offered a general nasty term to describe the crabs, and who refused to leave a phone number for any further discussion. I have bought several dozen crabs over several weekends from Geezers and love them. I am glad the meat is white. If it were any other color, I'd be worried. I believe this complaint is from someone who does not know what a hardshell is, is supposed to taste like, or look like, and therefore should not be considered as anything but a rant from an person ignorant of hardshell crabs who was simply looking for free food. I enjoy Geezers crabs, and enjoy the helpful, friendly staff. I believe if I ever had an issue with their food, they would take care of it right away. This clearly has more to the story then just bad crabs. Considering this same person ranted all over the internet and about several other local, good, crab places, I would hope anyone reading the review would take a moment , think, then taste all of these places crabs before taking the word of someone scamming alot of hard working crab folk, out of a dozen crabs.

Can't wait for crabs this weekend! 

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