  • Report:  #1116688

Complaint Review: General Power Inc - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
General Power Tucson - Tucson , Arizona,

General Power Inc
970 S. Campbell Ave Tucson, 85719 Arizona, USA
(520) 622-6735
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

I have made my user name the same as the offender so that web crawlers may pic it up easier.  This information needs to be readily availbale to folks as they search.

Went to General Power Inc in Tucson to purchase two Trojan T-105 batteries.  As a Christian, I was happy to see the bible on the counter and a few images of the Son on the wall.  Little did I know, yet another person using the Chrisitian religion as a tool for profit, sigh.  I had to wait quite some time as other customers walked in a minute or two behind me and the proprietor for some reason paid more attention to them and served their needs. Strange to say the least.

I was finally given my batteries and they were not the Trojan signature burgandy case but a black case and badged with General Powers sticker.  I asked why this was so and was told this battery was an complete equivilant to the T-105 in every way but just a speacial buy they get.  I was also sold a battery box and a hydrometer.  The batteries were sold to me for the retail price of a T-105 battery of close to 140.00 dollars each  (His website states "Wholesale to the public" yeah right.  He can't sell wholesale, he's not an authorized dealer and can't even get a wholesale price!  This black case battery typically sells for around 80.00)

The batteries were installed by me and tested with the hydrometer.  After several attempts the hydrometer would not work.  I contacted General Power and was told they tested it before it left the store but to return it for an exchange.  Strange while they said they tested it, I don't remember any liquid in it as I examined it before first use.  If one uses these, the rinse liquid takes more than overnight to evaporate. 

This made me wonder about the black case battery.  I called Trojan Battery company and was told that they do make one black case battery but it is a more equivilant to a T-605 and NOT a T-105.  Was also told the build quality was less making it substantially less in cost than a T-105.  The T-605 battery does not have the amp hour life that the T-105 has and I had asked for the T-105, that is what I wanted!

After learning I had been dupped, I called the only two authorized Trojan battery distributors in our city and attempted to get the data sheet on the black case battery.  I was informed it was not available by the master distributor and was also denied access to it by Trojan battery for some strange reason.  (why, because it is a cheap battery) The master distributor would not buy these batteries simply because they could not prove the specifications.  However, the lesser distributor, Factory Motor Parts, would buy it.  I believe this is where General Power buys it by the pallet for cheap then sells them to the pubic for a substantial mark up attempting to pawn it off as a T-105 equivilant with his phoney data sheet.

I politely emailed General Power twice that day about the issue I had.  I included the response from Trojan battery which inicated General Powers error.  With no answer to my e mail I called them.  Seems I got the owners wife at the desk and she was curt and mono tone with me.  The owner wouldn't come to the phone (no doubt as he got caught) but his wife said to bring the batteries in for a refund.  As a business owner, I'm glad I do not tolerate my front desk to speak with anyone but in a polite, pleasent manner.  But, that's the Christian way in my mind.

When I arrived I expected the owner to act like the Christian he claims to be in a polite, kind and understanding way.  To apologize for my problem and work in any way to solve it.  But no, he was far from that.  He was rude, loud and kept raising his voice showing me this piece of data paper he had with some arrows on it which was supposed to prove the batteries were as he said.  First of all, no one can get the data sheet on the black case battery, not even authorized distributors, (which he is not) so his paper is worthless.I kept my kewl as the Christian I am and suggested we call the Trojan battery factory to get to the bottom of this once and for all.  But he wouldn't have anything of that and quicly charged on with his rant.  Why on earth would he not want to call the factory to shut me up and prove his case?  Why?  Because he ripped me off and he knows it.

He refunded my cost on the batteries but in my haste to get out of that uncomfortable situation, I see that he didn't refund the bad hydrometer and he still has my battery cores so I am out those.  He ripped me off again!! 

I should be angry, I was but, just at first.  Remember...anger is a tool the fallen one used to break us down and I won't allow that, I wont.  I pity this poor man as I know the Father will deal with him.  The harsh punishment that awaits him far, far exceeds anything I could do.  I should take him to small claims court, but I'm busy at my business with lots of good opportunities and new clients.  The man is a waste of my time. 

It is my hope that search engine crawlers will in time pick up this story and those that search for General Battery Inc will read this and have second thoughts about dealing with this unscrupulose person that uses our Father in heaven as a tool for profit.  Shame, shame shame...I fear for him.





Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Innocent Bystander

2 Years Later...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 18, 2016

I was thinking about buying some T-105 batteries from General Power myself, but I wanted to do research on whether the company actually sells wholesale as well.


That's generally how I came about this report, and I see that the original poster's wish has come true, but not as much as he probably wished for: this report is searchable, but incredibly difficult to find even if you're looking for it directly.


A word to the original poster: you should do as you preach. A good Christian would never call for wrath upon another Christian - maybe pray that God give them mercy and understanding so they can better themselves, but to smite another person is against your religion and I don't think it matters whether the owner was the "30yr customer" poster or not - you are not by any means a good person and whoever posted that is right - you seem to thrive off your self-righteousness and you being a better Christian than others.


I bet it's very difficult for you to wholeheartedly tell another human stranger that they are a better Christian than yourself, it's pretty obvious actually how enveloped in your ego you have become, and really you should pity yourself.



Aside from all that - I wanted to leave an update here despite how long it's been since this report. The company now distributes the burgandy cased T-105 with no gimmicks. So consumers should be happy to hear that unless they've painted the black case in an attempt to keep "ripping off" people, they are going to get the real Trojan T-105 if they purchase it from General Power now.



Another suggestion to the original poster is to calm down; your story makes you look worse than the owner - especially the follow up when you claim to have threatened getting the AG Office involved. That would take a lot of time effort and money on your part and I really don't think any business owner fears when people threaten such claims. You have never gone down that route and have no idea how far you'd even get with such a weak claim. Bluffing is basically lying, and isn't that a sin?


Lastly, you should be the one to watch your own back OP - because using the business name as your name here means you are acting under their monkier, but are obviously not authorized to, and despite you saying your intentions for using the name (so search engines would better find the report) it is still a sketchy line to walk. You could get some serious backlash if you ever took them to court or called the AG Office. They could easily void the entire case because you are out here in the digital land spreading fallacy under their business name which is copyrighted.


Clearly you think you know more about law than you do. You should stick to bettering your understanding of God's law before you delve into commercial law.


Good day sir.

General Power Tucson

Tucson ,
The "30 year customer" Really?

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 17, 2014

I see that "the owner" responed here as the "30 year customer".  Read his response, rather entertaining.  Sure knew a lot for a guy that just was listening in don't cha think?.  Anyway, I'm glad he admits that I was right about the fact that he ripped me off by mislableing a battery for profit.

He states I have a "better than thou" attitude???  What, because I am upset that I was ripped off???  That I'm unhappy because the person that ripped me off knew he was doing it and made no attempt at being kind or apologetic???  That I hold him accountable???  How on earth does that label me as "better than thou"?  HUH??  I know what a Chrisitan is  and how they act.  They apologize kindly, you can see it in their eyes and the owner and his wife at General Power displayed NONE of this at all!!

He claims his supplier gave him "inacccuate information".  That's not what his supplier told me however.  I called them before I went after the owner of course.  Sorry, but the supplier did not mislead him. I can have you call the supplier yourself, they will tell you.  

So now this customer/person whom was listening in during my two trips to General Power is thanking me here!?  Huh? Surely the public whom reads this isn't buying this scam one bit.  How so sad, real Christians don't lie.

Now, if this response was from a person whom listened in, you know, just an innocent customer, why does he state this:

"I have talked with the Trojan factory in California for many, many years...etc. etc."  He then goes on to explain a lot of irrelevent, smoke screen information about batteries. Who is he kidding!?  Why on earth would a "customer" talk with the Trojan factory for "many, many years"???   Talk about shooting ones self in the foot.  Some Christian...sigh.

So he states I bear false witness huh?  Jumping to conlusions when I have the documents, his documents to prove it all?  Then he states the owner apologized.  So this person whom was just "listening in" heard all of this??  Priceless.  No, the one thing that the owner never did and would have made everything right with me is to apologize.  He never did, never looked me in the eye and gave me a heart felt apology.  No, all he does here is smoke screen and justify his crooked behavior to this day. So, so sad.

If he has proof that I attemtped to extort monies and favors from the company, it would be  nice for him to show it.  No, that never happened, all I asked for was a complete refund and in fact during that process the owner asked if I wanted anything else.  No, I'm not out to be a crook and asked for nothing more. 

Yes it is a smear to true Chrisitians. His whole response here, such a smear and so heart breaking.  Anyone can see through his phoney response, the phoney Christianity that is his tool. 

I feel for him, his many years in this small town.  I mostly feel for others whom he sold this battery to and over charged them for.  Will he offer a refund to them?  What do you think? 

I will not call names in closing, it's not what a Christian does.  (Opps, he tipped his hand again.) I will just say...read this whole report carefully, draw your own conclusions. 

Yes, God Bless General Power and may he forgive them for what they do.  While I long ago forgave them for hurting me, I tremble at the thought of being them and I warn others here...plain and simple. 

P.S.  With the owners terrible and phoney response here, I will be taking this whole package to the Attorney Generals office, let them run with it. They will audit his records. It won't have anyting to do with me. I'm not going to pursue this, they will, based on hard documents and General Power audit information. 

As the Christian I say, he still has the chance to fix this report to a positive and avoid hearing from the Attorney Generals office.  All I ever wanted was an eye to eye apology.  That's all...I'll update here if I every get it...gladly up date here. 


Holding onto a "Christian" grudge ...

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2014

~ I am a 30 year customer of General Power in Tucson.

I was listening to the man who griped about the Trojan T-105 product vs. the T-605 (which he was "right" about) ... while I was waiting in a back room, to complete my own transactions at the company.  

The man who complained so much really seemed to give "Christians" a bad name ... because he was the sort that seemed to hold a "better-than-thou" attitude over other people ... by repeatedly professing his "true" Christian faith. - - - He loved hearing his own "self-righteousness" ... and demeaned the owner and his wife by claiming they were not "Christian" like he was !

This man was NOT mistreated, nor PURPOSELY misled by the owner (nor the owner's wife). - In fact, the owner found out from his supplier that they had given him inaccurate verbal claims about the black-box products FROM Trojan ... and he corrected his website accordingly ... AFTER the "Christian" blamer-man told him about the Trojan power differences !      [If the owner never "Thanked" him ... then I will ... for helping the owner to correct-his-mistake on that particular product.] 

I have talked with the Trojan factory, in California, for many, many years ... and they officially have TWO "Authorized Trojan Distributors" in several western states ... including Arizona.

- - - One official distributor can sell ONLY the maroon-colored box of Trojan (which costs more money BECAUSE it carries all the advertising costs of the "Trojan" name brand) ... whereas, the other official distributor can carry ONLY the all-black colored box ... which has the SAME PLATE CHEMISTRY  inside the battery as the maroon colored box ... but they are not as tall, so they do not carry the same "total" power that the maroon box has.

In other words, Trojan (the factory) wants the consumer to PAY for their public advertising campaign by charging much more money for their maroon colored products ... while simultaneously selling black box products WITHOUT all the advertising costs ... so that Trojan could compete with foreign batteries that were challenging their market domination.

General Power can show the differences between plate sizes, paste density, and metallurgy ... because General Power was ONCE A MANUFACTURER here in Arizona (in the 1960's) !

Today's modern Battery Manufacturers make contracts between one another ... and sometimes produce batteries for each other ! - - - When they make the same plates & paste & metallurgy, but change the size of the plate by 1/8 - 1/4" ... then they can claim a "custom" battery is being produced for a different market segment ... while still keeping the quality they need when they change to a different colored (maroon) battery box.

What is sad is that they "Christian" blamer doesn't know any of that ... but DOES know how to blame !

I am sorry to have him bear such false-witness to other human beings ... while slandering their reputation, because of jumping to conclusions (when the owner already apologized).

The man could have gotten himself into real legal trouble if he actually followed through with the Arizona Attorney General ... because he had tried to extort monies & favors from the company ... after mis-identifying with his own self-appointed "Christian" righteousness.

What a smear ... to True Christians ... especially those who have learned to love and forgive their fellow man.

I had to finally write this rebuttal ... to help my own consciousness ... because there is so much "lop-sidedness" in the man's story ... especially considering that General Power has had a career in Tucson (35 years) of TAKING CARE of people like ME ... who have been treated EXACTLY as advertised ! (My life has had less frustration and more security, by TRUSTING the professionalism of General Power, and it's owner.)

When people act like boneheads ... I'm not sure how they "think" they should be treated ... but I do know that they "attack" other people in their lives (all the time) ... because they hold onto "blame & guilt" in nearly every breath they take.



General Power Tucson

Tucson ,
Returned for my battery cores

#5Author of original report

Tue, February 11, 2014

Here is a follow up...

Wanting my battery cores, feeling very abused, I decided to take further action. I contacted Mike via e mail at General Power telling him that I was going to (in short) bring in the Attorney Generals office to audit his books to see how many others he ripped off.  Told him that if he did not refund all of my cost (and I keep the remaining items I have) for my trouble that I was going to run the Attorney Generals office up his a*s. 

So when I went in there today, he and his wife give me the cold shoulder however he states..."I'm only giving you this full refund because I prayed about it".  He still didn't apologize, he didn't act like a Christian does, he is NOT fooling anyone with that Bible at his counter and photo copies of the Son on his wall!  LOL no, he gave me my refund because I was about to hang him from the highest limb and he knew I could and would.

I warn anyone reading this whom is thinking about doing business there to think again.  The Bible at his counter is a front, a tool.  His website is a lie, "wholesale to the public".  He sure didn't sell me his fake T-105 Trojans for wholesale like his webiste claims, no, it was retail all the way.  (Hey Mr. Public out there.  Food for thought...if you see anyone saying they sell "wholesale to the public" run like hell as they are liars. It's a sales tactic folks.  Wished I had seen this at his site before I stepped in his door because it would have tipped me off to him). 

Watch out for this small town con artist, you have been warned!

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