  • Report:  #116477

Complaint Review: George W. Bush And Dick Cheney -

Reported By:
- Norfolk, Virginia,

George W. Bush And Dick Cheney
Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, District of Columbia U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These people and other conspirators have stolen the very foundation of our country -- democracy and our votes. They have lied continually. They have plundered the treasury of the citizens for their own financial gain. They have defrauded the people of the United States

They supports investing some Social Security taxes in the Stock Market; therefore further enriching their rich buddies.

The Pentagon awarded Halliburton Co. (Cheney was CEO and still receives over $110,000.00/year and owns stock! $18 billion no-bid contracts in Iraq. An Army Chaplain, uncovered more fraud and over charging by Halliburton. Here are just a few: $50,000 a month for soda, at $45 a case; $1 million a month to clean clothes or $100 for each 15-pound bag of laundry.

Emptied the Social Security trust fund by $507 billion to help offset fiscal irresponsibility and at the same time slash senoirs social security benefits.

Cut Medicare by 17% and reduce veterans' benefits and military pay.

Eliminated overtime pay for millions of Americans

Gave tax cuts to businesses that sent American jobs overseas.

Give away billions of tax dollars in government contracts without competitive bids (Halliburton)

Involve the country in a deadly and highly questionable war, murdering our brave soldiers and over 100,000 Iraqi civilians, mostly women and children.

Took budget surplus and turn it into the worst deficit in the history of the U.S., creating a debt in just four years that will take generations to repay.

Turned the U.S. into a Banana Republic and made us the shame of the world.

Allowed big business to rape and pillage our environment for thier financial gain.


Norfolk, Virginia

15 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix City,
Blame the stupid people for voting for bush twice and the hate from the loony right

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 05, 2010

Blame the stupid people who voted for bush twice.  They are the ones who allowed george w bush & d**k cheney to rape america.  Cheney wanted the oil disaster to happen.  He told the people who run BP not to install safety devices. Or to monitor the oil rig.

Now 7 years later In 2010 there Is a oil disaster.  Know BP has to pay m illions to clean It up.  Well Is a price to pay for listening to cheney.  Now look what mess BP Is In.  Now we have to pay high gas prices again.  Thanks to the crook d**k cheney.

But the people who voted for george w bush,  was stubborn & ignorant like most republicans are.  People are getting stupid by the sec.  NOW they want republicans back In power.  To screw with our lives. 

STUPID IS STUPID DOES.  They will get what they deserve for voting republican.  Because they don't give a d**n about us or the people who voted for them.


South Dakota,
America is now a big scam

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

After taking a holiday break I still see you people are fuming over Bush's "corruption" and "looting of Socialist security". Social Security is a scam. Granted I'm not a big fan of Bush, (or for that matter, any of the Communists or Nazis in our Congress either) but if he is willing to roll back this diabolical pyramid scam then I might be willing to back him a little. The program is already bankrupt but is held up and pushed by shyster organizations like the AARP and the ACLU. What's even scarier is that our "leaders" (hint, parasites) in Congress make more on their pensions than even most people do in a lifetime, so don't think people like Senator Kennedy represent America.


A SUCCINCT ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTION: accept responsibility for your vote.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

This is a brief nutshell re: November 4, 2004: The Democrats' mistake was in thinking that a disastrous war and national bankruptcy would be of concern to the electorate. The Republicans correctly saw that the chief concern of the electorate was to keep gay couples from having an abortion. So, you see Neo-cons, you blindly voted for this fool. Now you must accept responsibility for your vote.


Virginia Beach,
Cutting veteran benefits and military pay?????

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 17, 2005

You of all people should know living in Norfolk that nobody has cut veteran benfits and military pay. I am a veteran and neither one of those is happening. Also I agree with you John. I would definately be afraid of someone whe burns their awards from military service. That is extrememly unAmerican and then you want to be president. Who do you think you are? Also that wife of his would be the worst thing to come into the White House.


We really are Learning A Lot. People may not agree with George Bush, but i'd be more afraid of John Kerry.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 16, 2005

Yeah you democrats think you are right. If a News organization had made a report like Dan Rather's that is completely false you would have been in an uproar. Dan Rather did it against George Bush but they aren't saying anything. The brilliant Democrats fed this story right before the election because they realized they were losing and did in spite of themselves. So our Democratic Leadership commits Slander (Keery Campaign). lies under oath( Bill Clinton) and gets off Scot Free? Someone should sue Jesse Jackson, john Kerry and all the democratic leadership for slander because they bad mouth every republican who disagrees with them with no proof. People may not agree with George Bush, but i'd be more afraid of John Kerry. He claims to be a christian but supports abortion? That's why churches didn't want him to attend during the election because he was using them as a place to campaign. Which by the way is illegal. This is why some churches lost their non profit standing because they allowed people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to campaign for votes during Church Services.And now Hilary is claiming to be a devout christian. Give me a fricking break.


ingoring genocide in Africa is that to most americans sending our military is like rooting for their favorite professional team

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, January 16, 2005

The only reason I can figure there is still no uproar over our invading Iraq simply because we can while ingoring genocide in Africa is that to most americans sending our military is like rooting for their favorite professional team. I entered the navy just post Viet Nam, 1977. I transferred to the fleat reserve Sep 2003. Durring my time in, I saw our military becoming more and more mercenary. It is now like a big corperation with people climbing over each other, scape goating and no one standing up for anyone for fear of hurting their own advancement. If we start an honest, not back door, draft again, it will will still be dodged by those rich enough to be gung-h*o for wars they leave to the poor to fight. But the average american will pay more attention to whaat is going on when it could be their or their loved one dieing for nothing. I dispise Bush and Cheney. If you feel the same, tell them and your representatives how you feel. Write letters.


Go lay down by your bowl, Danny - Cheney had a gentlemanly response for reporters who tried to question the conduct of the Bush adminsitration - "f--k off

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, January 16, 2005

More lame Limbaugh/Hannity/O'Reilly/Coulter rhetoric. Danny, until you can think and speak for yourself, don't bother to get into a pissing contest with those who can. If Dumbya is fixing anything, it is the deplorable lack of profit made by his corporate buds during Clinton's watch. He sure fixed the budget surplus, didn't he? Wait a minute...you got your piddly $400.00 check, didn't you? Boy, ol' George is a prince, I guess. Meantime George's close personal buddy Ken Lay has yet to face charges for fiscal malfeasance. It's okay for Enron energy buyers to laugh about screwing low income Americans out of funds for outrageous energy bills because "I wanna %#$@ with Grandma's social security a little more," (it's on tape, Danny, but Fox News hasn't admitted it so obviously it's a dastardly lie). These are low-level nothings, but plainly the mood overall at Enron encouraged it, and the mood flows from the top down. And Cheney had a gentlemanly response for reporters who tried to question the conduct of the Bush adminsitration - "f--k off," I believe he said to the reporter (oh, but Fox News swears it was dubbed in later by those evil liberals, right, Danny?). Oh, why do I bother with you fundaMENTAList dimwits. Dumbya is a lame duck now, emphasis on lame. We can wait him out, but will there be anything left of Americans when he's finished, is the question.


Is that how we show tolerance?

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

Hey Danny boy... I quote: "You and your hate America ilk need to either learn some tolerance or go somewhere else. " Is that how we show tolerance? By telling those who disagree with us to just go away? And don't you dare acuse me of not liking Bush because he is "a good Christian". He may be Christian (that is between him and his God) but he certainly is not good. I, too, am Christian. And no, I don't hate everyone who isn't just like me, so I don't suggest you acuse me of that either. What I do dislike is a president who could not prevent a disaster like 9/11 and then blamed the previous president for it. Clinton didn't get the memo, Bush did. Now, I realize we could never have anticipated what happened. There was no precedence, we SHOULD have learned our lesson and moved on. We should have found binLaden and prosecuted him. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE INVADED IRAQ. Read all the reports, people. Iraq never had anything to do with 9/11. Sadaam never had anything to do with binladen pre 9/11. Yes, he did AFTER 9/11, but not before. I am a college student who is going to be forced to deal with Bush's decisions for the rest of my life. Because of his mishandeling of funds, I will never have Social Security (I am lucky enough to never need it), neither will anyone in my generation or the generations after me. This is too bad, I AM STILL PAYING INTO IT! Because of Bush and his generosity my fellow college students will get an extra $500 in Pell grants (only the exceptionally poor will get this, the ones who's parents make money but don't support their kids will get nothing). Let me tell you on a $20,000 tuition bill $500 is CRAP! The point is, Bush is a bad president and wish to God that he hadn't been re-elected. (no I don't think he cheated, people were just mis informed or believed differently than myself) However, he was .My only suggestion, make sure the next president can fix what he will do. I don't hate Bush, I fear him. By the way did you hear about the guys that go arrested for telling a lawyer joke on court room steps? Disorderly conduct charges. Whatever happened to freedom of speech. One last thing...I love my country...God bless America!


New York,
New York,
I am an Ex-employee!

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 15, 2005

You're d**n right I'm an ex-employee of this particular company! I received my draft notice under LBJ. Let's not beat around the bush here (you'll pardon the pun). The complainers here are both female and very likely very young. At this very moment, they are both wondering who the hell LBJ is. But more importantly, NEITHER have ever had to go down and register with Selective Service. Nor will they - by law. But yet they want to quote chapter and verse (incorrectly, by the way) from the UCMJ as if they have even the vaguest idea of what the hell they're talking about. And they sit back and complain about Title IX and not being able to join Augusta. What hypocrites! Listen up honeys, equal rights demand equal responsibilities. When may we expect you to stand YOUR turn on watch? Whatever time our President did in the National Guard is far more than any time the two of you combined have done, right? Oh, and in fairness to all, it's also more than his predecessor. So, give us a break with your expert opinions on soldiers and veterans. The names of 58,000 of my peers are on a wall in DC. You two don't even rate a mention on the men's room wall.


You don't know what an American is!

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

How do you people manage to breathe? George W. is still trying to fix the damage clinton did. It's a fact slick willy did nothing to prevent 9/11 or the economic collapse of the late nineties. The reason you hate G.W. is because he is a good, decent and Christian man. The direct opposite of your hero slick willy the king of liars. You and your hate America ilk need to either learn some tolerance or go somewhere else. The MAJORITY of Americans voted for Bush.


You don't know what an American is!

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

How do you people manage to breathe? George W. is still trying to fix the damage clinton did. It's a fact slick willy did nothing to prevent 9/11 or the economic collapse of the late nineties. The reason you hate G.W. is because he is a good, decent and Christian man. The direct opposite of your hero slick willy the king of liars. You and your hate America ilk need to either learn some tolerance or go somewhere else. The MAJORITY of Americans voted for Bush.


You don't know what an American is!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

How do you people manage to breathe? George W. is still trying to fix the damage clinton did. It's a fact slick willy did nothing to prevent 9/11 or the economic collapse of the late nineties. The reason you hate G.W. is because he is a good, decent and Christian man. The direct opposite of your hero slick willy the king of liars. You and your hate America ilk need to either learn some tolerance or go somewhere else. The MAJORITY of Americans voted for Bush.


May the ghosts of every American Serviceman killed and unacknowledged by this cowardly murderer haunt him until the day he dies.

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

Amen .. Their time is coming. The only president that gives Dumbya a run for his money in the stupid department was Warren G. Harding. He surrounded himself with corruption as well. It caught up with him, and it will catch up with this troll as well. May the ghosts of every American Serviceman killed and unacknowledged by this cowardly murderer haunt him until the day he dies. Absent Without Leave in wartime is a capital offense. And there is no statute of limitations. Americans, make him accountable. He called this election a mandate. It was a squeaker, and John Kerry conceded to spare us the spectacle of Georgie holding his breath and threatening to eat rocks until the election went his way. Write your Congresspersons, and if they don't do what you want, exercise your right to take their jobs away. Stay involved, stay aware.


Bush trying to raise America's debt ceiling. One of these days the good old USA will get a call from sCAMCO! ..no help will be forthcoming from FTC, DOJ, OCC, OTS, or FBI in the next four years.

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

On Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2004, G.W. immediately began a push to raise America's debt ceiling. On his first day back in office. Got to borrow more money which should help his buds in the industry. Presidents are not so dangerous in their first terms if they have a yearning to be re-elected. They know they will be judged by voters when that re-election bid comes around. And G.W. resented the fact that old Bushie, Sr. lost his re-election bid. By d**n, it was not going to happen to him, too. Makes the Bushes look like a bunch of losers or something. Lie, cheat, steal...didn't matter. All that mattered was that second term!! Re-elected Presidents are very dangerous, because they will pull out all the stops. They know they have nothing left to lose in an election, so now it is time to pay back those special interest groups that helped elect them. If you guys thought first term was rough, hang on tight. First time was a walk in the park compared to whats coming. I hope you are prepared. This President loves big debt and does not give a rat's behind about what our grandchildren will face as long as he is fat and comfortable today. Oh, and Greenspan is poised to raise the interest rates again next week, also good for Dubya's buds. Those who voted for this President last week were lied to and manipulated. The crap is going to hit the fan now. Corporate greed and big banking will hurt all of us in the coming years. Dubya don't care about you, any of you! My best advice to all is to pay off your debt, ALL of it, ASAP, or risk losing your asses from corporate thievery and government hijacking. RipoffReport.com will need lots of donations in the coming months because the complaints will be coming in so fast that more servers, bandwidth and help will be needed to handle it. This may be the last bastion of complaint sites, as no help will be forthcoming from FTC, DOJ, OCC, OTS, or FBI in the next four years. They were nearly muzzled, now they will be hogtied and blindfolded. I can't wait until the White House gets a call from our "buddies" at sCAMCO because everyone in America all working together will not be able to send in enough money to pay these debts. Sorry, America. We tried to tell you.



#16Consumer Comment

Sat, November 06, 2004


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