  • Report:  #211690

Complaint Review: George W Bush - Nationwide, Worldwide

Reported By:
- san jose, Alabama,

George W Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave Wash D.c. Nationwide, Worldwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If there are two of you fundementalist christian neocons who still consider George Bush an honest and decent man. Look at what I just found. The current CEO of Halliburton has made 432 million dollars since Good Ole Boy George took office. Dickhead Chaney made 14 million last year in reported income. W reported a measly 750,000 in taxable income.

Still want to send your uneducated nieve yungins' to defend us against the boogeyman. Comapre 432 million dollars with The GNP of most countries. If you still believe we are heading the right direction I suggest you find out who labatomized you when you were an infant.

Yes I was A REPUBLICAN, but who in their right minds could ever vote for another one of those freaks.


San Jose, Alabama
Costa Rica

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United states,
Hey john what has bush or the republicans done for you

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, May 16, 2010

Hey john what has bush or the republicans done for you.  You "ATTACK" anyone who doesn't have a favorable or positive opinion of him.  Just like your friend sean insanity. 

Who forgives laura bush of killing someone,  when she was driving because she was driving drunk.  But If It was a democrat he would be like rush limpballs.  Why are you right wing loons so forgiving of laura bush.  Even though she killed somebody.

She was a drunk like her husband george w bush.  Those two was made for each other.  Its amazing how many people he fooled,  thinking he was a honest,  decent human being.  He was a drunk.  Women are fools to like him.

That Is how bush & cheney got away,  with there crimes toward this country.  And you john was to stupid to see.  Just like all the other morons who voted for him "TWICE".

Ya'll sure paid the price for voting for bush.  Bush did not care for us.  He invaded peoples privacy,  phone tapped there phone calls. 

We didn't have to worry about terrorist until he got In office.  a*****e.  How george landed on that air craft carrier was  "JOKE" because he was a "JOKE" of a president.

BP Is paying the price big time,  for listening to cheney.  He told them not to check on the oil rigs In 2003.  Know In 2010 there Is a oil rig disaster.  Which cheney wanted.



#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 22, 2006

Do you have any clue how many Americans live "offshore?" I would venture to say hundreds of thousands, if not millions. They live everywhere from Costa Rica to Europe to Asia to Australia. Every day more Americans are keeping their citizenship, but moving overseas to find better jobs and a better quality of life. I know that when I graduate from college the job I will have will have me overseas about nine months out of the year. But I will still be an America and so are these folks. They still maintain their rights to complain. So, before you know, do not judge, please. It only serves to make one look ignorant.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 22, 2006

Do you have any clue how many Americans live "offshore?" I would venture to say hundreds of thousands, if not millions. They live everywhere from Costa Rica to Europe to Asia to Australia. Every day more Americans are keeping their citizenship, but moving overseas to find better jobs and a better quality of life. I know that when I graduate from college the job I will have will have me overseas about nine months out of the year. But I will still be an America and so are these folks. They still maintain their rights to complain. So, before you know, do not judge, please. It only serves to make one look ignorant.



#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 22, 2006

Do you have any clue how many Americans live "offshore?" I would venture to say hundreds of thousands, if not millions. They live everywhere from Costa Rica to Europe to Asia to Australia. Every day more Americans are keeping their citizenship, but moving overseas to find better jobs and a better quality of life. I know that when I graduate from college the job I will have will have me overseas about nine months out of the year. But I will still be an America and so are these folks. They still maintain their rights to complain. So, before you know, do not judge, please. It only serves to make one look ignorant.



#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 22, 2006

Do you have any clue how many Americans live "offshore?" I would venture to say hundreds of thousands, if not millions. They live everywhere from Costa Rica to Europe to Asia to Australia. Every day more Americans are keeping their citizenship, but moving overseas to find better jobs and a better quality of life. I know that when I graduate from college the job I will have will have me overseas about nine months out of the year. But I will still be an America and so are these folks. They still maintain their rights to complain. So, before you know, do not judge, please. It only serves to make one look ignorant.


Red Bank,
New Jersey,
If you live in Costa Rica, please don't critisize OUR President!

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 22, 2006

I don't understand why people living in other countries have the AUDACITY to criticize OUR President! If you are an American citizen, then you have every right to criticize any aspect of our government you like, but if you are not even in the United States, you have no right to say anything about OUR President or OUR government! Why don't you critcize the Costa Rican President (whoever the hell he is), dude?


San Jose,
Central America,
Costa Rica
Robert makes an excellent point, but this isn ot the year to do so

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 21, 2006

Robert has a great point. Croniism (forgive my spelling or lack of it) did not start with the Bush Administration. In fact is has been in the system of the government in The U.S. since it's existence. However, keep in mind this fact: Karl Rove and company are counting on the disinfranchisement of a certain amount of voters who they can manipulate as spoilers thus squeeking by a half percent on congressional elections in certain key states. Remember the if you don't vote for Joe Lieberman,The Whitehouse was backing a democrat who ran agianst them in the 2000 election. Now the little s**t is trying to spoil the election as an independent. These guys want5 as few people to vote as possible. You can bet every crackpot and C.E.O. of a mega corporation will be voting for these guys (The Bushies). They have statistically gained in income 400% in the last 5 years under this system. The reality is we have a two party system right now. Use it to your advantage, vote for the Democratic candidate who has a clear message of solving our problems. Remeber I was a diehard Republican and then a Libertarian long before I was a Democrat. Truth be told I havn't even changed my affiliation yet, because I have been living offshore. I don't even have a home state yet. I'll see if I legally qualify in Florida (yes these imbisciles are backing Katherine Harris). Don't settle for two more years of this crap by letting them squeek through class with a D-. To Bush that's stilll a pass. Let's back independents when we have financially backed Independent candidates who have a chancew of winning. In 2008!!!!! Oh this will be my last repsonse I have a life. Thanks!


San Jose,
Central America,
Costa Rica
writter of haliburton/bush connection

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 20, 2006

To the reader. Please remember last week that [The Miami Herald] had to fire three writers from it's staff last week when an internal audit and the freedom of information act request made it known that: the three writers were on the whitehouse payroll as propagandists for The Bush Administration. It was also found out that the white house paid a male prostitute to act as a reporter to field pre-suggested/rehearsed questions to the president a year ago. Don't beleive me, due a few searches on the internet for your self. So when you hear objections to my article, please realize that person may be paid to say so. Each propagandist paid by The Bush Crime Family was paid over $175,000 a year. This is all done to devide and conquer the populus while they steal evwerything they can get their hands on. Also there were two acts the president wrote before he went on his first seven month vacation in 2001. The very first thing he did was write a amendment to the fredom of information act baring the public from knowing secret actions of documents from the presidency 20 years after that president leaves office. See for yourself. Second act he did was remove the then pending upgrade that the previous congress/clinton administration had passed To THE CORPORATE AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY STANDARDS- i.e. new car milage. If a person is too dumb to see this guy is a crook, I can not help you. Good luck with you aluminum hat Mr. Bush lover who nanny-nanny boobooed me.


Let's vote NEITHER! To heck with them

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, September 20, 2006

I don't "hate" any one person in any party per se, but I sure do hate what they do. And don't do. A rebound to the Democrats isn't going to help with any issue, either. These professional politicians are so steeped in the "Party" and what is good for the "Party", that American citizens have fallen by the wayside. First they have personal gains in their minds, followed by the mindless enhancement of the d**n party! Power and greed, the politicians mantra. Have your elected officials done anything good for you lately? Do they hear you when they speak? Do they ask your opinion? Nope, because they are in the wheel of the party and citizens just don't fit in there. We are faceless, nameless rabble to them and not worth their time except when elections draw near. They court us briefly until elected and then just go one their merry way, doing as they please, every campaign promise forgotten. They are too busy sucking up to lobbyists. (Did you know that there are SIXTY registered lobbyists in Washington D.C. for each elected official there? No wonder corruption is rampant; that's a lot of dough changing hands and a lot of votes and souls for sale!) Republicans (and this president in particular) have way overstepped their Constitutional boundaries. But the Democrats as a whole have let them. All they seem to do is cringe in their offices and plot their return to power. Rather than try to stop this travesty of government, they sit back and hope that the Republicans will beat themselves. Doesn't seem to be any strong leadership in either party anymore. No backbones left in the entire Congressional body. It is sad. It might be the best time in the history of this nation to consider breaking the stranglehold of the "Big Two". There is nothing that says only two parties are allowed in America except the Big Two's words to try to convince us of that. Personally, I am sick of all of them. My vote will go off-party, anti-incumbent anywhere there is an alternative. Maybe enough of us doing that will, at the very least, wake them up and let them know we are pi$$ed! It sure does screw up their numbers when the voters rebel...remember Ross Perot? He upset their apple cart and some attention got paid to the PEOPLE for a little while. Alas, once the power base was secured, we were once again the forgotten ones.


Typical Anti-Bush Moron

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, September 20, 2006

Yeah lets vote Democratic for: - No more Social Security because when they raise taxes to cover the defecit no one will be able to afford to retire. _ Cut and Run. Show those terrorist what chickens we are so that they can come attack us anytime and anywhere. _ No border security . We don't want to stop anyone who wants to come into our country and attack us. We want to be Equal Opportunity Victims. _ All of the above only because we HATE George Bush and the Republicans and to hell with everyone else. That is why we killed the Patriot Act, lied when we said that Social Security had no problem (Even though it was a campaign issue when Al Gore was running for president), and we blocked any legislation bought forward by the Republicans because WE HATE THEM.

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