  • Report:  #371261

Complaint Review: Global Advertising Inc. - Addison Illinois

Reported By:
- Oak Forest, Illinois,

Global Advertising Inc.
367 Rohlwing Road Suite R Addison, 60101 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been in search of a new career. I decided to entertain the interview process at Global Advertising. The first interview was very much the same as descibed by others. I actually contacted them because I liked the job description. The location listed in the ad was Lombard, IL. When I was contacted I was told to go to their Addison office and I did. The interview went fast (about 5 minutes). The office looked ok. I could not help but wonder why there was such a small office when they have such high end clients. I was told I would be trained in sales, marketing, customer service, and management all of which I did not think I needed training for. Did they even read my resume? The ad read that this was "event based", "racing and sports clients reply now", "fashionists will love this" etc. There are multiple ads. I was told that they were interviewing 30 people and 5-6 were going to be called back for a second interview and guess what I was choosen. Yeah me maybe they did read my resume and loved interview.

Now I could not help to wonder if this was a scam and I am so exhausted from applying to multiple jobs everyday, it was the reason why I decided to go to the second interview to meet their clients whom are to be "high end". Why not right?

The second interview was held the following week. I was proud to be called. If you saw some of these people and the way they show up to an interview I could see why they called me back for a second (ha ha ).

I get to the second interview and there are about 12 individuals not 5-6. All the candidates were perfectly polished as I was. Oh did I mention that professional attire is stressed in big bold letters (about 32+ point font) in the confirmation email they sent. A three piece business suit and heels is what I wore to my second interview as I would to any interview.

One by one we were called into an office and walked out with a partner to go meet their clients and see what it is like in a daily life at Global Advertising.This is after I sign an agreement about not going after them for wages as this is an unpaid interview. I meet a fellow employee Ryan who is going to show me a day in the life at Global. I am told that this is not only a way to see what they do but I will be interviewed and graded on several areas blah blah blah...you get the picture.

I leave out the door with Ryan who escorts me to a car with another man named Gabe. I am told I can sit in the front seat. I am also told not to worry. I probably should of right then and there because I could have regreted a lot more being a girl, getting into a car with two men who I dont know destined to be tortured raped or even murdered. I still somehow found ration to entertain interview and continued.

In my three piece suit, high heels for shoes, no cell phone because it is concidered rude I am now in a car listening to the speech. I am told how wonderful Global is. Ryan has a lot of fun meeting his clients and the job is just great. It is a multiple step process but if I like days that are fast paced, if I like to talk with people, I am going to have a GREAT time. Blah blah blah.

I hope you are still reading because you will never guess who the high end clients were. Ryan told Gabe (lets not forget about poor Gabe) where drive. We were getting closer and closer to less desirable area's that I dont ofen travel for safety reasons but hey I was already living dangerously. We parked about two blocks from the Cook County Corrections Facility in the little village aka little Mexico in front of an attorneys office. I thought the first person we were going to see was an attonrney. I was still confused because I thought Globals high end clients were Liz Claiborne, Home Depot, Dicks Sporting Goods etc. Ryan, Gabe, who was now on his third day of training and I get out of the car. Ryan and Gabe open up the cars trunk to get out chairs that are supposed to be going on Dicks Sporting Goods shelves in a few months retailing for $40.00 but today were going to be offering it for $20.00. It is Globals innovative way of advertising because they quote "in todays market radio, television and print are not as effective in advertising as putting ther product directly into the hands of the consumer". In addition to this wonderful chair that holds up to 300 lbs, it comes with a cooler attached that holds up to a 12-pack plus ice! But wait it also comes with its own dinette set which includes a fork, knife and cup! Besides the chair which I get to see Ryan and Gabe peddal (oh they hated that word peddal) on the street to their high end clients in the little village aka little Mexico we had children books. This book was fabulous. It was a puzzle book with 7 high definition pictures (yes thats what they said) of endandured animals/species that is very educational for out children. This book was going to be put on the shelves by Disney. The book was going to retail in the store for $20.00 but today our clients will get it for the bargain price of $5.00 and with that book they will be another book with nursurey rymes and its follow along CD for free! Its part of the rehash system. Remember everone has a second hand or something like that. If the customer does not want a chair we will sell them a book! I also was taught the five steps of a sale. Introduction, short story, close, oh nevermind who cares!!

Yes so I am a 5*5 white female, with two white males in the little village aka little Mexico peddaling a chair and a book in a three piece suit and high heels that I forgot to mention were white. Used sandles were offered for my comfort that close to my size YUK. I could not help but to make this experience entertaining. Did I mention I could speak Spanish and they could not.

Why did we not have shirts on that had a Dicks Sporting Goods logo or Disney logo? Why does Dicks Sporting Goods and Disney pay global to sell their dollar store product for less on the streets? I asked these questions and I was told demographics. So why would Dicks and Disney pay Global to peddal a chair and a book in little Mexico? What is demgraphical about a book and a chair? I assume they are fairly universal right? I was told I had to see the whole picture and why they were doing this for the end result. BUT WAIT THAT WAS NOT MY QUESTION. I did not even ask about the money as I really did not care at that point because I knew I would never pedal a book on the streets for a living. I see them people all the time at the bar I go to and always had sympathy for them and also always wondered if those products were actually legitimate or did they fall off a truck. I also had some other question like why not just open the trunk of the car and park you butt there for the day, or go to the flea market and sell it all at once? I was told because that does not give us the chance to really meet the people. HUH??? I guess Ryan and Gabe never went to a flea market before and did not notice the man we walked past meeting all sorts of people buying pinats and other vaious items out of his trunk, or the watermelon growers, or the man selling flavored shaved ice. I stopped asking those questions because Ryan was already a trained happy robot employed by Global.

Ryan asked me if I was having a good of a time as he was. I could not help to ask him what was fun about pedaling a book and a chair using your own car, your own gas and your own quarters for parking. Oh wait I should not have asked I should have known that answer to that question....to get to the top and using my own car, paying for my own gas and using my saved quarters is a tax write off at the end of the year can you believe that.

So after 7 hours of walking in and out of laundrymats, book stores, dollar stores, CARRYING and watching Ryan and Gabe pedal dollar store books and chairs to non English speaking clients I was told I was going to be recomended for the job!

It now about 6 pm when we get back to the Addison not Lombard office. Can you believe everyone came back. Are we all deperate? I really had nothing else to do with my day. How many others can say the same? I had to take my test of course. Yes there was a test. I had to what the 5 steps to a sale was and define the rehash and hail mary thing. I also had to give three reasons why Global should hire me. I think they should have given me one reason why I would take that job.

I was asked how I like my day and was reminded that they were not looking for salesman because they dont just hire anyone, this is a "management trainging program". I was offered to come back for a third interview but was given homework. I had to bring back a response to these questions. 1. How does managing one of Globals locations fit in with my long term goals? Do you think I should tell them it does not fit? 2. How do I see myself financially in a couple of years? Should I tell this car salesman like person interviewing me that I see myself rich? Isnt that the goal of Global to make me money as the end result? 3. What do I need to make on a weekly basisi to survive? Should I tell them I am sure it is more that they will be willing to pay me? 4. What obstacles do I see that would become between me and being 110% devoted to the program? Should I ask if I am running for president or interviewing for a job?

I scheduled the third interview with them and never showed up. I knew they did not deserve the courtesy of an advanced cancellation.

I would love to hear where other went to meet their "high end" clients. I would also love to hear from former employees.

Thankfully I have a sense of humore because my tired feet and once white shoes now black did not!!


Oak Forest, Illinois


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