I cant remember how I found this company or how they found me. But I was suckered in by the oppertunity to make quick money. Global marketing systems offer big dollars to sign other people up and be a middle man for big companies like ebay and amazon, and state that the way their system works is when you make money off sales, so do they AND if you arnt satisfied with the services they provide with in 90 days, they refund %100 of you investment.
Well, after purchasing the platnum package (comes with everything they offer) for a little over $800 US, they told me a representative from the advertising department would contact me to promote my site.
I was also left with three phone numbers on which to contact the company on if i ever needed information or assitance. I got the representatives number and extension, the general companies and the advertising representitives.
I was contacted in three weeks by the advertising department, and was asked to purchase more services off them. Offered were 3 advertising packages, $1700, $2800, $3800, all US dollars (im australian).
Now, that didnt seem right. I never got told about aditional fees, they told me my site was already advertised through the $800 payment and why would i need to pay advertising if they make money when I make money as they stated.
I told him Id think about it. I tried ringing back a few days later, every number I was given had the same answering machine message, and didnt state the business name.
By this point I know this company is a scam, and this may be unrelated, but since signing up with these scamers, my credit card has been charged with over $1000 dollars is unknown purchases online.
Iv been leaving messages for the last two months with them. I havent had a single reply. The two people I talked to were named Ruby Cunningham and Frank Lorako. I urge anyone who reads this, do not be sucked in by these clowns as i did, if your gonna take a gamble, go to a casino.