los angeles,#2UPDATE Employee
Sun, June 09, 2013
Hello all. First and foremost I would like to say that I am a current employee of GSC. I work in Los Angeles Ca. As to many messages on here I would like to say that security officers- armed or unarmed are there to observe and report. Not interfere! Many security officers have saved lives while on duty only to be fired the next day when their supervisors find out that they have violated company policy. This company does employ a hands off stance but its only when dealing with run of the mill situations not life and death. Security officers have no more power of authority than any informed citizen.
We are not cops. We are not marines. Nor are we the coast guard. If any of us see anything illegal occuring we call 911 ASAP. If someone is about to "buy the farm" we step in only if we can safely account for all parties involved. Most people do not know the law when dealing with citizens arrest's. If you ever take physical custody over another person you are respondsable for anything that happens to that person.
If you decide to "arrest" the guy loitering on the corner of the shopping center and he ends up having a heart attack then guess what? YOU are now respondsable for him. Keep that in mind before deciding to criticize a security officer/provider. Its a near thankless job with little perks and relatively low pay so please show some appreciation for the guy standing guard over you and yours while you sleep, Im sure they would appreciate it! and remember: Security is all about communication. If you dont tell us what you see how can we help?
Las Vegas,#3General Comment
Mon, March 25, 2013
You are absolutely correct, security is mainly a deterance. However, in order to DETER anything you need to be on post actaully patroling and ineracting with the residents to establish if there is anything to DETER to begin with. Parked for most of a shift is called parking, not patrol. Get out of the vehicle and interact with the community. A no use of force policy is going to get the company sued for failure to train patrolman to effectivelt perform their duties in complaince with Neveada Revised Statutes. It sounds to me this young man is frustrated by not being able to do the job he was contracted to do and as a professional with integrity he is right to be upset. As far as the backround and motivations of the command staff if any of that rings true misrepresenting a compnies credentials may fall within false advertising, fraud, and sounds like an outright scam. I hope none of that is true, misrepresenting services and failure to perform on the agreed concract is grounds for termination for non-performance of the agreed terms of the contract to PATROL AND DETER. Hard to do in a parked vehicle collecting duxt and rust.
Henderson,#4Consumer Comment
Fri, April 17, 2009
Hannibal - you are quite mixed up when it comes to what 'authority' a security guard (armed OR unarmed) has - basically they have NO MORE authority than the average joe - The purpose of the security guard is to be a presence which HOPEFULLY serves as a DETERENCE but of course there are NO guarantees. They are to OBSERVE and DETECT (in addition to DETERRING) but that is the extent of what the purpose of a security guard is. Security Guards ARE NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS so I think your expectations are a bit mis-guided. ANY company holding the Security Contract would (if they know their boundaries) do the EXACT SAME THING - so perhaps all the residents should form a volunteer committee and take turns OBSERVING, DETECTING AND DETERRING and save yourselves a bunch of money.