  • Report:  #1192445

Complaint Review: Gone Artsy - Internet

Reported By:
Janmartini Camm - New Hampshire,

Gone Artsy
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Both Gone Artsy owner Deb Ochs Lagrone from Fort Walton Beach and Miriams Craft Supplies owner Miriam Meserve conducted an online facebook event called Auction to benefit The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/849935151692282/

Volunteers were to create a craft project that would be auctioned off and all proceeds “SUPPOSELY" went to the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. However, it is to the craft communities understanding this donation has yet to be done. It is also understood that these women deceived crafters out of money by asking them for donations that were payable through Paypal sent only as a gift so no fees were accrued.  These individuals were sent projects in return for the donated funds. Sadly with research and phones calls, no such donation was made to the Foundation in question.

It saddens me to know that these women took advantage of innocent people that simply wanted to support a cause that affects millions of people every day. I have sent numerous emails asking when the donation was made and with no response from either one of these ladies.

Craft Community and followers need to be aware of these women and businesses.  They also are part of an online crafting Facebook Group called “Chic Craftique” owned Julie Klimczak Monroe where they exploit other crafters and craft business owners out of hundreds of dollars’ worth of craft supplies and never send or donate the product as they claim. If you attempt to leave the group and or report the behavior, you are maliciously harassed through Social media and by text.  

In the future, be aware of who donate too. This is a new form of donation fraud that is very relevant in  the crafting community. 



18 Updates & Rebuttals


Re Swaps in chic craftique

#2General Comment

Mon, January 26, 2015

I am appalled by the behaviour of many of the ladies involved within Chic Craftique admin. having seen and experienced first hand the bullying tactics used to manipulate people into joining swaps and giving so called Angel Kisses or xmas/genie wishes. I did join in on a lot of these but not once did I receive my 'swaps' and when I queried this with various admin I was either ignored, told it's on its way and other excuses. But then discovered to my horror that the US ladies refused to send to the UK yet they expected  vice versa, and considering I had sent to the US being from the UK it cost me a small fortune in costs which at the time wasn't an issue but to be left without anything back or even an acknowledgement is like a slap in the face insult. So to say that there has never been any issues regarding this is a bare faced lie as I had been blocked by my so called swap partners.  I left the group eventually after witnessing public harrasment of ladies who decided to leave admin because of being bullied and was abused in such an awful manner just so someone else could take their place.  The lies that have since circulated really begs the question do you seriously want to be associated with people of this caliber. This is not the first time these people have been called out and by people who are totally unrelated, should make you wonder if there really is any truth in it. The victims, like myself, cannot all be lying. What do we have to gain from it?

Kim Norman

Winter Springs,
Resolution for Peace

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 19, 2014

Yes, Julia Klimczak-Monroe or Julie Monroe and I have spoken and we agree to no longer take part in the drama and gossiping that has been happening in the crafting community.  I am very pleased that we have put our differences aside and have left the past in the past.  We urge all crafters to get both sides of the story and handle personal issues directly rather than publicly.  I do not want to be sent messages containing "she said she said" information or anything negative about another person. We have come together in an effort to spread the word that we want the bullying and harassment to stop online and for everyone to live and let live.  We hope you all will join us in spreading the message of peace amongst all crafters.

I would also like to extend an apology for the comments I wrote in response to Darla Green.  I now have information that strongly suggests that she did not write that post and I apologize to her for not checking with her first before posting.  We have also spoken and harbor no hard feelings against each other.

Furthermore, I would like to say that I was mislead about the actions of Deb Ochs Lagrone and no longer believe that she is a bully, but rather a victim.  I believed false information and want to apologize to her for any and all negative comments I made online about her.

We are not all best of friends again, but we have realized that this has all gone far enough and has to be stopped.  I want to be a part of the change that needs to happen in the crafting community where we all just get back to crafting and having fun without negativity and drama. Let's make it happen!


Confession? Gone Artsy

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 10, 2014

I have NEVER posted on this site until now. What's funny is I am accused of having a bogus Facebook under the name of Jan Martini Camm and the person (s) accussing me are posting reports under my name, hmmm.  And those persons are the ones that asked me to research Facebook groups and individual Facebook pages. Also, unless you own this childcare facility in which I am sitting on break, I have never been your employee. Whoever you are, I am not going to continue to defend myself against lies, oh, you did copy and paste SOME of my text without altering. I have never been offered any monies or supplies from anyone mentioned in any reports that involve my name. Heck, like I wrote earlier this is my first post on this site. Now let's think about the fraud, forgery, slander, defamation of character and mental anguish that has been caused by being my imposter, which by the way is identity theft. 

Kim Norman

Winter Springs,
Confession Re: Darla Green

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 10, 2014

Darla, I applaud you for coming clean and owning some of the shady things you have done.  However, who exactly are you apologizing to?  Which 2 women?  I know you have also lied about me and to me and don't believe I was included in the above apology.  I feel you owe it to everyone involved to confess all that you have done to contribute to the vicious attacks that have been happening.  Do you admit then that you created a fake account under the name Jan Martini Camm to harass people online????  Without naming excatly who you are apologizing to and answering the question about creating a fake account, your apology falls short and seems like an insincere cop out.

Darla Green

They Made me be a Bully

#6General Comment

Wed, December 10, 2014

Many of you may know me as Eclectic Crafter. I’m filing this report because my consciences will not allow me to be silent any longer. I have wronged 2 women in the crafting social media and I must make this right. I have prayed long and Hard and God is helping me right this wrong. The two women I have hurt with vicious and manipulative behavior are known in the crafting industry and without names being said, I can tell you that their business is considered a direct competition.  This report is to warn you of a set of women that has not only caused me to NOT be myself but plays as the victims and in all reality, they are the victimizers. Whom am I calling out? Deb Ochs Lagrone , Rebecca Somogy, Julia Klimzack and Miriam Meserve.

I was asked to friend the 2 women especially one and get close to them. I told them I am faithful when I friend someone, I don't friend unfriend, block unblock because I get upset.  I cannot make choices based on emotions, emotions change too often.  I have to use facts, even when I am upset. Like the bully they turned me into, I was asked to get information from them in a backstabbing manner.  I would ask personal questions of how they felt about the women mentioned above. I then copied and pasted everything that was told to me to the women mentioned above so they could use it against them in a malicious manner. I could not understand their reasoning behind it after all their posts greed/bullying and how they are about peace.

They had succeeded in their evil endeavor.  They are known to bully others to the point of almost causing someone to commit suicide. I was to be compensated with the funds from their September and October Auctions they held plus I was sent product from Miriam and Deb Ochs Lagrone.  I want to send out a warning to all not to be friends with these women. They make the crafting industry dirty and fake. They feel threatened when someone is more successful than them and then attack on personal levels to bring that individual down. No matter what you hear from them, they will twist the truth and try to prove their evil deeds to be warranted. They limit their contact information because I believe they have a lot to hide.  They are not at all as they pretend to be.

I send out my apologies to the women that I have hurt and Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.  I hope when you make a mistake, no matter how big or how small, people handle you with grace. 

Thank you, Darla G


North Carolina,
Taking The High Road

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 07, 2014

The time has come to move forward. Kim Norman and I have made the verbal agreement that we are are no longer going to join in to the rumor mill that has been a fire storm in both of our lives. We discovered that the rumors were far worse than any truths that were out there. Some have made outrageous and beyond hurtful fabricated stories. Mental illiness is a very serious issue. Unless you are a liecensed medical professional in that field then perhaps you need not call people names or make outrageous reports of faking matters as serious as suicide. Sadly, a person that has these severe mental  defeciences may choose to claim things based on their distorted views. Because of their altered belief system you might witness the tears and pain of their supposed suffering , which sadly is only true in their mind.  In some cases people that maybe are Bi polar could be in their altered since of reality, one must take their statements with a grain of good ole common sense. I will say this I am ready to move forward to protect myself legally if necessary against these statements of someone claiming  anything related to a fake suicide attempt. Though I am aware these few individuals have mental illiness. I have every intention in moving on and wishing the best for the others. I will however not tolerate any further ridiculous claims of being called names or accused of anything along those lines without going after those individuals legally and exposing them by any means there is legally. I want peace but I have been pushed as far as I intend to be pushed.  Please do not come to me with info you think I need to know, I am no longer interested to hear. Do not bring negativity to me, for I will not be listening. Do not text it to me, pm it to me, call me about it etc. I hope others too will see they have been found out for the fraudualent claims and such they have made and find a better way to spend their time. I am pleased that Kim and I have moved passed this issue and we do encourage others to do the same.

Kim Norman

Winter Springs,
My Final Word

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 05, 2014

I will no longer be part of this mudslinging any further as you are now dragging innocent people into this, including my daughter...what a low blow that is.  I did not threaten you and never would.  I was deeply hurt by the demise of our friendship too.  All I wanted was to leave my post as your admin of Close Friends because I didn't condone the drama and negativity you were creating in that group, and that was in an effort to salvage our friendship.  At this point, what is done is done.  I am human and have made mistakes as we all have and know that only He can judge you and me for that matter.  You have no longer have any power over me and cannot hurt me regardless of how hard you try.

 So, I am hoping you truly mean what you say and will move on and live your life without me in it.  I am choosing to be the change I want to see from now on and that means I will no longer give any attention to anything negative you have to say about me.  Engagaing in this back and forth solves nothing, your friends will back you up as mine will for me.  I won't be a part of hurting anyone else that has nothing to do with what transpired between you and I.  So, move on and be happy that you no longer need to concern yourself with my life in any regard.  Live and let live Julie, choose peace as I am and put a stop to this once and for all!


North Carolina,
Seriously Kimmie Kay, Are your Pants on Fire

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 05, 2014

Kim Norman of Winter Park Florida, perhaps my walk with the Lord should be left to him to judge. You also "claim" to be a Christian as you were publically bashing me in the past few weeks, offering to go through peoples facebook lists and asking them to unfriend me while you are gathering evidence to bring a "Criminal Lawsuit" against me. While judging me, skeletons are falling out of your own closet.  Your time might be better spent "enjoying  your own life".  As far as gifts, your an awesome gift giver and I offered to return things to you, but you declined. So you were given that opportunity. And I did appreciate all of the lovely things you gave me.  Also you were thanked appropriately.

You and I had a falling out which was very heartbreaking to me, infact it made my divorce look like a cake walk. No other single human being has ever hurt me so deeply and left such a hole in my heart. My life too has moved on but there is a forever hole in my heart. You were hands down one of the closest friends I have had in my life and you do know alot about me and my beloved. Just as I know plenty about you and your fiance , your childen, and two families. You know for a fact that sent your 40.00 and a box load of Tim Holtz items that were to be used for a future prize that you and I were to host.

When we decided to no longer drink Tea I asked you to return those items , you claimed over and over you did not have the money to mail them. How could that be??? I had supplied 40.00 in which you were originally to purchase some added items for the prize and I was covering the shipping of the prize. So when you are calling me a Liar, look down your pants may be on fire. It was left that you would be returning my items that now a year later you have not kept your word, your bond. Christian hmmmmm. Those items were not yours to do anything with than to return to me. I take your statement as a vail threat that you want to do something to hurt me, and threats can be criminal. It was poor judgment  on your part to use the configuration box that I sent you in your project and surely you knew that.

I do not believe that I claimed it was the only  box in the universe but we know the truth in this matter Kimmie Kay. You constantly were not feeling that you were given enough credit in Close Friends and you harassed me until I finally let an admin go because you and she could not get along. You harassed her unmercifully under the guise of "friendship". You have been bullying me for months and months. The orginal fight we had should have been left between the two of us solely and not everyone that could be drug into it in whatever manner. I am quite happy to hear your doing well and enjoying your life, that is a wonderful thing and I would only want that for you. I am quite puzzled how you could be up Angela's nose after you constantly trashed her, her creations and what a rip off artist she was. 

You and your cohort both mudded Angela for months prior to your new affiliation. You need to get your facts start no one tried to commit suicide based on anything that I did or said , nor Deb. The video of which you speak was used in our Anti Bullying challenge and she made that speaking about a woman that she had a war with over stamps she created. Really??? Seriously??? How low can you be to make such an accusation. I would say even for your knowing your personal situation you would not want to plant that seed as it could come to pass in your personal life. But hey tempt fate, and karma that is all on you. You are right I am a giver.

I do not give to get and you full well know that, I could launch the same statements about you. You constantly told me the ladies of close friends were hmmmm how did you put it, less talented than you. I know of know swap or gifts you were ever delighted with and for that matter you told me that Dawnette your BBF was the worst gift giver on the planet . That she did not get the trends or know how to select gifts that would please you or others and remarked on many occassions about her sad swap prizes. You have tried to create as much damage as you can to me personally, defaming me and my character and those are unwise moves on your part.

Enemies, I would tread lightly who are you to speak for others. Perhaps you have some enemies, I do not know nor do I care. If your oh so happy then move on, and be happy!!!! Do you really want to ensue a war???? You are inciting Drama here and on Fb constantly. It is time to be the "Christain you claim you are and move on" . I am delighted to hear your happy, delighted your friend got you on a design team and that you have I dont know how many groups or upcoming groups etc.  Why not spend you time and energy in a more postive manner. Why not follow that creative path as far as it can take you. Best Wishes for your continued success. I am following my bliss and hope you are too


North Carolina,
Deb Huffman

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 05, 2014

As I stated earlier, I have no concern over what Kim Norman of Winter Park Florida did or did not do with the supplies that she received from the previous group. Nothing was ever said about the selling of any items. I have no knowledge of you purchasing anything from her or sending her money for whatever and do not care.  I simply stated the facts. I know nothing about your group, other than your craft related. You to feel free to contact me

deb huffman

pantry donations

#11General Comment

Fri, December 05, 2014

Julie I don't know what this garbage is all about but the pantry items from colse friends ( when you decided you wanted nothing to do with it) was sent to me by Kim Larsen. It is being used in our group(crafting close friends) which we created after close friends was abandoned. It is being used by the members of the group, many who joined our group after yours was abandoned. Kim Larsen did not steal pantry items. If you haveany questions feel free to contact me.


New Mexico,
RE: Teresa: Untrue Statements re: Julia Klimczak-Monroe

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 05, 2014

First off Teresa, do you really want to sit her and hold Julie or Julia whatever her name is , on a pedestal? What is it about this woman that everyone bows down to her? You know all the bad things you talked about her and you know what people like myself among others have had to deal with being in her group and then once you call her out on something or you leave the Chic Craftique group, she harasses the crap out of you via however she can!!?? I know countless ladies that she has done this to, not just myself.  When she came up with the "xmas in July" I was told by Deb and another lady that I couldn't particiapte because I had just been selected as a guest designer for Gone Artsy and that Deb would be sending me stuff! Yes she would be sending me stuff but that was to create something to advertise her store! That had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Xmas in July on Chic Craftique. Then when the other one came about " 3Wishes in sept or something like that, I wasn't going to particiapte cuz of what had happened and then Julie told me to put what 3 wishes I wanted. I hesitated but did so, well there again, I received NOTHING  from this. 

Everytime I had a falling out with Julie, Deb was always getting in the middle trying to clean up after Julie. Which is strange cuz she told me she didn't trust Julie. So what kind of a friendship is that?! Same goes for you, why talk high and mighty about Julie/Julia, when your messages to me about her were far from being a good friend. 

The reason I deciced to write about this now is because for one, I was told only one side of the story about them being bullied and whatnot. But yet all I see is they are the one's doing all the malicious things.  Just becuase I decided to accept a Designer spot on Creating With Details, suddenly I was unfriended by people. This is just childish and I have proof, not just mine , how these ladies work. How they make you feel sorry for them. Do all the members know about the lady who tried commiting suicide because of these ladies (Deb & Julie)? Would they still want to be affiliated with Chic Craftique after knowing this?! 

Kim Norman

These are Really the facts!

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 04, 2014

First of all, how did I get brought into this when it was originally written about your new group Chic Craftique?  Mai, Angela, and Creating With Details have nothing to do with why you are upset with me, so kindly leave them out of it.  You have exaggerated what you claimed to have sent me and left out the fact that you also received hundreds of dollars in gifts from me throughout our friendship.  I did not demand any of it back when I left Close Friends and terminated our friendship.  You are an Indian giver plain and simple.  Nothing from the supply pantry was ever poached or sold and was given out to members of the group.  When Close Friends ended, Deb Huffman sent me postage money to have the supply pantry items sent to her for their new group, which was started so the displaced members of your group would have a home.  To my knowledge, that is where those items are to this day.  You really should get your facts straight before you accuse people of things.


The other items you speak of were sent to me to be used as a prize and that is exactly what they were used for.  The configuration box you are speaking of, was purchased by me and the one you sent was in fact sent out in a prize pack...it is not the only one in the world.  You have it out for me because I moved on from our friendship and am happier in every way.  You have bullied me and countless others and you need to stop!  You claim and present yourself as a Christian, yet tear people down constantly.  You are malicious and talk about everyone behind their back, your "friends" included.  Every time you received something from a member of Close Friends, you complained that it was junk or not as nice a gift as what you sent them.  If you sent someone something, it was because you wanted something in return and complained if they didn't reciprocate.  I have personally sat by and watched you send private messages, and texts to people who left Close Friends and stalk and harass them.  I have witnessed you bullying people into coming back to your group and into not leaving your group to begin with.  You have more enemies and women you have hurt than I can count on my fingers and toes and I do not.  Unlike you, I have not tormented anyone to the point that they tried to take their own life. I do not post in any group about any drama, have never publicized your address and/or phone number of any of the personal things I know about you and your fiance and never would.  I do not buy friends as you do and do not expect my friends to defend me when I am in the wrong.  I have long since forgiven you for hurting me and you no longer have any power over me.  You can continue to write about me and the demise of our friensdhip, which happened over a year and a half ago, but the people who truly know me and are my friends know that you are a liar and know my true character.




Response to: Hoax launched against Julia Klimczak-Monroe

#14General Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

This is in response to the following that was posted in regard to Kim Larsen Norman : "...she has refused to retun them and now has used one of the items in a DT project for Mai Larsen and Angela Holt in a group. blog and business they have called Creating With Details".


All of the items that Kim used in her DT project came directly from Creating With Details! I have and so has everyone else, seen the items that Kim received! This is a complete and total lie! You were called out so you decided to pass the buck to take the pressure off of you! I have seen craft items listed on multiple sites and for you to say that it was from you or your group is ridiculous! 

These horrible slanderous comments are completely uncalled for! You are atacking people that are kind, helpful and caring about others! 

I have watched what is going on in this crafting community, with the lies, the out and out hatred, bullying and every other dirty underhanded manuver and it sickens me!  

Grown women bent on causing people harm for any reason is beyond comprehension! I can not and will not stand by any longer and not speak up for the people that this causing harm to!

This back biting, hatred, name calling lying in a community that is supposed to represent beauty through creativity is beyond disgusting and it needs to stop! All of it from every person doing it!

I am ashamed for those who are perpetrating this nonsense, for the love of humankind, let it go, move on, show love and respect and that is what you will get in return!




Port Orchard,
Karma stinks

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

I think in this day and age it's utter nonsense that anyone with a vendentta against others can make up a ficticious story about others .All of this because a friendship went bad.I would like to see the proof that this really happened.I know Miriam Meserve and she is one of the kindest ,honest,upstanding people I know.I have always received my items,I have never been asked for money or any kind of donation,I have never heard her utter an unkind word  about anyone~even with all this nonsense going on.I am also in the other group and find it peculiar that someone who claims to be a victim posts so much negative stuff and imo seems to be very attention seeking.I've always said karma will catch up to people and in this case Miriam,Deb and Julie have nothing to worry about.


The Facts and Just The Facts

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

Having been a customer of Both stores mentioned in this report, and been part of the group mentioned. 

The facts do not suport the claim.

Fact: The donation was made 

Fact: The vendors were volunteers

Fact: The event was conducted in the manner in which is stated it would be.

Fact: The Breast Cancer Research Foundation Did Recieve the full donation from both Gone Artsy and Miriam's Crafting Supplies as stated.

Fact: The information is public and only takes Google to find it.

Fact: Don't believe everything you read just because it's on the internet on some website does not mean it's true.

Fact: To best determin if something is indeed true or not true farther research is required using other sources.

Fact: Public Records are Public Records and are easy to find.

Fact: The internet is a powerful tool and when used as it was intended along with your brain you can find out the truth if indeed it's the truth you are looking for.

On a Personal level I've never had a bad experience with either of these companies, any questions have always been answered in a timely manner. Any orders have always been shipped in a timely manner with tracking. There Customer service is impecable and I highly reccomend them for thier honest charater and buisnesslike manner. I have been apart of the above mentioned group and have won prizes all having been sent to me in a timely manner and with tracking and communication directly from the vendor offering the prize. I have also recieved Angel Kisses from memebers of this group. I have never felt shunned, discredeted or attacked by any member of that group, nor by the individuals who own the companies listed in this report.

Check your facts, open your eyes and do the research, listning to gossip and hearsay and one sided testimonials will only get you one side of the story. The Facts are out there and are public it's really that simple. 



Vendor at Chic Craftique

#17General Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

I wanted to state my experinces as a Vendor  of Chic Craftique. I have never experience any deceitiful behavior by the admin of this group.  I have sponsered challenges and have always sent the prize to the winner. I have never  sent prizes to any of the admin. Nor have they ever asked me to .

I hope that this accussation is resolved. the Admin and Founder of Chic Craftique are wonderful and conscientous ladies.


North Carolina,
Hoax launched against Julia Klimczak-Monroe

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 04, 2014

Here is the portion of this report that is a hoax and fraud against me personally :

Craft Community and followers need to be aware of these women and businesses.  They also are part of an online crafting Facebook Group called “Chic Craftique” owned Julie Klimczak Monroe where they exploit other crafters and craft business owners out of hundreds of dollars’ worth of craft supplies and never send or donate the product as they claim. If you attempt to leave the group and or report the behavior, you are maliciously harassed through Social media and by text.  

In the future, be aware of who donate too. This is a new form of donation fraud that is very relevant in  the crafting community. 

This report against me is a complete hoax and a fraud. I do not know this supposed person and have never had any dealings with them. I can however speak as the owner of a very successful fb group Chic Craftique. The group is thriving and I can only guess that is upsetting some petty and jealous ladies. Our group does have Vendors that donate for prizes all prizes are sent directly to the winners , period. The prizes /donations never touch my hands in any manner what so ever and I have over a 1000 members that can atest to that fact.

In a previous group there was a supply closet in whic members could donate things and Kim Larsen Norman of Winter Park Florida housed those items at her home, I contributed many boxes of supplies but supplies were never sent to me. That group was named Close Friends and new group owners are now running it. I have no idea if Kim Larsen Norman poached the supplies or what she did with the remains. Frankly it does not concern me. I would like to see evidence from this person launching this personal assault. This person is slandering and defaming my character and needs to provide evidence of her claims. I created a movement on fb called Angel Kisses in which I personally over the past few years have sent thousands of dollars on mailing out happy mail to hundreds of women.

In fact Kim Norman Larsen has received personally hundreds of dollars in crafting supplies and personal gifts from me. All of these gifts to her and the hundreds of others we purchased from me. Kris Johnson did send a box of supplies to me in this new group and they were equally divided and sent out to Brittany Pifer, and Cora Garcia. Also Traci Savely sent me a small amount of items she asked me to pass forward and they too were placed in the box that Brittany received. All mailing costs were in fact incurred by me to send these items out. I did also send a large number of items purchased that were intended to be given as prizes in the previous group Close Friends sent to Kim Larsen Norman.

She has been asked repeatedly for these items to be returned to me, she did not purchase them and they are my personal property. She however has refused to return them and now has used one of the items in a DT project for Mai Larsen and Angela Holt in a group. blog and business they have called Creating with details.  Not one person that has ever left my group Chic Craftique has been maliciously harassed or attacked and this again is a fraudulant report. I have not contacted one previous member of Chic Craftique via text message so again this is a fabrication, I invite this Jan Martini Cam to provide evidence to support her claims


Untrue Statements re: Julia Klimczak-Monroe

#19General Comment

Thu, December 04, 2014

Unfortunately I will not comment on the Breast Cancer Awareness Auction as I was not involved with this. 


I would like to however address the following statement made in this report:  "Craft Community and followers need to be aware of these women and businesses.  They also are part of an online crafting Facebook Group called “Chic Craftique” owned Julie Klimczak Monroe where they exploit other crafters and craft business owners out of hundreds of dollars’ worth of craft supplies and never send or donate the product as they claim. If you attempt to leave the group and or report the behavior, you are maliciously harassed through Social media and by text.  "


I am the Swap Coordinator for the Facebook Group, Chic Craftique and I would like to set the record straight regarding the supposed exploitation of other crafters and craft business owners out of hundreds of dollars' worth of craft supplies.


I am assuming you are talking about the many prizes that were donated to us by our vendors through email requests back in May when Julie launched Chic Craftique.  If you were a part of our group then you would KNOW that each of the prizes that we had drawings for were mailed DIRECTLY from the vendor to the winner.  And furthermore, if you had been a part of our group, then you would have seen the photo's that were posted by the WINNERS when they received their prizes from the Vendor. 


We do not exploit our vendors nor our members, if we want to have a giveaway, we usually contact our vendor's and ask if they are interested in donating a prize, the choice to donate or not donate is left up to them.  We have NEVER implied that if they don't donate a prize they can't be in our group.


If our members would like to make a donatiom of their artwork for a particular event in our group, THEY send it DIRECTLY to the winning member.  Julie has never been involved with the receiving or mailing of any of our prizes.

To my knowledge we have had several people leave our group and they have not been contacted, but of course that is something that I don't have first hand knowledge of because obviously I do not have access to anyones computer or facebook account other than my own.


The only thing Julie is guilty of is having a Heart of Gold, and sending out hundreds of dollars worth of supplies which she has purchased with HER OWN MONEY and mailed at HER EXPENSE.  These packages are known in our group as "ANGEL KISSES".


It would have been really nice if you would have investigated your claim prior to putting this in a report that will follow her around.  It is so sad that one short paragraph can ruin the reputation of these women.  All because of sour grapes.



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