  • Report:  #1036555

Complaint Review: Grand Rapids Ventures Derek Paul Gendron - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Steve - Phoenix, Arizona,

Grand Rapids Ventures Derek Paul Gendron
Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I had dealings with Derek Paul Gendron/ Grand Rapids Ventures back in 2010 and I honestly can't believe
that Mr. Gendron is up to his same online scams. As I stated back in 2010 I was online at Craigslist under the business section and noticed a Pet Web Store for sale. The ad said any novice could do it and within the first month I would be making upwards of 30,000 a month. I had contacted professionals in the arena of online advertising and search engine support after I bought this so called online pet supply store.....and to make that kind of money I would be spending over 200,000 in advertising including professional search engine support, and that 30k figure was still a very long shot. Mr. Gendron prays on people that are not internet sophisticated, building then up over the phone that any novice can make 30k a month once they they teach them. I had wasted 7800 dollars of good money that could have been put to use in other areas of my life than a cookie cutter cheap website, because thats all it is. Please don't waste your time and money in a junk website that you could go online and buy for 100 dollars.

The reason why people get tricked is because of 2 reasons. The first is that he uses a high dollar amount to purchase the cheap junk website leading to believe that is must be of value or it would't cost that much. The second is that the way the ad is worded is clearly fraud, as one believes that you are buying their online Pet Supply Website. Paul is extremely persuasive over the phone but is no more than a typical scam artist that has perfected his craft. The resident of Michigan has been convicted in the past of embezzelment and was also investigated for welfare fraud. I think it's time I connect with other people who have been taken Mr. Gendron and file a class action lawsuit to stop this fraudster. I think it's also time to contact the FBI on this.

24 Updates & Rebuttals


Lots of Derek P Gendrons out there - get it right@

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, May 24, 2014

We have dealt with Derek P Gendron and had a great relationship.  He is a very smart programmer and to the best our knowledge, whoever wrote this and some of the other posts may have their wires crossed. 

There IS a Derek P Gendron from Florida who has an extensive past and you are right, you don't want to deal with that person, but the Derek from Michigan that we know has promised and delivered exactly what we paid for. 

People should really be careful reading bogus reviews like this!  I am encouraging Derek, the person being wronged by this report to file a lawsuit to stop these bogus publications.  It seems like its a competitor posting and reposting.  I for one have never had a problem with the man or his wonderful family. 


Paul Gendron Now Blogging

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 02, 2014

Concerned consumer wanting to see how the class action or civil action suit against Paul Gendron is transpiring.  He hasn't removed himself from the web and continues to try to make money off of blogging and just caution people to not contribute to this fraudster in any way.  In his blog, he writes about how important it is to record phone calls - which, if you are living your life with integrity, one shouldn't have to worry or be concerned about recording phone calls.  His blog site is:  http://derekgendron.com/2014/03 and if anyone is registering to this blog - would caution you not to get messed up with this guy - he has ruined so many lives with his fraudulent ways!


"This guy" is going to respond...now, and later in court.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 12, 2013

Its going to be difficult to be nice when you see a post like this from people who didn't even try. 
Yes, I have failed in the past - who reading this hasn't?  But this isnt about me, is it.  Lets face it, its about those people who are using my past (my past emphasis) as a crutch, an excuse for their own failures.

Otherwise they would:

  1.  Post their name instead of hiding (why hide anyway, fear of discussing the facts?  Or is it because this was just a way to carefully vent and hurt someone you know should not be hurt?)

  2.  Post the contract they signed

  3.  Post their actual complaints and discuss the facts

The contract they sign says I can sell other websites, it clearly spells that out in plain English. That must have been overlooked.  It spells out that no representations were made about income etc and that running a business involves risk and relies on one's own work.  That must have been missed too.  Yet these legal contracts were signed but curiously omitted from this complaint.  Perhaps the contracts signed were not read?  Perhaps they failed to do any due diligence?  Who knows....

Out of hundreds of sites sold since 2008, a handful of people are unhappy.  Some are successful according to their feedback and the fact that they have been with me for years, some are struggling and some give up without even trying.  The people that have filed this report, Steve Sudlow and I believe Alissa Allard, are the later type.

I have a trail of emails from them that were courteous, thankful and appreciative.  And then they were influenced by a bitter old man who would rather place blame instead of taking action.  If I have committed such a fraud, why not sue me?   If its so clearly wrong, why not win it in court - it should be easy, right?  Why have not the attorney generals, police departments or prosecutors or FBI complaints you filed done anything?  Because its all CRAP.  You Steve Sudlow are a liar and defrauding the reading public with this post.  As is whoever else is involved.  I might have a criminal record from mistakes made in the past but your behavior and lies online are just as wrong, waiting for a lawsuit judgement.

Steve blew a lid when he found another site online that I was selling.  Why he was still looking for a site for sale is beyond me...


In summary, I am not afraid of the facts - there is and can be NO FRAUD. If there was fraud, I would not be a free person in this world, still selling websites since 2008 - give our police and law enforcement officials more credit than that please.

If we want to play all of the FACTS out here, one by one, we can do that.  I have all my calls recorded just so morons like this cannot make false claims against me. Instead, I fear the comments that follow will be heated and charged nonsense by someone who cannot admit that they are a progressive failure.  Or it will be given a blank stare by someone who is AFRAID to discuss the facts for what they are.  I failed in the past sure, but I don't fail like this daily.  Steve and Alissa (I think Alissa, but will soon find out...), on the other hand continues to fail by interfering with my relations with happy customers and vendors. 

You were sold an incredibly designed website running a first class shopping cart.  It was hosted on a multi-core well managed server, with live data feeds and fast page load speeds and you can test it, have third parties test it and people that are great at SEO.  Heck, lets put it to the test in this forum to prove what you purchased... But remember, you will have to live with what plays out here.  When its proven that this ex-con is an expert in website development, and SEO - you cant take it offline...

I am filing a John Doe / Jane Doe lawsuit to uncover some recent dealings and if it points back to either one of these parties, they will be hauled into Federal court to show cause and pay damages  The content of this post(s) will also be a subject of my prosecution against these parties.  I am no longer content to sit back and let people write false publications like this any longer.  I am coming after your assets.  Some people have to learn the hard way - I did.

I have five wonderful kids and a marriage of 22 years - if you think I get out of bed in the morning to screw people, you are a moron.  In fact, there are many of my customers, store owners who will gladly argue just the opposite.  And funny thing, there are even store owners I have talked to who have said, this idiot contacted me complaining about you and I know that my success is solely on what I do, he just doesnt get that...  There could be no greater truth than that.

Quit crying and do something in life.  Then perhaps you will fall down too, stand back up and make some progress.

Or reply with the facts and like they say in the UFC, let's get it on.


Pet Supply Scam!

#5Author of original report

Wed, April 03, 2013

Thanks Hawk!

Wow this guy is a real tool, 


Paul Bessinger Fraud Derek Paul Gendron Fraud

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

Steve - you are right, the Mike response and other one has Paul's name all over it.  He just got a lead that people are on to him and are investigating him.  That is why BizBuySell has flagged him as a fraudulent business/person and will no longer permit him to sell businesses on his site - this was after their investigation and known truth about him.  Mike, there is no way unless you're a petco making 5 figures a month from one of Paul's businesses selling pet supplies - not without a significant amount of money going to marketing - doesn't happen, as we have spoken to many experts about this.  If you have a great pet supply business, why don't you share it - it's because it doesn't exist.  And as far as name calling, this is also Paul - check out the consumer complaints about him and what he has written to a consumer trying to purchase from one of his sites.  Paul will respond to emails and phone calls when you first start, looks good and keeps you going to the point you think it might work but no sales will come of it, trust us!  Scam, scam and scam and more places are looking at closing down his network... sorry Paul, Derek or whatever you've now changed your name too, people and investigators are on to you big time!


Steve - a sorry failure himself

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

Steve Sudlow, Is it the fact that you caught your girlfriend from Vietnam cheating on you with webwatch software make you distrust people so much.  The fact that you have a nervous twitch about you that makes you scary?  Or perhaps its all the diet soda that you drink.   I know your kind better than you can imagine.  You hate and mistrust everyone and find a way to pin blame on everyone in the world except for yourself.  Its clear to most all of us reading this. 

You have trust issues.

And despite Paul's background and failures and yes their were failures, you still to this day cannot admit one thing.  You are a perpetual quitter.

That is why you live alone and are miserable.

Sad, very sad but true.

Why don't you spell the facts out as they are instead of running wreckless through life trying to harm others, like that poor girl in Vietnam?  I am sure she didn't deserve the mistrust when you installed webwatch software on her computer, lol.  Wow.

And no, this is not Paul. I am a person who got on this f**cked up mailing list about this and sadly I feel a duty to check those out herein and respond.  This will be my last post - and am certain you will spout all kinds of nonsense to bury it.  Good luck with it, it won't change the facts...

You quit before trying and are a failure.


Pet Supply Scam!

#8Author of original report

Tue, April 02, 2013

When you buy a gym membership did they tell you will have muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger in 30 days when you use their facilities and special workout techniques?. No they would never make those outlandish claims just to sell a gym membership. Maybe this person I'm responding to is Paul Gendron himself, no one could be this stupid to argue the misleading fact.



#9General Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

well i talked to Paul and did investigate, and we did decide to go through with it because paul and his wife have done everything they have said, even filed for my llc for me and i knew i would not make money right out of the gates. i am a marketing/business management graduate and i know that you have to work to get a business where you want it. i have no complaints about Paul and his wife. they have helped when i have sent an email asking questions. their reply was within hours.  i have had good resuls from paul so far, so i cannot say anything bad about him.  


Sounds like a gym membership sad story

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

You couldn't make $100 online (on the world wide web) selling tens of thousands of pet supplies?  That doesn't sound right.  Does that sound right to ANYONE out there?  It sounds like someone who buys a gym membership, doesn't work out then blames the gym owner, lol.

I for one, have made a great living online - five figures a month selling pet supplies.  Stop crying, stop posting into dumb forums like this and get to work.  Crybabies.



#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

Couldn't agree more with Steve!  Unfortunately, it seems to go smooth when one initially purchases the business and gets it up and running but then the story changes... I am sorry to say, many have come forward and shared their stories and not one has had a success story, all have lost their initial investment plus more in addition to the emotional toll it takes - it is probably wise, however, if you are pursuing this to not tick Paul off because he has sabotaged so many people after they've caught on to him and made their lives even more miserable.  Something to ponder is you have a contract and purchased a business for thousands of dollars from a Paul Bessinger.  He doesn't even exist!!  That alone should give you an indication you've entered into something which is fraudulent - his name is Derek Gendron not Paul Bessinger!!  If I were you, I wouldn't get your hopes up and pour a lot of money into this because not one of us have even been able to make even $100 a month off this scam business deal. 


Very interesting!

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

I was contacted anonymously by someone linking me to this ripoff report link.  I must say I was a bit taken back by all the hoopla - did all of you actually buy something without actually looking into it?  I purchased a website from Paul and its first class and I was not naive enough to think that this was the only pet site on the internet....geez.

And we had it tested, tested by PCI experts, a local SEO expert and a family member who maintains security for a fortune 1000 company.  All green lights. 

The product that Paul (okay Derek, whatever), have created is first rate.  Download the gemcart itself and test it.  A fool makes blanket statements about something they themselves have not checked out.  I doubt ANYONE on this planet could create a site like we have purchased for 100 dollars, or 500.  THAT is ridiculous and sounds like a fraud.

But that's my two cents.  It will probably be buried in posts by other people who cannot make rational decisions, ignore competition and succeed  despite the world around them.  Hmmm, I think I read that somewhere.


Pet Supply Scam!

#13Author of original report

Tue, April 02, 2013

You didn't buy a business, you just bought a cheap cookie cutter website that anyone can make you for a 100 dollars not more than 500, and you paid what 7800 I assume. That's what I bought if for along with everyone else, and I specifically asked Paul if he just sells pet website, as I would have never paid any money for this, and HE LIED!!! right to my face! in person. I bought this website on the fact that it was there old website business, and it was NOT ! that right there is FRAUD!. 



#14Consumer Comment

Mon, April 01, 2013

I can honestly say the only reason i was inquiring is bacause i lost ability of logging into my site and i suspected the worst. however,  paul and his wife have done everything they have said they were going to and more to help us out. we met them in person and they seemed like nice people so i not sure about the stuff anyone else has gone through but i am happy with what they have done so far



#15Consumer Comment

Mon, April 01, 2013

Hi there,

I am so sorry to the latest consumer that is reporting Paul Bessinger that just purchased a business from him.  Yes, he is a scam artist although his sales techniques are quite smooth!  Wish we could all say it would be easy to get your money back but doubt this is the case... he's a master at fraud!  We do, however, have some info that might be helpful to you or if you just want to connect and commiserate about this scam artist!  Steve has my contact info and will put you in touch with me and I look forward to hearing from you.  It literally makes me sick to my stomach knowing Paul has gotten away with stealing another almost $8k from some innocent person that is just trying to make a better living for he and his family!  I am so terribly sorry!


Pet Supply Scam

#16Author of original report

Sun, March 31, 2013

I can put you in contact with a few people that have been burned like me. You can email me at [email protected]



Apple Pet Supply

#17General Comment

Sat, March 30, 2013

I have purchased a web site from a paul bessinger in grand rapids. i have owned it since the 7th of march.  i would like to talk to anyone about this. i have been stressing to get this thing off the ground. i finally got it working today. i paid 7800  for my site to make my life with wife and kids better.  if this is true about this guy, does anyone have proof?  pleaaase let me know. i want my money back asap.


New Jersey,

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 25, 2013

I sent you an email did you receive it?


New Jersey,

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, March 25, 2013

I sent you an email did you receive it.


Online Pet Supply Scam

#20Author of original report

Fri, March 22, 2013

There is power in numbers, please file a report with the FBI office in your area as I have. Once they get enough complaints their eyes will open up. Here is my email [email protected]   you can contact me there, I really want this scam artist put behind bars and to pay restitution to all his victims.


New Jersey,
ripped off

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, March 22, 2013

Hi Hawk

I just talked to his old lawyer he is no longer using them because dfifference of opinion surprise suprise. She was very nice and yes htey are real and she said he has multiple people he is going after wit hteh same issues thsi si scary. She did say he is very aggrivating to them. I did pay them some of the money and she stated i wont have to pay any mroe than what I owe him. I do still owe him and he wants money sent to his wife.
Their old lawyers is going to get me th info of the new laywer they are using and recommended get a consumer laywer for protection. I dont want to pay more than i do to thsi person. I did talk to a lwyer in Grand Rapids he was kinda mean. But as he seemed to be statign for him to sew me  he would have to do it in my state which I could fight that is was a scam and not sure if it would be worth his time. But i will investigate this more and am calling more lawyers to get answers. I am almost comteplating going to the FBI to see if they can investiage.

He might be in all entitiy to do what he is doing not sure. I dont know the other people this has happened too or I would contact tehm and see if we could get a lawsuit or soemthing of this nature going. He has been harassing more for the 2 years and I am pretty tired of and it is wearing on me.  Any advise       


Derek Gendron (aka Paul Bessinger)

#22Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 22, 2013


I am so sorry you are another victim of this man.  I would highly encourage you to not make any payments to his wife, or anyone else for that matter because it would not be surprising if he was the "attorney" behind the money you already sent.  I would investigate the "attorney" you already sent money to and find out if this person has a legitimate practice and request records so you have it documented.


New Jersey,

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, March 22, 2013

Yes I am dealing with Paul and his wife as of right now. I found them on craigslist and bought fivestarpetsupplies.com in 2010  I paid them up front a good some  of the money and could not pay the rest because i was making no money from the site in which him this is how i would pay the rest. The help was very menial and did not help me make sales and the website i could log into to get help was worthless to me and could never make any sales. He also told me hw had two websites making 30000.00 a month. In which impressed me. 

 Since I could not finish paying They took back the site and never heard from them again roughly a year, year and a half latter they hired a lawyer send me a letter that if I did not pay them than they would take me to court. So i started paying the lawyers. Now they emailed me said they are not using the lawyers they have a new counsel or lawyers and to pay his wife Lynn at a po box they don't even know the amount i paid the lawyer and to tell them the amount i paid.
the lawyer and the the dates and send them the rest of the money to Lynn.

So I went from paying fivestarpetsupplies to the lawyer to now Lynn at a PO BOX. I don't know what to do as I am sick to my stomach about it all. I feel very threatened. I am going to try to talk to the lawyers they were using I might even talk to the FBI in which they told me go ahead but i still owe Lynn the money. 

They have rebuilt the site and are selling it to someone else. They did offer mt to finish paying the site and give it too me along with a 75 dollar monthly fee for something to do with the site
I didnt bother to offer to want the site back because of all the headache 

I am willing to talk to whoever and work with anyone in any that has been scammed and hurt also. 
If they are really doing this to this many people it must stop now if we need to get the proper authorities or lawyers that is fine.



Error in Derek Gendron Prior Consumer Comment

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, March 21, 2013

With regard to prior consumer comment, the name should be corrected from Paul Schlessinger to Paul Bessinger.


Fraudulent Activity of Derek Paul Gendron

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, March 21, 2013

Thank you author for posting this.  I have learned so many have fallen victim to Derek Paul Gendron's fraudulent activity and associated pet supply businesses.  He also goes by the name Paul Schlessinger.

I can also confirm his activities are entirely fraudulent (he also has criminal records in Florida) and believe action needs to be taken to stop him.  There are many that would join the cause to bring attention to this matter in hopes it will help others not faul victim to his activity.  

According to information in the BBB files, it appears the company is no longer in business. Directory assistance does not have a listing for this company. The BBB's mail to this company has been returned as undeliverable. Company was listed as sole owner as Lynn Gendron. 

I would like to connect with author and strategize.

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