  • Report:  #277687

Complaint Review: Granton Marketing/Smart Circle/DS-Max/Cydcor/Innovage - Charlotte North Carolina

Reported By:
- Montgomery Village, Maryland,

Granton Marketing/Smart Circle/DS-Max/Cydcor/Innovage
155 Gordon Baker Rd, Ste 212 Willowdale, Ont M2H 3NS Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a parent looking for answers. If you choose to respond to this, please make sure your comments are balanced and not bitter.

Eg. of bitter--Steven from Palmer Lake, CO. The one hidden gem in your ravings was in reference to need based marketing vs impulse marketing. "Professional, ethical salesmen (sic) sell products that are needed or wanted. If want is created, it is lasting, focusing on repeat customers and not soley based on impulse buyers. Here's your opportunity to force the to ask those questions of themselves."

Eg. of combination--Caroline from Jackson, MS Your description of how things started off is very similar to what I observed my son's experience to be. I understand you are bitter about Shanara. I suggest you move on and be glad you got out, hopefully without too much damage.

Eg of Balanced--EX Manager. Very helpful information. I have reached the same conclusion--there is a "cultish" aura to the whole experience. You live, eat and breathe with your co-workers and are therefore prevented from having any time off to gain "perpective." Also, the mantra that "you control your own destiny" seems to carry a hidden message that if you leave you're a failure. It absolves the company of any blame--when they work you to death and pay you slave wages. No one in their right mind would make that choice if they saw the picture clearly for what it was.

I would be interested in hearing from other parents/mentors about how you got your child/student to "see the light."


Montgomery Village, Maryland


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