  • Report:  #1348592

Complaint Review: Haley's piggy village - Rancho Cucamonga California

Reported By:
Zacryan - Redlands , California, USA

Haley's piggy village
9242 19th street Rancho Cucamonga, 91701 California, USA
909 200 5999
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 Worked with this woman for almost two years. So I know more than anyone I helped create the business with her cuz I thought she would take pride in it but all she cares about is the money. Her pigs live in filth most of the time we would clean before clients would come over so it didn't look as bad. They would go days with no water or there water would be full of poop.. there about 5 pigs per 10x10 pen and most of them don't ever go outside that pen. She has a lot of issues with her pigs that she doesn't tell people some give birth defect to piglets and a lot of pigs have had problems and died a lot of animals are buried all over the yard as well.. a couple pigs have feet problem and limp every where probably arthritis but she wouldn't know cuz she doesn't check..

she says she doesn't sell to people that aren't zoned but she never checks and a lot of pigs are returned with no refund then resold to make more money we've dropped off pigs that are unfit for breeding and kill pens for slaughter any pig that doesn't meet her standards is thrown to the curb she's not an animal lover like she claims she loves the thought of animals and the money they make her I would highly recommend not using this breeder if you want a pig she does the bare minimum for care for her pigs but tell you the best care you can give to yours her piglets are never weaned off mom they are just pulled at 5-6 weeks and they usually don't eat for a few days and live in a little 1 1/2 foot by 4 foot box with as many as 6 pigs there's poop everywhere in with them sometimes goes days without cleaning she always gives her piglets baths before people come because of how nasty they smell from living in there poop a lot of her pigs get sick they'll have breathing problems and get colds that cause build up on fluid in the lungs

and in a few cases cause death she's had pigs die from un treated ear infection she built a nice website she talks like she knows so much and cares so much but the care in how she treats her animals is completely different and not someone I would ever recommend for a pig she even turns her reviews on Facebook so no one can give her bad ones she sells a lot of her pigs intact which is not a responsible breeder I spent a lot of my time there cleaning and trying to provide a better life for her animals while she sits around and does nothing but collect money and try to sell more pigs or buy more pigs to put thru the same hell her other pigs live in her location may look nice now but that's not what it was before it was 6 inches of s**t mud no shelters and no motivation to do better until I took things into my own hands to make it better

6 Updates & Rebuttals

My apology

#2Author of original report

Sat, January 14, 2017

 Oh where do I start.. first off I want to apologize to Haley and everyone that had to read all this stuff I posted. I posted a lot of things out of heartbreak out of anger from someone I looked at as my best friend for as long as I did. We both said and did things that can't be taken back at all she tried to take something from me that I love and I tried to do the same and I'm sorry for that. Most the things I said weren't true ,ever sense I met Haley she's been nothing but the best for her animals. She struggled in areas and I saw that and all I wanted was to be there for her, help her, push her to be the best person she could be. I would of never put so much time and love into someone and there business if I thought she was as shitty of a person as I made her out to be. I saw someone that loved pigs and animals more then she loves Pepsi and that's a lot. And all I wanted was to help her turn her passion into a career because I saw how happy it made her. Yea she had animals yea she had a few pigs but she wasn't Haley's piggy village before I pushed her and believed in her.

I took off 9 months from chasing my dream to help her chase hers to help clean and improve her property to help her work her petting zoos and never because she asked never because I was forced I wanted to be there for someone I loved and looked at as my best friend I wanted to show her what it was like to have someone believe in you. I have seen a lot of bad but every time there was bad she did everything she could to make sure things were taken care of. To make sure anyone that needed care had it to make sure everyone had food, medicine, dry pens even if it meant spending the last of her money. I've been there when animals are sick and we stay up all night I've been there all night bottle feeding animals with her I've been there when we stay up all night waiting for pigs to be born running around trying to make sure we had heat lamps paper towels blankets just so she can make sure every pig made it out alive. This woman has one of the biggest hearts I've known and the way she was with her animals made me fall for her that much more.

I never fell for someone like I did her and I know she felt the same about me cuz she never wanted me to leave from the moment I met her. I never thought my best friend someone I could always turn to always have beside me was always there for always did everything I could to help her and be there for her when no one else was could disappear from my life so quick without even a goodbye. It hurt it made me feel worthless in a lot of ways and the back and forth between us just made me break and I regret it in so many ways.. I don't ever get to see this amazing person again I don't get to be by her side and help her grow anymore believe in her see the happiness in her eyes from all she has now.. I've seen countless people come to that location and love every minute of there experience from seeing all the pigs getting to interact with them see all the babies and hear all the knowledge and passion that came from her and I will miss it I will miss her I wish I could take everything I said back I wish I could apologize to you for all the things I said for all I did I wish I could ask how things were how the animals are when babies are due I wish I could tell you I miss you and I'm sorry for everything. No one knows what I meant to you except for you and me no one knows just how much I was there or how much I pushed and believed in you except for me and you I'm glad I did all I did I'm glad you are where you are I'm happy you turned into an amazing pig breeder and animal owner and I'm happy that I had a big role in all of it and I'll never forget it

Tori Biedermann

Huntington Beach ,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 09, 2017

  What I've just now read on this report is completely false. The person who created this report was not anyone of substance that helped create and or build this business from the ground up as they are claiming. I was a previous employee of Haley at the beginning of her journey into the animal business, right when she even took the pleasure of owning her first farm animal. From the start of that journey, that many years ago, she has grown to be this highly respectable and reputable place of business she upholds today. In my time I spent working with her at the beginning, she has always upheld the highest compassion and love for all of her animals and the cleanliness of the grounds and environments they were kept in and on. I remember many emergency vet visits and calls for them to travel to us when we couldn't make it there if Haley had any concern something was wrong with the health of any of her animals. Every day of her life revolves around her business and is full of working from the morning to late in the evening maintaining the living environments of all the animals, where they are very lucky and in the best of hands to be cared for. From the start of her business she has always maintained strict policies on the homing of her animals and I personally have attended home visits with her to the new home placements to ensure the animals are in proper care when out of her hands. Every animal was cared for an treated as if her own from the start of their lives throughout their entire care under Haley, to help them develop a great human-animal friendly personality and relationship with their next owner. I have recommended and will continue to recommend Haleys Piggy Village to any person I meet that shows interest in the knowledge and quality she has to offer.

believe what you wish

#4Author of original report

Mon, January 09, 2017

honestly all this s* is f*n annoyin i never lied about anything nor do i have a reason to i was there for a long time i saw thing most people dont and she can attackk my character and my past but alot of the time i felt bad for those animals alot of people saw things when they were good when they were cleaned and taken care of but no one knows just how much of that was me no one will accept that because why do they need to if it looks good smells good it must be good there was alot of things that happened there that could have been avoided could of been done differently for the better of her animals but it was always up to me to do it build this move this clean that no one knows where lilly went no one knows where stella went or todd or princess leah no one knows what happened to tanner what about when timmy broke chips leg did you take him to the vet or did you let him limp im pretty sure we talked about killing him if he didnt get better what about butter and his a*h* that you didnt fix you just push it back in and let the flies hang outon it instead of spending the money on the animals you care about so much but i do i cared for these animals regardless of what she wants to say i did a lot for them more than anyone ever did and im pissed at the way she acts like this was all her she wasnt abreeder before me she wasnt haleys piggy village and no one saw how things were only me she does love her animals she is a good person to them but she doesnt do all she can at times she doesnt do whatever to improve everything and no one is gonna believe me over her cuz thats just how things work what i can say is she improved from who she was when i met her she cares more everything is done in alot better of a way then before she cares to clean she cares more about the well being of her animals but it took alot of push from me to take pride in her passion and do everything she can to be who she is now alot of what i said was true but from when we first met every business is going to have its issues but you have to want to improve them you have to want better and do better not just accept things are how they are hopefully she can take what i have said for what it is and thats the truth and not be pissed at me for telling the world how things are behind the scenes everyone can say i wasnt there i didnt help and thats fine everyone on here commenting are friends what friend is gonna bash there friend but i know the truth and so does she i did help build this pig business into what it is today i came around when she had 4 pigs and only two litters she didnt have a website or a card or anything thats fine if no one wants to believe me you dont need to cuz i know the truth i know the dirt i know all the s**t she has said about everyone that is defending her and acting like i was never there and maybe its because she likes to seem like she did it all and i didnt do anything dont believe the ex he doesnt know anthing he was just there every day for f* almost 2 years 

Tori Biedermann

Huntington Beach ,
Inaccurate allegations

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 09, 2017

  What I've just now read on this report is completely false. The person who created this report was not anyone of substance that helped create and or build this business from the ground up as they are claiming. I was a previous employee of Haley at the beginning of her journey into the animal business, right when she even took the pleasure of owning her first farm animal. From the start of that journey, that many years ago, she has grown to be this highly respectable and reputable place of business she upholds today. In my time I spent working with her at the beginning, she has always upheld the highest compassion and love for all of her animals and the cleanliness of the grounds and environments they were kept in and on. I remember many emergency vet visits and calls for them to travel to us when we couldn't make it there if Haley had any concern something was wrong with the health of any of her animals. Every day of her life revolves around her business and is full of working from the morning to late in the evening maintaining the living environments of all the animals, where they are very lucky and in the best of hands to be cared for. From the start of her business she has always maintained strict policies on the homing of her animals and I personally have attended home visits with her to the new home placements to ensure the animals are in proper care when out of her hands. I have and will continue to recommend Haleys Piggy Village to anyone who shows interest in the services and quality she has to offer.

Janell Thompson

Yucaipa ,
Haley's Piggy Village

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 09, 2017

 I'm am a customer of Haley's Piggy Village who purchased not one, but two piglets from her. My first piglet was one that had been sick and that was disclosed from the very beginning. Not to mention Haley had taken him to the vet and had him on medication. When we decided he was the one for us she had us wait an extra two weeks to make sure he was healthy enough to come home. She also offered to either exchange or refund if for any reason it did not work out. He will be a year old in February and is doing wonderful. We visited on several occasions on short notice that there would have been no possible way to cleanup the conditions described. We did purchase a second piglet because we were very happy with our first one as well as all of the help that we received from Haley. She made herself available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns. I have and will recommend her. We did meet said employee/ boyfriend and feel that he was comfortable with the environment the animals were in, so much so that his own child was present. I feel saddened that he would try and harm a person that has a good heart and cares for her animals the way she does. I truly hope you form your own opinion and visit her to see for yourself. If the animals were abused as he states they would not be as loving and as friendly as they are.

Report Attachments

Haley Coniglio

Rancho Cucamonga ,
Haley's Piggy Village Accusations of Animal Abuse False

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 09, 2017

The poster who created this rip off report was not an employee. He was my boyfriend. We recently broke up and he has been harassing me nonstop. I have emails and texts proving that he is out for blood and will be doing everything in his power to make my business pay the price for his heartache. This is the same person that has a criminal record, a warrant out for his arrest, and is also responsible for the death of one of my piglets. I was away for the evening and he claimed the piglet in the house was being too loud so he grabbed him hard and set him down and called me and told me the piglet couldn't walk. I rushed over and rushed him to an emergency vet. They did x rays that showed that he messed up the spine and paralyzed the pig. I had to have him humanely euthanized and was heart broken. I should have walked away from the relationship that night. If any of my pigs have needed medical attention they have received it and I have the vet paperwork to prove it. No one goes without water and anyone that owns pigs knows that they sometimes poop in their water. Every single day each and every pig gets fresh water. They get fed 2-3x a day. Each enclosure has shelter. He, and everyone that knows me knows that I love my animals deeply and care for them all very well. I could go on and on. Nothing this man said is true. This is a man with a broken heart and a bitter soul trying to do anything he can to inflict pain on my life since I finally had the guts to take myself out of a very bad relationship.

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