  • Report:  #475785

Complaint Review: Harry Keane Jr. Perission and NuVista Studios - Allen Texas

Reported By:
- Plano, Texas,

Harry Keane Jr. Perission and NuVista Studios
825 Market Street Building M, Suite 250 Allen, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was made to believe I was hired by Mr. Harry Keane, Jr., a proclaimed CEO for Perission, a supposed Christian based entertainment company that Harry said he bought, for my animation skills. Harry Keane provided me with a bio sheet of his latest idea on an animation he wanted to produce for Perission. This was used to test my artistic abilities and to meet deadlines. The test was to create a character for a particular story.

After my sketches were submitted, I was informed several days later after me contacting him, that I did not follow instructions clearly stated in the bio sheet. Harry said that because he liked what he saw, he wanted to give me another chance to test my artistic abilities, and this time provided me with a different bio sheet to create new characters for another story he had in the works. Excited at the prospect of working, and being involved in something big, I took the second opportunity to prove myself. The second test of sketches were provided to Harry, and was told he needed to contact his investors to see if they approved of my work. I did not hear from Harry from some time unless it was via his Vice President, Becky Purcell.

I should've paid attention to the red flags that were strewn all over the place, but I wanted to believe he was legitimate for various of reasons. He claimed his mother was very ill, and it appeared she was not going to make it. So when he did not contact me after every time I submitted my sketches per my deadline, I tried not to worry because of his predicament. In other words, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

When a week came and went, and I still have not heard from Harry, I contacted him, and we met up at the Collins Creek Mall. It was then that he told me I was hired, but still needed to contact his investors to get the final okay and will have the answer by Sunday; this was a Wednesday that we met. When Sunday came and I still have not heard from him, I contacted Harry but he never returned my call.

I emailed him a day later, and he told me he was with his investors catching up on work because his mother passed away, and during that time he was not able to take care of his business as normal. Few more days were given, but he never contacted me. I emailed him again asking him when, if at all, I will be hired. Harry said that the reason I haven't been hired is because he has not heard from one of my friends whom also applied for an animator's position. At this point, I knew for sure something was very wrong. When Harry realized that I was on to him, he said that he wanted to meet with me, he wanted to hire me, and asked if I can provide a CD with my models to present, yet again, to his investors.

Needless to say we never met again, Harry wanted more free work out of me, and I wasn't going to allow him that ability again. Harry has not paid me for any of my work. I provided over $1000 worth of logo designs and character concepts. I don't know if Becky Purcell is involved with Harry's scam, but anyone who associates with themselves with Perission, is the vice president of the same company that Harry is the CEO of, ignorance can only take you so far.

Please be aware of Harry Keane, Jr., seeking animators, illustrators, and any other artistic venue for his Perission or NuVista Studios. Also stay on guard for Becky Purcell as well.

Harry if you're reading this, I want my drawings back, or pay me for my work.


Plano, Texas


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Brad voth

Plano, Texas,
ok now

#2Author of original report

Tue, January 17, 2012

Ok let me start by saying that i am only responding to this to settle it once and for all.

I wish thing could have been diferent but to keep caring on like 2 yr old isnt going to make things any better or worse. Honesty and integrety are something lacking in the geneology of some people in fact. I wish i was never showned the add that led to this. It did show me not to put my trust in just anyone i apply with. I would ike to say i was late and i could have handle many things in a more professional manner. Now am i wrong in posting it so those given parties be shown that their  actions have ramifications sure. I will only apologize, because i am the better person and do i take back what has been said....never why because i have all the emails that back up my statements. Was i threatened after the fact most certainly. But I AM the better person and also the victim in this fiasco as were alot of other people. I am not going to keep going to go back and forth with this anymore and in fact will be the last time i will do so. SO lets leave it at that. As far as me being a lier thats not true. what you read in the emails is only part of what was discussed. There are a few fictional piece burried in the comment provided.....I don't live at the mall. I stand behind what was said no going back on it.

All i ask of anyone reading anything i post is if you chose to believe someone with a shaky history that is your choice. I would ask....google me...how many negetive things are said about myself?...........

When your dishonst keep in mind it will catch up with you..............Goodbye!


Harry who are you kidding

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 04, 2009

First Who is Harry kidding look at the rip off reports. Second I saw this while looking up something else. I am a artist and work in animation for many years no studio large or small asks to do a test like the one described by Harry. Also let me add if you do a test for a studio and it's in production they are trying to rip you off. Yet this Brad guy did 10 + 10 drawings of characters and rigging?You see a test ANY TEST should be no more than a few characters and nothing in production. Any simpleton who works in any animation studios knows you never give a test on a show that hasn't been done because your idea will come out. Harry didn't know that, why? Look at the rip off reports because he doesn't know a thing about movies, films and especially animation he is a con man. I found this interesting  http://www.laze.net/fait/archive/2003/05/16/american_idol_lawsuit.php

[email protected]



Sun, August 16, 2009

Thank you Brad for putting your real name out here so that when others read your emails I copied below, they will know they are your words!


Here is a timeline of ACTUAL events:


7/1/09 - Mr. Keane received demo CD from Brad and told Brad that I would be sending him paperwork needed.


7/2/09 - Perission received a signed non-disclosure statement from Brad.


7/2/09 - Test description was sent to Brad regarding what was requested and requirements.  He was asked to make 10 pictures total of two different depictions of the character in 5 different poses each.  He was also asked to take one picture and animate it in Lightwave and have it say a particular phrase we gave him.  He was asked to let me know if he had any questions or didn't understand something.  His response was:

Hey Becky

Yes i did receive it, I don't have any questions at this point.


Brad Voth


7/5/09 11:57 pm - 3 sketches received from Brad.  It was the same character, not different.


7/6/09 10:26 am - Mr. Keane tells Brad his pics were liked by Board and asked him to complete assignment:

From: Harry Keane

To: Bradley Voth

Sent: Monday, July 6, 2009 10:26:06 AM

Subject: Pics


Morning Bradley,


Hope you had a great weekend.  I had a meeting with board and everyone like the pics you sent.  Please complete the test and send me everything when done so that I get the hiring process done. 


I think you will mesh well with the company.


I look forward to see the completed test assignment.


Harry Keane


Perission Entertainment Inc


7/7/09 - Employment application was sent to Brad Voth.


7/9/09 11:33 pm - Brad send email to Mr. Keane stating he will have everything to Mr. Keane (including the animation) on Saturday (7/11):

From: Bradley Voth

Subject: Re: Pics

To: Harry Keane

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 11:33 PM

Hey HK


I just wanted to let you know i will have the animation for you on Saturday along with the resumes you and i discussed. I have had a few problems with the rigging and will need Friday to work further to complete and to give it to you on Saturday.

I have attached two pics, so you can see what i am working on.

Sorry for the Delay



7/12/09 - late night.  Mr. Keane's mother died, Brad notified.


7/13/09 12:03 am - Brad emailed me and asked if he should give job application and "job test" stuff to me (Becky).  This was arranged.  By this time, the "job test" stuff was grossly late and when it was received it was not complete.  There were not the required number of drawings, depictions or poses.  Also at this time Mr. Keane asked why Brad had not turned in the work to him (Mr. Keane) on the Saturday before (7/11/09) when he told Mr. Keane that he would do so.  Brad's excuse was "problem with rigging". 


7/13/09 12:49 pm - Brad sent email to me stating "i am working on the morphs still and should be done soon".  So he still wasn't finished.


7/13/09 3:06 pm - Brad was asked why he didn't get the work to Mr. Keane the past Saturday (7/11) as he promised and his response was "i talked to him, and told him that i was having problems with the rigging. I have since determined the problem and now am working on the morphing. I should definately be done tomorrow."  When I spoke with Mr. Keane regarding this, he stated that Brad never called him about any problems he was having.


7/14/09 - I went to Brad's home and picked up the "test" material.


7/14/09 5:32 pm - I received email from Brad stating "the purpose of this email is to find out where i stand in the hiring process.  i know you just received my DVD and booklet today, but would you be able to tell me what happens from here?  When will I know if i am hired?..."


7/14/09 8:10 pm - My response to Brad regarding "hiring process":

Hi Brad,


The next step would be for Mr. Keane to examine the work you gave me today and get with our Board of Directors for them to do the same, and also review your resume.  There are also references to check, etc. 


It usually takes about two weeks' time to do all of this, perhaps longer.  Mr. Keane will not be back in the office until Monday the 20th at the earliest.


I would expect an offer could be prepared and mailed to you the first week of August, however, please don't hold me to this as it is not my decision to make.


Have a great evening and I will get back with you as soon as possible. 


By the way, the drawings were really good in my opinion.  ***** (left out name on this copy because of trademark/copyright) has a cute personality in them!


Becky Purcell

Vice President

PERISSION Entertainment, Inc.

NOTE:  As you will notice in the email above...the offer MIGHT have been mailed to him the first week of August...Brad started his defamation of our company on Friday, July 31 at 2:47 am (he may have started sooner).  I personally told Mr. Keane that I thought maybe we should give him another chance (after the 1st character drawings were turned in late).  Mr. Keane decided to give him a 2nd chance (see below on 7/15) We also gave him a third opportunity by doing a logo for us...which he was told that he would be paid for IF we used it.  That very day that Brad sent out this disparaging remark on his Facebook was the day we were making last decisions about the logo. 


7/15/09 5:26 pm - BECAUSE we wanted to give Brad another chance to do his work and DO IT WITHIN DEADLINE, we sent another description to him to draw.  He was asked to do 10 pictures of 10 different birds, not of the same bird.  He was also asked to do one background/scene.  These were due to us no later than noon on Monday, July 20, 2009. 


7/28/09 3:02 pm - Brad sent email to me stating "on another note if you can tell me when i might get the proposal"


7/28/09 9:54 pm - Brad sent me yet another email "oh, btw, where's my money? LOL"


7/29/09 5:09 pm - Brad sent email to Mr. Keane: "Was wondering if you had that proposal for me?"  (NOTE:  This is DAYS before the "first week of August" when I previously told him that he MIGHT get something sent to him).  Why couldn't he wait? 


7/29/09 5:26 pm - Brad sent email to me "I was wondering what's going on with the proposal..."?


Most people seeking employment do NOT badger would-be employers by asking this over and over as Brad did half a dozen times!!!! 


7/30/09 8:22 pm - Mr. Keane sent email to Brad stating "Hey Brad just waiting on the other assignment".  (This is the 2nd chance we gave him that was due a full 10 days before!!!)


8/2/09 - I found a comment on Brad's Facebook that stated he wasn't paid for his work (he was never to be paid for the tests and at this time the logos were not decided upon yet).  Brad BREACHED his non-disclosure agreement at this time also by posting the drawings and logos that he made for our company on his Facebook page.  Facebook information I found was sent to corporate attorneys and they advised us to ask Brad to remove the pictures and comments from his Facebook account.  After several emails between him and our company Brad agreed to do so.  Yet he did not.  He also on this same date late in the night posted this ERRONEOUS LIE to RipOffReport.


8/2/09 4:53 pm - Mr. Keane informed Brad that he would not be considered for employment with our company.  He was also told to remove everything from Facebook. 










This is only a small portion of the problems we have had to deal with regarding Bradley Voth.


We are asking that Brad post an APOLOGY to this report stating that he was WRONG!!!



Thank you Brad for putting your real name out here so that when others read your emails I copied below, they will know they are your words!


Here is a timeline of ACTUAL events:


7/1/09 - Mr. Keane received demo CD from Brad and told Brad that I would be sending him paperwork needed.


7/2/09 - Perission received a signed non-disclosure statement from Brad.


7/2/09 - Test description was sent to Brad regarding what was requested and requirements.  He was asked to make 10 pictures total of two different depictions of the character in 5 different poses each.  He was also asked to take one picture and animate it in Lightwave and have it say a particular phrase we gave him.  He was asked to let me know if he had any questions or didn't understand something.  His response was:

Hey Becky

Yes i did receive it, I don't have any questions at this point.


Brad Voth


7/5/09 11:57 pm - 3 sketches received from Brad.  It was the same character, not different.


7/6/09 10:26 am - Mr. Keane tells Brad his pics were liked by Board and asked him to complete assignment:

From: Harry Keane

To: Bradley Voth

Sent: Monday, July 6, 2009 10:26:06 AM

Subject: Pics


Morning Bradley,


Hope you had a great weekend.  I had a meeting with board and everyone like the pics you sent.  Please complete the test and send me everything when done so that I get the hiring process done. 


I think you will mesh well with the company.


I look forward to see the completed test assignment.


Harry Keane


Perission Entertainment Inc


7/7/09 - Employment application was sent to Brad Voth.


7/9/09 11:33 pm - Brad send email to Mr. Keane stating he will have everything to Mr. Keane (including the animation) on Saturday (7/11):

From: Bradley Voth

Subject: Re: Pics

To: Harry Keane

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 11:33 PM

Hey HK


I just wanted to let you know i will have the animation for you on Saturday along with the resumes you and i discussed. I have had a few problems with the rigging and will need Friday to work further to complete and to give it to you on Saturday.

I have attached two pics, so you can see what i am working on.

Sorry for the Delay



7/12/09 - late night.  Mr. Keane's mother died, Brad notified.


7/13/09 12:03 am - Brad emailed me and asked if he should give job application and "job test" stuff to me (Becky).  This was arranged.  By this time, the "job test" stuff was grossly late and when it was received it was not complete.  There were not the required number of drawings, depictions or poses.  Also at this time Mr. Keane asked why Brad had not turned in the work to him (Mr. Keane) on the Saturday before (7/11/09) when he told Mr. Keane that he would do so.  Brad's excuse was "problem with rigging". 


7/13/09 12:49 pm - Brad sent email to me stating "i am working on the morphs still and should be done soon".  So he still wasn't finished.


7/13/09 3:06 pm - Brad was asked why he didn't get the work to Mr. Keane the past Saturday (7/11) as he promised and his response was "i talked to him, and told him that i was having problems with the rigging. I have since determined the problem and now am working on the morphing. I should definately be done tomorrow."  When I spoke with Mr. Keane regarding this, he stated that Brad never called him about any problems he was having.


7/14/09 - I went to Brad's home and picked up the "test" material.


7/14/09 5:32 pm - I received email from Brad stating "the purpose of this email is to find out where i stand in the hiring process.  i know you just received my DVD and booklet today, but would you be able to tell me what happens from here?  When will I know if i am hired?..."


7/14/09 8:10 pm - My response to Brad regarding "hiring process":

Hi Brad,


The next step would be for Mr. Keane to examine the work you gave me today and get with our Board of Directors for them to do the same, and also review your resume.  There are also references to check, etc. 


It usually takes about two weeks' time to do all of this, perhaps longer.  Mr. Keane will not be back in the office until Monday the 20th at the earliest.


I would expect an offer could be prepared and mailed to you the first week of August, however, please don't hold me to this as it is not my decision to make.


Have a great evening and I will get back with you as soon as possible. 


By the way, the drawings were really good in my opinion.  ***** (left out name on this copy because of trademark/copyright) has a cute personality in them!


Becky Purcell

Vice President

PERISSION Entertainment, Inc.

NOTE:  As you will notice in the email above...the offer MIGHT have been mailed to him the first week of August...Brad started his defamation of our company on Friday, July 31 at 2:47 am (he may have started sooner).  I personally told Mr. Keane that I thought maybe we should give him another chance (after the 1st character drawings were turned in late).  Mr. Keane decided to give him a 2nd chance (see below on 7/15) We also gave him a third opportunity by doing a logo for us...which he was told that he would be paid for IF we used it.  That very day that Brad sent out this disparaging remark on his Facebook was the day we were making last decisions about the logo. 


7/15/09 5:26 pm - BECAUSE we wanted to give Brad another chance to do his work and DO IT WITHIN DEADLINE, we sent another description to him to draw.  He was asked to do 10 pictures of 10 different birds, not of the same bird.  He was also asked to do one background/scene.  These were due to us no later than noon on Monday, July 20, 2009. 


7/28/09 3:02 pm - Brad sent email to me stating "on another note if you can tell me when i might get the proposal"


7/28/09 9:54 pm - Brad sent me yet another email "oh, btw, where's my money? LOL"


7/29/09 5:09 pm - Brad sent email to Mr. Keane: "Was wondering if you had that proposal for me?"  (NOTE:  This is DAYS before the "first week of August" when I previously told him that he MIGHT get something sent to him).  Why couldn't he wait? 


7/29/09 5:26 pm - Brad sent email to me "I was wondering what's going on with the proposal..."?


Most people seeking employment do NOT badger would-be employers by asking this over and over as Brad did half a dozen times!!!! 


7/30/09 8:22 pm - Mr. Keane sent email to Brad stating "Hey Brad just waiting on the other assignment".  (This is the 2nd chance we gave him that was due a full 10 days before!!!)


8/2/09 - I found a comment on Brad's Facebook that stated he wasn't paid for his work (he was never to be paid for the tests and at this time the logos were not decided upon yet).  Brad BREACHED his non-disclosure agreement at this time also by posting the drawings and logos that he made for our company on his Facebook page.  Facebook information I found was sent to corporate attorneys and they advised us to ask Brad to remove the pictures and comments from his Facebook account.  After several emails between him and our company Brad agreed to do so.  Yet he did not.  He also on this same date late in the night posted this ERRONEOUS LIE to RipOffReport.


8/2/09 4:53 pm - Mr. Keane informed Brad that he would not be considered for employment with our company.  He was also told to remove everything from Facebook. 










This is only a small portion of the problems we have had to deal with regarding Bradley Voth.


We are asking that Brad post an APOLOGY to this report stating that he was WRONG!!!


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