  • Report:  #1391241

Complaint Review: Hartford ins AARP - Nationwide

Reported By:
jeff - newton, New Hampshire, USA

Hartford ins AARP
Nationwide, USA
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The Hartford Insurance Company has 2 agents that in my opinion should be terminated under the grounds of discrimination to the elderly and elderly abuse.

Agent Megan Lewis 1-800-280-0555 Extension 2303931

Agent Rob Wilton 1-860-509-9198 and 1-603-726-6027.

The Hartford Insurance Company is highly recommended by AARP and Hartford’s advertisements always appear in AARP’s magazine. In fact it was AARP’s endorsement of Hartford that led my parents to become policy holders with Hartford.

My mom and dad were both born in 1924. My father passed away 2 years ago at the age of 91, after a 14 year struggle with failing health. He was married to my mother for 71 years. He was in the U.S.Army and fought in WWII, he partook in 2 epic battles, “THE LANDING OF NORMANDY”, and “THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE”. Later in life he became one of the high ranking quality control engineers for Lockheed and he played an instrumental part in the development of the Stealth Bomber. He is now buried in the Veteran’s Cemetery in Bow, NH.


My mother had to sell her house, she didn’t have many choices, her age of 93, the memories of my father that the house held, and the mountain of bills incurred during my father’s sickness. A buyer was interested in the home and upon inspection it was found that there was a mold issue in the attic of the house. Her policy from Hartford covered mold up to $10,000. A firm, “Servpro” was hired to take care of the problem and they did an excellent job, they also lowered their bid in honor of Mother’s Day for my mom, and they became the lowest bidder. The total cost of the job was $7,000; my mother had a $500 deductible with Hartford. Because of the denial from Hartford she had to come out of pocket the full amount and she doesn’t understand why these agents (Megan and Rob) won’t reimburse her the $6,500 that was covered under the policy. The inspector approved the work that Servpro performed and the sale of the house went through.

I received on my phone a VOICE MAIL from Rob Wilton. He said that my mother’s claim was being denied because the mold was in plain view and not hidden also she should have been able to detect the mold had she gone into the attic and inspected it. The ceiling had a pull down ladder and she could have used it to gain access to the attic. Then Rob gave me an agent’s name, Megan Lewis and her extension. Rob said Megan was working with him on my mother’s claim.



 I played Rob’s recording to our family attorney, he shook his head in disbelief while asking “Do they really expect a 93 year old woman to be able to pull down a spring loaded ladder from the ceiling and climb it into an attic?”

 I told the attorney that the Hartford agent Rob Wilton was about 50 years old and he had a hell of a time climbing up and down that rickety attic ladder. In fact Rob commented that the ladder was pretty dangerous. Rob Wilton also had to use two loose boards to slide along the rafters. Rob needed to use a flashlight app on his phone so he could see the mold and where he was going. The largest concentration was down at the far end of the attic. After his return from the attic Rob commented that at his age his knees weren’t made to be crawling through an attic like that. Our family lawyer asked, “Would you like me to send a letter?” I replied, “Please”. Ever since the lawyer’s letter Rob Wilton has absolutely refused to even talk with me about bringing this matter to a peaceful resolution.

We were even willing to compromise in the settlement.

So far we have received three different reasons for their denial. Every time Megan and Rob make up a reason to deny the claim, we give them a common sense answer. Then Megan and Rob throw that reason out and fabricate another reason to deny the claim, and again we respond with common sense and the fact that the policy does cover this claim. Now Megan and Rob got back together and fabricated yet another new reason for denial. They say that my mother had been out of the house for over a year, so the claim is denied. I called Megan Lewis back and reassured her that my mother had been in the house up to just before Thanksgiving of 2016. The home inspector that found the mold issue, found the issue in April of 2017. That time frame doesn’t fit Megan and Rob’s time frame. They claim it was over a year but in fact it was only about 5 ½ months. Megan told me that she will get back to me in 2 days, but first she needed to talk to Rob. It has now been almost 2 weeks I’ve been waiting for her call, and clearly she has no intent of calling me back.

We can only wonder what new scheme these two will try to conger up next, and if Rob’s knees suffered in the attic, is he so insensitive to the elderly as to suggest that they should crawl on their knees in attics?

For the past few months, these two agents Megan Lewis and Rob Wilton have caused my mother nothing but anguish. My mother has suffered enough and does not need these two people to prolong the agony by making up more new excuses and false justifications to suit their cause for denial. Are their denials backed by corporate bonuses? Must be, because nothing else seems to make any sense.



Our final hope lays with The Hartford Insurance Company, surely these two agents can’t possibly be a true portrayal and representation of your business ethics and your response to your customer’s needs.

Your customer’s hopes are based in knowing that when tragedy strikes, they will have a great insurance company to restore their hopes as they turn their hopes towards the future. If we as customers are unable to have faith in our insurance company then we will have no hope of being able to recover from future tragedies that may invade our homes and our families.


Jeffrey Dupuis


So Hartford contacted me and stalled me with one of their ethics investigators. Kelly Hogan      1-860-624-0233. She was sympathetic but also admitted that even though there is no written definition on my mother’s policy as to how to maintain and uphold the mold protection portion of her policy. The opinion of Hartford was it does not matter if a person is 20 years old and athletic or if a person is 93 years old and needs a walker to get around.

Like I said earlier, every time that the Hartford representatives declared a reason to deny coverage I would engage in a conversation with them. They would then take a few days, dismiss the original decision and fabricate another new reason to deny coverage. I could not find any of their reasons for denial on my mother’s policy which means that the reasons were either locked away in some secret vault or the representatives were making them up as they went with the aid of their legal department.

The fact of the matter is that my mother was selling her house and they knew that the policy was coming to an end and the Hartford was not going to cover anything because there was not going to be a renewal of the policy, even though my parents had been with them for many years. I would urge everyone that reads this to cancel their policies and find a more ethical insurance company. After a little research on line I have found many complaints of how Hartford insurance has screwed other elderly victims on their policies and if AARP continues to support Hartford ins (mostly because of the kickback of money from Hartford for each policy to AARP) then I will urge each and every member of AARP to cancel their membership as well. Maybe then something good will happen for our senior citizens instead of the elderly abuse and discrimination being imposed on unsuspecting victims.



Maybe a double class action would be a wakeup call to both Hartford and AARP. If there is anyone else that has been screwed over by these two corporate giants please call me. Together we can make things right again.

Thank you

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