  • Report:  #570494

Complaint Review: Harvard Hampton Professional Services Raul Munoz Jorge Granados - Bell California

Reported By:
screwed by Harvard Hampton - So Cal, California, United States of America

Harvard Hampton Professional Services Raul Munoz Jorge Granados
6808 S Atlantic Ave Bell, 90201 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Their names are Raul Munoz and Jorge Granados and their company is Harvard Hampton Professional Services and variations of that.

These guys are the biggest, lyingest, cheats and thieves there are in the business.

They will give you all of these great claims of how they can reduce your mortgage, modify your loan, get you a better loan, interest rate, etc. They will represent themselves as ethical, church going professionals. All lies!!!! 

These guys will take your money and run and only get you into more of a mess because you are counting on them for something that will never get done.

When their failure to do anything results in a drastic action being taken against your home, they will try and get even more money from you claiming they can fix it, even though they are the ones who broke it in the first place. They still won't do anything.

Forget trying to get any of your money back from these crooks. They will say it is your fault and the banks fault that it didn't get done, they are perfect and did everything by the books. I can assure you, they are lying.

We placed a number of our properties with them and then referred others to them, all of them, our properties and every single person we referred to them, more than 10 properties total were botched and not one single one was completed ever, nor did they refund any money. When the Sh-t hit the fan, they blamed us and the other owners and the banks.

DO NOT deal with these guys. They will NOT do anything they promise and they will steal your money.

If you are a victim of these thieves please contact the California Department of Real Estate and the California States Attorney and add your complaints to the list.

11 Updates & Rebuttals

LA consumer

Put Up or Shut Up

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 22, 2010

You had the choice to do the right thing but you didn't take it.

We'll be there at 10:00, I can find it don't worry, I'm sure our attorney knows how to get there too, he said NOTHING would stop him.

This is it, one way or the other so post your money in escrow and don't waste our time. Since you can't do the right thing, we don't trust you and I don't want to waste ANY more of my time with you. When we show up and the D.A. tells you that you're an idiot and they don't arbitrate off of the street you need to have escrow issue the check for the $15K. IF, and I know it won't happen, the D.A. has legal and binding arbitration for matters straight off the street, you need to have the money ready to go in escrow when arbitration finds that you are wrong and not only in violation of your contract but also ethical standards. 

No bullshit. Post your money into escrow and provide the verifiable statement to us and on here so everyone will know.

If I'm going to reschedule my day and waste more time with you you need to put up the money and put your money where your mouth is, we know you are going to lose and when you do we don't want to keep chasing you for our money. You can slink away back under your rock and leave us alone and be exposed for the criminals that you are.

The world is waiting. Post your statement. Put your money where your mouth is. Too bad you couldn't take the high road.

Mr Munoz

Rowland Heights,
United States of America
Challenge Accepted

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2010

Tuesday at 10am at the Orange County District Attorney's Office. Be there or admit this is all made up or miscontrued.

The first public apology I expect will be for calling us criminals.

Orange County District Attorney's Office
401 Civic Center Dr. West Santa Ana, CA 92701

in case you get lost (714) 648-3636

screwed by Harvard Hampton

San Clemente,

#4Author of original report

Sun, February 21, 2010

If it is the case that Raul Munoz and Jorge Granados are actually licensed then I apologize for stating that they were not. I tried to verify their licenses by typing in their names at the California Department of Real Estate's web site, http://www2.dre.ca.gov/PublicASP/pplinfo.asp and typed in both of their names and the name of the company. Nothing came up for any of those searches.

If I made a mistake I am sorry and I am not afraid to say it and I will admit that I made a mistake and own up to it. So Mr. Munoz and Mr. Granados, please accept my apology for stating incorrectly that you were not licensed, I am sincerely sorry, the claim was based upon my inability to verify at the state web site and I am retracting that statement here.

Licensed as you are, you still contracted and promised to provide services which you did not then lied about why you didn't.

Now, please be man enough to admit that you were wrong and you made mistakes and own up to them and the responsibilities that go with it.

An honest and ethical person would have tried to make things right. They would have owned their mistakes and tried to make them up. They wouldn't have lied about the status of files, referrals and more. They would take blame for their mistakes and short comings and apologize for them and try to make them right and correct them so they didn't happen again in the future instead of blaming everyone else but themselves.

All I am saying is own it. I know you may have tried but maybe you over estimated your abilities. When you realized that it was taking too long, properties were going into foreclosure, you were unable to deliver on your claims, you should have made the effort to let us and your other clients know. You should have rallied the troops and done whatever was necessary. Admit that you maybe overstated your abilities. If you had done that, it would have gone a very long way and would have saved a lot of problems and headache. We wouldn't be here now trying to get restitution if you had made it right. That was ALL we asked for, be honest, do the right thing, take responsibilities for your failures. That is all we are still asking, man up, do the right thing and we can all stop this in it's tracks. Do the right thing and I will get on here and tell everyone you did and admit that maybe this got out of hand, which if you settle as your rightly should, it did. If you do not, then it was justified though perhaps it is still getting out of hand.

It is better to admit you made a mistake and maybe have some egg on your face than to lie about them because then they are no longer mistakes, they are lies and it shows intent. I have learned long ago that it is better to own up to something and bite the bullet as early as you can when you are wrong then to lie about it and make it worse and create more issues. You can't run away from lies, they follow you and will haunt you until you make them right.

Stop all of this now. There is a simple solution. We have one file that you submitted to us that we waived payment for in lieu of the last payment we owed you. That file is ready for you, but we will waive our agreement to complete that file and at the same time the fee that would have been paid to us. We will credit this to the refund for the (V) file. In fact we will credit MORE than what the refund was. This will count against the last fee to you which is $1000 short of what we paid you for each file. (did it ever occur to you that we charged you $500 less and didn't charge you another $500 for an audit fee as you did to us? We charged you $1000 less and were going to charge you less for every file you submitted to us and we provided a REAL guarantee on the time and the performance) So for the one file, there is a $500 refund due. That should be acceptable to you.

The remaining files are all well past the 7 month deadline we agreed to in our contract, but we are willing to continue on as follows. Lets get the one that went into foreclosure, resolve that one immediately. The third you committed to finish by the end of March, even if you can have a closing date for us in April, we will take that. The last file, complete it no later than the end of May, that will be more than a year for that file as well as the others. For the referral that is currently a refund issue. You are still representing to him that you are going to complete his work for him. If you are going to continue on with that plan of action then there is no refund needed but you need to own those actions. This is very fair and resolves all of the issues. Get this done and I will come on here and state that the $500 refund was paid, the remaining files were completed as such and we will go our own seperate ways and leave eachother alone and I will wish you no ill. This is a VERY fair compromise.

You can process the file you gave us for yourself, or if you want it completed you can purchase it from us as a SEPARATE transaction.

The ball is in your court. We keep giving you the opportunity to do the right thing. Please take it.


Information regarding licenses

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, February 21, 2010

DISCLAIMER: I'm just an observer here and don't know any of these people or their businesses.

FYI, a records search shows that Munoz and Granados ARE licensed, as is a company called Harvard & Hampton Financial and another called Harvard & Hampton Properties

Follow the links from this listing to see all the details for both men and both companies:


Attached to this update is an undated picture of Mr. Munoz.

Also, they (Munoz and Granados) have four California corporations. Details from http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/cbs.aspx








Hope this helps.

Report Attachments

screwed by Harvard Hampton

San Clemente,
United States of America
Let's Make it a Party!!!!

#6Author of original report

Sun, February 21, 2010

As soon as I sent the last post I started thinking. Not only will we get witnesses out there, I'll do EVERYTHING I can and even enlist the help of others to get some media coverage for this little thing on Tuesday.

Get the escrow account set up. Send it to me via email AND post the name of the bank and the account number here so that everyone can verify it. No excuses, that is what escrow is for is to be verified. If you set it up with my person, I KNOW she will GLADLY provide whatever validation is necessary, also I know she will make sure you don't try to screw us again and back out of trying to pay us the money, but if you want to use your own verifiable escrow person, just get it done.

I realized that we need to put the amount here so everyone knows. So that you and everyone knows, for our files alone, you can give us a FULL refund since they are ALL past the time limit and or you have already failed them by letting them go to foreclosure, or the owner got so tired of waiting for a year and all the lies you kept feeding them they dropped out, etc.

The amount for our files alone is $12,000.00, I actually think we paid you more than that for the B.S. forensic audit fees you charged us for too, but let's just make it $12K. You're getting off easy because that doesn't even begin to cover all of the B.S. and aggravation you have put us through and still continue to do.

While we are at it, let's wrap up as much as we can and include the fees you were paid by one of our referrals because you have screwed them over too and have gone WAAAAY past when you should have had ANYTHING done on their files and this has been an issue with this particular referral in the past couple weeks. There are others who you will owe money too also when it is ultimately proven that you are a liar and did not/cannot perform on your claims but we can cross that bridge later. Their amount is $3,500.00 so the total is $15,000. Also, the deal is, if you lose this little wager in ANY way, you kiss their a-s and admit to them that you are a liar and a thief and walk on that file and leave them alone.

We will meet at the Orange County District Attorneys office in Santa Ana in the morning on Tuesday.

Get the escrow set up first thing in the morning Monday so I can round up the witnesses and the media and cancel my appointments in time. Don't waste our time. Post the escrow information by 3:00 PM so that it can be verified.

This is a public forum, it is all right here for anyone to verify and we can bring the media and witnesses because I would LOVE for Southern California to see your face when you are proven AGAIN that you are a liar. You put your foot in your mouth with yet another lie, so man up and do what you offered here or shut up, no excuses, no bullshit, get it done or don't but either way, everyone will see what a liar you are and know you for the thief and cheat that you are.

LA consumer

santa ana,
United States of America
Something you need to know

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, February 21, 2010

Hope the info help you.

Penalties for Practicing Real Estate Without License BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE SECTION 10130-10149 10130.

 It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business, act in the capacity of, advertise or assume to act as a real estate broker or a real estate salesman within this state without first obtaining a real estate license from the department. The commissioner may prefer a complaint for violation of this section before any court of competent jurisdiction, and the commissioner and his counsel, deputies or assistants may assist in presenting the law or facts at the trial. It is the duty of the district attorney of each county in this state to prosecute all violations of this section in their respective counties in which the violations occur. 10139. Any person acting as a real estate broker or real estate salesperson without a license or who advertises using words indicating that he or she is a real estate broker without being so licensed shall be guilty of a public offense punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed six months, or by both fine and imprisonment; or if a corporation, be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).

screwed by Harvard Hampton

San Clemente,
United States of America
Raul is a liar!!!

#8Author of original report

Sun, February 21, 2010

Raul, you are a lying sack of SH-T. You said you talked to the DA in LA and OC? How? IT'S SATURDAY? Besides, I can tell you, we did speak to someone at the DA's office in OC last week, they said exactly what I said, they aren't judges, they prosecute criminals. They told us to file the necessary complaints to the necessary people and when it comes to court IF it is a criminal matter and not a civil matter that THEN they deal with it.


I'll go you one better Raul. Put up ALL of the money you owe us in escrow, do it Monday. We will meet at the DA's office with witnesses on Tuesday. IF they don't provide binding arbitration, you immediately forfeit the funds in escrow. IF they do offer binding arbitration, and I know they don't, we'll go with whatever decision legal and binding arbitration makes.

For anyone else reading this, here is an EASY way to prove that Raul Munoz is a LIAR. First, find out if you can even get a hold of someone at the DA's office on Saturday.  Second, call them back on a weekday and ask them if they arbitrate disputes off the street, civil or otherwise.

Raul, you are not only a lying, cheating thief, you are a moron.

Send me the statement from the escrow account Monday and I'll round up the witnesses for Tuesday, let's do this early enough for me to get to the bank to cash your escrow check.

If you don't do this, you might as well just admit that you are a liar and a cheat and a thief because seriously, anyone can call the DA's office and verify the above information.

You just don't know how to stop lying do you?

This was simple. You took money to do a job that you never came close to completing. You violated the time limits that you had to perform by a half a year and more on some files, and you had 7 months, yes, for those of you counting, this fruit loop has had files since the end of NOV 2008 that are STILL not done, and the other files are either close to a year or already past a year.

When we started this, you represented yourself as an honest, professional Christian. You told us 60 days or less, that is now a year and more. You told us so much bullshit to try and string us along in this. You told us lie after lie after lie and you are still lying.


Did you get paid? YES YOU DID, EVERY PENNY!!!

Did you do the job you were paid for? NO, NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!


Like I said, very simple Raul. You not only had the chance to do the right thing, to be honest and even keep or make a better friend and business associate. You chose not to be honest and ethical and then tried to cover it up with even more lies. You just keep digging yourself into a hole.

Put up or shut up Raul. I'd love to get this all resolved on Tuesday. No excuses, I have meetings all day every day this week but I will clear EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM on Tuesday to get this done. Put up the money in escrow with instructions to release the check to me if the DA does not provide legal and binding arbitration off the street. I know that they don't provide this but to humor you, the other instructions should say that the check be issued to me if it should be found that I am the prevailing party in the matter. You need to do this so that we know you aren't going to run out on this too like you have everything else that we have dealt with you on. No excuses, I'll even refer you to a nice escrow person who will set it up for you, I'll even pay her fees to do it so no excuses there either. Don't waste my time. Make this happen or shut up and better yet, admit that you are a liar, a thief and a cheat and CERTAINLY NOT a good CHRISTIAN.


Take him up on it

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, February 21, 2010

It seems Raul is hanging himself by the Throat! Get him! This is your chance. Don't arbitrate. The only reason you would not take him up on his DA offer would be that you are the crook! I want to see both of you man up and meet at the DA's office and then report the results here immediately. This seems like there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Mr Munoz

Rowland Heights,
United States of America
Hoax by the same party

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2010

Sure lets do this. The OC DA and the LA DA both have Already agreed to review the paperwork and are awaiting my followup with them...An honest person making a criminal accusation would be glad to accept this offer. Lets let the DA be the Arbitrator...They said it's a quick and simple process...I am ready! I insist we meet with the DA or a DRE arbitrator regarding your transactions. AND will INSIST that the transcripts be forwarded to both the DRE and DA if you use any alternative arbitration service.

screwed by Harvard Hampton

San Clemente,
United States of America
More B.S. Not a Hoax.

#11Author of original report

Sat, February 20, 2010

Legitimate and ethical people resolve their issues instead of saying "sue me". They try to find a resolution to the problem instead of ducking out on it. You have been offered many opportunities to do the right thing and you keep ducking out on your responsibility. Why not let a third party decide who is right and who is wrong? A third party arbitrator and both parties agree to be bound by the outcome.

We aren't worried about what any fair minded person is going to conclude from your actions with regards to our files.

If you can be man enough to do the right thing on your own and if you really truly are so far out in the stratosphere that you believe you have done the right thing, then let's let a third party decide. I believe there was even a provision for that in the agreement.

Are you going to duck out of this too or will you commit to arbitration and, place the amount disputed into escrow BEFORE arbitration commences so that you cannot duck out of paying.

IF the arbitrator finds that you are right, we will issue a retraction AND apologize publicly AND pay for the arbitration and it will be finished.

IF the arbitrator agrees that you were wrong, the funds in escrow are immediately paid to us, you pay for arbitration, issue a retraction here and a public apology and admission of guilt.

Here it is. Someone who is honest, ethical and right should have NO PROBLEM with this. We have no problem with this because we know we are right.

Mr Munoz

Rowland Heights,
United States of America
CAlling the hoax

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 20, 2010

To whom it may concern;

If you are telling the truth I offer you two options which will promptly end this matter. Collection of monies in advance and billing for work un performed is a federal offence.

Lets either:

meet at the DA's office once you've gathered all you proof and documentation

Or challenge me here in this public arena

Lets start with your name, your spouses name, or fiancee
The company you work for
What you do for a living/what type of business you are in
If this is your primary residence or a non owner occupied property
and do you have tenants, so that we can make sure they are protected as well

If you are unwilling or unable to do these things, then the public can only assume you are telling an untruth

Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon

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