  • Report:  #416608

Complaint Review: Heights Of Gaming - Jackson Heights Internet

Reported By:
- Flushing, New York,

Heights Of Gaming
heightsofgaming.com Jackson Heights, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As far as I can see Ed Lee is a man who will not stop at anything to get what he wants. His so called "store" is just a worthless corner part of a pharmacy that he is hardly able to pay rent for. He claims his store is the best when in fact it is just a little peice of rubel that will soon go completely out of business. As far as I can tell, it is only lingering on the tip and fact that little kids go there and get jipped. I myself and my clients have all witnessed it happen. A young kid has once asked for a common card that does not even have the value of 10 cents and that so called TYRANT ed lee has charged the child up to 2 to maybe even 5 dollars for the card. Your "store" does not even properly conduct the same way a business should be run. For one thing, every store owner LABELS their cards with prices and does not randomly think up of an outrageous price at the top of their heads. Secondly to charge someone for the use of a game room when that space should be provided for free is ridiculous. I have read upon the so called rules and according to them if you enter a tournament or hobby league that week you are free to use the game room for that week only. Any other person who does not enter one of those must pay 2 dollars to use it. It is bad enough that most of your businness is being driven away but to charge all your customers like that??? Then you wonder why your store gets such bad reputation. A third important factor is that at any point someone does not follow along with you, you have the nerve to pull them aside and give them a lecture as if they had just committed a crime when in fact it could have been the smallest thing in the store. Such examples would be if another store name is mentioned such as ebay. Dont even get me started with this because you yourself (ed lee) uses ebay as a contributor to your high top pricing on cards. Another incident would be if someone brings in food or candy in to the store. No one is allowed to eat because of spills and such. THAT IS THE ONLY SENSIBLE THING THAT HAS COME OUT OF MR LEES MOUTH; however the fact that little peices of paper fall onto the floor causes him to throw a tantrum. His excuse is "In the time it takes me to clean up this room it will generate costing me thousands of dollars in the long run". Jesus Christ Man. Let me give you some advice based on what I have observed so far. At some points you leave your place at the counter to go do something inside your game room. Your so called "drafts" call your attention so much that whenever a customer comes into the store while your doing so, you are too busy to attend to them. THAT RIGHT THERE IS LOSING MONEY IN THE LONG RUN. Why not hire someone else at the counter to help??? are you afraid that they will give a SENSIBLE and REASONABLE price???? hmmm??? Well then why dont you get someone to work for you?? Oh thats right you do. You have been hiring one of your own customers (which btw you charge for the room as well) to help you out. Oh no its ok Mr. Lee, having a person work hard all day long for the set price of what?? hmmm oo yea 3 DOLLARS PER HOUR. Not even minimum wage!!!! Unbeleivable.....Well its alright. Ed Lee has prospered so far thanks to his trusted and best customer of the store. I am talking of course about his brother Jim Lee. He overcharges his own brother of cards and materials. To make it worse he gives his brother "special priveleges" such as entering a tournament late and "miraculously" making it to the top rounds and calling first dibs on any cards he sets his sights on. Well the second part isnt that bad because its not as if someone was going to buy the overpriced card. Cmon man Honest for 55 and DAD for over 200??? jeez BUT OH wait Mr. Lee says that hegives out more free stuff than his competitors cobined. FREE STUFF = s**t CARDS THAT HE USUALLY CHARGES 5 DOLLARS FOR AND EVENTUALLY CANT GET RID OF. Cmon I might as well stand there and give out all of my "free stuff" from my pile of cards at home.Oh but theres the other problem; if the so called game room gets full than mr lee starts kicking people out. OK first you charged for the game room, then you start kicking people out (which is nothing new btw), whats next??? I'll tell you whats next: You cant stand in the doorway of his room because of his so called excuse "thats a fire hazard and the city will sue me for thousands". Nice try there but its not fooling anyone. i myself have asked the authorites about this situation and they claimed that its not possible for them to do that. The only person who would be able to do that is the Fire Marshall. I highly doubt that he is going to walk into the pharmacy and say "hey I wonder if there is something going on in here and write you up". The funny thing about it is that you do it the second someone stands in the doorway and NOT when the room is packed. HMMMM????

Lets think here: Suppose an obese yugioh player is playing the game all the way at the last table all the way in the corner and the room is packed. Everyone is sitting down; No one standing up. Now a fire breaks out. What do you think is gunna happen??? This isnt like school where a fire drill alarm goes off and everyone walks out quietly. There will be rampage in the room as the first thing yugioh fanatics do is worry about their cards. They will be jumping over tables knocking evrerything down, and everyone could suffucate and that poor fat guy will be stuck there. So its not the people who make it a fire hazard, its your pathetic room. Another important reason as to which why your corner is not a real store.

To wrap this up yes Mr.Lee your ego is very big. I must agree on that. You claim that you are very strong and stay by your words no matter what on the situation. WELL, I have seen you stand by the people that you have banned from your store and all you have done is just sit there quietly as to not making a single peep when you claim that you are so high and mighty that you will call people out. BUT NO what you do is talk behind their back and blame other people on corrupting your customers. You claim that your team is legit when in fact some of your best players have and are conspiring against you. It wont be long before your so called STAR player gets exhausted of the way you like to handle things; but thats alrite you have your brother. He has many of the best cards in the world but has the brain of a tangerine. Pathetic skills. He is just mopping out all the so called competition that you have there ( which btw consists of 6 year olds ) Your brother could not duel his way out of a paper bag. I agree with the 2 people who have posted here before I have. It wont be long till you are driven high out of businness and your ways of ripping people off are done and over with.


Flushing, New York


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Far Rockaway,
New York,
Not so sure, not so sure

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 02, 2009

This report is on behalf of Ed Lee and his evil reputation. I used to go to his place, which is located on jackson heights, inside a pharmacy, inside a game room. It is true that the game room itself is small, and that he charges those individuals who plan to enter tournaments at an unusual price, but the truth is, Ed Lee is a good person, or at least he was when I was there. Ed Lee happens to know me very well, as I happen to be his first champion. We were never close friends, but we sure did had good times in the beginning when he first began collecting and creating new ideas for how to expand his business in terms of yugioh, yugioh players and having a good time as well. He also shows magic tricks to little kids, play and teaches how to play pokemon as well. I know sometimes Ed gets over you when it comes to unfair gameplay, looking or taking cards out of his binders, looking through his deck, or just staring all day at his collection of cards, but putting yourself in his position, you would guard your sales as well wouldn't you? Ed Lee is a good person, he just gets frustrated easily due to reasons we don't know, but then again this is his personal life. Also, Ed has banned me from bringing in my suit case full of cards, as it seems to take more cunsumers off of his sales, but i understand what he means. I woulnd't want anyone selling stuff on my store either. Anyway, I plan to come and visit Ed's place seeing that I haven't been there for quite some time. If anyone has other stuff to say, please feel free to express any thoughts you might have related to the HOG, no matter whether it's good or bad news. I'm all ears.


New York,
Response to Tony

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 01, 2009

"He overcharges his own brother of cards and materials. To make it worse he gives his brother "special priveleges" such as entering a tournament late and "miraculously" making it to the top rounds and calling first dibs on any cards he sets his sights on." Well, my name is James Lee. I heard about this report from my brother, and I am going to take the time to respond to this libelous accusation. I have never entered a tournament "late" and "miraculously" made it to the top round as "Tony" alleges. Anyone that knows me in any sort of professional capacity knows, I show up for my appointments, casual or otherwise, on time. I encourage anyone that may be using Tony's accusation as a character reference to contact me personally so I can prosecute his libel to the fullest extent of the law. As for "miraculously" making the top rounds of tournaments - tournament placement is assigned through the Yugioh card company's website. If I win my games and place high, that is only to be expected. If "Tony" is alleging that I have knowingly and willingly participated in some sort of unfair scheme that gives me unfair placing in tournament results, this is just another libelous charge. Since I take my word and my reputation seriously, I will reward a thousand dollars to the first party that comes forward with information that leads to the conviction of "Tony" for his libelous statements against me. -- As for having "first dibs" on cards - well, I fail to understand Tony's problem. I see a card I want, and I buy it. Normally that should not be a problem for anyone, but I suppose Tony thinks that it should be for some reason. I suppose Tony wants Ed to hold on to all his cards just for Tony, and not sell those cards to any customers that are willing to pay the price, right then and there. "Tony", if you're reading this - if you see something in a store, and you say you want it, and you come back week after week and say you want it, but you never pay the store owner anything, and one day the thing you wanted is sold - well, that's the way it works. Businesses need money to operate, which means they need to sell things. They can't just hold on to things so you can admire them and talk about how one day you might purchase them when you eventually get the money. That just isn't how it works. You understand this, I understand this. If you want to get money to be able to purchase nice things, go out and get a job. When you get paid, you can use that money to buy anything you want. If you already have a job, I encourage you to get another job so you can afford the things you want to get. That's just good advice, and I'm sure anyone you know can tell you the same.

Ed Lee

Jackson Heights,
New York,
Well at least you ran a spell check this time.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 28, 2009

How do you know I'm hardly able to pay rent for my spot? You don't. You're just angry and making stuff up. I'm going to let you just give me more rope to hang you with. Your libel and slander just adds to the pile of evidence that is mounting against you. At least your spelling is a little better this time around. However rubble is not spelled rubel. I do have someone working with me but this person is not on payroll this person is an intern learning my business and is a college student not an employee. This person is an unpaid intern, but I don't know why you are calling me out on it. You just want to be mad, and will say or do anything to hurt my business. The way you rant and rave and use foul language, hold a grudge, well I'm sure parents are grateful that I am not allowing you into my store to interact with their kids. You have so much to criticize on the way I run my business, however it's easy to criticize and more difficult to do. I'm real busy growing my store, and I just don't have time for your shenanigans anymore, so I will not be responding to anymore of these allegations. Rip-off-Reports will also provide me with the IP address of your account when all the libel and slander is proven to be false. Which by the way is easy to do. Your version of reality is sadly warped and twisted, and you need to seriously move on. You keep trying to be my business adviser, but I'm not interested in buying your services. Seriously, you can't even spell, or write a convincing letter, and you obviously don't have my best interests in mind with the constant harassing and all, and attempts to damage my business, etc. Hey if you're right I'm losing money, and I'm on the brink of bankruptcy anyways right? I've also lost your "valuable" business, and now I'm about to go out of business any day right? So how come you're the one who's mad? The answer is obvious. You're a failure. Let me know when you win some tournaments at your new gamestore. Yea... right...

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