  • Report:  #888971

Complaint Review: HelpWithMyLender.com - Santa Ana California

Reported By:
Mark - LOS ANGELES, California, United States of America

1740 E Garry Ave Ste 206 Santa Ana, 92705 California, United States of America
www.helpwithmylender.org; www.hudmortgagehelp.org; www.nationallegalhelp.org
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ms. St. John/Johnson/Jalan apparently thinks changing websites will work...NOT!

We found this "Faux Law Company" doing things that are rather disturbing: 

1)      We found out Ms. Johnson is NOT Ms. Johnson but her real name is NAJIA JALAN

2)     We also found she had used other fake names in the past like SARAH ST. JOHN

3)     We found her misleading consumers online pretending to be an attorney (see below)

Cut and paste link below to your browser - 

If Sarah Johnson is not her real name (and its not), how can she get a fake name listed under an attorney list?  

ANSWER: She mislead LawQA represtentatives and paid to be listed there in a further attempt  to deceive the general public and LawQA is now in the process of removing her

NEED MORE PROOF: Go to their website and see if you see a State Bar# listed or an attorney  of record? There is none...they are NOT attorneys and no attorneys work there.  

STILL NEED MORE PROOF?: Call NLHC and ask for the company's atty (name and State Bar).  You will get nothing...there is nothing to give...no State Bar, no Atty name because there is  none!

4)     We found NUMEROUS online complaints against her company dating back to 2010, many of which named Najia Jalans alias as the culprits of the scams as you can read below:

Cut and paste link below to your browser to see just one of the 2010 complaints against NLHC:


Obviously we could not accredit a company who claims to be attorneys when they are not; nor could we allow a company to join our network when the owner uses fake names to hide multiple complaints so we declined to let her into our network and thought that was the end of it. 

But then, the gentleman who had introduced us to Sarah Johnson, her former partner Ali Shah (who is NOT a business partner as Sarah suggests but a former partner of hers who exposed her shams and left) called our company and informed us Sarah (Najia) was using our companys name on their website in an effort to make her company seem legitimate, see video proof by cutting and pasting link below into your browser:

 VIDEO #1:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9pSfJgJSs&feature=related

Once we caught her doing this, it took several weeks to get her to remove the video from her website but she did.  However, shortly after doing so, she then switched URLs and posted the EXACT same video using our companys name without permission AGAIN!!!!

VIDEO #2:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=896OehtjFo4
Then, when we caught her the SECOND time using our companys name and reputation to try to add credibility to her sham operation, she reluctantly removed it the 2nd time but then put up other companies names she had no authority to use, from CBS; CNN, Wall ST Journal; NY TIMES and others so we confronted her about that after videotaping it too (see below) 

 VIDEO #3:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onp-K8doeUc&feature=relmfu
Then we sent the videos to Najia and to CNN and the other companies since we felt it our duty to expose the misuse of their companys names/reputations.  That is when Sarah/Najia started with these ridiculous assertions and claims she posted online.  

Anyway, it does not end thereNajias former partner, Ali Shah who had left working with her because as he said: everything Sarah (Najia) is doing is a liethe drugs have ruined her bro, she is not a good person.  Then he told us she was recently arrested for using someone elses Identity to try to purchase a car from Newport Beach BMW.  
If a picture tells a 1000 words, our videos and the online complains do all the talking any sane person needs to decipher that Ms. St. John/ aka Ms. Johnson or as the Newport Beach Police know her as, Ms. Jalan who they recently arrested at Newport beach BMW for trying to use someone elses identity to buy a car for herself. 

In retaliation for exposing her scams and stunts, Ms. Jalan has filed false police reports, made online complaints against our company and more....all because we exposed her...oh well, the truth hurts!

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