  • Report:  #314053

Complaint Review: Hewlett Packard Canada - Concord Ontario

Reported By:
- Eagle, Ontario,

Hewlett Packard Canada
hp.ca/status Concord, Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am reading very similar stories on this site to exactly what I am going through right now. I thought I was the only one. Stupid me. Let me tell you my story.

2 years ago this month, I bought the most expensive laptop(notebook) HP Canada sold. I bought it directly from them and had it shipped to me. Within a week, I noticed the CD/DVD drive was not working. I immediately called HP Canada and after spending 60 minutes on the phone, was told to send it in to them. They sent me a box by Purolater and I returned my notebook. I had it back within a week and the CD/DVD drive worked. I was happy.

Upon receiving it back from HP, we noticed that whenever it was plugged in, the light saying it was charging would flash a few times and then go out. After using it at a conference one day, I plugged it in that evening and the charge light would not come on. The next day it was dead and would not start up. I contacted HP and was told it needed to be sent back. Before sending it back, they wanted to try something so they sent me a new charger/adapter in the mail. While I waited for this to show up, I had no notebook. I rented one to use for a week.

After a few weeks of trying to make it charge by plugging it in and unplugging it, I got frustrated. I called to complain and was told it would have to be passed up to a Case Manager. I gave all my info, 3 phone numbers(home, work and cell, each having call display and an answering service). I never received a call. I continued calling whenever I had time and finally got a Case Manager. She arranged to have it sent back again, second time in 6 months and they replaced the battery. When I got it back, it worked for almost a week then started the flashing light battery again.

I spent the summer and fall trying to get an answer from HP. Last March, with the warranty running out, I received a sales call from HP Canada asking if I wanted to pay, get this, $700.00 to extend my warranty. I told the person my woes and how dissatisfied I was with HP. They said they would definitely have some one call me back within 5 business days. I never received a call. I had bought another notebook(different brand) by this time but still wanted satisfaction from HP. I continued to call right up until 4 months ago. My last attempt at rectifying this situation before I called a lawyer, I thought I had finally gotten somewhere.

With this call to HP, I got a great Case Manager named Anneka. She listened, she apologised profusely and got the ball rolling. After going back over almost 2 years of records, she called me at work and suggested I send it back one more time. If it was going to be to much to repair or a definite problem wasn't found, they would replace it with a new one.

I have left a lot out to keep this somewhat short but let me give you the current status.

Anneka quit 2 weeks ago. Service or her bosses would not call her back on files anymore. This is a great loss for HP.

They have had my notebook in their possession for 7 weeks now.

I have received 5 different stories about what the actual status of my notebook is.

Even though I have the name of the person that signed receiving my notebook at HP Canada on Feb 2/2008, for 3 weeks they insisted that they had not received it yet.

In one day, I was told by 3 different people, 3 different things. One said it was finished, being packaged up and I would have it back within 3 days. An hour later, I was told it was just located and it would be repaired within 10 business days. After calling the Case Manager line, I was told it needed parts(they couldn't tell me which parts it needed) and they would update me as soon as they knew. I called 2 days ago and they still didn't know what part it needed but the assured me there was a parts shortage and they wouldn't even receive the phantom part until March 6th/ 2008 and it "should" be returned within 7 to 10 business days from that date.

This months caps 2 years of hassles with a $2700.00 notebook. I also gave my other laptop to my daughter in University so, I have been renting one for the past 2 months while HP decides when they are going to tell me the truth!


Eagle, Ontario


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