  • Report:  #280229

Complaint Review: Hewlett Packard - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Knoxville, Tennessee,

Hewlett Packard
7909 Northcourt Dock 58 Or 59 Houston, 77040 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased an HP Pavillion dv2225NR notebook PC from Best Buy on 2/2/07. I was mostly satisfied with this purchase until the week of 9/25/07 when my computer began to malfunction. The screen would "scramble" while I was checking e-mail, surfing the internet, etc., and I would have to reboot in order to get it working again. In preparation for taking the computer in for service, I attempted to back-up my data, but I was unable to do so. Finally, on 9/27/07, the screen went black, and was unable to use the computer at all. The power supply and battery were working fine. I attempted to use another monitor, but that did not work either.

On 9/28/07, I contacted HP to find out how to get the computer fixed, as it is under warranty until 2/2/08. I was told that HP would send me a box and I could pack up the computer and send it to them, and it would be repaired and returned to me in 7-9 days. Alternatively, I could take the computer to Best Buy, and they could take care of the shipping etc.. I opted to drop comupter off at Best Buy on the evening of 9/28/07. The technician tested the computer and said I probably needed a new motherboard. He informed me that the repairs would be completed in 7-14 days. The estimated completion date on my service order is 10/9/07.

Interestingly, the "order status" on HP's web site indicates they did not receive the computer until 10/12/07 (3 days after it was supposed to have already been returned). Best Buy confirms that they sent the computer to HP via FedEx on 9/28/07, so I assume it was not even touched until 10/12.

The computer was not returned on 10/9/07 so I contacted Best Buy and then HP, both online and by phone, to get a status report. I was told that the computer would be sent back to me when the repairs were complete. When I tried to get more information from HP about what repairs needed to be done and when I could expect to receive the computer back, I was again told that the computer would be sent back when it was fixed.

Since then, I have made NUMEROUS other contacts with HP. The issue has been "escalated" to the Case Management department multiple times since 10/10/07, and each time I was promised that I would receive a call from a case manager within 24-48 hours. As of today, 10/22/07, I have not received the first phone call.

On 10/13/07, the status was updated and I was promised that my computer would be in my hands by 10/17/07. 10/17 came and went, and still no computer. I contacted HP again on 10/18, 10/19, 10/21, and 10/22 and was told that they were awaiting parts and (again) they would send it back when the repairs were complete. Still, no one can tell me which parts are needed and when they will be available. Still, despite MULTIPLE requests and promises of phone calls from Case Managers, I have not received the first phone call. Their customer service agents adamantly refuse to even give me the phone number for the case management department.

I have tried enlisting help from Best Buy, but they tell me that they can not provide any additional information than I have already been given.

This post is getting very long, so I will not share the specific details of my conversations with HP's customer service agents. Suffice to say that they have outright lied to me on multiple occasions.

At this point, I have been without a computer for almost a month. I have probably also lost all of the music, photos, and other data on my hard drive, as the malfunctioning computer would not allow me to back it up before it crashed.

The fact that the computer malfunctioned after only 8 months of light use is unacceptable. The fact that HP has the damaged computer and refuses to give me any information about when I can expect to have it back is unacceptable. As far as I am concerned, the only acceptable solutions are as follows:

-HP issues a refund for the entire purchase price of my computer so I can get another one.

-HP sends my REPAIRED computer back IMMEDIATELY and compensates me for any data that has been lost. I realize that the warranty does not cover the lost data, but their defective computer prevented me from backing it up before I sent it off for repairs. I would also expect my factory warranty to be extended for a month to cover the time it has taken for the repairs to be completed.


-HP replaces the computer with a comparable NEW, not refurbished, one IMMEDIATELY.

Regardless of the outcome, I will certainly think twice before purchasing another HP. I have already shared my experience with friends and family, and I feel certain they will avoid HP products as well. It is really unfortunate to see a company that previously had a reputation for providing superior products and great customer service treat their current customers so poorly. My experience is, unfortunately, not unique.


Knoxville, Tennessee


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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Spoke too soon...

#2Author of original report

Fri, November 02, 2007

Well, back to square one. I called my HP case manager to get an update on the status of my replacement notebook yesterday. It had been a week since I last talked to him. A week ago, he told me that I would be receiving the new computer within 14 days. As expected, they did not have one in stock. They had not started building my new notebook yet, so I was told it would be at least another 14 days. Once again, I inquired as to whether I could just go back to Best Buy and replace the notebook. Once again, I suggested that this may be easier and more efficient than building a new one. Well, the words "Best Buy" must have triggered something in his brain. He informed me that he was not aware that I purchased the notebook at Best Buy and that he could no longer help me. The case would have to be "escalated to retail case management." I mentioned that I purchased the notebook at Best Buy AT LEAST two times during our initial conversation last week. When I pull up the repair order status ON HP's OWN WEB SITE, it very clearly indicates that the notebook was shipped from Best Buy. I have mentioned that I purchased the notebook at Best Buy at least once during EVERY conversation that I've had with HP so far, so this is not new information. Anyway, when I asked if I could get the phone number for retail case management, he said that that department only deals directly with resellers. They do not speak to individual customers. Basically, I need to wait another 3-5 business days for another phone call that I will never get. I told him that I have absolutely no confidence that this issue will ever get resolved since I have NEVER gotten a return phone call from ANYONE at HP. He was unsympathetic, and I ended the call. I haven't previously mentioned my repeated attempts to get help from Best Buy. I have called the local store, as well as their corporate office, several times since October 9th. Each time I was told that they could not help me. This was frustrating, but it made some sense since the computer is still covered by HP's warranty. After finding out about the "escalation" to retail case management, I immediately called Best Buy's corporate office and told my story for the 157th time (that may be a SLIGHT exaggeration). The person that I spoke with agreed that they should have been dealing with this all along. He graciously offered me a gift card, which I accepted. I thanked him but said that the gift card does not begin to address the problem of my defective, missing, and unrepaired computer. I'd love to use the gift card to purchase "gadgets" or accessories for my computer, BUT I DON'T HAVE ONE! He also said that he would personally be dealing with HP on my behalf from now on. He didn't expect to get any information from them for at least 3-5 days and didn't even expect a resolution at that time. However, he spoke to someone from HP on the other line while I was on hold. Evidently he was told that the computer needs a part that may or may not be in stock. He wasn't able to find out what the "mystery part" is. If it is in stock, the information on HP's own Repair Order Status web site is either inaccurate or untruthful. After talking to the corporate office, I took on the local Best Buy store. The manager was very helpful and apologized for the misinformation his employees had given me when I called to enlist their help. He and his associate kept me on the phone while they composed an e-mail to send "up the chain" in order to get a resolution as quickly as possible. So I continue to be frustrated and disappointed with HP, and that's putting it mildly. I'm somewhat less frustrated with Best Buy because I know they have little control over what happens at HP. I also appreciate that they have "owned up" to their mistakes and seem to be honestly trying to help me now. We'll see if their efforts are effective. I would be very satisfied if Best Buy would offer me a refund of the purchase price (without depreciation) so I could start over with a new computer, preferably NOT another HP. I'd be more than willing to pay the difference, buy another notebook (probably a Mac after this mess), and put this ordeal behind me. That may be an unrealistic request, but it would go a long way toward making this bad situation right.


Making it right?

#3Author of original report

Thu, October 25, 2007

After some Internet research, I finally found the direct phone number for the HP Case Management department. I spoke with a very helpful case manager this morning, and I'm encouraged by what he told me. Evidently I was assigned a case manager earlier this month. Due to his workload, he has been unable to call me back. Now I have a "new" case manager who has promised to replace my computer with a new (not refurbished) one. It is supposed to be comparable to or better than my old one. He also indicated that my old computer would be sent back to me so that I could retrieve my photos, etc.. I should have the new one within the next 14 days, and he agreed to e-mail tracking information when it is available. So, the clock is ticking. I'd like to be more optimistic about this, but, unfortunately, I don't think I will believe it until I have the new computer in my hands. It is definitely a step in the right direction. I think I may know more about the "chain of command" at HP than I do about my own employer! I will add another update when this issue is resolved.

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