  • Report:  #503565

Complaint Review: Hollywood Psychics - Internet

Reported By:
Cassy - Los Angeles, California, USA

Hollywood Psychics
www.hollywoodpsychics.com Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

A good aspect of Hollywood Psychics is that they are offering an extended promotion of $1/minute. A bad aspect is that most are fakes.

The service will refund your call but only up to a few minutes.

It is also difficult to gauge the caliber of readers based upon feedback as signing on to leave feedback is such an arduous process  and the system leaves your first name and address on the system.

I am not sure if readers share information, but a lot still ask for your name, birthday, place you are calling from -- all information that legitimate readers do not need to connect to you, but which violate confidentiality.In lieu of an actual reading, most of these so-called readers just give you their opinion of your personality, which I could frankly do without.

I would appreciate hearing feedback on these readers. Here is mine:

1. Alana...Takes the time to look into questions. Seems focused and professional. Answers are conscise and right on track, but the predictions keep changing?

2. Allie....Confusing. A lot of new age malarky. Spent time telling me about my personality, but could not answer my questions with any accuracy or insight.

3. Daisey..Horrible. Wrong on all accounts. Rude.

4. Elizabeth...Surprisingly good. Picked up accurate information empathically. Nice lady. 

5. Grace...Completely inaccurate.

6. James. Awful. Asks for name, birthdate and then slowly lays out cards and asks for more personal information from which to make a guess.

7. Jewels...Was very good at first. Empathic, clear, and accurate the first time. By the second call, was horrible and just repeated what she told me before..even though the situation had changed and her so-called insights no longer applied.

8. Joyce. Good, but condescending. In lieu of predictions, gives new age pablum. Spends too much time dismissing concerns as having to do with "Mercury being in retrograde." Whatever concern you have is given that lazy answer, preventing her from having to look into the question. Good with perceptions. Poor on predictions.

9. Juliana. I am not sure. Has excellent feedback and an upbeat personality. Each time she offered very upbeat, generic responses. Whatever question I asked had a positive prediction. Seems to tell people what they want to hear.

10. Lee. Oh my God. How horrible is this man? He basically repackages whatever you tell him and feeds it back to you as a reading.

11. Mana....Horrible. Wasted time offering new age pablum. In lieu of reading, just tells you about philosophy/insights from new age books....cannot provide any useful information. Asks too many questions.

12. Sofia...One of the few good readers. Picked up brilliantly. Was accurate, insightful, needed no prompting, professional.

13. Susan...Horrible. I was surprised, given her feedback. She got nothing but basically offered a summary of her perception of my personality (which was off...) and tried to offer generic advice. Everything she said amounted to an educated guess....

Has anyone else had any experience with these readers?

11 Updates & Rebuttals


These readers are fake -- all of them!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 08, 2010

These readers are horrible. None are worth $2.29/minute.

They are essentially good conartists. One of my readers, who was impressively accurate -- or so it seemed, has gotten everything wrong when I look back in retrospect. Her "guidance" was incredibly harmful to me. Most, if not all, are BS artists.

This is my experience with these readers:

Marie: Incredibly rude and insulting. Inaccurate. Wastes time in aimless chitchat and jokes at your expense. Expressed veiled hostility.

Zach: Arrogant, authoritative, wrong.

Bella: Succinct and to the point, but judgmental and also misses things. Like she will get a specific detail right but then be wrong about the bigger picture or key themes.  Has given me information that was proven wrong later that day.

Queen: Fast and seems to tune in accurately, but can be insulting and abrasive. Asks a lot of questions to help her feed answers and then hangs up on you if you don't indulge her. Good reader or at least SEEMS to be on track, but then misses things.

Sameera - Drags out phone calls with guesses. Repackages what you tell her and feeds it back to you as a reading. Offers vague non-answers and double talk as a reading.

Aleene: Vague, ethereal double talk as if offering "wisdom" she acquired by reading books from a new age books. flaky.

Chava: Inaccurate and rude.

Jewel: Wastes time in small talk and jokes. Not particularly accurate.

Cayce: Flake. New age fluff talk. Totally inaccurate. Waste of time/money talking to this woman.

Mystic: Inaccurate. 

Sofia: Inaccurate. Changed story when provided more informaiton.

All of these readers are frauds, expensive and a joke. What a life to be paid so much money to simply talk on the phone and go off of cues in people's voices and in what they tell you to offer plausible readings. Call these people and they will lead you astray as they cannot.

I am very disappointed with my readings.


Not Satisfied

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 04, 2010

I have noticed a difference between readers at $1.75/minute and $2.25/minute rates.

Before, readers were kind, polite, succinct. They valued your time, money, and you as a client. Now, readers are greedy as can be. They will waste your time on small talk, pumping you for information, and are often rude and arrogant.

Before, if you were unsatisfied with a reader, Customer Service would offer a full refund for the call but ask that you not call that reader again. Now, CS tries to hold onto as much money as possible-- for readers who are billing at the rate attorneys now to speak about boyfriend issues. CS will only refund a portion of your call.

When your call is dropped, through no fault of your own, you can all CS. They will not refund your money but will instead tell you that they will investigate why the call was dropped.  Greed comes to mind.

The service has gone down hill. It's hard to establish rapport or a relationship with a reader at $2.25/minute. Ask them to do a cold reading and they offer little beyond telling you how Archangle Michael is watching over you and talk about how you have love and protection all around you. How is such nonsense worth $2.25/minute? 

Now, with such a high rate, these readers seem to want to make a lot of small talk on your dime. If you complain or ask them to get the point or focus on the questions, they will be rude and hang up on you.

I do think the readers here are legit. Most have been able to pint point tiiming. Predictions have come true. But their efforts to keep you on the phone and squeeze you for your last dime are not inspiring much trust. There is much more incentive to keep talking on and on and on, to stretch what would otherwise be a $5 minute addition to $10 or $20 more, just to make small talk.

Some of the readers are horrible -- as in, horribly rude, arrogant, and looking down their nose at clients, who pay them top dollar to essentially enjoy their company and talk to them.  Sounds more like an escort service than a reading.

Would be interested in feedback/exeriences with specific readers on this site. Thanks.


Takoma Park,
Hollywood Psychics are a bunch of frauds

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 20, 2010

Hollywood Psychics is like most of these phone psychics.  Only accurate by chance.  If ever.  Think about it.  There are so many of these services with so many "psychics."  If psychic ability is so common that there are that many of them, how come we all aren't "psychic."  It's an unregulated fraudulent operation that somebody needs to crack down on.  These people take advantage of others going through tough times.  It's predatory.  They do have a disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only." And they are accurate on that one.  They are laughing all the way to the bank. 


Ethical Company, Some Good, Some Bad Readers

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, July 04, 2010

I was pleasantly surprised at how ethical this company is. The readers don't try to keep you on the line unnecessarily long. Unlike Keen readers, they actually read and focus on the readings. Also, if you have a bad experience with a reader, you can get your money/minutes refunded. The price is also reasonable.

So far, I have only been happy with one reader there. I will only consistently use her as the rest I have tried have been abysmal.

Melanie -- This one is pure incompetence. She read the entire situation wrong. ANd then for her deadline she gave me a "three," -- meaning three days, weeks, months, or years. Great for time lines! She then offerd the cop out of -- it must be three as in psychic/spirit timing, it is dificult to be precise. So she had no sense of whether it would happen immediately or three years from now. How credible is that?

She was also wrong on every account - and basically mirrored back my concerns, which she fed back to me as a reading as opposed to actually looking at the situation.

Then as I described it, she pushed the reading deadline out even further. How can the deadline change as we speak?

Fake reader with abrasive attiude and just as dumb as dirt, sorry to say.  I hate reading with readers who are clueless but convinced of their correctness that they try to impose their twisted/false view of the world on you. For that reason, I would call her evil. She kills dreams and demoralizes and seeks to degrade.  She couldn't even tune into the situation accurately and yet was so excited to tell me the worst scenrio possible for her prediction -- one I new to be false anyway. Horrible!

If I had followed this b*tch's recommendation, I'd be in a mess. She is spiritually as blind as a bat but convinced of her accuracy which makes her dangerous. Huge ego and profoundly ignorant.

Kevin  -- Not sure about him, but he seemed to parrot some standard pre-determined script that readers decided to give me for a reading -- that is, three months out. Some of these readers appear to compare notes -- that is, they offer the same bogus predictions even though they can't describe your current situation with any accuracy. I found him not credible.  

Paula -- awful as well. Fished for information and then tried to offer some common sense "guess." That really pissed me off as I was looking for an intuitive/empathic reading and instead I got this brainless bimbo trying to impose her best guestimate on me for an outcome. I can feel when a reader is tuning in -- there is an energy exchange which takes place. With Paula, I Could tell she wasn't even trying. She had just picked up the phone and began guessing.

Her insights were totally wrong and it quickly became apparent that she had absolutely no grasp of the situation as she tried to offer her ridiculous recommendations for how I might improve things. Do I really want some stranger who can't even tune in to the situation offering me recommendations or advice -- and to pay per minute to hear this sh*t? I had to cut her off and ask her if she could even tune into me -- as she spouted off entirely wrong information which she tried to paint as my reality.

I then had to listen to her gasp and prattle on as she tried to pump information from me from which to base a reading. Of course, she didn't expect the answers I gave as she couldn't/didn't read me. When I described my situation, she just gasped and pumped for more.

If you're not psychic, get off the f*ing psychic lines and quit taking people's hard earned money.

Laughably, Melanie claims to be so ethical and yet here she is taking people's money and she can't see a d**n thing - nor can Paula.  Having to listen to these bimbos guess about your life and make false predictions -- and then to offer it in "spirit time," as you can never know when something will happen in the spiritual world is the biggest cop out. How about admiting that you are a fake instead of trying to justify why your readings are inaccurate. Hasn't happened yet? Oh, it's in spirit time ...it could happen in a three -- maybe the day ends in a three, or it's three decades from now.

Stupid b*tches.  I am natually intuitive/psychic myself and I can pretty accurately predict when things wil happen and I Don't even bill myself as a psychic. If I Can read timing accurately -- how is it that they read in "psychic time"? Answer: they are fake and have limited ability.

As someone else already said here, the customer reviews are poor for a reason. WIth the exception of one or two, these readers are absymal. Paula and Melanie are among the worst.



To remain anonymous

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Not all are fakes

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, May 02, 2010

Psychic Source is a great site...  Not sure about Hollywood Psychics... Truth be told, if you read the psychics comments from consumers, they are not the best...  Seems that the readers that are on both sites are not the greatest.  Maybe when Expertlink aquired Psychic Source, they moved some of their employees over...  Just like when other companies merge.  So it would make sense why they would be on both sites. There are real readers on Psychic Source.  It's all what you believe.  If you were a skeptic to begin with, then you most likely will remain that way.  If you were calling just to hear what you wanted to hear, you will get that too if you call many readers. Predictions are just what people see at that moment and may not surface how you wanted them to. I have had a couple of readings that a reader was so specific it is scary.  Down to the exact location and what was said...  Psychic Source has great readers and nice people. They don't offer crazy scams like energy work, spells... you will never hear someone say you born into bad energy.... etc....  Some are the real deal and genuinely good people...  Have fun with a reading and don't use it for your life's answers. Look at it as advice... you can take it or leave it. If you are looking for serious help, go seek a counselor...  


United States of America
Hollywood Psychics is owned by Expert Link who also owns Psychic Source

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Hollywood Psychics is owned by Expert Link who also owns Psychic Source.  A handful of the psychics on Hollywood Psychics are also own Psychic Source (cheaper at the former).  These psychics have the same bios or sometimes use different names, look up Lee on Hollywood Psychics - he is Robert Lee on Psychic Source;  Daisy on Hollywood Psychics goes by Megan on Psychic Source and Lily and Sophia work both lines.

Seriously, both lines are scams.  It's disgusting.


South Carolina,
United States of America
they work for 1 psychic line

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 16, 2009

I have done some looking into this line and found that they also work for Psychic source. They work for both lines at the same time but usually under different names. I have looked at the pictures of the readers from Hollywood psychics (H.P) and the readers from psychic source9P.S.) (they are the lowest price readers $2.95) and they are the same person but they use different names. Example robert lee on psychic source is the same as lee on hollywood psychic, Rebbecca on P.S. is the same as becca on H.P I belive that hollywood psychics is owned by psychic source. You would have to wonder why a company would open another line and have the same people working there but under different names.


Idiots is right!!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

Make no mistake about it.  Every, I repeat, EVERY person who claims to be a psychic is absolutely 100% fraud.  If you predict enough things to enough people, you are bound to get a couple right by coincidence.  You can do that yourself and so can anybody else.

These people are disgusting and should all be in jail for fraud.  Keep your money, these creeps are just sitting at home laughing at your gullibility.





you people are idiots

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

Psychics do not give you any information about the future or yourself. They are a heretical group of people that make up stuff people want to hear. It's surprising that businesses like this get so much money.


I agree -- quality of readers is so-so

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

I tried Joyce.

She did not answer my questions. In fact, she said she needed me to "talk about the situation" so she could tune in. She wanted a briefing from which to make an "educated case."  In response to every question, she offered an explanation of how everything wrong which was happening could be attributed to "mercury (being) in retrograde," which must be the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Car didn't start this morning? Didn't get the promotion you were promised? Fell out with your boyfriend. Oh well, Mercury must be int retrograde.

Her predictions also did not pan out.

All of her readings involved New Age philosophy. Instead of telling me what she saw coming up, she advised me on ways to get what I wanted by programming the other person's subconscious -- ie, psychic manipulation.  With every question, she asked for full disclosure on the situation and then provided stereotypical guesses...like "it could be this/that?" Why pay some stranger $1 minute ($4/minute all other times) for guess work? She didnt come close to seeing the situation. Everything else was just guess work based upon the little information I provided.

It was as complete waste of my time and money. There is no way of getting a refund. Once Hollywood Psychics has your money, it's as good as gone.

Joyce is one of the better readers, but she still failed on all accounts.

I have tried practically every 'psychic" there and none have been that good. Granted, Hollywood Psychics are better than the brazen fakes that other sites have, but they seem only passably good on this site. I'm not impressed with their abilities and wouldn't call again.  



I agree -- quality of readers is so-so

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

I tried Joyce.

She did not answer my questions. In fact, she said she needed me to "talk about the situation" so she could tune in. She wanted a briefing from which to make an "educated case."  In response to every question, she offered an explanation of how everything wrong which was happening could be attributed to "mercury (being) in retrograde," which must be the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Car didn't start this morning? Didn't get the promotion you were promised? Fell out with your boyfriend. Oh well, Mercury must be int retrograde.

Her predictions also did not pan out.

All of her readings involved New Age philosophy. Instead of telling me what she saw coming up, she advised me on ways to get what I wanted by programming the other person's subconscious -- ie, psychic manipulation.

It was as complete waste of my time and money.

I have tried practically every 'psychic" there and none have been that good. Granted, they are the brazen fakes that other sites have, but they seem only passably good on this site. I'm not impressed with their abilities and wouldn't call again.  


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