  • Report:  #121586

Complaint Review: Horizon Marketing - Kelowna British Columbia

Reported By:
- Kelowna, British Columbia,

Horizon Marketing
#103-1054 Ellis St. Kelowna, v1y1z1 British Columbia, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for Horizon Marketing Ltd which distributes merchandise for Innovage. I'd have to sell over $400 a day going door to door just to break the $100 mark. At my interview i didn't even get to ask questions on how the business worked. I thought I was going to recieve an adminstrative position. They have this system that works behind the scenes in the office which creates a special atmosphere to lure people into the business.

They would say that you could get into management within a few months, and then later open up your own office elsewhere and become financially independant. I never recieved a pay stub, was paid cash everyday and believe me for the hours and distances I travelled, I'd barely break even by the end of the day. some weeks, I'd put a 1000 kms on my vehicle. Here is some interesting info I have found on the internet from a former DSmax rep who pretty did some intense whistle blowing.

By doing more research over the net I have found out that the company I worked for did some serious GST tax fraud, adding 14% to their merchandise and pocketing the tax money. THats why they left lethbridge alberta and came here to BC.


Kelowna, British Columbia

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

14 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,
Cool, Rick has lost his Kelowna Priveliges

#2Author of original report

Wed, May 17, 2006

I guess this ripoffreport site really works! I have not been bothered once in the last serveral months by door to door sales people selling his less than useless products. On the otherhand, I drove by his old office on Ellis Street in Kelowna and saw that he had changed his company name from "Horizon Marketing" to "Wheeler Industries". He is now loacated in Burnaby British Columbia and is continuing his scam down there. Buyers beware! Check out the new website he has for wheeler industries its full of the usual miss-information. I wish there were the same laws implemented for companies like this, as there are for telemarketers. Maybe the new conservative party here in canada will pass a new law combating people like rick wheeler industries CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


You Guys Are Great

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 22, 2005

I love this site for a couple of reasons. 1. I can hear people trash talk my business in so many different ways, and every one is wrong. 2. I can hear associates defend the business, and trash talk the whiny ex-distributors, but the best thing I can think of is this 3. No matter what anyone says, were still going to grow, and were still going to pass on the opportunity to people who wrok hard to earn an above average income. See this business isnt for people who come from wealthy familys, or people who come from poor familys, Its not for people with higher education, or no education. Its not for men or women, old people or young people, and its probably not for you. It is for average people with an above average desire to be successful, and if anyone, i mean ANYONE put as much heart, and effort as me and rick do into this business, they would get the same results. You know exactly what your getting into on your first day here, its mandatory that you are read and explained your (IDA) which clearly explains that you might not make any money. I have been doing this for 4 years now, and last week i made $3000.00 profit with my legitamit business, which is licensed, and pays taxes. We are well know in our city, and well like by most. I am proud to be a part of innovage. The average distributor earned $600.00 last week here, so go complain all you want, but what you should be doing is saying "man, maybe I should take another kick at the can"


British Columbia,
POOR JILL sounds like your the one squirming not me

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, October 13, 2005

I knew you'd say you have a sweet job, they all do it. Like freaking clock work! Sounds like your tried of having to try to defend yourself. Maybe, just maybe it's becuase a lot of what I'm saying makes sense, hey Jill. But don't worry, I know you'll never admit it. After reading your rebuttals Jill it sounds like your the one squirming not me. I just stand up for what I know is true, and quite frankly I'm sick of people like you fabricating the truth. And what's with agruing issues I never defended....... Nice try Jill, but in your case you got nothing. I think I succesful proved that your opinion holds no merrit (but maybe try jerry springer I here that quality people like you make great guessed on shows like that) P.S. You think that all of our stuff is junk (and your entitled to your opinion) but don't you think that a company that has been around for over 24 years & that has offices all over the world avaraging between $12,000-$15,000 a week. Some doing as much as 50-60 grand wkly & consistenly. That it's possible, just MAYBE, in a COMPLETELY circumstantial setting, some people MIGHT disagree with you. huuummmmmm........ Your a true inspration to trailiar park Americans everywhere Jill, keep up the good work!!


Kansas City,
Then why do you still bother to respond

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 13, 2005

"R" You said it yourself. You are wasting your time by responding to this inquiry. Let it go. Find some "juicey" site and make yourself feel better about your "opportunity". Leave us be. If we want to tell others of our encounters with these companies then by all means let us. If you want to dignify your company than do it without lashing out at one particular person out of hundreds who have expressed thier negative encounters with this type of "business". I don't think you "juiced" individuals are brainwashed but rather just liars. There is a right way and a wrong way to run a buiness and you are the definition of the wrong way. Regardless of the "bad and good apples" of the owners, you all have the same deceptive hiring process. You know "R", there are people out there that are willing to do d2d or b2b sales. You don't have to mislead others by offering administration and customer service positions. Who knows, maybe if you did actually advertise for outside sales reps your companies would actually be considered reputable and quite possibly produce a larger profit... because that's really what it's all about isn't it. But then again, the majority of the products you sell are junk. Especially the electronic and digital items (Just look it up under reviews of your products). So maybe I went a little too far as to say you would become reputable but at least you wouldn't have as many people bitching about your deceptive hiring process throughout these sites. Anyways, even though I know you would love to imagine that I am working for some fast food chain making minimum wage, I am not. Unlike most individuals in your type of business, I am actually well educated. Therefore I had no problem finding a real Opportunity. Also, I know that your decision of believing that I was fired will help you sleep better at night, but I will have you know (once again) that I wasn't. I feel as though I am lowering myself by actually replying to your childlish comebacks towards my OPINION of these companies but then again it is fun to see how my comments make you squirm. Before I so gladly end this drawn out argument for good and completely disregard your future ATTEMPTS to dignify these types of businesses, I would like to display a few facts about these organizations: Fact: This type of business is ,in your opinion, an Opportunity... but there are millions of other career opportunities available that require hard work and long hours that compensate you with a salary in much larger sums than the profit these companies produce. Fact: These companies for the most part are niether stable nor reputable. Fact: They all have the same deceptive ways of advertising their available positions. Fact: To the majority of the individuals who have issued complaints about these types of businesses, your comments mean NOTHING!!! Fact:You really are wasting your time with rebuttals towards me bacause in the end, like I said before, I have the upper hand here. So "R" I believe I am correct when I say that you should go back to peddler mode and do your best at alienating yourself from friends and family and continue pushing whatever crap you sell to people so hopefully one day you too can own your own business and proceed to pull in more idiots who want to make your money while reveling in all that is "ownership". That is unless you already are an owner and in that case you should continue to deceptively lure poor jobless individuals into your company to hustle a bunch of worthless s**t for minimal cash that instead of being used to feed themselves and/or their families, it will feed their empty gas tank for tomorrow's road trip all so you can go home at the end of the day and use the profit they produced for this month's trailer payment. Oh... one last comment before I go. If failure is being a 20 year old 3 years shy of completing a Masters in Marketing emphasing Advertising full time while taking on a full time job in legal administration with an excellent(and might I add stable) salary that accomadates a lovely apartment, nice vehicle, all bills, food on the table, as well as plenty leftover to spend as I please...Then I am a failure. Good luck to you in the future and for your sake, I hope you become a failure too.


British Columbia,
To the Queen of BULL CRAP :

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 12, 2005

Where to begin....... -I do know you Jill. Which is how I know how "smart" you are. -Jill "pushed-out" is another way of saying FIRED! 'A' for effort though! -Of course there's negitive comments about a Co. that makes people see their true colors. This whole Co. is based on work ethic, and the average person is lazy. You want examples? Take a look at obesity levels in North America today. Take a look at crime rates of people trying to cheat their way to the top instead of working for it. - Failure = Excuses That's a reality! - Real Jobs hey! What's the average income in the U.S. right now. Check it out Jill and then convince me how sweet real jobs are. - Your right on point again Jill. Other Businesses like a Wal-mart or a Target etc. never have returned products we are the only ones!!!!!!!! I could go on, but what's the point..... You know what Jill you are right about a couple of things. I am wasteing my time writing this because there is lots of people who have had bad experinces with our business. Some of which are probably very valid, any business of our size has to have some bad apples. And those peoples hate will never be satisfied. So most people will just disregard this and classify it as more "DS-max brain washing" so that your ego's can go on noing that we forces you to take that job. I guess I'll just take comfort in knowing that you probably work at Burger King Jill. (I'm sure you'll tell us how you have some great job though) Waiting for your Boss to give you your 15 min. break, just for the chance to get back on here and unleash your anger on the company that so terrible wronged you. P.S. I'm not Rick, my first intial is not R, and I don't live in Kelowna. I'm not interested in dealing with people like you talking non-sense about my city. I work to hard for that crap.


Kansas City,

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 08, 2005

Hey "R" from Kelowna,is it possible that you are so pissed off about the comments made above because you are the person they are complaining about. Adam manages Lethbridge. Rick manages Kelowna. That just seems a little coincidental that the owner of Kelowna's name is Rick and your Site Signature is "R" from Kelowna.


Kansas City,
Try again

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 07, 2005

First of all I am not saying that you are wrong on the difference between Canada and the US but the company that I worked for did taxes that way. Another thing whomever you are, please note that you do not know me and you do not know the reason I left the company. I was never terminated, I was pushed out by a new owner because his wife was the administrator for his other company so naturally when she came here he let me go. It is very sad that you would "go off" on an internet site defending a company that Has only NEGATIVE comments written about it. If you are so proud of your company where is the "JUICY" attitude that you are always supposed to have nonstop. If you were a real "Team Player" then things like this wouldn't bother you. It would be just like getting "NO's" in the field. People like you need to find a real job like the rest of us and stop feeding off of the defenseless public who has no idea that whatever it is that they are purchasing from you is total crap. Do yourself a favor and try to find a site glorifying these companies other than their own sites and then get back to us with a real rebuttal. Like I said, I know these products are bogus. I know about your ties with Disney used to be Didney. Oh and what about "Warner Sisters"? And I have seen more returns and exchanges happen with this company then I have seen altogether in LEGIT stores that I used to work for. So try this, if your an owner and you make good money congradulate yourself for putting false ads in the newspaper and internet so poor saps looking for a "Real Management Opportunity" can come in and waste their time and lack of money trying to peddle whatever it is your company peddles much less suffer through a day of observation while basically egging them to put all of their time and efforts into something that for the majority of people, will never come close to paying off. I have had it with you people. I did the best I could for that company even though I knew it was a scam. You are all money hungry individuals who are so brainwashed by this pyramid scheme that you will go to any lengths to convince yourself that this is what you really want. You can rebuttal and whine back at my comments all you want. I will always have the upper hand concidering that that you rebuttaled one person out of the hundreds of people who had nothing but aweful things to say about these companies. I'll leave you with some words of advice: -Keep refering to the deal as a "Cut Throat" business because that's really what it is. -Don't keep rebuttaling people on this website because there are way more people who will disagree with you than people who will agree. -If you are the owner of the company (Rick) then instead of wasting your time arguing something that is far from being in your favor, use it for recruitment so you can rid all legitament workplaces of the real idiots.


British Columbia,
Time to set the record striaght !!!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2005

First off Jill in Kansas. Your not very smart! Let me update you on a couple things. Canada and the U.S. are separate countries (hello), therefor the sales tax does not work the same way. But even if, your explanation is so far off it's no wonder you were terminated (not that you ever admit that you were fired, but i know the details) So thanks for your uneducated rebuttal. And may I recommend keeping your mouth shut unless you actually know the details of what it is your talking about instead of many things more difficult to decipher. This is why I hate sites like this, some of the complaints are very ligamant and there are a lot of bad companies out there. No doubt. But in a lot of cases it's just mis-information. Especailly Companies that are entreprenuer driven, Like in this case an Innovage supplied bussiness. So I First off I'd like to tell everyone that this business is not a scam nore has it even been. The main reason why people complain about this Business is because we work very long hours. We are trying to built an organization and expand to more than one location. To accomplish this we train people from the entry-level to run a Company, which "SUPRIZE" takes more than a standard "employee mentally: of 8 hour days. Are business is not for everyone (nore do we think it is) but what confuses me is how people can take a positon with us for a period of a week or more and not understand that our business is a major commitment.Futhermore that in an entreprenuer driven business you are going to be expected to put in more work and effort and time than if you were an employee of a busniess. That's just common sense. (for most people) So if you are one of those people that just can't seem to grasp that concept, but your thumb back in your mouth and try to quit drolling on yourself, because your an idoit. As far as Rick not paying taxes in Alberta. That's so not true, he put out a office from lethbridge and expanded to kelowna (which is still in lethbridge by the way)but even if... that comment of him not paying tax makes no sense. Alberta has government sales tax not provincal and Innovage requires incorpation papers in Canada before they will supply you with product. So Rick would have been caught the second he opened an incorpation in kelowna, B.C. and since he's been there for over 2 years quit sucessfully i might ad, who ever wrote that s**t was justing trying to stir up the rumor pot. oh ya and to who ever wrote that bull crap complaint. Try finding another business out there where with absolutely no money invested you can pull $400 in gross sales, return back whatever merchadise you don't sell, & make a $100 profit for yourself. As well as have the opportunity to run your own company with zero start up costs. IF...... your willing to put in the effort. good luck with your search!!!!


British Columbia,
Time to set the record striaght !!!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2005

First off Jill in Kansas. Your not very smart! Let me update you on a couple things. Canada and the U.S. are separate countries (hello), therefor the sales tax does not work the same way. But even if, your explanation is so far off it's no wonder you were terminated (not that you ever admit that you were fired, but i know the details) So thanks for your uneducated rebuttal. And may I recommend keeping your mouth shut unless you actually know the details of what it is your talking about instead of many things more difficult to decipher. This is why I hate sites like this, some of the complaints are very ligamant and there are a lot of bad companies out there. No doubt. But in a lot of cases it's just mis-information. Especailly Companies that are entreprenuer driven, Like in this case an Innovage supplied bussiness. So I First off I'd like to tell everyone that this business is not a scam nore has it even been. The main reason why people complain about this Business is because we work very long hours. We are trying to built an organization and expand to more than one location. To accomplish this we train people from the entry-level to run a Company, which "SUPRIZE" takes more than a standard "employee mentally: of 8 hour days. Are business is not for everyone (nore do we think it is) but what confuses me is how people can take a positon with us for a period of a week or more and not understand that our business is a major commitment.Futhermore that in an entreprenuer driven business you are going to be expected to put in more work and effort and time than if you were an employee of a busniess. That's just common sense. (for most people) So if you are one of those people that just can't seem to grasp that concept, but your thumb back in your mouth and try to quit drolling on yourself, because your an idoit. As far as Rick not paying taxes in Alberta. That's so not true, he put out a office from lethbridge and expanded to kelowna (which is still in lethbridge by the way)but even if... that comment of him not paying tax makes no sense. Alberta has government sales tax not provincal and Innovage requires incorpation papers in Canada before they will supply you with product. So Rick would have been caught the second he opened an incorpation in kelowna, B.C. and since he's been there for over 2 years quit sucessfully i might ad, who ever wrote that s**t was justing trying to stir up the rumor pot. oh ya and to who ever wrote that bull crap complaint. Try finding another business out there where with absolutely no money invested you can pull $400 in gross sales, return back whatever merchadise you don't sell, & make a $100 profit for yourself. As well as have the opportunity to run your own company with zero start up costs. IF...... your willing to put in the effort. good luck with your search!!!!


British Columbia,
Time to set the record striaght !!!

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2005

First off Jill in Kansas. Your not very smart! Let me update you on a couple things. Canada and the U.S. are separate countries (hello), therefor the sales tax does not work the same way. But even if, your explanation is so far off it's no wonder you were terminated (not that you ever admit that you were fired, but i know the details) So thanks for your uneducated rebuttal. And may I recommend keeping your mouth shut unless you actually know the details of what it is your talking about instead of many things more difficult to decipher. This is why I hate sites like this, some of the complaints are very ligamant and there are a lot of bad companies out there. No doubt. But in a lot of cases it's just mis-information. Especailly Companies that are entreprenuer driven, Like in this case an Innovage supplied bussiness. So I First off I'd like to tell everyone that this business is not a scam nore has it even been. The main reason why people complain about this Business is because we work very long hours. We are trying to built an organization and expand to more than one location. To accomplish this we train people from the entry-level to run a Company, which "SUPRIZE" takes more than a standard "employee mentally: of 8 hour days. Are business is not for everyone (nore do we think it is) but what confuses me is how people can take a positon with us for a period of a week or more and not understand that our business is a major commitment.Futhermore that in an entreprenuer driven business you are going to be expected to put in more work and effort and time than if you were an employee of a busniess. That's just common sense. (for most people) So if you are one of those people that just can't seem to grasp that concept, but your thumb back in your mouth and try to quit drolling on yourself, because your an idoit. As far as Rick not paying taxes in Alberta. That's so not true, he put out a office from lethbridge and expanded to kelowna (which is still in lethbridge by the way)but even if... that comment of him not paying tax makes no sense. Alberta has government sales tax not provincal and Innovage requires incorpation papers in Canada before they will supply you with product. So Rick would have been caught the second he opened an incorpation in kelowna, B.C. and since he's been there for over 2 years quit sucessfully i might ad, who ever wrote that s**t was justing trying to stir up the rumor pot. oh ya and to who ever wrote that bull crap complaint. Try finding another business out there where with absolutely no money invested you can pull $400 in gross sales, return back whatever merchadise you don't sell, & make a $100 profit for yourself. As well as have the opportunity to run your own company with zero start up costs. IF...... your willing to put in the effort. good luck with your search!!!!


British Columbia,
Time to set the record striaght !!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2005

First off Jill in Kansas. Your not very smart! Let me update you on a couple things. Canada and the U.S. are separate countries (hello), therefor the sales tax does not work the same way. But even if, your explanation is so far off it's no wonder you were terminated (not that you ever admit that you were fired, but i know the details) So thanks for your uneducated rebuttal. And may I recommend keeping your mouth shut unless you actually know the details of what it is your talking about instead of many things more difficult to decipher. This is why I hate sites like this, some of the complaints are very ligamant and there are a lot of bad companies out there. No doubt. But in a lot of cases it's just mis-information. Especailly Companies that are entreprenuer driven, Like in this case an Innovage supplied bussiness. So I First off I'd like to tell everyone that this business is not a scam nore has it even been. The main reason why people complain about this Business is because we work very long hours. We are trying to built an organization and expand to more than one location. To accomplish this we train people from the entry-level to run a Company, which "SUPRIZE" takes more than a standard "employee mentally: of 8 hour days. Are business is not for everyone (nore do we think it is) but what confuses me is how people can take a positon with us for a period of a week or more and not understand that our business is a major commitment.Futhermore that in an entreprenuer driven business you are going to be expected to put in more work and effort and time than if you were an employee of a busniess. That's just common sense. (for most people) So if you are one of those people that just can't seem to grasp that concept, but your thumb back in your mouth and try to quit drolling on yourself, because your an idoit. As far as Rick not paying taxes in Alberta. That's so not true, he put out a office from lethbridge and expanded to kelowna (which is still in lethbridge by the way)but even if... that comment of him not paying tax makes no sense. Alberta has government sales tax not provincal and Innovage requires incorpation papers in Canada before they will supply you with product. So Rick would have been caught the second he opened an incorpation in kelowna, B.C. and since he's been there for over 2 years quit sucessfully i might ad, who ever wrote that s**t was justing trying to stir up the rumor pot. oh ya and to who ever wrote that bull crap complaint. Try finding another business out there where with absolutely no money invested you can pull $400 in gross sales, return back whatever merchadise you don't sell, & make a $100 profit for yourself. As well as have the opportunity to run your own company with zero start up costs. IF...... your willing to put in the effort. good luck with your search!!!!


Kansas City,

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 06, 2005

I was the administrator for one of these companies.I did all the data entry and sent my paperwork to the hub manager. Innovage taxes owners .035% for each product. When the owner gets a product that costs 6.12 with tax it cost 6.33. The owner calculates that into the price he is going to give to the distributors for that item, such as 8.00. Then they turn around and sell the product for 10.00 and charge the buyer .075%tax. When they "settle up" thier order at the end of the night they calculate .035% of all the taxes that they collected and that goes to the owner (who often uses it to pay off warehouse shorts or money that he has taken from the business for personal reasons) and the rest is pocketed by the distributor who uses it as a "bonus" to add to thier profit. So technically they are not cheating the IRS but they are cheating the customer. Also I disagree. I would not concider myself lucky to make $100 off of $400 work. These people really hurt themselves in this type of business and they never recieve the help they are promised. I have seen people go to jail and loose their car. No one helps them in the business but thats how they got there in the first place.


A message from an insider

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 05, 2005

I happen to know the owner of tat paticular business very well, and I take offence to the accusation that the copmpany is pocketing the tax money for the sales. If you had been a little more inquisitive, and a little less skeptical, you would have learned exactly how the taxes work. The tax is collected by the distributor, then remitted to the office, then payed by the hub manager to the government. As for 400 collected to make 100 bucks. You should consider yourself lucky to make 25%


British Columbia,
The group is focused on a living charismatic leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.

#15Author of original report

Thu, December 09, 2004

1. Most blatantly, you display the classic
polarized we-they mentality associated with cults that causes problems with the rest of society.

2. The discouragement of doubt and dissent.

3. The detailing of how people should think feel and act.

Here is the full list. Look over it with an objective mind when you are ready too.

1. The group is focused on a living charismatic leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.

2. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

3. The group is preoccupied with making money.

4. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

5. Mind-numbing techniques (for example: meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group or its leader(s).

6. The group's leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel.

7. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).
8. The group has a polarized, "we-they" mentality that causes conflict with the wider society.

9. The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, clergy with mainstream denominations).

10. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means (for example: collecting money for bogus charities) that members would have considered unethical before joining.

11. The group's leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.

12. Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family, friends, and personal pre-group goals and interests.

13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.

14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

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