  • Report:  #1223124

Complaint Review: Houston Air Duct Cleaning - Houston Texas

Reported By:
Brian - Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Houston Air Duct Cleaning
Houston, Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 On 3-24-15 I needed to have my air ducts for my heating and air conditioning system cleaned. I searched the internet and found a website at houston air duct cleaning.com so I called them  to set up an appointment.

I spoke to a girl that answered and she told me that their company would clean all of the ducts in my home for $89.95 plus tax. I asked about what all it included, and she told me that it included only the cleaning of all of the ducts for a single system.  I agreed with their price and set an appointment to have my ducts cleaned on 3-26-2015 between 4 and 6 pm.

On Thursday (3-26-15) I was called by Houston Air Duct Cleaning @3:00pm to confirm that the technicians were on the way to my home. A tech. by the name of Ben also called me to tell me he was on the way to clean my ducts, just after I spoke to his office. When the workers arrived at my home @4:00pm Ben came in and introduced himself and started taking off my vent covers while the other worker prepared the equipment to clean my ducts. I was not told the other workers name.

Ben tried to sell me "sanitizer" and "deodorizer" for the system for an extra $100, but I declined and told him that I only had enough money to pay for duct cleaning that I had agreed to. I then noticed that they were using the water from my front hose outlet! They never asked to use it and when I asked them about it, they told me it was being used to cool their vacuum system! (personally, I think they were filling some kind of water tank.)

When the other worker came into my home he was dragging a dirty blue hose in one hand and had a brush with some kind of short cable in the other hand. He then put the cable from the brush inside of the vacuum hose, but the brush didn't spin at all.   The hose left dirty marks at every corner of my house as he drug it around.

When I asked him why the brush wasn't spinning, he told me it hasn't done that for a long time and that the cable was broken. He then pushed the hose and brush into each of the ducts in my home, but didn't go the whole way through the ducts, he only went @halfway!  While one worker pushed the hose up the ducts, Ben was outside talking on his phone the whole time. When the worker was finished pushing the hose up the ducts, Ben came to me and said they were finished and asked if I was happy with the work they did.

I told him that I was NOT happy with their work and showed him that there was still loose dirt and debris and rat droppings inside my ducts and there was also dust and dirt stuck to the sides and top of the ducts.    Ben told me that if I wanted that all to be cleaned out that I would have to pay for what he called a "full system cleaning".  The cost for that would be $200. He then told me that they did only a "basic cleaning" and that I had scheduled for a "basic cleaning".

I told him that I paid to have my ducts cleaned, not only half of the ducts. I tried to call their business office before I paid the workers, but the phone went to voice mail, I left a message that I wasn't satisfied. I then paid the workers the agreed price, which they said came to $98, I handed him $100 and told him to get a coca cola with the extra $2.

On the following day, Friday (3-27-15) I called the office number from the website and told the girl that I wasn't happy with the work they did and that I wanted to speak to the manager or owner. She told me that she was the office manager and that I couldn't speak to the owner. When I asked what her name was, she replied, Stacey. When I asked who the owner was, Stacey refused to tell me.

I told Stacey that there was still visible dirt and debris and dust inside my ducts after they cleaned them, she said that they did "the best that they could do".  When I asked for a refund, she said they do not give refunds because they already did the work.  When I asked for them to re-clean the ducts, she told me they would only do that if I paid more money! Stacey told me that she would have to speak to the technician and she would call me back on Monday (3-30-15) but she didn't call all morning.

I Called Stacey just before noon on Monday morning (3-30-15) and she said that they did the best job they could do. She said it was too bad that I wasn't happy with their service and that they did not offer a guarantee that they would clean the whole duct, or even how clean the duct would be after cleaning!  She said they do not give refunds because they did the work. After arguing with her for a long time and telling her that my ducts were no cleaner now than before they cleaned them, she said that she would have Ben call me directly. I also asked her to call me back later when she talked to Ben, but she didn't ever call back.

I spoke to Ben and explained to him that his equipment wasn't working and he didn't clean the dirt out my ducts like he said he would, Ben said that he would call the office and call me back in 2 to 3 hours. Ben never called me back, I tried to call his phone @5:00 and it went to voice mail.  

I called Stacey again to see if Ben had told her anything, and she said nothing was changed and that I would not get a refund or a re-cleaning for free.

That is when I tracked down who owns Houston Duct Cleaning. As it turns out, Houston Duct Cleaning is owned by Speed Steam Cleaning LLC, and that LLC is registered to Inna Rozenstein. To make things even better to prove my complaint, it turns out that Speed Steam Cleaning also is running under 44 different domain names in various cities!

They SAY they are "Licensed, bonded and insured" but they do not list any license numbers on any of their websites. When I called and asked them what licenses they have, they told me that they cannot tell me which licenses they have, just that have any licenses they needed!

On Monday 3-31-15  I called Inna Rozenstein directly and notified her personally about this situation and threatened to sue her in small claims court. She said there was nothing more she could do. She absolutely refused to give me a refund OR to have my ducts cleaned properly. I warned her that my only recourse would be to make bad reviews and to file the case in small claims justice court. She didn't seem to care.

I started making comments on their Google Plus social media pages and wrote reviews for their company on Yelp and YP.com. Inna called me back @an hour later and told me she would refund my money and that she would take it out of the workers pay. Inna called again at 5:10 on 3-31-15 and told me she would mail the check only if I removed my bad reviews! (Extortion?)

Inna said she would mail the check tonight only if I removed my bad reviews. I told Inna the reviews stay up until I get a check for the refund. We argued about it and I removed some of the comments from their Google Plus pages as a show of good faith. 

I told Inna that I would remove ALL of my bad reviews after I get the check from her.  I told her that I have lost faith in her company and do not believe that she will send me a check at all. I told her that if I do not get my check by Monday 4-6-15 that I would put back all of the reviews I removed and would be filing the case in court.

I called Inna @15 minutes after she called me asking me to remove my bad reviews and told her I removed the reviews from their Google Plus page as she requested  and also confirmed that I would remove ALL of my reviews of their company before I cash the check she is sending to me. But if I don't get the check by Monday that all reviews will go back up and I will file the case in court.

On Wednesday 4-1-15  I searched for and found over 44 domain names owned by Inna and Ben, registered to speed steam cleaning LLC.!  I also added speed steam cleaning and houston air duct cleaning to my Google+ circle by following them.

I called Inna on Friday (4-3-15) and she told me that she mailed the refund check out yesterday morning. When I asked why it took so long to mail it, she gave me the excuse that she had to go and get a check. I told her that if I do not get the check by Monday that I would re-post my comments and file the claim in small claims court.

On Monday (4-6-15) @12:50pm Inna called me and told me that the check was returned to her! Inna tried to get me to give her my banking numbers so she can electronically transfer the money, but I wouldn't give them to her. She said she will re-mail the check today. I told her that I will stick to my original agreement and I told her that I do not believe that she will send me a check. She could not tell me why the check came back to her instead of being delivered to me, I told her that it is not my problem that she cannot properly send a letter, My problem is that she will not give me the money that she owes me.

On Wednesday 4-8-15 I called Inna and she answered the phone as "Speed Steam Cleaning"  I told her that I was disappointed with not getting the check yet and told her that I put up more reviews about her company. She was mad and accused me of "putting her picture on the internet"!  When I pointed out that I did not put in on the net, SHE put it on the net, she tried to say I wasn't allowed to see it or use it. Inna's and Ben's marriage license and Inna's DBA are also online! She also said that I can not give any more bad comments or reviews because she insists that she mailed me a refund check.  I told her I didn't care about IF she mailed it, what I care about is that I have not received it yet!

She said I am not being patient, then I pointed out that I have been waiting for a check for over a week and she could have driven it to me in less than 1 hour!   She again tried to get my bank account numbers and argued that she could only deposit with those numbers, not withdraw!  I did NOT give her any banking information! I told her that my reviews would continue and that she had better make sure I get a refund or the bad reviews will be spread at every site I can post them! We argued for a short time, then I said I was done with her, and that she had better make sure I get a refund if she wanted my bad reviews to stop!  She blames it all on the mail and does not know why I haven't received the refund check she claims to have mailed to me on Monday! I told her good-bye Inna, and hung up.

On (4-9-15) I finally received my refund check for $100!!!

After having to wait so long to get my refund, I decided to let my comments and reviews posted online, even though I did get a refund! It is ONLY because of my reviews and comments that I was able to get a refund from this illegally operated company at all! They do not do what they say they will do and are operating under 44 different names that come back to the same 2 people!


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