  • Report:  #326246

Complaint Review: HSN - Internet

Reported By:
- Northbridge, Massachusetts,

www.hsn.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
LOL Where to start. Well one day I was bored thus channel surfing and I came to HSN offering a pretty sweet deal on a computer. 22'' LCD Monitor, Tri-Core Processor, 2GB RAM, 350 GB HD for only $999 and a decent Flex Pay of $167 for six months. Well I took them up on their offer because my girlfriend needed a computer for college. I hopped on my computer went to hsn.com and ordered the product. Simple enough? As if.

6 days later and my girlfriends computer has still yet to ship (most companies ship within 48 hours) so I decided to check my status of it on-line. Well know and behold somehow it got cancelled. I didnt cancel so I call Customer Service who got right to the point. "Sir, for some reason your address cannot be verified". Not understanding what she meant by that I ask her for a number I could call to fix it and she gave me 1-800-436-6767. Well I try calling them (try is the keyword here) and I get an automated message, "There is an excess wait of 5 minutes due to an overload of customer, you can dial 1 to leave an message or stay on the line to continue this call". A little irritated I continue the call, not even 4 seconds after the previous message it REDIRECTS me to a voice-mail to leave a message so I did. 3 days later I hear NOTHING from HSN so I call the Security number again, got the same message as before with the option to leave a message or hold, choosing hold it REDIRECTS me AGAIN to the same voice-mail. Getting pis*ed off right now I leave a message entailing my problem with the lack of customer service. Another 2 days and guess what? Nothing exaclty, so I call Customer Service once again and they assure me that the number is working and someone is there to answer the line. She gives me their number again to verify I had the right number (which I did). She also gives me some more info saying that it should be easy to deal with because all I have to do is verify my address. She gives me a FAX number and told me to get some kind of proof of address. So once again I call that Security number. "Due to the high volume of customer calling right now you have an excess wait of 3 minutes". OK 10 minutes go by and someone finally answers, "What". Excuse me. Is that how you answe a phone. Guess so. Well I explain my situation to her, "Theres nothing we can do right now", "The company we use say you dont live at your address". Well thats funny cause I have lived here for 2 years, odd. So I ask her if I can send some kind of proof, paystub, utility bill, something. "No because it can be forged". OK NOW I AM GETTING REALLY TICKED. Lemme speak to an supervisor now! "OK whatever sir". 2 mintues later a man by some spanish name answes," My name is ???? how can I help you?" I explain my same exact situation, I live at my house, send the sh*t that I purchased. "Sir, we cant verify your address", Why not? "Sir because the company we use updates all this info all the time and they cannot verify that you live there". Can I have their number to adress this with them? "No because of the Privacy Act" At this time I hang up and file this report. Not one person even WILLING to help me, I have complied with them, cooperated with them and have even put myself in the way of being told I dont live where I live. That was my FIRST time using HSN; never again.


Northbridge, Massachusetts


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