  • Report:  #1168135

Complaint Review: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/alkyha-defense-and-logistics-/new-york-new-york-/alkyha-defense-and-logistics-aka-executive-commercial-maintenance-aka-david-morillo - New york New York

Reported By:
Anonymous - Staten island , New York,

45 Rockefeller Plaza New york, New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

These people are a rip off they owe my company thousands of dollars.... Do not fall for they're scam they are all nice inthe beginning until it comes time for them to pay you then they try to brush you off ignore phone calls and emails. My company did snow removal service for them last year and we have not heard a word from them DAVID MORELLO is a complete j*** threatened us with laywers saying we are harassing them... They refuse to pay please do not fall for what we fell for ...  

4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Additional comment

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 14, 2014

Lastly, we deal with thousands of vendors across all states within the US and abroad. 2 complanits from irresponsible contractors is hardly something to be concerned about. Especially when 2 separate courts have agreed with us and awarded us damages against you and this other company. 


Again please put up your proof and be ready to back it up 


New York,
Reply to the contractor who states we are liars

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, October 14, 2014

Ok fair enough, if in fact you've been " ripped off" I will make it very easy for you. Upload the proof on here right now or anywhere you like? Allow us to verify it? And if in fact you are correct we will pay you! 

You say you have proof? We are giving you and opem forum right now to get paid, let's see you back it up.

FYI, be prepared to answer ALL QUESTIONS in this forum and in public so every one can see.

be warned if your wrong ( you will be wrong)  the legal course avalialable to us will be quickly and agrressively pursued.

also and in closing,  if in fact you have proof? How come you have not sued? or been awarded  ANY type of legal victory? Yet we can provide all the proof here or anywhere else. 

I believe it's time you stepped up and started to back up what you say? 




Staten island ,
New York,

#4Author of original report

Tue, October 14, 2014

That is funny because we have proof we have completed the work we are liscenced contractors and or insurance is good. It is so funny how two people are complaining about the samething which would be very uncommon. Do not trust this company they will never pay you.


New York,

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 14, 2014

As a larger corporation it is common to come across individuals who will use the internet to either create the impression that they have been cheated and or lied to? as well as pass themselves off as victims.

Our companies explanation below is backed by facts, which include court orders, legal proceedings, tape recordings, emails and countless pictures of evidence which cleary paints a very different side to the story which was attempted to be reported on "rip off" report.

To begin with BOTH contractors who posted these messages have BOTH been sued. And the courts have awarded us judgements. As it stands theese contractors are attempting to conceal there identies through this form of media in an attempt to gain some form of leverage, sadly we have identified BOTH and have now also begun a  new legal procedding which will included BOTH slander and defamation (this on top of the money judgement that the courts have already awarded us)

The contractor which posted the erronious and aggregious statments of our firm is quite simply not telling the truth. His name is Tony and his company is TRI STATE MAINTENANCE.  He is an unlicensed contractor who provided errouneious insurance and failed to ever show up to his designated jobs. When both our firm and our clients would call him, he would curse at them and say that he was simply too busy to come by at that time (if anyone doubts this we would be happy to provide our clients phone calls to us yelling because he had not shown up as well as telling us how he threatened them with bodily injury because they were calling him too much) In addition TRISTATES FAILURE was such that we were FORCED to hire outside vendors at the last minute to come in and correct the work which he clearly never did yet was obligated to do.

When payment time came around we attemepted to explain to him that what we paid was MORE than what he was claiming to be owed? At that point he became beligerent and began cursing and threatening us. And it was at this time that we called the police and filed a harrasment complaint. As it stands we still have this complaint on file with local police and we are attempting to track down the assets of this company in an effort to reposess its assets and hopefully offset the loss that we have had to incur.

The second complaint comes from a company called D & P CONSTRUCTION, again, this company attempted to bill us for work they never did, and we were made aware of this by several means.

#1) Our client and his secutiry detail were on site EACH time this company stated they were working and through our client, there security detail as well as cameras on the premises, we were able to verify that they were NEVER on site, yet there invoices reflect otherwise.

#2) Due to there failure to service our site, several people suffered injuries which could have been life threatening, luckily we had the presence of mind and are reputable enough to ensure that this issue is immediately corrected and were able to dispatch our own crews in an effort to prevent any real damage to our clients.

3) The NYS courts have already awarded us a judgement of almost $400,000.00 which we are in the process of AGRESSIBVELY seeking to collect on, and yet again these contractors are attempting to conseal there assets (which wont work)

4) These contractors also attempted to show up at our place of business and security quickly escorted them out

5) We were provide pictures and video, of there employess literally SLEEPING in there cars all the while there invoices said that they were working during that specific time.

6) If anyone would like to examine said evidence its all public and you can simply access it by refferencing index # 503251/2014. There you will be able to clearly verify that not only what we say is true but that THE COURTS AGREED!

7) The claim about our office being a satelite office is not only baseless its yet another attempt at these individuals attempting to paint us in a different light from what they themselves truly are. And again another clear attempt to draw attention away from the real issue.


To conclude, it is not our customery practice to simply not pay anyone, however when anyone does work for us, they must realize that we hold ourselves to the highest moral and ethical standars, so in turn we will hold them to same.

In addition ANYONE who posts ANY negative comments about this firm online should consult with an attorney first and be prepared to defent those comments through the legal system. As we monitor ALL forms of media communication against our firm and hope that prior to posting said comments that much caution is taken? As these 2 contractors have paid and will continue to pay a very heavy price for there wreckless and irresponsible behaviour.

To conclude, it does not give us any pleasure in arguing this in public nor bad mouthing anyone we do busienss with (not even when we and the courts all agree that we are in the right) however, online bullying tactics and slanderous statements will never work.



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