  • Report:  #681419

Complaint Review: Image 1 Studios - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
Angryinatlanta - Duluth, Georgia, U.S.A.

Image 1 Studios
None Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If you see an add for this company on Craig's List (or anywhere) don't waste your time. I received a call from Stephanie Hurley (VP of Operations) and she seemed nice enough and we had what I considered a decent phone interview. I found it odd, however, that this company didn't have a web site, and couldn't find anything about them when I researched them. Stephanie's reasoning is that they had a very unique marketing system that they didn't want "trade secrets" anywhere on the web.

I thought this was rather odd as you don't need to reveal any "secrets" on your web site. All I really could tell about the company, as Stephanie explained it, is that they place photographers in with Fortune 500 companies for contract work and there's a "90 % closing rate" She also mentioned they go through "a lot of Event Coordinators" and I asked why with such a high closing ratio, and she explained that people get complacent etc.

I impressed her enough to get to the next step which is to sign AND notarize a non-compete agreement, and then upon receipt of the NCA, she would set up a face-to-face interview. Stephanie confirmed receipt of the NCCA and said she was setting up face-to-face interviews for Tuesday of the following week because we here in the southeast had a snow storm coming in Sunday night, and that she thought it best to wait till Tuesday.

I was supposed to receive some detailed information from her admin person Kathy, and it never came. I contacted Stephanie via e-mail on Monday asking for the information and she replied back indicating she was setting up my interview for Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. I replied back (and left a voice message) that Wednesday would be tough, as I have obligations at my current company. I missed time because of the storm, and wound up making arrangements for Tuesday to make time for the face-to-face interview.

I never heard back and I called again on Tuesday, as well as sending e-mails (see below) that I would keep the Wednesday appointment if absolutely necessary, and here was Stephanie's ridiculous, unprofessional reply:

Hello XXXXX,

I have canceled all interviews tomorrow as most upon receipt of the interview time responded with some reason or another of non commitment.

This is a set back upon the hiring process. I am very particular with whom I bring on board and I do not take to excuses well as this a high priority position within this company. I wish you well and good luck with your future endeavors.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:10 AM, XXXXXXXXX wrote:

Hi again Stephanie - If road conditions improve, can we meet this afternoon? If not, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:30 a.m. will be fine.

Thank you,


Can you believe this woman? The Atlanta area was basically brought to a standstill, putting me behind on work I couldn't get done remotely, and she's accusing, not only me, but everyone she spoke with, of making non commitment excuses??? She actually said the interview(s) would take place on Tuesday, and then moved it to Wednesday, and she's talking about excuses???

I have never before, In my professional career, heard of anything like this. They may be legit, but there's a reason why they go through a lot of Event Coordinators, and Stephanie's attitude and unprofessionalism may be one of the indicators.












3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Fri, June 24, 2011

 "I would guess that the people who filed complaints unfairly and blindly maligning our good name will never be part of that lucky group."

Ahem.."unfairly & blindly"?  How about you have Stephanie call me (with you on the phone) and let's recount exactly what went down last winter? 

"When reading these silly and slanderous gossiping reports, consider the source and consider how cowardly they are." 

Uhhhh Lawrence?  Rather than slander people yourself by calling them cowardly etc, why don't you give your version of what happened with Stephanie and the interview process last winter?  

"They conceal their identity and yet throw out the good names of my people for all the world to see."

The world?  You mean people who come to sites like this because they sense something amiss OR have been MISTREATED and disrespected???  You mean that world?

 "Also, know that our company contributes about 10 % of revenues to charity every week. From the Children's Miracle network to the Red Cross to American Cancer Society and St. Luke's etc. This is more than I make in profit. Basically, what the hell do you know about us? Nothing!"

I know enough.  How about you read my post again?  You think people come her just to make stuff up?  That's kinda weak Lawrence.

 "Go get a job and maybe show more respect to the interviewer and maybe you won't have so much time to waste complaining about not getting hired and taking anonymous pot shots at my wonderful staff!"

I have a job.  Show more respect????  Lawrence, you are in total denial with your staff.  You "wonderful staff" member showed absolutely no respect to me in this situation.

 "Also, show some courage and integrity and display your name when you try to publicly disparage other's good name." 

Why is it so important for you to have my name? Not disparaging; just stating the facts.

"Don't be such cowards!!! By the way, my name is Lawrence Meredith and I am president of one of the most elite photography companies in the US and proud to have Stephanie Hurley, and Heidi, and many other people who have more integrity in their little finger than you have in your entire body working for my company!"

Wow, how old are you Lawrence...12?

 "For the record, I will not continue to respond here. I have more important things to do and so should you. GET A JOB!!!!"

 Yes, like continue to replace the obviously high turnover you have in your company.  Bet your wonderful staff works full time just doing that!  And I have a job thanks.  A company that has a web site, is publicly traded and treats people professionally and with respect.  Call me sometime, and I'll give you some tips on how you can train your "wonderful staff" to do the same.

Jason Nalley

Kansas City,
United States of America
To the Owner

#3General Comment

Sat, June 18, 2011

Image1,  I see you too covered up your name and hid it as well.  Although, on my report, my name is clearly there, when posting in ripoff report, they ask you not to sign the post with your name, so, I took my name out of the post, however, you can clearly see my full name if you read the author of the rebuttals, and read the name at the top of the article.  I provided my full name to Ripoff Report, I don't know why they chose to omit the last name or if I typed it in the wrong field for the original post.  I have no shame in who I am and what I do, and all I wanted was an explanation.  Your company failed to provide me with any information that I requested.  I was not asking for trade secrets, I was not asking for you to show me your apparently patented and locked down marketing plan.  I simply asked for clarification, or if I could have my lawyer look over the document that your company gave me less than 24 hours to sign.  I was flat out told no in a very rude manner.  I ask that you read the other report concerning your company made by myself, and please feel free to rebutt or give me an E-mail in which we can communicate back and forth with you directly if you'd like the conversation behind closed doors.  Although I bet that would be asking too much from someone who just told this original poster, and most likely myself, that we need to get a job.  I am by no means broke, had I been broke and starving for cash, I'd have probably signed the document and gone on the interview.  However, I wasn't, and my concerns were validated by 3 separate lawyers.  I would highly encourage you to change up the NDA, and make it less confining, either that or give more information (competitors, exactly written out what can and cannot be done, etc) to the people who are asking.  Your NDA is scary, and I stand by my decision not to sign until I get more information from you.


United States of America
About Our Company

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 09, 2011

Recently my vice president of operations, Stephanie Hurley, has reported to me that she and one of my recruiter/trainers have come under fire from people they have attempted to interview for positions with our company. My initial reaction was to dismiss these reports as they were from people who we did not interview face to face and for some reason or another we decided not to hire. I want to preface this response by telling anyone reading this about Stephanie. When I interviewed her I knew she was someone that I wanted to have working for me. She immediately impressed me as someone special. She has been with me now for almost 2 years and is deeply respected and dearly loved by our staff as well as our clientele. Her work ethic, integrity, and skills are inspiring to all she comes in contact with. If you owned a company like mine you would do what I do and thank God every day she is there. I cannot express enough how important she is to me. She is not perfect but she is pretty close as far as I am concerned. Anyone who works for Image 1 Studios knows how difficult and hard to please I can be. 

Ok, that being said, our company is very low profile. We do not advertise. We have chosen instead to have dedicated event coordinators who are directly responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with our clients and also have the serious responsibility of keeping photographers scheduled consistently. So, to answer the question about our event coordinator turnover: It is true. We have very high turnover for that position. But not for some paranoid nefarious sinister reason. This is because we have very high standards but are willing to give people a shot. If they cannot perform the tasks at the level we require, we replace them. As for the website issue, we do have one. It is not for public use. It is only to service our biggest client. I can assure you they know what everything means and they have access to the images. If you do not it is because this does not involve you and we do not make the images we created for our customers available for the general public. Why would we? So the reason you cannot see the images is because they are none of your business. This is also true of how we market our services, who our clients are, and any other information that does not concern you directly. Statically only 5% of photographers who actually hold a degree in that field are able to enjoy being able to do that as their primary source of income. I would guess that the people who filed complaints unfairly and blindly maligning our good name will never be part of that lucky group. Think about it. We don't need and have never asked anything from you. You don't even have a real photography job and probably don't have much money either. We never asked for anything from you accept the chance to meet with you and be able to open our wonderful world to you and share everything we do that is unique and proprietary without fear that you will try to do this on your own. This is the only reason we need a noncompete and nondisclosure contract from you. The fact is we cannot lay all our cards on the table unless we have this protection. I can assure you that when we run these ads we have literally hundreds of people that respond. Most of these people are out of work and very hungry for ideas to make a living. We cannot and will not throw our pearls of wisdom and experience out to the nation to create poor and desperate attempts at duplicating the marketing and wonderful services that we have carefully and skillfully created and honed to perfection.
When reading these silly and slanderous gossiping reports, consider the source and consider how cowardly they are. They conceal their identity and yet throw out the good names of my people for all the world to see. Also, know that our company contributes about 10 % of revenues to charity every week. From the Children's Miracle network to the Red Cross to American Cancer Society and St. Luke's etc. This is more than I make in profit. Basically, what the hell do you know about us? Nothing! Go get a job and maybe show more respect to the interviewer and maybe you won't have so much time to waste complaining about not getting hired and taking anonymous pot shots at my wonderful staff! Also, show some courage and integrity and display your name when you try to publicly disparage other's good name. Don't be such cowards!!! By the way, my name is Lawrence Meredith and I am president of one of the most elite photography companies in the US and proud to have Stephanie Hurley, and Heidi, and many other people who have more integrity in their little finger than you have in your entire body working for my company! For the record, I will not continue to respond here. I have more important things to do and so should you. GET A JOB!!!!

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