  • Report:  #1272336

Complaint Review: In5d.Com In5D Esoteric Metaphysical and Spiritual Database Gregg Prescott - Internet

Reported By:
Fs1234 - Alabama, USA

In5d.Com In5D Esoteric Metaphysical and Spiritual Database Gregg Prescott
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database 

is a large online alternative website hosting blogs by various new age authors and writers, run by Gregg Prescott who also runs In5d radio. The website also solicits Paypal donations in order to advance its work of spreading transformative material around the internet.

Gregg Prescott is also assisted by Michelle Walling - 

as per their website which lists them as admins   http://in5d.com/about/


In5D Staff:

Ripoffreport Report ImageGregg Prescott, MS

Owner, Webmaster, Founder, Contributing Author, Editor, Facebook Director, and Radio Show Host of in5d Radio

Ripoffreport Report ImageMichelle Walling, CHLC

Administrative Assistant, Contributing Author, Event Coordinator, Facebook Coordinator, Holistic Life Coach Consultant, and Radio Show Host of in5d’s The Cosmic Awakening Show and BMSS Radio


In early 2014 I had some of my own blogs posted on the site, most notably a blog about the Merkabah and how that works.

There were other blogs that they hosted for me, I cannot recall which. This is the one in dispute



I also donated the website US $150 to assist them in their work in 2014 as per these Paypal IDs


Ripoffreport Report Image Ripoffreport Report Image Ripoffreport Report Image
Donation Sent (Unique Transaction ID 79C92229KY227333X)

Original Transaction
 Date Type Status Details Amount
 21 Oct 2014 Donation to in5d  Completed  ... -$50.00 USD 


Ripoffreport Report Image Ripoffreport Report Image Ripoffreport Report Image
Donation Sent (Unique Transaction ID 99Y94855RW311781S)

Original Transaction
 Date Type Status Details Amount
 19 Aug 2014 Donation to in5d  Completed  ... -$100.00 USD 


Total amount:   -$100.00 USD (equals -£61.78 GBP)
Fee amount:   $0.00 USD
Net amount:   -$100.00 USD


I gave them some feedback about many hyperlinks being embedded throughout the blog and thought it was excessive. I cannot recall what happened next, but he cklaimed there were complaints about my work upon which he said he would take the blogs down, which he did.

24 hours ago I found that where the blog was, instead was a disgusting insulting defamatory and degrading post presumably put their by site admins. I also found that the original blog had been shared around with many websites (before this appeared) and thus for the last year many backlinks to In5d.Com linked to this!

Understanding the Merkabah and Inter-Dimensional Travel

In5D May 5, 2014 Meditation
Ripoffreport Report Image

We had to pull this article and are no longer accepting articles from self-centered, egotistic lunatics….lol

Ripoffreport Report Image

Screenshots are attached too for additional documentation of this disgusting behaviour on the part of Gregg Prescott at In5d.Com   The In5d.Com has a high readership.

In5d.Com have refused to apologize, although some other sites apologized for unwittingly hosting backlinks to the page.

In5d.Com, hosting provider HiVelocity are taking a look.

So in brief, this site accepted the donations I gave in good will and when my back was turned, posted this up on their main website without any just cause whatsoever.

Poeple are advised to be cautious of Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling of In5d.Com. The site solicits donations via Paypal buttons and then offends and insults those who do so without just cause.

In5d.Com have been asked for the US $150 donation back, to issue a formal apology and to post the correct article to their followings. They have ignored all requests.

Writers and bloggers should be very careful and think twice before hosting their work at In5d.Com

People should also think twice before donating to their work because this is how they will treat you.

There is no excuse for this kind of disgusting and degrading behaviour - and thus naming and shaming seems warranted for such mindless, tasteless and offensive abuse on the part of Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling of In5d.Com

As a Spiritual Master of ethical purity, I would be remiss to let this behaviour go unaccounted for.

See screenshots for evidence of search results in Page 1 of Google as well as a picture of Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling so it can be seen who these people are.

Report Attachments

12 Updates & Rebuttals

In5d.Com representatives apologize to Free Spirit for abusive behaviour and offensive postings

#2Author of original report

Tue, February 02, 2016

I can share that today I received a private and sincere apology from an unnamed representative of In5d.Com for the abusive behaviour,  the degradation of my work and for the offensive postings.

All the offending posts have now also been removed from the internet and I have accepted the apology.

I also understand that the donations will be returned to me in goodwill as a mark of respect for the upset caused.

Thus the matter is closed and I have nothing more to add,

In5d.Com are wished the best in their future endeavours.

Free Spirit



Free Spirit, owner of http://keystospiritualascension.com/ and author of Understanding the Merkabah – Interdimensional Travel makes Suicide Statement

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 13, 2015

Free Spirit, owner of http://keystospiritualascension.com/ and author of  Understanding the Merkabah – Interdimensional Travel made a public Suicide Statement online. 

FreeSpirit, aka Paul Marsh, stated the following: 

Free Spirit opts for Honourable Suicide rather than to yield to control or to comply with Court Injunctions ordering him to post retractions on Rip Off Report under threat of imprisonment

SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 06, 2015

The core values of Source are inviolable and cannot be overridden by coercion, force or threat of any kind - whether sanctioned by the legal system or otherwise.

What this means is - that if Source is not happy - I will opt for death (or more accurately honourable suicide) rather than to comply under those conditions.  Even under threat of jail, it would be morally and karmically wrong to yield to the control and if I am to be true to Source - an honourable death is the only remaining solution in the absence of something better.

As I have now been threatened with jail and serious degradation if I do not lie to Rip Off Report - I have now fully prepared myself for the procedure of refusing water at the first sign of imprisonment or curtailments of freedom.

I have decided to refuse to comply with the proposed Court Injunction in the face of such degradation.

It does not incur me negative karma to do such an act, for refusing to yield to intimidation IS the Higher Path in this matter and my values are so deeply valued that I would rather leave this reality rather than to lie to protect the unethical interests of these people.

Because of your public suicide statement, I am requesting your FULL address and phone number so you can be contacted and given a full psychological evaluation because you are at risk of harm to yourself and others.  I have reported your intent to harm yourself and that also makes you a risk to others. You seriously need psychological attention, Free Spirit.  Good luck.

Report Attachments

Gregg Prescott being sued for defamation / Proof that Gregg Prescott was responsible for abusive and defamatory blogs

#4Author of original report

Sat, December 12, 2015

Today I found convincing evidence that Gregg Prescott of In5D.Com wrote the blogs (see screenshots attached)


In addition, his defamatory statements were made less than one year ago, earning Mr Gregg Prescott a formal lawsuit for defamation. I can confirm that Gregg Prescott of In5D.Com is now being sued for defamation and will be formally served in due course.

Report Attachments

Major Benefactors invited for a USD $1Million legal defense fund / Perspectives on Source, Ethical Purity and why some would go to great lengths to control spiritual knowledge or understanding

#5Author of original report

Thu, December 10, 2015

Here is some more information about the book Keys to Immortality - the book that I would have launched at the Power Places Tours conference.


Book Cover Text:- Free Spirit is a Visitor to this dimension from the Immortal Worlds of Source. In this book - his third work, he shares profound multi-dimensional spiritual wisdom that has been imparted to him through a deep and profound loving relationship with Intergalactic Star Beings.

He writes of the Earth Cleansing and the imminent Karmic Crisis as our planet becomes re-aligned to the Galactic Central Sun. This book is a call for Souls to urgently prepare to leave this dimension - so as to avoid catastrophe and death.

Though advanced karmic healing processes, Pineal Awakening, dream-work and multi-dimensional Astral Travel, Free Spirit has been able to visit Immortal Worlds billions of light years away. 

He writes from Source on how to become a fully Realized Immortal Being 


It was this book that in retrospect Power Places Tours were so afraid of - to the point where they went to great lengths to make sure that it did not enter the mainstream. Had I have presented in 2012 at the Transform at the Source event, it may well have had much exposure. The energy and power behind this book also explains Power Places Tours ' karmic predicament.


Ripoffreport Report Image

If there are to be any injunctions or other serious impositions on my freedom, it should be noted for the record that this was the message that for a number of complex reasons, would appear that it was not yet time for the planet to be aware of.

I thought about making it free for all, but discounted that from a perspective of spiritual responsibility. In the event of any kind of foced departure from this reality, humanity would be given other works - but NOT this one.

The energy of the book is so extreme and so pure that to allow it to fall into the hands of those with impure agendas would be most irresponsible. In my opinion, Power Places Tours were troubled my the section on Truth and Integrity, from which here is a short extract - which alos gives some deeper spiritual insight into the karmic consequences of bad ethics.

However this plays out, it will certainly go down as the most expensive spiritual lesson in history (in terms of losses incurred by those on the wrong side of ethics) and this part of the book explains why it is so.


Chapter 21  Truth and Integrity


Impeccability (Ethical Purity)

One of the main reasons why Spiritual Mastery is so hard to attain or to understand in the Western world is because of the unpopularity of being ethical. Many people cheat, lie, steal, delude themselves or others, engage in control dramas and violate the basic spiritual laws and principles that make a strong relationship to Source possible. Examples include taking or abusing the sanctity of life, unethical livelihood, sexual misconduct, theft, control (violation of free-will),a lack of respect for the path and a whole host of other ethical issues.

Without the ethical purity in place comprehending high-level spiritual understanding is impossible (there are Universal safeguards in place to prevent people blowing up stars and tearing holes in the Universe or damaging the purity of the Higher Planes – things that would happen if these safeguards were not present!)

Without ethics – whatever one thinks one knows may be false and in some cases one can become subservient to the energies of the Lower Astral – a phenomenon most notable in light-worker channelers who have not yet transcended control dramas. In my experience of the light-worker community – beneath a superficial veneer of love and light lies a dark world of shady behaviour, corruption, cheating, lying and a large array of other unresolved control dramas which tragically ends in victim-hood, sickness, misfortune, suffering and death – the end result of ignoring ethics.

The worst enemies of spiritual enlightenment are lying and cheating – both of which will cost you in energy terms many more times the cost of playing fair and true. For as long as you have the tendency to lie, cheat or steal – spiritual understanding will be impossible to attain. When you cheat with intent – the karmic effect is amplified. Whatever benefit you may believe you obtained through deception and cheating – will quickly be outweighed by the subsequent depletion of energy.



In recent times, I have come into a deeper understanding about the value of this work.

For those that are curious about what message Power Places Tours did NOT want to come through from the Source, here is a link to more information about the book.


I also wanted those who may want to access this work after my departure to be able to have an opportunity to do so. In the interim, orders of it also support a legal defence fund.

Those who want to support a legal defense fund can do so via a donate button here (max US $10,000)


Donations will be used to make a robust and strong stand in the name of Truth and Integrity and any remnats of the fund will be used to support some of my favourite private projects.


In total, a sum of around US $1 million will be required to quash this offensive case totally (ie to fund the best lawyers there are and to win it in the public eye), to teach these people (Power Places Tours, Gregg Braden and Theresa Weiss) a public lesson in truth and integrity (should that be necessary) and enable me to remain on this planet as a conduit for some of the most advanced level and pure spiritual understanding there is. 


Those wanting to offer up large sums for defence funding (more than US $10,000) are invited to contact me via the donate page.





Steps requested to be taken by In5D.Com to resolve the matter fully including saying sorry for the unacceptable abuse

#6Author of original report

Wed, December 09, 2015

So that it is clear what steps I require to have this matter addressed properly:-


-An unconditional apology for the abuse, posted here and on their main pages / sites - along with the correct version of the blog.

-A clear up of the web of all offending posts that have been shared elsewhere (disqus, search results, etc)

-Refund of $150 donations made in 2014


Once those three have been done, I will be happy to state the matter has been resolved fully and the matter closed.

Facebook remove In5d.Com share for hate speech and agree it violated community standards / Proof of many backlinks to insulting page at In5D.Com

#7Author of original report

Wed, December 09, 2015

Facebook today removed a posting (a share of my blog on their page which linked back to the original offending content) because they deemed it hate speech / violating community standards.

You anonymously reported In5d Esoteric Metaphysical and Spiritual Database's share for displaying hate speech.
ACTIVITYRead 1 Previous Message
Our Update
We reviewed the share you reported for containing hate speech or symbols. Since it violated our Community Standards, we removed it. Thanks for your report. We let In5d Esoteric Metaphysical and Spiritual Database know that their share has been removed, but not who reported it.
How was this experience?

In 5d.Com claimed the original insulting image and defamatory insult was not linked to me, however, the attached screenshots tell a very different story. It shows many websites and Google search pages as well as a Disqus post (live for over a year) that linked back to the offending page.

Thus many people will have read the Merkabah blog and clicked back to Free Spirit as a guest writer at In5d and only then seen then seen the insulting post. Thus anyone seeing it would have automatically connected it with him, simply because the offending page contained the same blog title.

This cannot be disputed by In5d.Com and emotional outbursts of hatred and bitterness, or distaste toward Free Spirit, does not change the plain truth that In5d.Com were abusive and disrespectful to the content in question and acted in bad taste.

I also asked Paypal about the donations. They need to look into the matter further and make a determination and once they have I will post their response here. I understand that should they determine that In5d.Com are using donation buttons in any improper manner - they can reverse donations back to time immemorial without the recipients consent and also add chargeback fees as well,

I received an apology from Golden Light Channel

Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2015 22:07:39 -0500

Ok I've replaced it:  http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/understanding-the-merkabah-inter-dimensional-travel/

Sooo sorry to hear this happened, their page has been removed.

I will be leery of posting any of their articles from now on.

Hope you are ok.


The Golden LIght Channel



This article has been replaced with the original version.


We apologize for those who were referred back to an insulting page at In5d.Com about Free Spirit.

Our sincere apologies to readers who saw this on in5d.com and to Free Spirit for the upset.

Which also proves that the insulting page was very clearly linked to me.

I found many search results linking to the offending page and thus it is reasonable to assume that in 14 months this insult was widely viewed.

In my opinion, In5d.Com owe me a profound and unconditional apology for this dispicable behaviour and it is also morally and ethically right to ask for the donated money back but I sense Paypal will do it for them and add fees on top.

Based on their testimony above, it can be inferred that Gregg Prescott is responsible for the abuse.

In5d.Com is also asked to clear up the net of the remaining obnoxious posts and to contact every place that hosts the shared blog to address the matter out of common respect and decency.

K Gilbert

Absolute nonsense

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 07, 2015

First let me make it completely clear that this person, "Free Spirit", tried to friend me on Facebook a day or so ago on my personal page and I denied his request because I do not know him and he did not provide a real name. 

After which he went to my personal business page, which has nothing to do with In5D, and tried to intimidate me into acknowledging ownership over some sort of "insult" that he feels I must somehow have something to do with because I have written articles that have been published by Gregg Prescott on In5D in the past - articles that have absolutely no relevancy or connection to him whatsoever.

Yes, I am proud to say I'm a personal friend of Gregg Prescott, he is one of the most honest, forthright and caring people I know, and yes, I have previously co-hosted his radio show - none of which assumes any liability over any claims made by "Free Spirit".  I'm not sure what this display of libel is meant to do other than demand a quick and swift legal response from myself.

He has taken the word "advisor" completely out of context for which the term was used on the In5D website. I'm not a "legal" advisor, and have no control over any aspect of the In5D website.  I'm not owner, part owner, co-owner; I do not control any of the content nor does the In5D website state this type of relationship.

"Free Spirit" is now committing defamation and is liable for any damages suffered by using my name, my business name and by posting private messages sent between us regarding his false claims and accusations.  I don't understand this title of "Master" that he gives himself, but supposedly this is my "punishment" from the "Master" - seriously?  Who is this guy??

I'm not sure what kind of website allows "legal ignorant" individuals to create this type of libel without any form of documented evidence or any form of legal basis.

I will give "Free Spirit" the opportunity to remove my name and all erroneous claims associated with my good name and business, but I will not willingly allow this type of libel to continue.



Cease and Desist, "Free Spirit"

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 07, 2015

This claim comes from a person that hides behind the name of "Free Spirit" and doesn't use his real name.  His ranting behavior speaks for itself.

Here is what he is not telling you.

"Free Spirit" made several donations to In5D.  He assumed this was how to get his "article" published although donations are not for this purpose.  However, I published several of his articles and he chose to try to direct the way I publish articles simply because he made a donation.

In an email to me, Free Spirit stated:

Today I did some back end analytics on my website tracking where all my visitors were coming from. When I clicked on the link to the article I found it had been modified considerably.

The article is basically full of links making it look really spammy as well as distracting people from the message. One or two maybe but 20 or so. There is even a link in my name. Seriously !?

I cannot allow my work to be portrayed in such a sloppy and careless manner. I did not give permission for all these links to be put there - some linking to articles irrelevant to the one there. It was not what I sent you and thus you have distorted it. With so many links few would even read the whole thing.

With this in mind please remove the article immediately."

Free Spirit has no control over the styling of ANYTHING published or formatted on In5D. That being said, I immediately removed the content out of all of his articles from the website, which was a blessing because there were more negative Facebook comments about his material than positives ones.

Because of his controlling actions (as no one else made such a comment about the autolinks), I replaced the text to his articles stating the following:

"We had to pull this article and are no longer accepting articles from self-centered, egotistic lunatics….lol. The following related articles are highly recommended!"

In the above statement, his name was never mentioned as the author of any of these articles nor is it mentioned anywhere on these pages, hence no copyright infringement.

If you search for any articles by "Free Spirit" on In5D, you will not find a single one, nor will there ever be any ever again.

But that's not the end of it.

Free Spirit stated, " Abusive and disgusting behaviour toward donors, defamation, insults, offensive attitude In 5d Radio / In5d.Com In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical Internet"

His implication states "donors" in plural, which is a lie because he cannot find one other person who has said this, nor will he.  He is a very bitter person whose ego was shattered when his material was deemed "not right" for In5D.

He also claims "defamation'.  This is impossible when his name was never mentioned in the article he's complaining about.

As for "offensive attitude", how can it be offensive when it never addresses a specific person, especially "Free Spirit"?

BEWARE: I would imagine he tries to offer other websites "donations" in exchange for assumed control in the publishing his "articles", but I have no proof of that.... yet.  If anyone else has received donations from "Free Spirit" for this assumed type of exchange for publishing his articles, please let me know!

But that's not all...

"Free Spirit" solicited other people associated with In5D and used their CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVATE information in this complaint, which he has no right to do.  If anything, that's defamation of character.

"Free Spirit" actually had the audacity to send us "Paypal Invoices" for the DONATIONS he made.  Really???

We had to ban him from the In5D Facebook page for making slandering comments, as well.

In a prior email, I've encouraged "Free Spirit" to take the high road and let it go but it's obvious that the person who hides behind the name of "Free Spirit" is a bitter man who has a hard time handling negativity and is most likely not in a positive frame of mind to be giving spiritual advice to anyone until he faces the thing he fears the most... himself.

The only thing I'll apologize for is publishing a horrible article that most people complained about in the Facebook section of my website.

The good news is that I did decide to remove the autolink plugin.  This whole experience is a prime example of how people use money as power in this world.  What would it be like to live in a world without money?

For someone who CLAIMS to be a "Spiritual Master" and is unable to take the high road and let it go is absolutely pathetic. 

Cease and desist, "Free Spirit".

Kendra Gilbert (Listed advisor for In5D.com) responds to request for statement and denies having anything to do with the offending post as well as denying being an advisor

#10Author of original report

Mon, December 07, 2015

I have received a response from Kendra Gilbert of In5D.Com via her Facebook Page Virgo's Alchemy which I found via the advisor page at Into5d.Com  There are some screenshots added to my testimony here to substantiate my statements fully.


She states:-

Hello I actually have nothing to do with this and if you do not remove my name from this ridiculous accusation I will be contacting my lawyer. How is that for a "response". You dont just go flinging false statements around like you are some sort of authority on things. I am not now nor have I ever been an "advisor" for In5D*.

I have written some articles that they have posted, that is about it. So before you start making yourself a legal hole in the ground I suggest you remove your phoney allegations and start acting lime the spiritual sensible individual you obviously wish people to think about you. Namaste.



"Free Spirit" you are involving my name in your idiotic temper tantrum over something that I have nothing to do with. That makes it more than enough for me to involve my attorney. If you state one more allegation about me or my affiliation with anyone or anything you can look forward to receiving legal action. Thank you and good day to you.



*Contrary to the listing on the In5D.Com website which lists her as an advisor as well as linking to her contact pages - which is how I was able to contact her and get the response. It would therefore appear that the In5d.Com listing is incorrect OR Kendra Giilbert is not being totally truthful.  

It is logical to assume that Kendra is not being truthful, simply because she denies association with In5d.Com, yet clearly appears on their advisor page

In5D Advisors:

Ripoffreport Report ImageKendra Gilbert, LMT

Organic Soapmaker and doll connoisseur at Virgo’s Alchemy,Marketing Consultant, Contributing Author, and former Cohost of in5d Radio


which hosts links to her sites for contact and it was here that I found the link to Virgo's Academy and from there I found her Facebook Page and got the responses.

  • Ripoffreport Report Image
    Virgo's Alchemy - Handmade Soap & Art Dolls

    Hello I actually have nothing to do with this and if you do not remove my name from this ridiculous accusation I will be contacting my lawyer. How is that for a "response". You dont just go flinging false statements around like you are some sort of authority on things. I am not now nor have I ever been an "advisor" for In5D. I have written some articles that they have posted, that is about it. So before you start making yourself a legal hole in the ground I suggest you remove your phoney allegations and start acting lime the spiritual sensible individual you obviously wish people to think about you. Namaste.



    • Ripoffreport Report Image
      Virgo's Alchemy - Handmade Soap & Art Dolls

      "Free Spirit" you are involving my name in your idiotic temper tantrum over something that I have nothing to do with. That makes it more than enough for me to involve my attorney. If you state one more allegation about me or my affiliation with anyone or anything you can look forward to receiving legal action. Thank you and good day to you.


There would be no logical cause for a website to list someone as an advisor and host links to their websites and pages - if they were not.  

Logic also is invariably more truthful than emotional outbursts.

It would also be fair comment to say that if she is indeed an advisor, which in my opinion (based on convincing and incontrovertible evidece) it would be the best course of action for her to advise In5d.Com to remove the offending material, rather than to deny something that it is impossible to deny.

I have added the screenshots of the Facebook messages and the In5d advisor page to substantiate a defence of truth if in the unlilkely event Kendra wishes to sue.

It is a pity that In5D.Com are not willing to return to integrity. It would also be fair comment to say that any spiritual website that claims to represent '5D' (a realm of ethical purity) would, if they had integrity, to apologize for its mistakes.


Report Attachments

Kendra Gilbert responds to request for statement

#11Author of original report

Mon, December 07, 2015

I have received a response from Kendra Gilbert via her Facebook Page Virgo's Alchemy which I found via the advisor page at Into5d.Com


She states:-

Hello I actually have nothing to do with this and if you do not remove my name from this ridiculous accusation I will be contacting my lawyer. How is that for a "response". You dont just go flinging false statements around like you are some sort of authority on things. I am not now nor have I ever been an "advisor" for In5D*.

I have written some articles that they have posted, that is about it. So before you start making yourself a legal hole in the ground I suggest you remove your phoney allegations and start acting lime the spiritual sensible individual you obviously wish people to think about you. Namaste.



"Free Spirit" you are involving my name in your idiotic temper tantrum over something that I have nothing to do with. That makes it more than enough for me to involve my attorney. If you state one more allegation about me or my affiliation with anyone or anything you can look forward to receiving legal action. Thank you and good day to you.



*Contrary to the listing on the In5D.Com website which lists her as an advisor as well as linking to her contact pages - which is how I was able to contact her and get the response. It would therefore appear that the In5d.Com listing is incorrect OR Kendra Giilbert is not being totally truthful.  

It is logical to assume that Kendra is not being truthful, simply because she denies association with In5d.Com, yet clearly appears on their advisor page which hosts links to her sites for contact. There would be no logical cause for a website to list someone as an advisor and host links to their websites and pages - if they were not.  

Logic also is invariably more truthful than emotional outbursts.


In5d.Com advisors Kendra Gilbert, Helane Lipson, Claudia HelmkeMiller and Candace Craw-Goldman asked for formal comments - In5D.Com admins Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott refuse to respond

#12Author of original report

Mon, December 07, 2015

In5d.Com advisors Kendra Gilbert, Helane Lipson, Claudia Heimke Miller (aka CJ Miller) and Candace Craw-Goldman have all been invited to explain their role in this disgusting matter of ther degradation of bloggers work to the level of pure abuse.

I understand these advisors are part of In5d.Com s team - as per their website:-


In5D Advisors:

Ripoffreport Report ImageKendra Gilbert, LMT

Organic Soapmaker and doll connoisseur at Virgo’s Alchemy,Marketing Consultant, Contributing Author, and former Cohost of in5d Radio

Ripoffreport Report ImageHelane Lipson, MSW

Psychic, Intuitive Astrologer, and Spiritual Counselor at Insights By Helane

Radio Show Host of in5d’s Embracing What Is Real



Ripoffreport Report ImageC.J. Miller

Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, and Reiki Healer at Whole Earth Healing

Radio Show Host of in5d’s The C.J. Miller Show

Ripoffreport Report ImageCandace Craw-Goldman

Master QHHT Practitioner

Radio show host at In5d Radio’s Quantum Healing with Candace.


- and thus after 14 months - they must have had some kind of knowledge about the matter.

Their statements - or absence of them - will be noted here.

Each has been contacted via their documented webpages, Facebook pages, etc.

As of 7th Dec 2012, the offending content is still live and In5D.Com admins Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott are continuing to publish numerous posts and thus are clearing ignoring the matter and refusing to delete offending material.


I also understand there are other complaints about In5D.Com in Rip Off Report



Formal DMCA Complaint filed against In5D.Com / Formal Legal follow ups underway / In5d.Com along with Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling refuse to apologize

#13Author of original report

Sun, December 06, 2015

I can share that In5D.Com were given 24 hours in which to offer a formal apology and to print that apology on their websites and pages. I can share they have ignored such requests. 

I can also share thaat formal legal follow ups are underway with regard to the disgusting conduct of Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott and have been forwarded my abuse/insults disclaimer as per my website:

Important Respect/Abuse Disclaimer

Insulting or disrespecting those on the Master Path or behaving with ill-intent in their energy fields is extremely unwise and is likely to incur extreme karmic consequences which may manifest as sickness, heavy losses, insolvency, life misfortunes, etc

Trying to:- abuse, bully, cheat, defame, defraud, harass, insult, intimidate, interfere with or degrade/desecrate the work of, ‘poke fun at’, stalk, steal from or threaten spiritual teachers or Masters is thus not recommended!

Those who act as such and ignore the above disclaimers are fully responsible for their conduct and any magnified healing crisis (karmic mirroring effect) and any and all resultant effects that may occur in their lives – either at the time or later – and most importantly – no legal claims for damages will be entertained in these instances.


For readers of In5d.Com horrified about this behaviour and who want to see the original, pure and undistorted blog, here it is below for the public record

Readers can see that it is clearly grossly different than what is posted on their website and I doubt they have any 'legal leg' to stand on - for fair use or otherwise as the above evidence speaks for itself.

Understanding the Merkabah – Interdimensional Travel


The full undistorted and undegraded blog is here:-


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