  • Report:  #223717

Complaint Review: Industry Escorts - Montreal Quebec

Reported By:
- Smyrna, Georgia,

Industry Escorts
industryescorts.ca Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I were visiting Montreal for my birthday and our 5 year wedding anneversary. We wanted to have a little "fun" while we were there, so we researched the different escort sevices available in Montreal before we left on the trip so we could pick out the perfect girl for us. We were actually entertaining the idea of more than one while we were there.

We chose our top 4 picks and called ahead to make reservations to insure the ladies were available. We were told by multiple services to wait until we arrived since they would have to verify our hotel and room number.

When we arrived, it was late so we decided to wait until the next day. We contacted Industry Escorts for several reasons, one of which was obviously because of the lady we were attracted to, which was Katrina, a hot little blonde. The other reason was because, in addition to a nice website, they also had a toll free number, which added som legitimace to the business (at least in our minds).

We initaly made contact on Tuesday around 5 P.M. I called and spoke to a gentleman and told him that my husband and I were interested in spending time with Katrina and asked if she was available on that evening. He said she was and asked if this was for one or both of us. I told him it was for both and he quoted me a price of $400 CAD an hour. I said that would be fine and we set the appointment for between 8 and 8:30.

At about 8:10 there was a knock on the door and I answered it to find a young male in his early to mid twenties. He said he was Katrina's driver and security and that he need to check out the room to assure that we were alone. I let him in, and hedid a quick once over and then asked to see ID to confirm that we were indeed from Georgia. My husband showed his ID and the guy said ok, now I just need to collect the $400. My husband Imediately asked where was Katrina. The guy said she was waiting in the lobby and would come up as soon as he returned and told her it was all cool. He explaind that this way no money ever exchanged hands between her and us and if after the first hour we wanted more time, to call him and he would come back up and collect the money.

My husban smelled a rope-a-dope scam in the making, and even asked the guy what was our insurance that he wouldn't just take the money and leave. The guy replied that they were an upstanding business and they wouldn't stay in business long if they did that kind of thing to there clients. As a "safety net", I said that I would go down with him and walk her back up. He agareed and off we went.

As we headed down to the lobby, the guy said not to talk to him and act like we didn't know each other once we got to the lobby. When we entered the lobby, he said, "She will be right in" and walked out the door. He stood outside for a minute and then disapeared to the left. I waited about 5 minutes and called my husband in the room to let him know what had happened. I returned to the room and my husband called the service and the guy on the phone said she should be there soon and that the driver would come and collect.

When my husband told him the driver had already collected but Katrina was not there, he put my husband on hold and supposedly called the driver to find out what was going on. When he returned to the line, he told my husband that they had run to the store real quick for her to get "supplies" and that she should be back with in 15 minutes. Giving the benefit of the doubt, we waited 20 minutes and my husband called back.

This was the start of a 2 hour game of she should be right there, she ran into some one she knew and stopped to talk for a minute, and other similar excuses, with even a promise of extra time sincehe understood that this was very unprofessional on her part. Finally, around 11 PM, the service stoped answering the phone. My husband said we should have known better and if not for the fact that we were up about $900 from out earlier trip to the casino, we would have been alot more angry.

We went to bed with the intention of calling again in the morning. About 11 AM, before we had a chance to call, the service called us and asked if Katrina had ever shown up. I told him no and that we were none to happy about the situation. He apoligised several times and asked if we would like for her to come out Wednesday night about 7PM and we agreed. Again he apologised and promised she would be there at 7PM.

About 3PM, he called back and said that Katrina would not be able to make it until 10 PM because she knew someone that worked at the hotal and did not want them to see her coming in. Of course we though, here we go again, and my husband asked, what if she didn't show again. He assured us that would not be the case. at 10:10PM we called the service and he said she was in the lobby and would be right up. He called back a couple of minutes later and said that she had a friend with her and did we want both of them to come up. We said no and he said ok, that she would be right up. 10 more minutes went by and no Katrina, so we called back and the sevice had again stopped answering there phone.

It is really sad for them because they lost out on quite a bit of money since there were several girls on their website that we were looking at and had intended on hiring at least one more while in Montreal in addition to Katrina.

Luckily for us, we had the foresight to contact VIP Escorts and request Claudia at about 5:30PM, just in case Katrina didn't show again and Claudia arrive right on time at 7PM, collected only $340 CAD for an hour, handed the money out the door to someone and we had a really great time with her! It's is a shame that Industry Escorts is a rip off because that gives the whole industry a big Black Eye.

If ever in Montreal and you want an escort, steer clear of Industry Escorts, it a guaranteed RIP-OFF!


Smyrna, Georgia

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