  • Report:  #68533

Complaint Review: Institute Of Natural Health - Newburgh Indiana

Reported By:
- Edison, New Jersey,

Institute Of Natural Health
8437 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, 47630 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They called and offered a trial offer for $4.95. When the free sample arrived i called and cancelled the order for the three month supply. they said it had been to late it was sent out to me... so to send it back when i received it and i would get a refund check.

its been two months no products and no check! i have been called for two weeks and getting nowhere. i called today and spoke to Jim. he told me that his system says that i have received my products, so therefore he cannot refund me! i assured him that i knew about his little scam and that i have not received my product.

he told me that he will return &75.38 to my credit card within a couple of days. he is not allowed to give me my full amount because i could be lying to scam him!

he said if i do receive my product within the next couple of days (yeah right)... he will give me the full amount of refund if i send them back to him.


Edison, New Jersey

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Got half of my money back

#2Author of original report

Wed, October 22, 2003

After i complained and told everyone at the health fraud institue that i filed complaints i receieved half of my money back on my credit card! i then called my credit card cancelled it for a new one (one they couldnt charge to) and did a credit dispute! my credit card company reimbursed me for al the money that the Institute had charged me!

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