  • Report:  #68567

Complaint Review: Integretel - AOL - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Westminster,, Colorado,

Integretel - AOL
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have not used AOL in over 6 years. Well I get my phone bill recently, and find that there are charges on it for $19.95, with the name of Integretel and a phone number for questions. I call them to find out what it is, and they tell me AOL, so I call AOL or AOHell and tell them that I dont have an account and why are they billing me??

They inform me that there is an account and that it is being billed per phone bill. I asked them to cancel the account because I did not authorize for that to happen, and with me being the only person in the house I don't know who did. They assured me that it would be taken care of.

Well two months later I am still being billed for it, once again I call Integretel and they tell me that they can not cancel the services, and aol won't cancel them either.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can get this all taken care of I would appreciate it. I have informed aol and intergretel that I am not paying that portion of my bill every month, I am deducting that from the amount of the bill and am informing Qwest where to apply my payment to so they *aol and the other company* don't receive the payment.

I am ready to scream if not more over this... JUST ANOTHER REASON TO NEVER NEVER USE AOL!!!!!!!


Westminster,, Colorado

1 Updates & Rebuttals


AOL is well known for malarkey like this

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2003

You will probably have to call AOL again. In fact, call them every day if you have to in order for them to cancel this fraudulent account. When you call, ask for the account to be terminated. AOL employees are apparently instructed to ignore a mere cancellation request. Also, file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General's office here: http://www.ago.state.co.us/ I wish I had more info for you. Take care.

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