  • Report:  #68136

Complaint Review: INTEGRETEL - BOSTON Massachusetts

Reported By:
- HASKELL, New Jersey,

4 CHARLES GATE #503 BOSTON, 02215 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
800-775 4589
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We had just got our phone bill and we were wondering why it was so high. Thats when I looked at it and found these two charges for 12.95 each not including tax.

Verizon should not allow this, this is a disgrace $28.24 for what.I didnt get any extra service we have everything we need on this phone and computer.

I will raise hell if this is not taken care of I will call the FCC. There better be some kind of solution for this scam soon.


HASKELL, New Jersey

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
taken care of with a good business like attitude

#2Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2003

This to let people know that this problem was taken care of by united voice messaging and it was taken care of with a good business like attitude. To let you know further that you need to becareful in what you are accessing on the web there are all hidden clauses that you need to read or get more information about. When they target people there is always fine print when they are giving you 1000 dollars in coupons there is always a catch. Thanks to Paul at uvmessaging.com.He handled this very professional. Thanks

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