  • Report:  #187734

Complaint Review: Integrity Sales - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Chandler, Arizona,

Integrity Sales
15820 N. 35th Ave Ste 10 Phoenix, 85053 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On April 13th, 2006 a young man Chris Farrell Jr knocked on our door selling magazines to help finance his soccer club (Phoenix Stars) trip to Australia. He mentioned his mother lived down the street from me, a neighbor. I like to help neighbors with their causes so my wife and 15 year old son picked out magazines and I wrote a check for $130.00. The check was payable to Integrity Sales a name very familiar to me. I had been previously asked for information on the whereabout of an contemporary of Integrity Sales, Choan Lane.

My research and yours will show that Choan Lane ran a door to door magazine sales operation named Y.E.S.. The typical way of doing business was to go to malls and pick up youths, run aways etc with promises of exciting travel big money etc. These young people would travel around in vans from town to town converging on communities to sell magazines under the pretext that it was a for a school trip etc.

While in Wisconsin during one of these canvesings 7 young people died in a van wreck. There is much documentation on the internet. Choan Lane received a few years in the pen for his role. His ex wife Karleen Hillery aka Karleen Humphries aka Karlene Pierce aka Britney Renee Hillery aka Erica Brooks Hillery aka Karleen Lane aka Karleen Hiller-Spuiel had a large percentage interest in Y.E.S. but somehow escaped criminal prosicution. One of her companies was however sued and I believe insurance companies had to pay off. I have a copy of the appeal.

If searching the web one will find many complaints about these magazine peddlers and a common theme is that they are earning money to go on a school/club trip and that a relative lives in the neighborhood. Rip Off Reports has many email threads as does Traveling Sales Crews.

The Oklahoma Department of Labor on July 01, 1999 signed an agreed Settlement and Consent Order whereby would not admit to the charges but agreed to pay $10,000.00 in fines of Oklahoma Compensation violations. Subscriptions Plus also agreed to cease operations there.

May 02, 2002 The State of Illinois Attorney General filed a fraud complaint 02-CH-125 against Karleen Hillery and all her aka and several of her company names. The complaint alleged that her crews were selling subscription door to door and the consumer was not getting the subscriptions nor refunds.

The Arizona Corporation Division shows Integrity Sales, LLC has Robert Spuiel as it's member. The Arizona Corporation Division has listed Subscriptions Plus, Inc as applying for corporate status in May 05. The state takes notice that an address for the business is omitted. There is no annual report yet but the Affidavit of Publication is there and you see that this was submitted by Karleen Hiller-Spruiel.

As you can see Karleen Hiller-Spruiel has many names, maybe many marriages. There seems to be a pattern and practice that Ms. Hiller-Spruiel husband (s) have business's that promotes door to door sales. Ms. Hiller Spuiel has a business in the background that is affiliated.

You notice from the website www.intregitysale.com. Robert Spruiel is the first picture and Karleen is further down under Kays Naturals. Kay is another aka for Karleen. Yes she is a crew leader. I have to wonder if Integrity and it's associates are committing the same violations of labor and criminal acts. Maybe you can ask this question?

The State of Arizona Supreme Court has criminal courts actions listed for both Karleen Hillery-Spruiell and Robert Spruiell. It is also reported that Karleen spent time in an Illinios prison for her 3rd DUI conviction.

She has articles of incorpoation n Arizona Her name will not appear except in the articles of publication.

Karleen Hillery-Spruiell and Robert Spruiell are in divorce court. Another of many for her. Look for another front man very soon in an attempt to shield her.

Reports reflect that she is from share cropper stock and is trying vainly to rise from the social economic statis she was born into through marriages and scams.

There is a police report that shows the arrest of 2 of her "sub-contractors" for attempted theft when they tried stealing a check from a prospective magazine purchaser. They were invited in for a glass of water and had prior arrest. This information has been forwared to local news paper reports and Attorney Generals Office.

Beware Beware Beware


Chandler, Arizona

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

27 Updates & Rebuttals


St Augustine,
integrity sales

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009



Rapid City,
South Dakota,
Daughter Recently Involved

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2009

It has been awhile since anyone has responded to this report. However, my daughter recently became involved with Magazine Fullfillment Corp, an affiliate of Integrity Sales. When I first learned that she was involved with this I had a feeling that something wasn't quite right. I immediately started searching the internet for information on door to door magazine sales and was appalled at what I found. I found a connection on this report with other information I had. Penny from Ft Pierce, FL who was looking for her son in 2006 and an ad I came across in a newspaper called Hometown News from Ft Pierce, FL. I am not sure how old this ad is. I could not find a date on it. The advertisement was for employment and travel. It said "Seeking guys/gals, join our young minded, rock-n-roll, blue jean environment, music lovers welcome. Travel, Travel and it gives an 888 phone number. What I find bothersome is that this phone number is the same number that reaches my daughter's manager. His name is Mark Speigner. I honestly don't think my daughter knows what she has got herself into either. I have spoke with her briefly a few times since she left. She was in Alexandria, VA, then New Jersey, and just left for Philly when I talked to her on May 31, 2009. Yes I have somewhat of an idea where she is. Of course I am told that she is 21 and there of her own free will but I feel the people in this business are taking advantage of her. She tells me she is OK but my gut instinct tells me differently. At this point I can only hope that she soon realizes that this business is not everything it is cracked up to be and that she will find a way out on her own. I am really wondering if Penny ever found her son. I would really appreciate it if someone would let me know. I also recently read an article in my hometown newspaper about a 21 year old woman who was selling magazines door to door in my home town. She disappeared and later her body was found on a road about 10 miles outside of town. It is information like this that I find really unnerving. I was really unaware of this business until my daughter got involved. If there is anything I can do to help put these people out of business, let me know.

Brandy Salter

I'm also a ex employee

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 31, 2007

i used to work for johns team and was one of the top 15 people of a 170 crew just let me know what you would need from me


Floyd Knobs,
use to work for

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, July 28, 2007

you said that you were looking for a former employee, i was in the top 20 of the over 200 person crew, if you would like to find out some info i will be more than obiged to tell you whatever you need to know....


Looking for former employee

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 20, 2006

I am a reporter with a CBS affiliate in Phoenix and I would like to talk to someone who worked for or currently works for Integrity Sales. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Grand Rapids,
I worked on her crew in 2000-01

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 04, 2006

I worked on Karleen Hillery's crew back in 2000-01. I was working at a mall when one of her 'stemmers' came up to me and tried to sell me magazine subscriptions. Somehow he got me to join her crew, and I was off. I worked with her while she was running "Circulation I, inc." She let another crew leader start another crew under "Circulation II, inc." Which I joined. We were supposed to get $20.00 a day, and when it came time to get my money, after my days work... My crew leader wasn't in his room and never came home until way later that night. I finally joined up with her crew and started making some money. I finally decided to quit while we were in Dallas, TX and moved back to Michigan. I called her and asked her for the money she owed me, and she sent it to me. She may not have always done the right thing, but I got my money that I earned, no questions asked. The reason why she's getting this bad rap is because of the people that she hires. The magazines arrive to the poeple that order them, the promblem is the sellers that ring up the orders keep the cash and never turn them in. I know people that have done that. I was never one of them. I was doing a job, and I did it honestly. I've even bought subscriptions for my family, which they recieved. When we check in at the end of the night all of our order pads are numbered and documented to help make sure that we aren't stealing orders. If we use a order sheet and have to start over me still had to keep them and write "Void" on it and turn it in. As far as David Mack Pierce, he was a friend of mine and was taught well by his mother to be be honest in selling the magazines nd to assure that the people that order from him recieve their subscriptions. On the other hand, the hours were horrible, the car handlers were jerks and would make us work 12+ hours a day until we got our sales. The living situations weren't always the greatest. Some of the car handlers (the guys that would drive us around from place to place) would get physical with people, but I never saw them ever hurt a crew member. That's my opinion from someone who did this first hand for almost a year.


personal knowledge

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 12, 2006

I am more than familiar with Kay Pierce-Hillery-Spruiell-?(whatever her name is this week). She does reside in Glendale, Az. Her house is in David Pierce's name. David Mack Pierce...her son. Britney and Brooke are her daughters. And she often uses her children and thier social security numbers for her own personal gain. Re: homes, cell phones, cars, etc. Check it out. I am familiar all 3 of her ex husbands. Her 1st ex (david- actually ex-boyfriend,not husband) is an unemployed IV drug user, to this day. That spent time in prison. Her 2nd ex-(tino) is no longer involved in the door-to-door venture. He is living in Arizona with a girlfriend.(probly also on drugs, most people left in her wake are.) Her 3rd ex (robert spruiell-dare I say LAST husband?!)Managed to be a better con artist than her. She WILLINGLY signed ownership of her company over to him. hmmm? How many times has the notorious Ms "AKA" been arrested? If you check out Arizona, you will see several arrests. Some even for violent offenses. Apparently Sheriff Joe Arpaio has no interest in clearing the latest warrant Kay has. Also for DUI. She is not hard to find. If you like, I can provide you with her personal phone numbers and EXACT location? I have friends that still work for her and we talk all the time. Sincerely, MS please respect my privacy (and safety) by editing any information that I have provided that may hint towards my identity. I will help any way I can. Please reply ONLY by email, for now. Thank-you.


Good work, John...

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 11, 2006

If you can help provide info on a mgr named Russell Wood/Joanne Wood last doing business out of Pilot Pointe, Texas-it would be appreciated. This is the individual who promoted V Pitts to mgr status.He owes many thousands in backpay to young people across the USA, not to mention he was involved with the formation of the ridiculous front Natl Field Selling Assoc, which is nothing more than an excuse for these criminals to congregate annually and celebrate the rape of American consumers and the kids they exploit to do so. I also feel compelled to help Phil and the families of anyone victimized by this last vestige of very organized crime. I was trained in the 70s, alongside Pitts and others, in this business, and have info that may be helpful in your quest to rid the doorsteps of this very old and very lucrative industry. There must be a way for us to discuss this? Pitts is actually using the hits he gets on his website for consumer complaints to profit by selling cyber adspace-a paradox I know he gets satisfaction from. A real winner, let me tell you. He delivered literally hundreds of beatings to kids smaller than him over the years-and deserves to be held accountable for a career in what can only be described as organized crime. I have wondered why no agency has ever initiated a RICOH investigation; the sheer cash intake would warrant a good look. Getabunch.


Fort Pierce,
Help me find my son

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

my son got involved.. he didn't know what he was getting into.... now i have not heard from him since mothers day the last i heard he is with a brent and cheryl.. these r the leaders last i heard they were in tx going to cal. his name is richard(might be going under false name) he was with am press a sister of integrity sales....he has red hair, blue eyes, 5'9", 150-170lbs.., freckles, tatoos of crosses on right arm and hand he has shakes deep voice ans sometimes studders.. if u or anyone has any information please contact me at the # given on my report. i fear he is in grave danger! please please help me find my son and if see him let him call home from your phone so we can bring him home


Up to you

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

There are investigators tracking the whereabouts of these people in many ways and gathering information on the inside. If you want to participate you are welcome to. Generally speaking though they are like gypsies and will not be in one place very long. There is a lesson in this for many people. Looking like you have money doesn't mean you do and having money doesn't make you honorable. Some feel that the industry that the Spruiells are in should be banned. I'm a capitalist and feel people have the right to make as much money as they want so long as they don't victimize others. If the claims about making that much money are true no doubt they would have no trouble getting some of the crew show their pay stubs. Did they by chance pay by credit card or debit card?


Up to you

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

There are investigators tracking the whereabouts of these people in many ways and gathering information on the inside. If you want to participate you are welcome to. Generally speaking though they are like gypsies and will not be in one place very long. There is a lesson in this for many people. Looking like you have money doesn't mean you do and having money doesn't make you honorable. Some feel that the industry that the Spruiells are in should be banned. I'm a capitalist and feel people have the right to make as much money as they want so long as they don't victimize others. If the claims about making that much money are true no doubt they would have no trouble getting some of the crew show their pay stubs. Did they by chance pay by credit card or debit card?


Up to you

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

There are investigators tracking the whereabouts of these people in many ways and gathering information on the inside. If you want to participate you are welcome to. Generally speaking though they are like gypsies and will not be in one place very long. There is a lesson in this for many people. Looking like you have money doesn't mean you do and having money doesn't make you honorable. Some feel that the industry that the Spruiells are in should be banned. I'm a capitalist and feel people have the right to make as much money as they want so long as they don't victimize others. If the claims about making that much money are true no doubt they would have no trouble getting some of the crew show their pay stubs. Did they by chance pay by credit card or debit card?


Up to you

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

There are investigators tracking the whereabouts of these people in many ways and gathering information on the inside. If you want to participate you are welcome to. Generally speaking though they are like gypsies and will not be in one place very long. There is a lesson in this for many people. Looking like you have money doesn't mean you do and having money doesn't make you honorable. Some feel that the industry that the Spruiells are in should be banned. I'm a capitalist and feel people have the right to make as much money as they want so long as they don't victimize others. If the claims about making that much money are true no doubt they would have no trouble getting some of the crew show their pay stubs. Did they by chance pay by credit card or debit card?


Info on the 2 involved - need advise!

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

I was confronted my a very wealthy looking lady and her husband the other night bartending. She had offered me a job, telling me to stop by tonight for more info. She had filled me in by telling me she is a magazine saleswoman, and had said I could also join up, earning $500 - $1500 a week and so on. She left me her name and number, hotel to be at, and left for the night. I found this very fishy, along with everyone I talked to, so I googled her name, like everyone else would do, and stummbled onto this report. I was just wondering if maybe I should let someone know of this "Kay and Robert Spruiell's" whereabouts, or if there is nothing that can be done about it. please get back to me as soon as possible, I would love to help in anyway.


Info on the 2 involved - need advise!

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

I was confronted my a very wealthy looking lady and her husband the other night bartending. She had offered me a job, telling me to stop by tonight for more info. She had filled me in by telling me she is a magazine saleswoman, and had said I could also join up, earning $500 - $1500 a week and so on. She left me her name and number, hotel to be at, and left for the night. I found this very fishy, along with everyone I talked to, so I googled her name, like everyone else would do, and stummbled onto this report. I was just wondering if maybe I should let someone know of this "Kay and Robert Spruiell's" whereabouts, or if there is nothing that can be done about it. please get back to me as soon as possible, I would love to help in anyway.


Info on the 2 involved - need advise!

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

I was confronted my a very wealthy looking lady and her husband the other night bartending. She had offered me a job, telling me to stop by tonight for more info. She had filled me in by telling me she is a magazine saleswoman, and had said I could also join up, earning $500 - $1500 a week and so on. She left me her name and number, hotel to be at, and left for the night. I found this very fishy, along with everyone I talked to, so I googled her name, like everyone else would do, and stummbled onto this report. I was just wondering if maybe I should let someone know of this "Kay and Robert Spruiell's" whereabouts, or if there is nothing that can be done about it. please get back to me as soon as possible, I would love to help in anyway.


Good information. I have been discussing this with the Criminal Division of the IRS

#18Author of original report

Wed, May 31, 2006

Thanks Melinda

Crew 029 got him. Good information. I have been discussing this with the Criminal Division of the IRS. Know where Karleen puts her assets/money?


it all comes back in the end......

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 30, 2006

david pierce is the father of kays son david mac pierce. david mac is supposedly the owner of her house that she is living in. david pierce, the father, is from washington. if you look on the website integrity sale.com you will find david is running his own crew, under integrity sales.


Karleen Pierce now living at

#20Author of original report

Tue, May 23, 2006

I notice that Karleen Spruiell is now living at 20253 N. 68th Dr Glendale, AZ 85308. The property is owned by David Pierce. That name appears in some previous reports. Karleen Pierce, Kay Pierce. Anyone know Davids connection other than being the next victim of the "Black Widow".


Road Show

#21Author of original report

Tue, May 23, 2006

It would seem Robert Spruiell is taking his show on the road. He was ticketed on 05/10/06 in Scottsdale. The license he used had a Buffalo, New York address. My records show the address to be 2316 Delaware Ave #10 Buffalo, New York 14216. This address is actually a UPS store where he has a box. He has registered a 98 Ford Windstar Wagon Vin number 2FMDA514WBA46942 extended sport van license plate CZE5797. We may wish to alert the community and Elliot Spitzer, New Yorks Attorney General.

He also has a Ford Econoline 350 DUT Bus VIN 1FBNE31L3XHC25319 License plate CZE5798. It seems as though he plans on moving a lot of people. The city of Buffalo has traditionally had pretty strong business licensing laws there.


John...keep it up....

#22Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 21, 2006

I have been taking notice of your contributions re the exploitation of young salespeople and the general public. Keep the heat on. Since my unfortunate involvement in this horrific business, we have been blessed with an electronic tool to fight back that the magmgrs scurry for cover from...the mighty, yet simple internet.The inability to centrally disseminate information has been their cornerstone for continued growth right into the late 1980s. The ever enlightening internet has cast a beam onto these filthy mgrs that has them running for cover on many fronts.The unfortunate result is that as more folks learn what goes on behind closed hotel room doors, the mgrs have a smaller and many times degenerate workpool to choose from. Gone are the days when a mgr could hit a town and return with a ripe pool of enthusiastic,good kids to exploit. They were never particular...it is a results driven entity. As we squeeze this industry into extinction, it may get worse before it gets better. Education, reform, PROSECUTION, and accountability are the paths to this end. Getabunch.


John...keep it up....

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 21, 2006

I have been taking notice of your contributions re the exploitation of young salespeople and the general public. Keep the heat on. Since my unfortunate involvement in this horrific business, we have been blessed with an electronic tool to fight back that the magmgrs scurry for cover from...the mighty, yet simple internet.The inability to centrally disseminate information has been their cornerstone for continued growth right into the late 1980s. The ever enlightening internet has cast a beam onto these filthy mgrs that has them running for cover on many fronts.The unfortunate result is that as more folks learn what goes on behind closed hotel room doors, the mgrs have a smaller and many times degenerate workpool to choose from. Gone are the days when a mgr could hit a town and return with a ripe pool of enthusiastic,good kids to exploit. They were never particular...it is a results driven entity. As we squeeze this industry into extinction, it may get worse before it gets better. Education, reform, PROSECUTION, and accountability are the paths to this end. Getabunch.


John...keep it up....

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 21, 2006

I have been taking notice of your contributions re the exploitation of young salespeople and the general public. Keep the heat on. Since my unfortunate involvement in this horrific business, we have been blessed with an electronic tool to fight back that the magmgrs scurry for cover from...the mighty, yet simple internet.The inability to centrally disseminate information has been their cornerstone for continued growth right into the late 1980s. The ever enlightening internet has cast a beam onto these filthy mgrs that has them running for cover on many fronts.The unfortunate result is that as more folks learn what goes on behind closed hotel room doors, the mgrs have a smaller and many times degenerate workpool to choose from. Gone are the days when a mgr could hit a town and return with a ripe pool of enthusiastic,good kids to exploit. They were never particular...it is a results driven entity. As we squeeze this industry into extinction, it may get worse before it gets better. Education, reform, PROSECUTION, and accountability are the paths to this end. Getabunch.


John...keep it up....

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 21, 2006

I have been taking notice of your contributions re the exploitation of young salespeople and the general public. Keep the heat on. Since my unfortunate involvement in this horrific business, we have been blessed with an electronic tool to fight back that the magmgrs scurry for cover from...the mighty, yet simple internet.The inability to centrally disseminate information has been their cornerstone for continued growth right into the late 1980s. The ever enlightening internet has cast a beam onto these filthy mgrs that has them running for cover on many fronts.The unfortunate result is that as more folks learn what goes on behind closed hotel room doors, the mgrs have a smaller and many times degenerate workpool to choose from. Gone are the days when a mgr could hit a town and return with a ripe pool of enthusiastic,good kids to exploit. They were never particular...it is a results driven entity. As we squeeze this industry into extinction, it may get worse before it gets better. Education, reform, PROSECUTION, and accountability are the paths to this end. Getabunch.


Call the police

#26Author of original report

Thu, May 11, 2006

They need to have a peddlers or solicitors license. I am working with Pil Ellenbecker very hard to get this stopped. It's not just a problem with the lies but also the kids that get victimized. They die in car crashed and are abused. You will find arrest reports for both Robert Spruiell and Karleen Spruiell in the Arizona Superior Courts web site. Scottsdale police file a report the was "allegedly" the result of them giving one of their workers a beating. Either way they are not what we want in this state. Go on line and file a report with the Attorney General so we can get this vermin out of here.



#27Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 11, 2006

They're in the Chandler area right now. My husband just answered the door to find one of their sales reps offering magazines so he could earn points towards a trip to Europe. He was unaware this was a scam, but had refused to give the kid a check, debit card, or cash. He said they'd be in the neighborhood for awhile. Are there any laws against door to door sales? I have a no soliciting sign on my door and they still knock.


New Info

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, May 08, 2006

Tell me how it happens the Karleen Hillery-Spruiell recently gets charged in three counts surrounding an extreme DUI. Todd Glover with Peoria Municipal Court plea bargains 2 away and gives her 120 day suspended sentence? This woman got a 5 year prison sentence in 2000 for her 3rd DUI. She has an extensive record and we put her back on the street with 180 day suspended sentence? There currently is a warrant out for her arrest for failure to pay fines.

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