  • Report:  #26136

Complaint Review: INTERNET TREASURE CHEST - Irvine California

Reported By:

2041 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE #212 Irvine, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I signed up for their free trial, I think it was november, 01. Recieved me trial kit and set up my web site 12-09-01. On 12-22-01 I received an email explaining all their outragious fees.

I immediatly sent them email same date to cancel this account before the nightmare goes any further. On 12-26 01 I received a cancellation conformation that the account was closed.

They even sent me a conformation code number. I have been in contact with my credit card company about this and filed a dispute more than one time. They are just as bad as the internet treasure chest.

Th BBB in california closed this case as "Un-resolved". Can you believe this Bull so far? It gets better. Today, 8-05-02 I receive a letter from my credit card company stating that the ITC stated "their" records show this sum of $495.00 they stole from me is a valid charge.

A merchant account ( according to the ITC ) was

opened with Card Service International. A really really big lie. I contacted this company and they wrote me back saying no application was made to them for me by the ITC. More proof that I was ripped-off.

The ITC told my credit card company that my account was NEVER cancelled. I have proof that it was cancelled. I sent copies of all this stuff to my credit card company, and they STILL agree this is a valid charge. Are they stupid or what? Maybe they can't read.

What's this world coming too? I hope this gets posted where millions of people can read it, so they don't get RIPPED-OFF like I did.


Tower City, Pennsylvania

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Internet Treasure chest still Operating ?

#2Author of original report

Mon, June 23, 2003

How many people is this Internet Treasure Chest going to lie to, and how many thousands of dollars they are taking by lying to their potential customers ? They need to get A real Program manager to run the company, instead of who is running it now. Because whomever is running it now has not a clue to what he is doing. Neither does their "support" team. They do NOT have a filing system. They lose your name. They lose your phone number. And they NEVER NEVER return an email unless they are telling you that you owe them more money. And when they want that, they just help themselves to your credit card account. Isn't there a law against this activity ? They are stealing money from people and getting away with it. I'm ashamed to even associate myself with this SCAM. Anyone wants to start a class action lawsuit, You can count on my signature. Just make the dollar amount up in the tens of millions, because they need to be made to pay for this big-time. They should be made to pay at least one million dollars to every single person that they RIPPED OFF ! VOICE YOUR OPINION ! IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO DO IT !



Fri, August 09, 2002

I just want to add the name of the credit card company that is re-instating this charge to my account. What good did it do me to file a dispute with them. They believed the internet treasure chest when they said that I did not cancel my account. Even after I sent a copy of the cancellation paper that I received from the internet treasure chest. What more proof do they need? If I ever consider suing, maybe I should include the credit card company. The credit card company said that the ITC did NOT have any file on me cancelling this account with them. DUH... Did anyone really expect them to have any such file? I have all my emails and my PROOF that this account was indeed cancelled.

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