  • Report:  #96137

Complaint Review: Isagenix International - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Isagenix International
www.isagenix.com Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Isagenix International is a major scam. It has changed statements on its site and is pedaling pipe dreams.

The company is a major brainwash and preys upon two things peoples desire to make money and lose weight. It truly delivers on neither.

For the longest time in their testimonials they had people making outrageous claims of weight loss. Ever since adding in the study that shows that the average weight loss is 7 pounds under their disclaimers they have been taking those claims and actually changing the wording in them to bring them more in line with their studies of course claiming weight loss in nine days with none showing any longer results. The Doctors testimonials all of a sudden gained a note next to them stating that these were not supposed to be a testimonial of any isagenix product.(Kind of a strange addition to a page that they still have not yet figured out they should remove the words doctors testimonials over the quotes.

The product is nothing but your Garden Variety liquid diet much like Cambridge diet...wait John Coover (president of the company) you founded that garbage diet too didn't you? amazing just rename it and claim it is now for detoxifying and maybe you can rip off more people with it.


Sacramento, California

30 Updates & Rebuttals


Their high profile people are on their Corporate Payroll

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 29, 2015

Have a personal friend that works for ISACorporate in Chandler, AZ. She has inside scoop..They pay several high profile "earners" to look like they are making a lot of money on thier own when they in fact work for Corporate. They keep the hype going and travel to different states to do thier seminars and make it look like they are living the high life. I have known several people that have joined with these people and not one of them is a millionare. They only look like suckers and I feel sorry for them, I have watched some of the brain washing Conventions online where they get you in a room, shut the doors and hoop and hollar for hours on end. This is a form on crowd control and you can read a lot on this kind of brain washing and control.

I have been to a seminar just to witness the fiasco and I could not believe how many people are so gullible. Isagenix had a Doctor there singing the praises. He looks like a huckster too and is paid. No Doctor would ever put his reputation on the line with this company.

Such a joke and they should be ashamed how they scam people. True they may lose weight using the products but I can go down to any whole foods, health store and buy the same kind of suppliments and lose weight if I exercize and cleanse and drink shakes and eat healthy. OPEN your eyes people! Slick Willys is what they all are.

Some things I witnesses watching Brain washing convention to try to relate to people and keep them brainwashed:

Dr. on state - Hey look a doctor endorses isagenix. YOO h*o! So you should believe him!!

Family with 5 kids on stage!  Hey look you can do this with 5 kids no problem!

Olympic athelete on stage. Clearly a motivational speaker. No interest I am sure in isagenix. Never heard of her doing Isagenix.

Young woman claiming she started as a teen on stage. - Hey even teens can get rich.  Red flag in my book to try to lure kids. No kids I know can sell spending 300.00 on products each month and lure others to do the same.

Clearly all these people are prepped for professional motivational speaking. It is so obvious.

Dont quit your day job! You can make more working at Mcdonalds and people will not think your a blood sucking mindless ISA follower.


Opinion or Fact?

#3General Comment

Thu, October 22, 2015

 Hi there,

You said in your statement that "You can go to Walmart and buy protein or mass gainer for cheaper and replace that with a meal you get the same results my friends"

So what is this based on? Your opinion or a creditable study? Have you completed a study to check this out? Do you know of one?  Or are you just stating your opinion?

If you know of a creditable study where Isagenix products were compaired to what can be bought at Walmart I would like to read it. Might learn something from it.

But then again, this statement that you make might only be your opinion based on no factual information. Or you may have access to studies to back this up.

Eather way. Have a great week!


Retail cost

#4General Comment

Thu, October 16, 2014

Since I can make coffe at home for, let's just say, 10c a cup but buy the same quality at Starbucks for $3, I'm guessing that's about a 30x multiplier for them to provide the facility, all the ingredients, the cup and service.

If you pay $3 for a serving of Isagenix at home, wouldn't that mean $90 in an "Isabucks Cafe"?

Even if you say the product only accounts for a small portion and coffee costs are only doubled to 20c and the other $2.40 is for everything else, that would make your shake $8.40 in the cafe.

The fact is, it's quite likely you could make a better shake at home, as I do with coffee, for a lot less money and not be "that person" who people avoid because they don't want to get involved in MLM.


South Carolina,
agreed isagenix is a scam - coover family ring leaders

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, September 25, 2014

The coover family is a bunch of scammer use car salesmen type people. The products they peddle off as having miracle weight loss cures are nothing more than a restricted calorie diet. That being said you have to invest in this company first to even start making money. They come up with bogus initiation fees and one time fees for this or that, then they invite you to their cult parties where everyone wants you to drink the coolaide so they dont feel like the only suckers in the room. Its a vicious cycle really just google quixtar or amway and think of isagenix basically a health products version of them dateline did a special on Amway and found out the average rep loses money. So for those of you looking to join this company to promote their health product parties I warn you stay clear or if your looking to spend your money send it to your next of kin in the south african email you got today you have a better chance of making money with them.


Isagenix is a confirmed ripoff

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2014

Tim I 100% agree with your post Isagenix is a 100% ripoff. They are basically the amway, quixtar, ytb, worldventures of the health sector. Its funny how many supposed users of isagenix responded seems like they had quite some time on their hands to go and google search isogenix ripoff and then take the time to login and comment.

Im only here to tell you all the truth. Isagenix will help you lose weight but paying $300 a month to take protein powder is a 100% ripoff. You can go to walmart and buy protein or mass gainer for cheaper and replace that with a meal yo uget the same results my friends.

The medical and health professionals on here hold no water as I myself could claim to be an anstronaut of 30 years with friends that flew too the moon and back.

The fact is isagenix is a mlm scam. If you have to pay to sell and pay to lose weight then it is no good. Please do not be fooled by them . The Coovers have done a fabulous job with paying people to rank 'isagenix scam' high in the google search results with articles written promoting their garbage products. Its only thanks to ripoffreport that everyone will know the truth.

My knucklehead friend joined this cult and let me tell you this he has made not 1 penny. I told him so & i will tell all those that are thinking of joining DO NOT JOIN. It is a scam.


It is "all good"

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2014

Whoever said they had to invest money in the Isagenix opportunity and then lost money because she could not build a team, I can't believe you are talking about Isagenix! I invested nothing. I bought the shake, the 30-day cleanse, and I am losing weight and will stay on it til I reach goal weight, and then continue to use Isagenix products to stay healthy--they offer much more than weight loss products. But all of their products provide optimum nutrition as many of the reviewers have stated. Now the opportunity: all you have to do is share information about the product! You don't need to "invest" in anything! I have invited friends over and showed them a video from the Isagenix website, gave them a taste of the shake and a bite of a fiber bar, and if they liked it, I helped them sign up. Then I invited them to invite their friends to my house for a tasting, and their friends signed up. I just kept doing that. In two months, I have received over $800 from Isagenix and I keep thinking I haven't done anything! Can you imagine what would happen if you really did take the business side seriously? Wow! I am on a great team, and together we help each other. We use the product, share it, and teach how to use it. And guess what...for $300 a month, I get to EAT everything I buy--that is $300 worth of groceries I am not buying at the grocery store. My food bill actually went down because I eat one meal a day; and because I do a cleanse one day a week, I only have to prepare 6 meals a week. There is a ton of support from the person who sponsored me and others on our team. That's how it works. For those who have had a bad experience with the opportunity, don't quit your day job until you try doing what I did--slowly test out the opportunity and see for yourself. It is not rocket science. It is the best comp plan in network marketing I have ever seen. Everyone buys their product from the company, no one has to stock product and deliver it--wow, what a blessing that is! And there is a 30-day guarantee that you will like it or you get your money back. You see...it's all good!


If you pay to sell Isagenix, it's a pyramid scheme

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 27, 2014

Much like Herbalife, Amway, and all the others, Isagenix is a ripoff because it's a pyramid scheme, and here's why:

This is a link to Isagenix on Amazon:  amzn.to/1hzKtkc

If you click that link and buy Isagenix, I get a commission from Amazon. This means I can sell Isagenix products without paying any money to Isagenix. If you had to buy the product up front or pay any money whatsoever to sell their products, you were ripped off, no matter how much you sell. 

The moral is people pay me to sell their products - in fact, EVERY legitimate business pays you to sell their product. If a company is asking for any money up front to sell their products, they are a pyramid scheme, with absolutely no exceptions.

I hope this lesson in elementary business is helpful to all the blind Isagenix sheep who insist they're not part of this scheme. I can assure you that you are involved in a scam.



#9General Comment

Sat, August 31, 2013

A scam is broke people calling network marketing a scam

isagenix on TV from 3rd party view

United States of America
Real ripoff report

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2011

there is a cable TV show that did a Report on isagenix not to long ago the URL is:


This will tell you the truth 100% about isagenix!

in all honesty, I have been reading ALL the "Rippoff" reports about isagenix on this website and have found 0% to be truthful and in any real detail that would make one that investigate more on all the matters to have it fixed or any thing done to fix it.

I have been using isagenix for 3 years now and it saved me life!

I started on April 10 2009 and have been using the products every day, but before I started Isagenix I was at 182 pounds at 5 feet 4 inches (5'4") on April 9 2009. 7 months before that I was 150 pounds. I become bedridden for 7 months from severe back discomfort. I had a good  job doing welding at the time in buffalo NY. I was around tons of toxicity at the time and didn't think anything of it or if it could even hurt me with the safety precaution I was taking. I was learning about health and wellness / natural healing at the time, I never learned about toxicity and how it can impact the human body. I was eating all organic foods, drinking tons of water (fiji water), and taking food grade hydrogen peroxide but I still got sick. I could not even pick up a 5 pound cat. I was introduced to Isagenix by a friend of a friend. I was kind of unsure about taking it as everyone would be. Im the type of person that will not take any thing that did not come from earth. I got the 30day system with the isadelights only to lose the weight because my weight kept going up and up every month fast. So after ordering it, UPS came on April 9 and I started on April 10 I started that morning and after 2 weeks, my back healed up, my weight went down and all of my health problems are gone! I felt like I was 18 again but better. After being bedridden for 7 months I took tae kwon do and was able to surpass the black belts in the same exercises. I also walked 8 miles to the gym worked out for 2 hours straight and walked 8 miles back non-stop without even getting tired. I was so amazed I called up my en-roller and told her what I did and she was not surprised that I was able to do that being on Isagenix. I am now at 160 pounds as of 9/3/2010 and it's very very hard for me to gain weight if I stop using Isagenix. now that I went to being a vegetarian and gluten free my weight is droping even more. I stayed 160 for a year and could not loss it no matter what! I was bicycling 1,000 miles a month and nothing! I was even a vegetarian at the time a year ago. a month ago I went gluten free, as of today 8/30/2011 I am now 138 lb. :) I was still even using isagenix and talking to people when I was homeless for a while a year and a half ago.

Report Attachments


Get Real, People!

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2010

Wow!  I don't even know where to begin here!  What IS it with you people?  Whiners and complainers have NO business in ANY business!  Your life, your health, is YOUR responsibility.  So take responsibility for it now and grow up already!  Geez!

Mr. Businessman in Vegas (#17) 
The shakes are expensive?  They cost less than $3.00 for gosh sakes!  How bad is YOUR recession?  You'd have to be homeless to not be able to afford $3.00.  Have you ever heard of Starbucks?  Millions of people will pay $4-$5 for a mocha or frap and not even bat an eye.  And there's NO nutrition whatsoever!  Anyone who says the Isagenix shakes are expensive are just goobers.  And don't even get me started on what those same people spend on soda, juices, energy drinks, etc. 

Less than $3 for the MOST nutrition in the LEAST amount of calories.  I'll take two please!

I don't care what you think about MLM's.  You can't please everyone, but network marketing done right is an amazing thing.  I've never been wildly successful in network marketing, but that's not the company's fault, or the product's fault.  I only have ME to look in the mirror and decide if I gave it my ALL or just toyed with it.  If I'm honest, then I'll admit to just toying with it.

I worked for the phone company for 24 yrs.  I made just enough money to keep me somewhat satisfied, but certainly not enough to buy a boat, big house, lavish vacations, etc.  I never made it to the executive level, and I never received any grand bonuses. 

Should I complain that the phone co is a scam?  That no one ever makes the BIG money?  Hmmm, maybe I should start whining about ALL those wasted years!  No one held my hand and made me rich...d**n!

Get real people!  Quit being pansies and if you want more out of life, then go out and get it!

That is all.  :-)

Wait, one more thing.  I spent over $3 for a Jamba Juice smoothie the other day.  It was tasty.  It was healthy, but had very little nutritional value compared to an Isagenix shake.  And I was hungry again in a little over an hour. 

Mr. Businessman

Las Vegas,
United States of America

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 05, 2010

I,agree, this is the best weight control product out there as long as you stay on it. If you stop you will regain all the weight you lost. The problem with staying on it is its extremely expensive for the shakes etc. I guess they do not realize theres a  \recrssion going on & the unemployment is staggering. The products do work & I spent over $9000 on it in less than a year & my return was  less than $1800. They have got all kind of excuses but the truth is how can you build a business when there is no money out there. If you want to get Healthy & loose weight these products are the real thing, but forget about making money with it unless you fall into something where you can get 50+ sign ups at once because thats the only way you can make money with these products. So your right the only ones that make money are the people at the top or the Coovers. Mr Business Man USA


Palm Springs,
Isagenix products are very effective!

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, February 15, 2010

I have been using Isagenix products for several years, including the meal replacement shakes, bars, cleansing product, supplements and cosmetics.  I have found these products to be of high quality and very effective.

The first time I went on their health program, I went a full year without taking medications for acid reflux and other ailments I had at the time.  The only failure was me not sticking with the program and now I am fat again; but that is all my fault.

I do not personally know Jim and Kathy Coover; however, I have been consuming products from the companies they have founded/owned (Cambridge; PrimeQuest; Isagenix) for at least two decades!  Every venture they are involved in is top-notch and the products are of high quality.

My only complaint about Isagenix is that they put maltitol (a sugar alcohol) in one of their products.  I feel that is a very dumb thing for a company of their caliber to be doing because that s**t can literally give you "the s**+*s"!

Report Attachments

Reality Check

United States of America
I hope this helps

#14General Comment

Tue, December 01, 2009

June 30, 2006


Multilevel Promoters Charged with Securities Fraud Investors lose $200,000 to Fake International Banker

(For immediate release)

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah The Division of Securities announced today administrative and criminal charges were filed against a Lindon man for an investment scheme involving claims of foreign currency trading, international investments, and the sale of stock.

Jeffrey Lane Mowen was charged June 28 with two second degree felonies for securities fraud and theft. According to criminal charges, Mr. Mowen allegedly took $200,000 from two victims in a multilevel marketing company called Isagenix in which they were all partners. In April 2005, Mowens wife, Elizabeth Ward Mowen, told a pair of investors the Mowens were leaving USANA to join a new network marketing company called Isagenix to market weight loss supplements. The two investors joined the Mowens in Isagenixs multilevel network and were given positions in Elizabeth Mowens downline, paying her commission on their Isagenix sales.

After the victims disclosed their desire to earn more from investments, Elizabeth Mowen said her husband was brilliant with money. Jeffrey Mowen told the pair he was a successful international banker in the foreign currency markets and claimed that he had declined Isagenixs offer to handle their company finances. Jeffrey Mowen also told them he made his first million by age 19 and that a best-selling real estate investment book, No Money Down, was based on his business methods. Mr. Mowen offered to help the two victims with their investment needs. In July 2005, they sent him $200,000 to invest on their behalf.

The criminal charges allege that instead of investing the two victims money, Jeffrey Mowen spent $200,000 on the following personal expenses; $100,000 to repay a former investor, $29,289 in cash withdrawals, $15,891 in credit card bills, $12,270 on food and entertainment, $4,290 on automobile expenses, $4,600 for travel and home expenses, and $10,000 to a currency broker. Mr. Mowen failed to reveal his prior securities fraud convictions in 2003 and in 2004 or a separate charge of theft in 2004. He also did not disclose that he owed $78,000 from past lawsuits.

The Division of Securities filed an order to show cause on June 29 against Mowen and his wife, Elizabeth, for the same conduct as alleged in the criminal case. The Division seeks a cease and desist order with fines totaling $275,000. A hearing for this case is scheduled for August 4, 2006.

Investors are urged to contact the Division of Securities to make sure anyone offering investments is licensed, by calling (801) 530.6600, toll free at 1.800.721.7233 or logging on to www.securities.utah.gov.




Reality Check

United States of America
I hope this helps

#15General Comment

Tue, December 01, 2009

June 30, 2006


Multilevel Promoters Charged with Securities Fraud Investors lose $200,000 to Fake International Banker

(For immediate release)

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah The Division of Securities announced today administrative and criminal charges were filed against a Lindon man for an investment scheme involving claims of foreign currency trading, international investments, and the sale of stock.

Jeffrey Lane Mowen was charged June 28 with two second degree felonies for securities fraud and theft. According to criminal charges, Mr. Mowen allegedly took $200,000 from two victims in a multilevel marketing company called Isagenix in which they were all partners. In April 2005, Mowens wife, Elizabeth Ward Mowen, told a pair of investors the Mowens were leaving USANA to join a new network marketing company called Isagenix to market weight loss supplements. The two investors joined the Mowens in Isagenixs multilevel network and were given positions in Elizabeth Mowens downline, paying her commission on their Isagenix sales.

After the victims disclosed their desire to earn more from investments, Elizabeth Mowen said her husband was brilliant with money. Jeffrey Mowen told the pair he was a successful international banker in the foreign currency markets and claimed that he had declined Isagenixs offer to handle their company finances. Jeffrey Mowen also told them he made his first million by age 19 and that a best-selling real estate investment book, No Money Down, was based on his business methods. Mr. Mowen offered to help the two victims with their investment needs. In July 2005, they sent him $200,000 to invest on their behalf.

The criminal charges allege that instead of investing the two victims money, Jeffrey Mowen spent $200,000 on the following personal expenses; $100,000 to repay a former investor, $29,289 in cash withdrawals, $15,891 in credit card bills, $12,270 on food and entertainment, $4,290 on automobile expenses, $4,600 for travel and home expenses, and $10,000 to a currency broker. Mr. Mowen failed to reveal his prior securities fraud convictions in 2003 and in 2004 or a separate charge of theft in 2004. He also did not disclose that he owed $78,000 from past lawsuits.

The Division of Securities filed an order to show cause on June 29 against Mowen and his wife, Elizabeth, for the same conduct as alleged in the criminal case. The Division seeks a cease and desist order with fines totaling $275,000. A hearing for this case is scheduled for August 4, 2006.

Investors are urged to contact the Division of Securities to make sure anyone offering investments is licensed, by calling (801) 530.6600, toll free at 1.800.721.7233 or logging on to www.securities.utah.gov.




Tue, August 25, 2009

It's amazing the amount of ignorance that's out there.  Not everything in the world is going to work for EVERYbody.  But when someone doesn't like the fact their life wasn't miraculously transformed overnight, then whatever they purchased is fake and the company they bought it from is a scam.  It's downright sad.

Isagenix is not a scam.  If it was, then it would be put out of business.  The health and wellness industry is regulated.  Perhaps not as much as it should, but it is regulated to some degree.  Do some companies make bogus claims?  Yes.  Do they stay in business for a very long time?  Not many.

There have been many claims and testimonials made and posted on the Isagenix main site as well as individual sites created by its Associates.  I can't comment on the claims of people I don't know, but for me, I started using Isagenix's products almost 2 years ago, and so has everyone in my home.  I personally lost 25 lbs in a short time and went from a 36"  waist to a now 32" waistline.  Where's the scam in that?  I have several friends that have lost over 100 lbs on the same program.  I'm sure they feel "scammed" as well.  Ha!

I didn't even have to "diet" per se, or exercise everyday.  I just drank my shake everyday, which I think tastes great, and walk around the block occasionally when the weather is nice.  I still eat pretty much everything I ate before using the products, but I don't crave soda or as many of the snack foods I used to.  I'm not on any kind of a "liquid diet" like Tim suggests.  I know a lot of people on a liquid diet called Starb**ks, or Pep*i, or Re* B*ll now.  What's your liquid diet poison of choice, Tim?

Obviously Tim didn't read the directions properly on how to follow the Isagenix program or have anyone to assist him at first.  

If anyone has questions or want REAL information about the products you can email my friend, Barb, at [email protected] 

She's helped me tremendously to feel healthier than I have in years.  Oh, and I haven't had a cold or flu in 2 years either.  Thanks Barb!!!!


Is not "all good"

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 26, 2009

I agree as far as the products do work to help you loose weight while still giving your body the nutrion it needs. And yes, you are able to go to a vitamin store and buy a different brand of protein for your shakes, but with Isagenix you're getting a lot better quality ingridients. I am a nurse and a consumer of weight loss products and Isagenix has been the healthiest product/program I have came accross for weight loss and cleansing. But yes, it is not a magic solution! You must excersice too!! I was so intrigued by the health benefits of the product that I became involved in the business opportunity. That's where things went sour. Yes it's true that you must work to build your "weak team" in the binary, but when the opportunity is presented as an "easy by-the-way share with the ones you care about" opportunity, "it doesn't take up much of your time", you become very dissapointed when you find out that it could be farthest from the truth!! I wasn't employed at the time so I pretty much devoted my self full time to this opportunity and quickly realized that I had neither the money to continue using the products nor the time to keep putting into it without much return at all!!!!!!! Had I been warned up front about how much you have to put into it to even have a hope of accomplishing anything I would have never gotten involved!!! It really hurt me big times financially as I ignored looking for work for months in hopes of making it big as "self employed". I am actually still paying my investment on my credit cards!!! So sure, Isagenix is a great product to loose weight. But if you want to keep a positive out look about the company, don't get involved in "the business opportunity". You will be working hard to make money for the people on top only. That's it. It's not "all good"

Shelby Fletcher

El Cajon,
Isagenix is a great company, not a rifoff

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2008

We have been using the Isagenix products for over a year. My daughter (16 years old when she started Isagenix) has always been over weight. I heard about this and did it with her to support her. I lost 15 pounds without really trying and to date she has lost 55 pounds. She keeps it off easily, even when she has been gone for a couple of weeks at a time and I know she isn't taking her stuff, she comes home and has lost another 2 or 3 pounds. This stuff works, my husband saw that we were losing and feeling really good, so he tried and lost 13 pounds. We have enough friends that have started that it pays for ours and then some. One friend took one sip of the shake and said this tastes like cr....., and went on to get lliposuction. I don't exactly consider that a failure. EVERYONE else that has started this under us (about 10 - 12 people) have lost weight and kept it off! As far as the claims, I know the company is really concerned with following all federal guidelines regarding nurtitional claims. They don't want any misrepresentation and with a network marketing company it is harder to control what your associats say. They really stress not making claims that aren't worded properly. So I don't think that is any big sign that Isagenix is a major ripoff. I think whoever you are with this report has some other bone to pick and certainly has not tried Isagenix.


Los Angeles,
If you replace two meals with a protein shake . . . you will lose weight

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, August 03, 2008

I have not used Isogenix but a dear friend of mine swears by it and says she has lost 2 to 3 pounds per week. After checking out the program on their site, I came to the conclusion that there is alot of fasting involved and that is going to make anyone lose weight. So, you pay about $270 per 30 day program and I am sorry but in my book that is a rip off. I can get Whey Powder for a few dollars and follow the same diet, fasting and excercise and I would bet money I would get the same results. My latest thing that is working amazingly well is starting my workout at the gym with a rowing machine for 2000 meters (14 minutes) then focusing on my core with strength training and voila . . . my waist is slimming down faster than any other cardio workout I have tried because you use the entire body, arms, legs and your core to row. It is super easy too. This was advised to me to do by a top stuntman in Los Angeles. I have only been doing it for a couple of weeks and I am definitely seeing results in my abs. Try it . . you will like and save the $270 for a great bikini.


Loma Linda,
Varied results typical

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2007

Hello, I read the threads and wish to respond. I am a preventive care doctor (speciality in nutrition, exercise physiology, and behavior modification) in a large medical group for the last 14 years. The bulk of my patients I see are for obesity and it's connected lifestyle-related diseases. As you can imagine, I have been approached by all sorts of people with their products, MLMs, businesses, etc. in the hopes of recruiting me. Having gone through a graduate program, one gets trained to be a skeptic and requires data to overcome this healthy skepticism. And is it was when I first learned of Isagenix. I read the self-report of a friend and immediately was skeptical of the claims of weight loss in only 9 days. Yeah, right! I had read the ingredients very carefully, and the fact that it did not have any stimulant herbs was reassuring, and I didn't see anything nutrition-wise that gave me pause, so I didn't have any problems with it from a nutrition standpoint. It certainly was better than Slim Fast, that's for sure! Well this friend was persistant, and even gave me a 9-day kit to try, so to prove him wrong, I tried it for myself. Mind you, I have NEVER even done anything remotely close to fasting, and had a very healthy appetite--which all of my exercising kept things in check (gaining weight would seriously damage my credibility as a weight loss doc! LOL!) To make sure I knew what I was losing, I used a Tanita body comp analyzer, which we've used for years and love. I wanted to see what kind of weight, if any, that I would lose in 9 days. From what I teach and preach, I figured that I would lose some of my TBW (or total body water) due to a drastic reduction in my caloric intake, well below my BMR (basal metabolic rate). I figured I would be in the "starvation zone" and lose some lean mass, mostly water, and no fat at all. Well imagine my surprise when after 9 days of following the cleanse (those first 2 cleanse days were TOUGH!), my TBW went UP 1 lb while my fat mass went DOWN 5 lbs! I did NOT expect that at all, given my training and experience. Well after that first self-experiment, I decided to try it again, but for longer, so I started the 30-day program back Nov. 1, 2006, kept at it through the holidays (while still enjoying the day of the holiday--no deprivation here!), and so far, I have lost over 20 lbs of FAT and maintained my fat free mass and total body water weight, even though my caloric intake has been quite a bit lower than normal all this time! Mind you, when I started, my body fat was around 18% (it would hover between 16-19%; healthy for a male is in high teens/low 20's, but this is no where near "6-pack" area, which is in the single digit bodyfat %), and no one thought I needed to lose any weight. Of course, I practiced what I preached as far as eating and exercising, but at my level, I couldn't get below 15%--I knew I still ate too much, even though it was all "healthy" stuff. Since losing all that fat weight, it mainly came from my abdomen area (again, which looked fine dressed, but if you saw me in a bathing suit, you could see I had a slight roll there), going from size 34 waist to 29 waist. And when I contract my ab muscles, I can see the 6-pack! I'm currently at 12.9% and have slowed down...which means I have to pick up my exercising again which I've slacked off a bit with work and all. A big change has been my appetite--now I can go and be fine on a lot LESS food, which amazed me. Eating what I used to eat at Souplantation now is too much for me. I like how my appetite has been "re-adjusted". So I'm a believer--I have my Tanita printouts to show anyone who challenges me that it was "only water weight loss" cannot deny the empirical evidence that I lost fat. Not only that, people I haven't seen in a long time have been saying to me right off, "You've lost weight!" They can see the difference in my face! LOL! I never expected to hear that kind of reaction since no one thought I needed to lose weight in the first place. This is my experience and I'm convinced that it was due to this system that I was able to lose this "stubborn" excess fat. Could I have done it with another shake meal replacement system like Optifast or HMR? Probably, but I'm not too keen on their nutritional profile. As for the "cleanse" and it's effect, I can't "test" that since I can't afford to do a toxicity test before and after like I can a body fat test. So I'm less "vocal" about the cleanse aspect except to say that I know people who have had things "clear up" that before were not. Placebo or cleanse? I don't know, but hey, medicine uses the placebo effect as well, so it really is a moot point. I do NOT tell all my patients about this, because I don't want them to see this as another "gimmicky" diet. I've only told patients who are trying hard with the right things--eating right, exercising the right way, and still struggling. Maybe this will be the key that gets them going in the right direction. And from personally working with a WIDE variety of patients, both male and female, of various ages, I can say that I've seen a variety of results in weight loss by those who are using Isagenix. Not all do great, but some do. What I've found is that the more seriously one does the exercise the more successful they are in losing fat weight. If they cleanse and exercises moderately, they tend to get moderate results. And if they cleanse but don't exercise--well, some have lost due to just the caloric change and their daily physical activity (like someone who switches from regular to diet soda and nothing else and still loses weight), while others lose only a few lbs in a month, even though they are cleansing that whole month! So the frequency, intensity, and duration of the exercise seems to be a key factor in how successful they are, and the Isagenix manual definitely supports the idea that exercise is critical to their success (I have never heard any Isagenix distributor say that you can lose and not have to exercise--no way!) What I have NOT seen yet is someone doing the cleanse, exercising very well, and NOT losing anything. I've seen some amazing progress in patients who have been stuck, exercising like crazy, tracking their calories to a T, and not losing a thing and then do a cleanse and BANG! they lose FAT lbs! I can share with you REAL every day people like this but I can't since that would violate HIPAA laws. ;-) So the bottomline is that the products check out nutritionally, can't verify how effective the cleanse is, so as a calorie reduction meal replacement shake program, I have seen how it works in myself personally, and in a wide variety of men and women who have had varying success--usually depending on how closely they followed the cleanse and how they exercised. It's no magic potion, but when used properly, it seems to give an edge to those who are frustrated...and you can document the results using body comp methods and not just a regular scale. That's my 2-cents on Isagenix! em ps. I have nothing against "MLM" and networking marketing businesses. The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad gives them a big thumbs up. No one seems to have any problems with Tupperware, Avon, or Marykay, but they seem to pick on nutrional-based MLMs, probably because of out-of-control distributors making false claims which no company can control every wild card out there. And by the way, the truly "bad" MLM is your typical corporation--all those below working hard to make those at the top rich. No one at the bottom will make more than the top tier execs. But in a MLM, your earnings are a direct reflection of how hard you work. And in this business model, those below CAN make more than those above them! Isn't that more fair than the typicaly "job" working for the "man"? So those who say MLMs are illegal pyramids or whatever obviously doesn't know all of those companies out there that are rock solid, legit, and giving people a chance to get ahead based on their hard work ethics.


Product claims

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, January 31, 2007

I was recently given some of their products by a friend who is a distributor. She is hoping that I will sign up. My problem is this: The label is impressive and lists many high potency ingredients, but the product is loose powder in a capsule. It does not say it is standardized. Sheer volume would make it impossible to pack each capsule with the amount that is claimed on the label. I am wondering about the accuracy of the ingredient lists. Have these products ever been tested by an unbiased and unaffiliated lab? I doubt very much that the label claims can be 100% true and the potency can be accurate.


re: A Question To Those That Responded Above

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, September 28, 2006

I'm curious about something that various people above had to say about their experience using the Isagenix products. Anonymous - Bremerton, Washington U.S.A. states he/she has "has lost 50 pound from continued use". Anthnoy - Plymouth, Minnesota U.S.A. claims "I also lost 13lbs in nine days, and over 30 in less than a month - without excercising (!)" Chris - Daytona Beach, FL claims "I've lost 50lbs in 2 1/2 months. My mother has faught obesity for 30+ years and has last 30 already in a little over a month. My friends have both lost 20+ in a month". My question to you folks is this - you lost X # of pounds of what? Chris, you sure didn't lose 50 lbs of fat in 2 1/2 months - so what was it?


Orange City,
Isagenix Response..

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, August 30, 2006

In response to the earlier post complaining about the compensation plan... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is one of the most lucrative payout plans in the industry, with THE absolute lowest cost to start a business ($36) anywhere. You are UPSET that you got one firecracker of a person in your organization on one side (of the two) and that person took off and became wildly successful? How, in the world, is that a bad thing? Your continue that the other side didn't do as well, so it became lopsided. Did you EVER consider YOU recruiting more..and constantly, focusing on that weaker side(as the computer places them there automatically for you anyway) so that you'll get the momentum going there, too? THAT IS YOUR JOB and no one else's. That is such a great problem to have.. y As the comp plan is designed..which again is awesome.. you can literally pick up now where you left off, and continue making money. You simply have ONE leg to work and you're making tremendous residual income. How is that a bad thing? You have now only half the work to do of anyone else.. and you know that the money is there waiting for you? You should take advantage of the new tools, new products, and new methods to make that happen TODAY. This is absolutely the most simple business out there - helping people with something they can't help themselves. I've lost 50lbs in 2 1/2 months. My mother has faught obesity for 30+ years and has last 30 already in a little over a month. My friends have both lost 20+ in a month. This company is literally changing lives. Oh, and I forgot to mention, my blood pressure is now normal and my cholesterol (bad cholesterol) went down 111 points! That's a company I'll continue to share, because it is fulfilling its promise. The issue with the compensation plan.. is all up to you -just like it was when you signed up. You need to refocus on WHY you got in this company to begin with. If it was to change YOUR life and then to help others, you're fine. If it was anything else..then your motives have lived up to your expectations. Chris Daytona Beach, FL CleanseTechnology.com


It's not Isagenix Per Se - It is the comp plan

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 14, 2006

I was with Isagenix for over a year and was able to bring people in who ran with it. However, the problem for me and the people I brought in was the binary. DON'T WASTE ANYMORE TIME IN A BINARY!! I repeat - DON'T WASTE ANYMORE TIME IN A BINARY!! You do not have a crystal ball and do not know who will take advantage of the opportunity and who will not. I had a go-getter on one leg and no one working on the left. There is no such thing as a power leg. It is up to you! One of the guys I brought in brout over $500K to the company and I didn't make a dime because I was unbalanced (like everone ends up being). If I had brought that same person in a unilvel I would have made money. By the way - he was also unbalanced and didn't make any money - so he quit. Only work with a unilevel comp plan. Don't focus on products but make sure the products don't claim to cure the living dead.


New York,

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2006

Attn. Tim. Your comments are rather helpful. We, consumers constantly only see the testimonials of people who had great results. There is no balanced information. I wish more people who had no results with these Isagenix products would post them here. It's interesting though that there is an abundance of positive feedback on eBay with the cleansing programs. Does this mean that most people have great results? I can't believe that all those people are scammers and liars, and that's what makes it all the more confusing. What do you think Tim? I would love to hear from people who have had zero results with the products.


Isagenix:"Heart of gold"

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, December 14, 2005

This company and their health products are the real deal ! I decided to try them out after reading John Gray's new book about the nutritional needs of men and women. I was interested in better brain chemistry, really was not expecting much. I had suffered from sever tension headaches that prevented me from working very much. After Isagenix the headaches disapeared ! I have never felt better Im 41 yrs old and feel like I'm 20 ! I also lost 13lbs in nine days, and over 30 in less than a month, without excercising. I know of over 30 people who have had similar experience's with Isagenix. After my life changing experience with isagenix I researched the company, over 100 hrs of reading and listening to the company's archived audio conference calls.I was pleasently surprised to discover the genuine desire to better peoples health.I will stop here even though I could go on. It's unfortunate there are so many company's ot there selling nutritional product's that have very little value.There here today gone tomrrow they make their money and close up shop. Isagenix is a company unlike any other, I will be using their products for the rest of my life !


Wonderful product!

#27Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 09, 2004

Dear Tim, I have been taking Isagenix for a year now, and I love the product. I have lost 50 pund from continued use, and NEVER have felt that there were any mis-advertisements by this company. They state CLEARLY on the website that weight loss varies depending on person and body type, and do not "pedal pipe dreams." It sounds to me like you took the product and did not have good results, so now you are angry. Any smart person would know that they additions to statements on the website is due ever-changing laws regarding advertising and nutritional supplements. Of course there will be changes!! Also, you might want to get your information striaght. Isagenix was founded by John Anderson, and Jim & Kathy Coover. They both have had previous companies before Isagenix, and have further developed previously exisiting products as well as developed new ones. These products ARE for detoxifying, as well as nutritional benefits. Do some research on the ingredients in these products, and you'll see that. My suggestion to you, Tim, is to do some research on things before you complain, and to not be a sore loser. I understand you may be upset, but if you truly had a valid claim, you would be able to back it up with facts, like Eva said.


Wonderful product!

#28Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 09, 2004

Dear Tim, I have been taking Isagenix for a year now, and I love the product. I have lost 50 pund from continued use, and NEVER have felt that there were any mis-advertisements by this company. They state CLEARLY on the website that weight loss varies depending on person and body type, and do not "pedal pipe dreams." It sounds to me like you took the product and did not have good results, so now you are angry. Any smart person would know that they additions to statements on the website is due ever-changing laws regarding advertising and nutritional supplements. Of course there will be changes!! Also, you might want to get your information striaght. Isagenix was founded by John Anderson, and Jim & Kathy Coover. They both have had previous companies before Isagenix, and have further developed previously exisiting products as well as developed new ones. These products ARE for detoxifying, as well as nutritional benefits. Do some research on the ingredients in these products, and you'll see that. My suggestion to you, Tim, is to do some research on things before you complain, and to not be a sore loser. I understand you may be upset, but if you truly had a valid claim, you would be able to back it up with facts, like Eva said.


Wonderful product!

#29Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 09, 2004

Dear Tim, I have been taking Isagenix for a year now, and I love the product. I have lost 50 pund from continued use, and NEVER have felt that there were any mis-advertisements by this company. They state CLEARLY on the website that weight loss varies depending on person and body type, and do not "pedal pipe dreams." It sounds to me like you took the product and did not have good results, so now you are angry. Any smart person would know that they additions to statements on the website is due ever-changing laws regarding advertising and nutritional supplements. Of course there will be changes!! Also, you might want to get your information striaght. Isagenix was founded by John Anderson, and Jim & Kathy Coover. They both have had previous companies before Isagenix, and have further developed previously exisiting products as well as developed new ones. These products ARE for detoxifying, as well as nutritional benefits. Do some research on the ingredients in these products, and you'll see that. My suggestion to you, Tim, is to do some research on things before you complain, and to not be a sore loser. I understand you may be upset, but if you truly had a valid claim, you would be able to back it up with facts, like Eva said.


Wonderful product!

#30Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 09, 2004

Dear Tim, I have been taking Isagenix for a year now, and I love the product. I have lost 50 pund from continued use, and NEVER have felt that there were any mis-advertisements by this company. They state CLEARLY on the website that weight loss varies depending on person and body type, and do not "pedal pipe dreams." It sounds to me like you took the product and did not have good results, so now you are angry. Any smart person would know that they additions to statements on the website is due ever-changing laws regarding advertising and nutritional supplements. Of course there will be changes!! Also, you might want to get your information striaght. Isagenix was founded by John Anderson, and Jim & Kathy Coover. They both have had previous companies before Isagenix, and have further developed previously exisiting products as well as developed new ones. These products ARE for detoxifying, as well as nutritional benefits. Do some research on the ingredients in these products, and you'll see that. My suggestion to you, Tim, is to do some research on things before you complain, and to not be a sore loser. I understand you may be upset, but if you truly had a valid claim, you would be able to back it up with facts, like Eva said.


What exactly is the problem?

#31Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 10, 2004

It isn't indicated anywhere how Isagenix has harmed YOU or lied to YOU. You give no data or facts. It would be helpful to know exactly what happened so that someone who could take responsibility would know what to refer to. As you've written it sounds like you just hate the world in general and had nothing better to do than to spout off. (For the record, I was browsing on an entirely different topic when I happened to see yours.) You say "outrageous claims". Do you know any of these people? How do you know they're outrageous? Have you taken this stuff? How do you know it's "garden variety"? Did you pay for it? Did it not work and that company refused to acknowledge your complaint? Did they refuse to refund your money? In other words, what exactly happened? Please do the readers a favor and substantiate what you write. Oh, and thank you.

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