  • Report:  #883498

Complaint Review: ITT Technical Institute - Internet

Reported By:
Knowledge - , Indiana, United States of America

ITT Technical Institute
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here is my suggestion and short story.

For all people who are considering going to ITT, If you see people saying bad things about ITT dont brush it off and assume its just a few people who were upset, because of their own personal reasons. It really is bad and can be the worst mistake of your life.  Before entering ITT I took one step to do some research on the school besides what I knew which it was a well know school across America and could help provide an education. I wanted to attend a University and was told that ITT had transferable credits to a university, I was lied to. The credits they offer are credits you cant transfer they only apply to ITT.  Basically the credits you obtain there are worthless. Before I even considered going to ITT I wanted to make sure how much it was going to cost to attend. Before signing I asked that question and was given a lie. I asked how much my payments would be if I attended ITT, if I took a loan and was told I would pay $50 a month and was guaranteed a job, internships with companies in my field while attending school way before graduation, and hands on experience within a workplace. Obtaining just a associates degree owing god knows what. All that I do know is that piece of paper they call an associates degree and are requesting paid back, cost as much as a bachelors degree at any University. I could have gone to a university and obtained a bachelors degree with the amount thats owed to ITT for a small piece a paper thats absolutely worthless. I already had the knowledge to do the things I wanted to do I just needed a piece of paper telling people I knew how to do it. A piece of paper that could get me in the door, obviously that piece of paper wasnt the right one. The knowledge I have now I learned way after graduating from ITT, and I learned it by YouTube. The knowledge I know learning by myself can be equal to 3 bachelor degrees. YouTube University was my college if need to be said. Me being the first to go to college in my family needless to say I was on my own. Neither my mother nor my father had been to college and I was the oldest, so literally I was clueless, but not dumb. I took caution, because of the fact I knew plenty of people who went to college and graduated. And still never obtained a career job within their field, and now are currently working at McDonalds.  So I was aware that if I went to school I had to make sure it was worth it and that I was guaranteed a job with the degree I obtained from the school of I attended. I was guaranteed all this and more ITT and  I was told my payments were going to be $50 a month and my grand total amount owed was going to be $20,000 for my associates, before signing. This was not only told to me but my parents as well. I asked them repeatedly that amount was going to be the amount I owed, and ITT continued to tell me yes. But I didnt rely on words alone I needed it in writing. We written it down on paper for ITTs records and that was what I signed on. Somehow that disappeared .Needless to say as time went on while attending ITT I then started to receive mail from ITT showing that ITT was taking 4,000 here 5,000 there on my behalf and this keep continuing. I asked myself why is ITT taking out and borrowing this amount of money on my behalf and Im not seeing a lick of the money, not only once but ITT was doing this every other week. When I confronted ITT and my advisor ITT had told me that this was money already taken out and to not be concerned because its just a repeat of the papers I was getting. Each paper that came in every other week was in the 4,000 range and up and keeps claiming that I was the one taking this money  for school. I never received a dime of that money, but ITT did and was setting it up for me to be the one to pay it back. To this day I still dont know what I supposable owe. But what I do know is that it isnt what I promised and signed on. They made me sign something later down the road without me being aware of what it was that I was truly signing. Then thinking I owe Sallie this great amount of money later  come  to find out I owe them less than 10,000 which was great and sounded right. So then who am I supposable owing quadruple that amount probably 40,000 or more too, and why? Im guessing ITT. ITT is a setup and a scam. I and others are now suffering and our lives are ruined. I soon later found out I could have went to a community college for the same thing which would have cost me $6,000 total to attend and all of my finances would have been paid for through student financial aid. For the exact same piece of paper, and not only that but I would get paid to attend. That sounds like a real college right? Its because it is. I had one interview that I can think of where attempting to get a job with that worthless degree. Despite the fact that every other job who saw ITT on my resume didnt even bother to interview me. But I remember this one in particular situation very vividly. I went to an interview and saw two others who went to ITT with me and one who went to IVY Tech which is one of the schools where it only cost $6,000 to get your degree. Guess who got the job. Thats right, IVY TECH student. I was outrage not at the fact that he got the job, but at the fact that he qualified and had the same qualification and piece of paper I did. But with more value and credibility, but yet he paid next to nothing to get it his. Then to find out not only that but the credits he obtained from IVY TECH were transferrable to any University of his choice. I had one moment while attending ITT where I almost left. A buddy of mine who was taking the same classes as me stated he was going to leave said ITT was expensive I told him did he talk to financial aid he said yes but thought it best to go somewhere else. I sat there and thought about it, then told him I think I might leave to, and try and going someone else as well. I didnt feel as if I was learning anything at ITT and thought there might be better out there for me. But I didnt leave; instead I said no I think Ill stay Im already half way through it. I look back regretting that decision wishing I had left. There are many stories like mine and counting. My situation is horrible but I have come across others who have it even worse than me. For example a boy who left this country and moved to Canada, because he owes 120,000 dollars to the government in which he has to pay back to Sallie Mae and others. He cries every day knowing that he can never pay that and never come home because of it. All thanks to ITT. ITT owes me and every other student who ever attended that horrible school. I hope they go bankrupt, so that everyone who ever attended there can be set free.

Want a good idea how we ITT students feel put this link your address bar and watch: http://youtu.be/dlgGn1Za3hI

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