  • Report:  #275722

Complaint Review: ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - OXNARD California

Reported By:
- Ventura, California,

2051 Solar Drive, Suite 150 OXNARD, 93001 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I come from a low income family and wanted to find a career that would help me better my future. I came accross ITT Tech and was given alot of false hope. I was told that I would get a good education and lots of hands on learning. I was only 17 years old when I signed the contract to attend the school and take out the loans wich would add up to over 30,000 dollars. They told me that i could get financial aid and grants to pay towards the cost of education. I was told that once I graduate I would be placed in a job with good pay and paying the loans back by that time wouldnt be a problem. The counelors gave me so much hope in thinking the school was a great place to get educated in the field I was interested in wich was Web design.

I attended the school for just about a year and a half. I was not happy with most of the teachers. Most of them I couldnt even understand. I put a complaint about my math teacher because his english was so bad but I was told by a counselor that he is one of the best math teachers and no one else has a problem with him and he is very liked. I felt there was nothing left to do but to deal with it.

I ended up failing one of my classes and had to be seen by the guidance counselor. The counselor told me that if I was to make the class up then I could catch up to the rest of my class. I took the class over and passed it. Once I passed the class I was seen by the counselor again and was told the the Web design class had been tooken out and would not longer be tought through the school because not enough students were available to fill the classes. I was also told that there were no teachers to teach the class I missed while making up the class I failed so I would have to chose another course for my education. I had no desire to learn any of the other field being tought by ITT Tech. I had already attended for over a year and now cant complete my education in the field I chose. I didnt feel that I had much of an option so I did what the counselor recommended I do wich was to chose another course. The only course close to web design was multi-media wich i knew nothing about. I was put into this class with people who already know what there were doing. Was given a computer to sit at with a book to basically teach my self how to use the software. The teacher had an over head on and instructed us on what to do but didnt explain how to do it nore did I feel comfertable enough to ask any questions. Attending ITT Tech was nothing like what you see on T.V atlease not for me.

I ended up dropping out because I was not interested in multi-media, I didnt like the teachers, and I didnt feel like i was learning anything. After spending over a year investing my time into ITT Tech I decided it was just a big wast of time and would not recommend anyone to attend school there. I had heard others say that the classes are watered down and I believe that is true. Nothing I learned while attending school there had anything to do with web design. They promised classes would be hands on wich I received little of.

I am now in debt over 30,000 dollars because I was ignorant. I didnt research the school before attending. I was given a student loan at age 17 wich I will now be paying back propably for the rest of my life. I cant afford to go to a junior college now because paying my loans back is sucking me dry for an education feel I was robbed of. I trusted ITT Tech to do what they promised. It seemed as if they didnt care about my education once they had me as a student. They werent very helpful when it came to my education and my needs. They took my course out and left me with no reasonable options. I wasted the whole year and a half I attended the School and could have been better off just going to a jr college. I wouldnt bee in dept and maybe would have some type of degree by now, instead im working customer service just trying to get back on track.

I didnt think that anyone else had problems with this school until I found this website. I read an article that a recruiter from that school wrote. It inspired me to write this. I thought maybe I just had bad luck but now I know im not alone.


Ventura, California


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Some students do great, some not

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 24, 2009

Hello Everyone, I have been teaching at ITT for many years. I have also taught at other institutions, including a well-known university in the area. I don't know this student, but the student may fall into a category of "walking wounded." We get a lot of students at ITT who didn't do well in high school, and wouldn't do well if they were at more traditional government-supported or private schools. With some of these students, the primary problem is that they don't do the work. They think that, because they are paying money, somehow the information and knowledge just sorta leaps into their heads. They don't understand that learning, and thinking, requires work. I can state categorically, that very, very few students spend the recommended three hours of study for every hour of class. This student also shows considerable immaturity regarding instructors. Students learn, and instructors teach. Students don't have to like their instructors. Their instructors are not entertainers. Teaching is not a popularity contest. The student should be mature to realize that, regardless of whether or not the student likes the subject at hand, or the instructor, the student should do well because the subject is required for the degree and for the career. I happen to know the instructor that this students refers to. I know that this instructor always has problems with some students, because he makes them work.


re: comment

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, September 23, 2007

Be very careful not to let these loans default. If you think ITT was a scam, the student loan industry (Sallie Mae) is light years beyond that. I've read countless stories where $33K in debt turned into over $100K after Sallie Mae did their legalized loan sharking. be careful! I was only 17 years old when I signed the contract to attend ------------------- I'm not an expert in this field but can a minor sign a contract for student loans?

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