  • Report:  #1365583

Complaint Review: J C Penney - Internet

Reported By:
SLDale - Spokane, Washington, USA

J C Penney
Internet, USA
(972) 431-1000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If I were to walk into a store, like JCPenney, and pick something off the shelf and walk out without giving the store money it would be considered stealing. So what is it called if a company takes a person’s money with promise of a product, but that product was never delivered? Wouldn’t that be a form of stealing? In January I gave JCPenney money for them to give me a mattress, they took the money, but have NOT given me my mattress after 3 months.  

On January 4, 2017 I ordered a twin size mattress. After a few weeks, I get a call for delivery date. The day before delivery I call saying that they had the wrong size mattress, a queen. The person that I spoke with said that they would return the queen, order another twin and call back with a new delivery date. After two weeks, I had not heard anything so I called them. That is when I found out that nothing had been done. The queen was not returned nor was the twin re-ordered. While on the phone with me, the lady processed a return and re-ordered a twin size mattre­­ss. A few days later, I got a call to schedule delivery.  I took off work to wait around for a mattress that never showed up. When I called to find out what happen I was told that “the mattress did not make it on the truck and that the delivery would have to be rescheduled” As angry as I was, I just rescheduled the delivery. I get a call to reschedule, but the specific time did not work for me. When I told this to the person on the phone, I was told “Then you need to reschedule” and hung up the phone on me without giving me a chance to figure something out. The mattress was then re-scheduled yet again. I get a call telling me the mattress would be delivered on March 18. March 18th came and went without a mattress. When I call to find out what happen, I was told that there was a mistake in the system. They canceled our March 18th date and rescheduled it for March  23th without contacting me, without asking if we were available. I get them to reschedule for March 25th and get a call saying that date wasn’t available that April 1st was the earliest date I could get. On March 31 I get a call saying my mattress would be delivered on April 1st between 8:30am-10:30am. At 10:30am I had not received a phone call, nor did I receive a mattress. I spent the next 3 hours talking to many different people, calling many different phone numbers to find out that, for the second time, my mattress “did not make it on the delivery truck”. When I finally found out what happened I was sooo angry.  After 3 months of waiting, after 3 months of reschedules and no shows and twice of “it didn’t make it on the truck”, I think I have been plenty patient, plenty polite and plenty accommodating.

If I were to walk in to JCPenney and take a couple hundred dollars worth of product, I would be arrested. I would be sent to jail, have to pay fines, court fees and return everything I took. JCPenney took a couple hundred dollars from me and did not give me my product in return. What should JCPenney do now?

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Wow Really???

#2Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2017

You claim that I did nothing but “take it”, what would you do if you ordered something online and did not get your product? A customer can only do some much. You’re right, all I wrote was what JCPenney did or didn’t do, because I was trying to make the report basic and to the point. I called and called to find out what was going on. I am a very patient, very polite person. After their first mistake of ordering the wrong mattress I called them to sort it out, and then I just laughed it off. Stuff happens.  After the first “oops we forgot to put it on the delivery truck” I was annoyed, and told them as much, but mistakes do happen. Then after I scheduled a third delivery that that the mattress did not show, I called again. The fourth missed delivery I called to speak with someone up the ranks and was promised it would be taken care of. Then the fifth delivery, the last delivery, I sat on the phone for two and a half hours trying to speak to someone from corporate, someone as high up as I could, to find out that no one is there on the weekends. I call on Monday, straight to the corporate n­­­­­umber, to find out that no one can help me so I get transferred to three other people to find out that I need to “fill out a form” to get sent to a department that handles this kind of stuff. You say I have an “entitlement attitude” You are absolutely right! I AM entitled to the item that I purchased. I do have it in writing, it’s called a receipt. There was an exchange of money for a product; therefore I am entitled to receive that product. A delay would be a couple of weeks, maybe a month. I would understand if the item was out of stock, if there was bad weather in the way, or something happened at the manufactures. None of these are the case. It is blatant irresponsibility on the company. Mis-ordering, not putting it on the truck, canceling delivery ect is not being delayed.  I am not asking for a free mattress, I am not asking for anything other than what I ordered and some proper customer service- an apology. I just want to know how JCPenney is going to fix this. One thing you may be correct with is that, no I have not been ripped off; however, I think this has gone past the inconvenient point. I am just trying to reach out in every way I know to try and get JCPenney to respond.


Absolutely nothing

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2017

You complain about how they didn't do this or they didn't do that. But what did YOU do? Absolutely nothing except to "take it".

Had you attempted to tell them to just forget it and give you a refund and they refused..you would have a point and probably a valid complaint. But NOT one word in you entire report did you say you ever did this.

Your analogy is also invalid. Had you taken something from their store they would not wait 3 months, they would arrest you as soon as you left the store. In other words they would do something and not just "take it".

Now as to your "entitlement" attitude. Unless you have something in writing that says you are entitled to something if they are delayed you are entitled to absolutely nothing except your mattress, or perhaps a refund.

However, if you want to see if they can give you some credit, they aren't going to do anything for you unless you actually talk to them. That is don't go screaming and cursing and asking for unrealistic demands such as the mattress for free. Explain all of the issues you had and see if they can work something out. If you do great, but if not while it was inconvenient it is still not a RipOff.

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