  • Report:  #317214

Complaint Review: J. Walker Ranch - Temecula California

Reported By:
- Eureka, California,

J. Walker Ranch
36370 Fino Vista Lane Temecula, 92592 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In January 2007 I found the J. Walker Ranch website and contacted Ms. Johnson telling her I was starting to look for a beginner/family horse. I visited J. Walker Ranch in Temecula and met with her and her associate on Friday February 16, 2007, with my brother and a friend and Saturday with my husband and 3 kids. I talked with other people there that had purchased from her and were temporarily boarding horses with her. They seemed happy with their experience.

Ms. Johnsons place was very clean and horses appeared well cared for. I told Ms. Johnson all about myself and my daughter, that we were completely new to horses (having only a few months of riding lessons), looking for a horse that would be patient and calm while we learned to ride. It needed to be good in the arena, since that is were we would be spending most of our time initially. She said it would be no problem to find such horse. I asked if it was a problem that I lived so far away (near Oregon) and may not be able to check the horse out myself. She said no because she was very good at matching horses with riders and could do that based on what she new about me and my daughter.

Also said she was very good at finding the perfect horse for the new horse owner (as her website claims also). Based on the information I gathered during my visit to J. Walker Ranch and after talking with her, I felt Ms. Johnson was trustworthy.

In March I saw Key Way for sale on the website and inquired in a March 18, 2007 email whether he would be suitable for a beginner. She emailed me March 20, 2007 and said Key Way is an awesome beginner horse. Very mellow and gentle. My friend was going to be in area in March so I asked her to look at the horse. She and her son rode him (in what I now realize was a very controlled environment where the horses are saddled and lead for you). She and her son liked Key Way, but I was making my decisions based on what Jennifer said about him and his suitability for us. I decided based on what Jennifer said, that I would buy this horse.

I bought him in April 3, 2007 and boarded him with Jennifer until April 29, 2007 when transport with one of the people she recommended was available. Funny that Key Way was boarded with Ms. Johnson for 26 days of the sales contract 30 day refund period.

From Key Way's arrival here, we (my daughter, my friend mentioned above who also rode him, and myself) struggled with him because he was pushy on the ground and spooky but figured this was the settling in period and things would get better. They did to some degree as we all got to know each other, there was a little less spooking. He is a very affectionate horse, when there's not something scaring him. But it was apparent that it was unsafe for my daughter to lead/handle him because he was too pushy and walked right through her.

And the spooking persisted around a lot of things. The tractor at the boarding stable (which goes by his corral everyday), hay trucks making deliveries, large trucks driving down the road these things happen at least one on a daily basis but usually more and it's difficult to time your activities with Key Way to avoid these things.

We noticed he stumbled with some frequency since the first week he wash here but again, because we were new to horses, we didn't know how much we should be concerned with it. Riding him was a challenge too because of his spooking, and stubborn behavior (he walks you into corners, goes the opposite direction of the way he's asked to go, gets defiant when asked to do something).

We had a trainer working with us all this time and made some headway on some of his riding issues. But the degree and consistency of his spooking, stumbling and pushy behavior became more apparent over time. A few months into it I realized that, contrary to what Ms. Johnson said, this is not a beginner horse. I thought about the option to trade him for another horse, as the sales contract allows for up to a year. But, given how Ms. Johnson had assessed this horse as a beginner horse, I did not have much faith in her abilities to determine the suitability of a horse for us. I hoped that with time and training, things might change. I did not contact her with my problems after July because she seemed disinclined to answer my correspondence.

She failed to answer a July 27, 2007 email which contained unanswered questions raised in my June 14, 2007 email. She was very good at corresponding when the sale of the horse and saddle were going through, but after that I never heard from her, which I thought was odd because she gave the appearance of caring about clients and her horses.

Continual spooking, tripping and disrespectful behavior, (including 11/07 Key Way fell to his knees during a riding lesson, 1/7/07 he kicked at my head during feeding) led me to the realization that the situation was not improving no matter how much time or training I threw at it and this horse was not going to work out for us. I did not want to trade him for another horse for the reasons mentioned above, so I decided to sell him on my own.

Jan. 8, 2008, I emailed Ms. Johnson a very heart felt message letting her know I was planning to sell Key Way and listed all the problems I was having, including the fact that he stumbles and was unsafe. I didn't ask her for anything, just wanted to let her know my plans and how sad I was about the whole thing. But I thought if she cares as much about her horses and her customers as she claims to, she might offer to help me. No such offer.

In her January 8, 2008, reply, she basically said sorry things didn't work out and COMPLETLEY avoided commenting on the stumbling. I emailed back Jan 14, 2008, specifically questioning his tripping and how I might work that into my sales ad. NO reply.

I did not put Key Way up for sale until February because I was trying to give him another chance (I kept thinking somehow some good might come out of it) but then he charged me during lunging, charged me on the ground and pulled out of my hands and ran off nearly taking out a section of fence and a woman (February 7, 2008), and spooked violently under saddle during a lesson (February 8, 2008) and I thought that eventually I or someone else was going to get hurt.

I listed him for sale on DreamHorse.com (Feb 7, 2008) but didn't feel right about the description. I couldn't say anything about his gaits because I've never been able to get him above a walk. Didn't know what to say about his stumbling, so left that out. I realized that, unfortunately, I needed Ms. Johnsons help to sell him because she's in a much better position to know about him and his strengths and what to do about his weaknesses (as her website claims).

I appealed to her in an email dated February 8, 2008, to either buy him back or sell him for me. Nothing came of this appeal because on Feb 13, 2008, out of the blue, I was contacted by the last registered owner (Susan in South Carolina) who had seen the DreamHorse.com ad and was curious how Key Way (known as Rebel to her) ended up in California. I told her I bought him from a horse trader in Temecula who buys horses back East.

Susan went on, unprompted, to tell me she was surprised he had been sold to me as a beginners horse because he's so spooky, has dominance issues, is disrespectful on the ground, and STUMBLES. She had gone to great effort (X-Rays, had him flexed) to determine the cause of his stumbling but there was no medical reason found. A final bad stumble and fall that Key Way took while under saddle (resulting with him flat on his back) led Susan to take him to an auction barn in TN in Feb 2006 to be sold.

I was knocking myself out with this horse and I find out he has a KNOWN HISTORY of spooking, bad ground manners and especially STUMBLING. I was surprised to learn that Ms. Johnson hadn't bought Key Way from the last registered owner and that Ms. Johnson had NEVER contacted Susan as part of the careful evaluation and screening process she claims she does to ensure excellent health, gentle dispositions.. (website quote).

Further, I was very disappointed that my horse was an auction horse, especially because of all the Ms. Johnsons claims of how she takes great pride in hand selecting quality horses from Tennessee, Utah, Kentucky and Alabama (quote from her website).

Had I not attempted to sell Key Way on my own, Susan never would have seen my ad and contacted me and I never would have known the truth about this horse and the dishonestly that surrounded Ms. Johnsons dealings with me.

This new information (i.e. that Key Way had a known history of stumbling, spooking, etc.) led me to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (labbb.org search under J. Walker Ranch) February 14, 2008. Ms. Johnson's rebuttal to this complaint was that I had the horse 8 months and I decided I don't have time for a horse and so am trying to pass my problems onto someone else and that I never mentioned the stumbling.

As to the not having time for a horse, she was referring to a line from my 1/8/08 email (mentioned above) where after a lengthy description as to why I have to sell him (including spooking, pushy ground behavior, and STUMBLING, he seems unhappy in the arena), I said that, in addition to these problems him, I find it difficult with 3 kids and that any horse would be difficult. There are a couple reasons why I said this.

At this point I was still thinking that somehow I had failed at horse ownership and thought that any horse would be difficult. But, with the help of Susan's phone call, it became infinitely clear that my problems had nothing to do with me but with the unsuitable horse that Ms. Johnson had sold me.

Also, in my 1//8/08 email I was trying not accuse Ms. Johnson of anything (i.e. poor horse assessment and matching abilities, selling a horse that stumbles) and I did not elaborate on the any horse point in the email but given my bad experiences with Ms. Johnsons matching ability I did not want her to exchange Key Way for another of her horses, so by any horse I also meant any one of HER horses. My experiences with Key Way alone (not the time commitment) have shattered my confidence with him and with Ms. J's matching abilities.

Further, the 8 months that I have owned Key Way is a testament to my effort to try to make an unsuitable situation work.

I really thought I was buying from someone reputable that I had a relationship with, that was looking out for my and my daughters best interests, that cares about placing her horses in the right situation. I find out, that at least in my case, Ms. Johnson is no better than the unethical horse traders you hear about, the ones that she goes to great length to distinguish herself from and I quote from her website:

What makes us different than the rest? Because we care about our customer's satisfaction; Because we love and care for our horses health and well being; Because we know how important the purchase of a new horse it to you!; Because of our extensive experience with gaited horses; Because we have a knack for matching horse and rider; Because we are there for you after the sale; Because our customer service is outstanding; Because we are dedicated to our spotless reputation. she knows her horses inside and out... knows their personalities, gaits, strengths and areas needing improvement.

When you spend 8 - 10 hours a day, 7 days a week with the horses, it is easy to see how and why Jen knows and understands the horses she represents. Others in the business of horse sales will try to tell you that they 'know all about the horses' that they are representing. However, if they aren't spending the time necessary and horses aren't their full time job, do they really know the many horses they have for sale? Are you sure? Hmmmm?

The truth is, Ms. Johnson misrepresented Key Way as a sound beginner horse either by withholding information she had a duty to disclose or by falsely claiming a full knowledge of Key Way. I was sold a horse whose behavior alone does not make him a suitable beginner horse (just 2 days ago Key Way kicked through the corral at my daughter and her friend nearly missing her head- as they sieved hay out of his water barrel) and his stumbling, makes him down right unsafe. The sales contract is not binding due to misrepresentation of facts regarding this horse. A full refund with Ms. Johnson paying transport is the ethical resolution.

Key Way is receiving great care but deserves to be in a home with an experienced rider to guide him, someone who can help him with his stumbling. Surely Ms. Johnson wants the same thing for one of her horses and should do what she can to make that happen.


Eureka, California


10 Updates & Rebuttals


Matter Resolved to Customer's Satisfaction

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 27, 2008

Matter resolved with Christine to her satisfaction. The horse was a wonderful horse when he was here at J Walker Ranch and when Christine purchased him. However, sometimes, for whatever reason, things just don't click and the combination of a new environment and new owners/handlers who have never owned a horse or handled a horse, can have negative affects. Being that Key was a perfect gentleman while in our care and who did not show any stumbling or behavioral issues while we had him, we felt comfortable representing him as a good beginner family horse. There was absolutely no misleading on our part based on how we knew the horse to be here at our ranch. I truly wanted Christine to thrilled with Key and have a long happy relationship with him. Because she lived so far, we gave her up to ONE YEAR to exchange him if need be. We truly want all of our customers to be happy with their horses and if not, they can exchange the horse for another one. We feel that is a good policy for both the customer AND the horse. There was a comment from another person regarding this complaint on the fact that we sold Key when he came back from Christine's. Of course we sold him, he is a fabulous horse who is gentle and kind and who again behaved like a gentleman when he was returned to our ranch. He is an awesome trail horse and before we put him back up for sale, we had a vet check him out from head to toe, did a little refresher course on his ground manners (which were a little rusty because he had been allowed to take the lead while at Christines), and re-evaluated his riding ability paying special attention to any tripping or stumbling. He vetted clean and sound, he was back to being very easy to handle on the ground and after being re-shod (the farrier Christine used had his angles way off and unbalanced) he never took one mis step, no tripping, no stumbling. What would the person who made the comments about Key's resale have us do? Put down a perfectly wonderful horse? I don't think so. I know that Key's new family is certainly glad that we didn't do anything stupid with him because they absolutely adore him! His new family has had only wonderful experiences with him so far. This is the horse I know, just a big, gentle boy that likes to walk easily along the trail. It was truly a shame that he didn't work out for Christine as I only knew Key to be an easy going horse that I thought her family would enjoy. Key's new family hasn't had any of the issues that Christine had with him and the issues were fully disclosed to his new family. I had them read this complaint and all of the correspondence between Christine and I. They also have the opportunity to exchange him if he didn't work out, but his new mommy said she may exchange one of her kids, but NEVER her awesome horse, Key Way.


Joel Tracy, Lakeside CA, comments are completely crazy.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 26, 2008

Thank you, Christine, for working with us to resolve the matter with Key Way. Joel, from Lakeside, must not have noticed that we resolved everything to your satisfaction, based on his comments. With regards to Joel, he purchased a horse from us because his girlfriend used to work here and when she broke up with him, he tried to win her back by purchasing the horse that he knew she really liked. We never knew about his plan or scheme until after it failed and he wanted us to give him his money back. He loved the horse when he bought it, sent us a very nice testimonial about our professionalism, desire to help people, our wonderful horses and incredible ranch. The horse was perfectly healthy, sound, beautiful and smooth. When he suddenly informed us he didn't want the horse anymore, we told him we would be happy to exchange the horse for another one, however, he only wanted his money back. He went from 'friend' to 'foe' in a split second and began threatening me, my family and my ranch. Our contract clearly states 'exchange only, no refunds'. He couldn't even give us a reason for wanting to return the horse. We found out the reason after the fact, which had absolutely nothing to do with us, our horses or our ranch. We refunded all of Joel's money and he still continues to harrass and post negative things about our ranch on the internet. We were the one's who were wronged by Joel, not the other way around.


Happy J Walker customer

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2008

I am very surprised to hear of this report. I have purchased, at two different times, two different horses from J. Walker ranch. I have felt absolutely the opposite from the claims made. Both horses were purchases with a 30 day money back guarantee, and the offer of exchange within a year is OUTSTANDING for ANY ranch to offer. The claim that the horse fell in NOVEMBER, after purchasing in APRIL? My opinion is that this person was under the impression that a family horse should operate like an ATV. Horses - ALL horses - can be pushy if you let them. They can ALL stumble, they can ALL fall. If you are not ready to accept this risk you would be well best served to NOT have horses. I hope that others who are considering a horse with having no experience understand that these are living beings with their own minds and emotions. They are NOT machines. Blaming the seller for your inadequacies as a horseman I think is a really cheap shot. Additionally, not taking the reins (pun intended) of the purchase directly by PERSONALLY riding the horse is a recipe for disaster, unless you hire a professional buyer with a GOOD reputation.

Twh Lover

Key Way back up for sale at J Walker

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2008

Key Way is now back up for sale as a "family horse" that "is excellent around dogs, kids and other little creatures running around." What is wrong with this ranch???? I feel very horrible that someone isn't going to get the full story about this horse, his tendencies, and his history. Another family is sure to be set up for heart break and disappointment--and perhaps even bodily harm. It is not only irresponsible to advertise a horse that has kicked out at people several times as a FAMILY HORSE but in my opinion it is nothing short of fraud! I wish anyone that buys a horse from J Walker Ranch the best of luck--you are going to need it! BUYER BEWARE!!


Issue Resolved with J. Walker Ranch

#6Author of original report

Mon, April 28, 2008

I am happy to report that after a little communication with the folks at J. Walker Ranch, they were willing to resolve this matter to my satisfaction. The matter was actually resolved on the 6th of April and I am pleased to say that Rebel, the horse in question, is now with people who can better help him with his ground manners and can evaluate his stumbling tendencies. The whole situation may have caused me some grief but it worked out all right in the end. I am better off for having had the experience with Rebel (even though it wasn't the experience I'd hoped for) and wish him happy trails from here on out. Thanks to Steve and Jennifer for working with me.


A disturbing pattern of sales behavior and incompetence

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, April 18, 2008

Christine, what happened to you has happened to others who have dealt with the J Walker Ranch, including myself. In my case it happened not once, but twice. Up until recently there has been no real avenue to expose the shady business practices presented by this ranch. All to often consumers out there are not able to get the word out about these types of places. I mistakingly believed filing a complaint with the local BBB would do something positive, however I have come to find that all a business need do is join the BBB and the complaint/report will get burried under layers of screens so that the general public would have no idea of just what these busniesses customers are saying. I would advise you to follow through on what your gut tells you. In my opinion these people are more than dishonest. Speak with an attorney, go after them...and most certainly file complaints with anyone and everyone that you can ligitimately. These people are nothing like their website states.


J. Walker Ranch, Temecula

#8Author of original report

Sat, March 15, 2008

I do not want this horse, it is true. As much as I wish it werent true, this horse scares me, because of his behavior and his stumbling. Even though I am scared of my own horse, I enjoy going to the stables and do take great care of him and take pride in doing the job well. Whats at issue is not my willingness to commit the time necessary to take care of a horse. This is what the Johnsons keep focusing while ignoring the stumbling and behavior unsuitable for a beginner rider. They were made fully aware of his stumbling by me prior to my learning of his history of stumbling from Susan, though they did not want to acknowledge it. Im sorry, I wish it didnt exist either, I really do. And while I commend them on extending the exchange for up to a year, I dont think any one can blame me for not feeling totally comfortable with them and shelling out over $1,600 in transport to send Rebel back and a new horse up here, given my experience with the horse I was sold by J. Walker Ranch. The only option for me was to sell this horse, which was made almost impossible by his tendency to stumble, but I tried. In trying and posting my ad, I learned he has a HISTORY of stumbling, pushy behavior and spooking. What was I to think after learning this? That I was dealt with fairly? I took it very personally. Perhaps they really didnt know, but the onus is on them, being the experts in their field, to research the horses they are selling, especially when they know these clients are new to horses. I do appreciate the reply from H.B. in Libertyville, IL I wish I had known enough to have a trainer look at the horse, but I didnt. I went in inexperienced and completely trusting. As I told them, I wish them no ill will by filing my complaint and Im still hopeful we can work something out. It may be much less than what I feel Im entitled to, but if it Rebel can end up in a place where he understood and can get what he needs to be happy, then Ill be happy too. I have no way to verify this but I still believe that most people that deal with J. Walker Ranch probably have good experiences. Id like to think that my experience was just a goof up in an otherwise spotless record of satisfactory horse sales.


Advice-Take it or Leave it!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2008

I am writting this for the benefit of people out there that might find themselves in a similar situation to the one above. I am not iinvolved in this particular situation, but am a professional horseperson, and have been in this business for 20 years. If you are looking for a horse-especially one that your children are going to ride-Take someone that is knowledgeable with you to help evaluate the horse! Even if it is just your riding instructor. Ride the horse yourself before you buy the horse-more than once! Animals are animals- you can't make a good judgement on their temperment or ability after just one session. Whenever possible, we not only try a horse that we are looking at in the environment they currently live in, but we also bring it home to further try it at our own farm. I realize that some sellers might not let you take their horse off the property, but that is the advantage you get when you work with a qualified professional-we have a solid reputation in the industy, and people trust us to take care of their horses. Everyone's biggest argument against using a professional to help find a horse is usually cost. Doesn't the 15% commission and possible travel expenses pale in comparison to the heartache and possible danger of buying an unsuitable horse??? Like I said, I am not defending either party in this dispute- I am just trying to relay some advice. Get professional help when purchasing a horse to ride! It is not a business for amatuers. Good luck, Heather


The correct information regarding this purchase

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 14, 2008

Christine purchased Key/Rebel back in April of last year. Our contract states that once the horse passes the Vet check the new owner has up to 30 days to exchange the horse, no questions asked. The contract also states there are no refunds after the horse passes the Vet check and the cost of transportation is the responsibility of the new owner. Because Christine was a new rider and she did not get a chance to spend much time at our ranch, we changed the contract giving Christine up to one year to exchange Key/Rebel if she found he was not the ideal horse for her. Christine is still within the exchange period. Unfortunately Christine has communicated that she would never consider an exchange as J Walker Ranch is a dishonest and untrustworthy place. Giving someone a full year to evaluate a horse and exchange the horse no questions asked seems more than reasonable. It doesn't make sense that we would knowingly sell someone a horse that has issues and is not a good fit for the rider and then give them a full year to exchange the horse. The real issue here is that as Christine has indicated in her e-mails prior to her tuning nasty, she does not have time for a horse right now and isn't sure she wants a horse even if she had the time. Christine feels the only way to resolve the situation is for us to give her a full refund and pay for almost 1,000 miles of shipping.


J. Walker Ranch

#11Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

I must clarify something erroneous that I included in my report. I mention that it is funny how my horse was boarded with Ms. Johnson for 26 of the 30 day refund period. He was boarded with her for 26 days. But the refund period is something that I recall Ms. Johnson mentioning to me during my visit with her last February. My friend who visited in March also recalls such an offer when she expressed to Ms. Johnson her concern over me getting the right horse. My friend recalls Ms. Johnson saying something to the effect that should I be unhappy within the first 30 days I could return him for a refund and after that I would have 1 year to make an exchange. This, however, is not in the contract that I signed and so was an error on my part to include it in my Ripoff report. Whether the 30 day refund period was included in the contract or not (and it was not) does not affect my claims that Ms. Johnson misrepresented this horse. The consistency and frequency of his behavior and stumbling has taken longer than 30 days to determine. In fact the fall that he took during a riding lesson, did not occur until November. Further, my belief that a refund is a fair resolution to this dispute is not based on this 30 day period. Refunding my money is the fair solution because the conditions of the sales contract are invalid due to the misrepresentation of this horse.

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