  • Report:  #490403

Complaint Review: Jack LaLane Power Juicer - Fairfield New Jersey

Reported By:
Kate - Portland, Oregon, USA

Jack LaLane Power Juicer
492 Rt. 46 East Fairfield, 07004 New Jersey, United States of America
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DO NOT BUY A JACK LALANE POWER JUICER IT'S A WASTE OF YOUR MONEY  The product is highly mis-represented for starters which I will explain later.

2nd Tri-Power Productions is a fraudulent company that deliberately lies to customers in order to pressure them into purchasing their Juicers. I called the number on an infomercial to inquire about shipping costs I was told it was 29.95 so I declined and started doing research on the internet to see if I could find them cheaper.

At Wal-mart they were cheaper and had free shipping if sent to the store to be picked up. I was in the process of ordering one when I got a call regarding my earlier call and I got mad. I said I did not appreciate this company giving out my number to others that if I want something I will do the calling and not the other way around.

The salesman said: I was calling to offer you a lower price I said not interested because I didnt want to pay shipping in case the juicer turned out to be something other than what was said on the infomercial so I was ordering one from Wal-Mart but I had wished they had the black and silver deluxe one. He said: I can sell you that one for 109.00 I said no again because I didnt want to pay any shipping and I didnt trust the infomercials so I wanted the option of returning something without losing shipping costs. He said Thats all it will cost you is 109.00 I said really if there isnt any additional shipping then send me two of them and gave him my credit card information.

The next day July 4th I was sent an invoice saying as soon as my credit card approved the order the items would be shipped I actually opened the email on July 5th a Sunday and when I saw what they had done I was Livid to say the least I immediately sent them an email telling them to cancel the order as the sales rep had lied to me deliberately. Then I tried calling them since the invoice said they were open on weekends. NO Answer everyone took a holiday from work or so they made you believe.

The invoice didnt say I was being charged 109.00 per unit it was broken down so that I was charged 79.96 per juicer and 29.99 for shipping on each. Total 154.93 for two items and 59.98 for shipping total and a grand total of 219.92 still more than 109.00 each.

During our entire conversation this sales person deliberately led me on saying I was not paying shipping and by law a company is required to do a breakdown of costs if charging separately on anything regarding an order and this company does the opposite they tell you no shipping then charge it anyway.

I didnt care if the outcome was the same the principle is if not as claimed I wanted all my money back not part of it.

On Monday July 6th I got up early at 5 AM only to find them still closed so I went back to bed and called again at 6 AM even though I had emailed them the day before and told them to cancel the order I was told they couldnt because it had shipped already while at the same time the guy told me no one worked over the weekend. I said then how come the invoice was emailed on the 4th of July? I also said the items had not shipped because my credit card company hadnt processed it yet. I again said cancel the order and they told me no. (If my credit card company had denied the charge you can bet the order would have been canceled) So I asked to speak to a supervisor I was told they were all in a meeting so I said then have one call me when they get out. Never happened.

On July 7th I was sent an email telling me the items had shipped and I logged in the tracking number for UPS and sure enough as I already knew the items were picked up by UPS 2 days after I emailed them to cancel and 1 days after I called them. Again they think nothing of lying to customers. They knew I would return the items for false advertising and this was their way of getting 60.00 free.

When the items came I refused shipment and they refunded the 154.94 but I am in dispute with my credit card company over the fraudulent shipping fees charged. I am disputing my cards outcome as they said the company told them I knew about the shipping and that I received the items. I re-disputed the charge telling them I did not agree to the shipping and I never received the items I refused them and I also canceled the order 2 days before it was shipped and Ill be dammed if I am going to pay the shipping that was fraudulently charged to my account.

On top of that I have called this company at least 6 times since and told them to have a supervisor call me and play back the recorded conversation as it will prove they lied to me to get the order placed. They say a supervisor listened to it and I wasnt lied too. Yet they still refuse to play the recording for me -if there even is a recording which I explained to my credit card company what are they afraid of? Why wont they call me and play it back except for the reason that they know it incriminates them.

Now for the Juicer: I told my story to a friend who just happened to have the deluxe jack lalane power juicer so I asked if she liked it and she said it wasted to much of the fruits and vegetables so it was too expensive to keep juicing so I decided to do some comparison juicing if she was agreeable. I took 10 lbs of carrots and juiced them in the Jack Lalane Power Juicer and I got 57 ounces of juice and about 7-8 lbs of moist pulp. I couldnt believe the waste - plus I tried to juice parsley and all it did was chop it no juice at all.

A Few days later I took my old juicer and juiced 10 lbs of carrots and I got an amazing 125 ounces of juice and only about 3 lbs of very dry pulp. That is more than 50% more juice with an old juicer. I then tried juicing some parsley and I got about an ounce of very green rich juice from it. I was amazed at the difference - my very old juicer actually got 68 ounces more juice then the Jack Lalane juicer for the same amount of carrots.

Is the Jack Lalane juicer quiet like they claim? Not really the noise difference is minimal.

I found that if the jack lalane juicer isnt running then the motor binds and even if you turn it off and try to start it, it will still stay bound up I had to take it apart in order to get it to start again. Whereas my old juicer you can put stuff in it and then turn it on and it works great.

Conclusion: To juice with Jack lalane power juicer you have to have money to burn because you waste so much of your fruits and vegetables left behind in pulp. Not worth it the whole infomercial is a total misleading advertisement. The only thing I found that was truthful is it is easy to clean where as my old juicer takes a bit of time but I would rather take more time cleaning a juicer and reap loads of juice for my money then to have something clean easy but waste most of what I was trying to juice.

Tri-Power Productions is a dishonest misleading fraudulent company that needs to be put out of business and the Jack Lalane Juicer may be alright for Jack Lalane who is rich but it is not affordable for the average person when you waste so much food just trying to get a little juice. Dont waste your money on it.

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