  • Report:  #265472

Complaint Review: Jacqueline D. L. Belcher - Jacqueline Belcher - Sussex, Wantage New Jersey

Reported By:
- Toms River, New Jersey,

Jacqueline D. L. Belcher - Jacqueline Belcher
61 Roy Road Sussex, New Jersey 07461-2609 In Wantage Twp. Sussex, Wantage, 07461-2609 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I located Jacqueline D. L. Belcher on the internet while looking for a beautiful, purebreed, healthy Weimaraner puppy. Since there are minimal Weimaraner breeders in the NJ, NY, PA area I felt lucky to have found her.

I called her cell phone and left a message and she returned my phone call immediately to discuss the sale of her Weimaraner puppies. She was extremely pleasant on the phone and seemed to have so much knowledge about Weimaraners and how to purchase from a reputable source.

I expressed my personal stories of how I was aching to own a Weimaraner for 8 years now and with the passing of my Collie I was finally ready to purchase one. I also provided her with all the reassuring information that any puppy I received would be well provided for and loved. I informed her that I was a Law Enforcement Officer and that the dog would receive extensive exercise as this breed requires such. The puppy would also have 24 hour daily care as someone is always home. I was fully prepared for this exact breed!

Jacqueline lived over 2 hours from my residence but she was so deceptive and convincing on the phone that collectively with my mother we decided to take the trip to see the 2 puppies she had left from the litter.

We arrived at her home where she was present along with a man she claimed to be her husband. Her son had also been there. When we arrived she introduced me to a Weimaraner not affiliated with the litter I was purchasing from. When we went into the house we only entered the first room which was the kitchen are.

Inside she had multiple large crates on the floor. One had a Viszla approximately 16-20 weeks old if I had to guess. The other crate had a Weimaraner also about 16 weeks old.

The two 9 week old weimaraner puppies she was offering to me we on the floor under a table playing when we approached. I immediately fell in love with one of the two and picked him up. At this time she disclosed some information to me that now looking back does not add up.

She told me a story that the father of the litter died the day after the litter was born due to an accidental ingestion of a deer carcus. At this time she presented what appeared to be old female Weimarner that she claimed was the mother of the litter.

I was concerned that the Weimaraner puppy in the crate that was not related to the litter for sale had an enormous lump several inches in size on the top of his head. When we asked what happened she said he bumped his head on the table. Being over excited at the time I did not suspect any time of malicious wrong doing but later on did. This was a puppy she claimed she had purchased from a western state in order to use it for breeding since the passing of the other male after the litter was born.

She said she was going to keep one of the females from the litter and continue to breed them. She also stated that the Viszla in the other crate was for breeding as well. At this time I paid her $850 in cash and she provided me with starter food and an AKC registration application.

On the way to the car I saw yet another full grown Viszla in the window. I even told her I would consistantly update her with photos of my new puppy.

Beginning days after I took my puppy home he began to have serious diarrhea filled with blood and mucus. I ended up taking him to the emergency clinic since it was a weekend and he was treated for intestinal parasites. This visit costed $260.00. I did call her on the day of the visit and left her a message on her cell phone but I never heard back from her.

Once his digestive tract seem to return to normal I did not worry anymore. As the next few months went along my parents and I noticed my puppy having eyesight issues. His behavior at times seemed very odd. He could not find objects during a game of fetch, did not recognize us on sight when we walked in the room, didn't even notice other animals within a few feet of him and was always looking all over and distracted. When he would hear something he would bark and look in the general direction of the noise but could not pin point where it was coming from.

Upon realizing what we were probably dealing with I was devastated. I made an appointment with my vet right away. My regular vet confirmed he had an eyesight problem but decided to refer me to a canine opthamologist. This vet visit costed me another $398.00 in order to check for tick born diseases that may have caused vision loss. Those tests returned a negative.

When I returned home I called Jacqueline and she picked up the phone. I immediately informed her that I would be following up with her next week once I had a definitive answer on the problem. She retold me that she has never had any problems with any of her dogs througout the years and that they are always checked for those type of problems and "it is probably just a fluke".

One week later I brought my puppy to a highly impressive canine opthamologist referred by my vet. It was confirmed that my puppy had congenital cataracts, distichiasis and mild microphthalmia. This visit ran me $130.88 also. The opthamologist immediately explained to me that this puppy should have never been sold this way and my case falls under the NJ Unfit for Sale Law/Puppy Lemon Law.

The estimated cost for the cataract surgery alone was $3000 - $3500. This doesn't include follow up visits and the surgery holds no guarentees. There are also a lot of possible complications that can lead to complete blindness of my puppy. I received a certificate of unfitness from the Dr. and the estimate in writing along with the NJ laws pertaining to my case.

I phoned Jacqueline upon returning home. Shockingly her home phone had been disconnected so I left a message on her cell phone. No response. Approximately a week later I followed up again with another phone message on the cell and this time sent an email stating that I needed to speak with her ASAP. We had corresponded before when I sent her pictures and updates of the puppy so she was familiar with my email address. I still have not heard back from her!

Luckily for me through some research of my own it has come to light that she has been doing this for years!!

Jacqueline Belcher is NOT a breeder. She is an unlicensed dealer that seels sick puppies knowing they are defective prior to sale. This also means she is not supposed to have these animals AKC qualified, does not have them vet certified prior to sale, and apparently has been administering vaccines on her own. She has had complaints lodged against her multiple times before for YEARS.

She has broken many laws and is stealing people's money. Not to mention a breed such as this is losing it's good quality blood line. This is sick and twisted!

She is expected to relocate to the Pennsylvania area soon. BEWARE!


Toms River, New Jersey


14 Updates & Rebuttals


Wow I can't believe how ridiculous you people are!

#2General Comment

Wed, February 29, 2012

This is hopefully going to be my last rebuttal.  People please, please get a life.  Not all dogs are born perfect, just like children.  However, you've had your chances to have the despute settled if there even was a problem.  Yet, all you seem to do is try and slander a good persons name.  Grow up, move past the high school drama that you seem to be stuck in and get on with your life.  Not to mention none have you have submitted any type of proof, not only to the breeder that you are HARRASSING but also to the people that have to read this garbage.  And I love, LOVE how those of you who are writing negative things don't even include your name.  If anyone has any questions please feel free to call me, (570-637-3883) and I will be happy to answer anyones questions who have unfortunately been subjected to reading this filth.  So if you are thinking about getting a dog who is just as wonderful as mine please call.  If you are one of the un-named people spreading your lies don't ever contact me.  Because if you happen to contact me I'll listen until I see my beautiful dog, whom I love with all my heart, and realize you're talking about his siblings and I'll hang up.  And if you continue to bother me after that I'll slap you with harrassment.  May God be with you and judge you for your sins when the time comes. 

ps.  Un-named writer you might want to look up the definition of borderline illiterate before you go throwing around things you can't fathom.  Fathom means understand by the way.  I'll admitt I may of had some grammer errors however, due to how upset and frustrated I was when reading this my main concern was spreading the truth not lies such as yourself.  I had not taken into account that there would be a literary police.  In fact my gpa is a 3.9 and I'd be happy to give you my school information where you can contact them or I could just send you my transcripts.  Afterall I'm all about facts unlike yourself.  Then again I don't want to talk to liars, so to people who want the facts please feel free to call me (570-637-3883) and I will do all I can to answer your questions honestly.  Thank you for taking your time to read this.


New York,
United States of America

#3General Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

First let me express my sincere apologies to those of you with sick dogs; I commend your commitment to your pets, and don't blame you one bit for being angry with Jackie Belcher/ Levan. After reading your comments, I nearly had a heart attack, and then took out a very large pet insurance policy on my 8 month Weimaraner (Zephyr).  Knock on wood, I am blessed with a beautiful, healthy dog with an incredible disposition. I found your blog on the internet after I purchased Zephyr @ 14 weeks for ~ half price ($500) on craiglist from a very shady man, who neglected the animal. When I called to report him to the breeder (Jackie Levan), I received even more shady news.

Here is Zephyr's story. . .

After my weim of 13.5 years passed away this past August of osteocarcoma, I found myself perusing breeders, rescue centers, and even craiglist.  When I came across Zephyr, a beautiful silver-gray weim with sapphire blue eyes, I was interested. The owners, an active duty military couple, purchased the puppy from Jacqueline in Monroe, PA, but found they had neither the time nor money to care for him. The conditions in which they kept him were deplorable; he was chained up outside to the water spicket just beyond a concrete carport with no grass or shelter, surrounded by piles of feces. The owners claimed he was UTD on his shots, flea meds, and was even crate trained, although there was no crate or toys in sight. Upon returning home with him, I discovered he had fleas, ringworm, and roundworm, and was (to no surprise) not potty trained. When I called from the vet the following morning and pressed for details on what (if any) vet care he had received, I received more lies. The vet just shook his head and said, "let's just proceed under the presupposition that they did nothing after purchasing him from the breeder at 8 wks." 

That evening I called Jackie Levan to report the neglect, and inquire as to how in the world she sold her puppy to such an unfit couple. She was outright angry with them, had threatened to sue, and tried to repossess the puppy after the owners' check bounced. She eventually had to drive to New York and meet with the owners in a Wal-Mart parking lot to be paid the balance.

When I inquired about the litter and parents of my pup, I received more shady information. First, she told me that she still had two of the pups and that all the others had been sold; then "all the others" became two (mine included), and that the litter had been small because the mother was unusually small. I later learned from the AKC form, with its expired registration code, the mother was barely 12 mo. older than her pups.

I have no firsthand knowledge of Jackie as a breeder or her facilities, but I found her dubious information concerning the litter and Jerry Springer drama with Zephyr's previous owner to be disturbing, and I am profoundly disturbed by the contents of this blog. May by the grace of God, my puppy continue to develop normally, and I never experience the medical nightmares so many of you have. I wish you the best of luck. If you need to get in touch with Jacqueline Levan/ Belcher, here is her current contact info. in Monroeton, PA: 570-637-6356, 570-364-5566, and her veterinarian is Milan Veterinary, 570-888-6364.
P.S.: Dear Jennifer in Monroeton and Shelby in Vernon, please, please, take a remedial English class before you open your rebuttal piehole on this website again, because you are borderline illiterate.


Toms River,
New Jersey,

#4Author of original report

Fri, December 30, 2011

I think it's funny how every time I put something a new purchaser calling me a liar immediately responds as if they just happen to see my posting. Jacqueline you don't have to hide behind names. People know what you have done. That is why there are many other postings about you on the Consumers Against Pet Shop Abuse website operated by a random company. So don't take my word for it... Check it out yourself. My name and info was posted the first time around. So I'm not hiding behind anything. I want everyone to know what you have done so that they can avoid this misfortune. Adoption is the way to go!


New Jersey,
United States of America
FALSE aspca and inbreeding accusations!!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2011

 To the original author since you are too much of a coward to put your name considering you are attempting to spread nothing but lies:
    I hate to break it to the original author here but let's be for serious ... the aspca wouldn't work with someone who has dogs that are "mostly sick."  They wouldn't allow her to be a member if this were true. They do various checks on these kind of things. I happen to know for a fact that they have visited her facility (the AKC rep) and complemented on how he wished there was a higher score for her to get due to the fact that her facility is run extremely well.  I also happen to know that she works with the humane society and shelters abused horses, not that horses have anything to do with dogs.  But like you said it's sad how YOU are taking advantage of her, trying to sabatage the beautiful dogs that she raises.  YOU are the lowest of low! I have two beautful dogs from her both a weim and a viszla my weim is six years old and my viszla is just almost 2.  I had the pleasure of meeting the parents of each puppy i got when i picked them up and i know where my weim got his beauty from.  My boy's father, Smokey Blue Horizons, was an awesome dog.  He was huge and such a gentle boy.  I am so glad my boy looks like him.  Let me just say that i couldn't ask for anymore from these two dogs they were soooo easy to train and i love them with all my heart.  They both sleep with me at night (they like to sleep under the covers) they are my children and are such good animals, i really can't express how blessed i am to have these dogs.  It's sad that vindictive people like you are hurting this poor woman.  She cried when her favorite dog left which was when i got my 2nd, my viszla. Who by the way loves baths and is a doll in the tub.  He loves it and it makes me laugh so much how he always wants to get in the tub.  My best friend always comments on how she wants to get one because when i leave the room, they follow me, when i'm in the bathroom they lay outside the door and wait for me.  I've had other dogs before and i am a firm believer that it is how the dogs are brought up, i mean for crying out loud when i got my boys i could paint their nails and dress them up at 8 weeks old!!!  She interacts with the dogs and loves each one and i am lucky for being able to get my dogs from HER!!  And when i get another dog which i definitly will be guess who i'll be getting them from Jacqueline Belcher.  And that is because JACQUELINE BELCHER RAISES AMAZINGLY LOVING AND SMART DOGS! I taught my 8 week old viszla how to sit and give paw.  Again it really urks me that a person can be this vile, and jealous.  When you talk bad about Jacqueline Belcher you are talking bad about my dogs.  I understand that sometimes there are things that can happen that all dogs arn't perfect but her dogs are vet checked given their shots etc.  I still have the certificates from when she first brought my two to the vet for the first time.  Oh and as for the inbreeding that has to be the biggest lie ever.  And if you've ever gotten an inbred dog, obviously from someone else because i know it wasn't her, it's your own fault.  Check the pedigree genius, it has 3-5 generations on it or more if you want it.  Obviously you guys arn't the brightest crayon in the box ... if you don't know how to check a simple pedigree maybe you should be going to the pound to get your dog since you don't care ... other than trying to spred lies.  Oh yeah and for the record her dogs are also DNA tested with akc!!!  So since you obviously are lacking in the brains department maybe you should stick to something that doesn't involve you showing off your incompetence on said issue.  I love my dogs more than anything and for you to trash the woman that i got these two angels from is unforgivable, i hope you know where liars such as yourself go.  I would love to comment more on my beautiful dogs, which by the way are sitting my my feet not, however i must go.  Thank you.


Toms River,
New Jersey,
Sad but true...

#6Author of original report

Wed, December 28, 2011

Not saying she has never had a healthy dog... I'm saying most of her dogs are sick. She has tons of complaints with the ASPCA. I have several people a month contact me with horror stories about her sick dogs. It's sad but true that she takes advantage of people. I have had people contact me in tears that she sold them a sick dog, it had to be put down and she wouldn't return their calls. People that hurt animals and children and take advantage are the lowest form of society. I'm very glad you got lucky and you feel good buying from a breeder that hundreds don't. I hope it goes as well for you the second time. But unfortunately for you the mathamatical odds are not in your favor.

Cheryl H.

New Jersey,
United States of America
A Beautiful Healthy Male Weimaraner from this Breeder

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2011

It is unfortunate that your puppy developed such problems.  I am sorry for both you and the dog.

However I, too, purchased a male weimaraner from this breeder.  He is 7 years old, healthy, beautiful, and has a wonderful temperament.  In fact I will most likely be getting a second dog from her within the next month.

I am unaware of any other complaints against her.  Jacquline raises both weimaraners and viszlas.  Her dogs are kept in her home (not in kennels).  I personally see this as a plus.  They are socialized in a family setting, and are used to being around people and other dogs.  I also see nothing wrong with having her puppies in crates.  It's the safest place for a puppy to be when you're not giving them your undivided attention.

My first weimaraner from this breeder had been seen by a veterinarian before I purchased it, and should I get a second dog from Jacqueline, it will also be checked out and certified by her vet.

Again, I am sorry for your experience, but it seems to be one unfortunate health problem encountered in years of breeding.   I would recommend Jacqueline Belcher to anyone interested in either breed.  


Toms River,
New Jersey,
Weimarner presenting characteristics of inbreeding

#8Author of original report

Mon, February 07, 2011

I am the original author that wrote about Jacqueline D.L. Belcher in 2007. My weimaraner Murphy has shown early signs of hip dysplasia and an unstable temperament. This along with his congenital cataracts I have wondered for years if he is a product of inbreeding. As of late with his unstable at times unprovoked and aggressive behavior it was considered to put him down. I still have him and have been so angry at her for years. Due to his blindness he has been a complicated and difficult dog to raise for years. My love runs so deep for him still. She has relocated out of NJ selling Vizslas, Weimaraners and Horses. I have received at least 15 phone calls throughout the years and emails from people that have had a bad experience with dogs purchased from her.

She uses the names Jacqueline Levan, Jacqueline Belcher and Jacquline DL Belcher. She posts on small time classified sites as well as Pets4you.com, Petgigs.com, Pets.oodle.com, hot-ads.com, Horsetopia.com, dogsnow.com, Pennsylvaniasuperads.com.

She also lists under the Kennel names of Happy Tails Vizslas and Enless Mountain Weims.

She rarely lists her home phone number anymore of (570) 364-5566 but it is still current. Her address as of the last I knew is a PO Box of :  RR2, PO Box 211A. Possible cities for her in PA are Troy, Canton and Monroeton.

BEWARE. She buys puppy mill dogs and inbreeds dogs. Do not be one of her victims.

I am including photo documentation of the "Unfit for Purchase" letter signed by DVM Kristina Vygantas of VSDS in Millstone Twp, NJ as well as a recent copy of the Vet receipt where he was prescribed Tramadol as a low cost means to combat early Hip Dysplasia. The "Unfit for Purchase" is from 2007. Murphy qualified for the NJ Puppy Lemon Law. The recent bill is from December 2010. Thank you for listening. If you need to contact me I can be emailed at(((Redacted)))

 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


New Jersey,
United States of America
I got a problem vizsla from her.

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, January 30, 2011

My husband brought home a vizsla puppy for me as an early Christmas present in late Nov. of 2005. My sister-in-law found Ms. Belcher on the Internet and the two of them picked up the dog. Within a month of having her home we noticed she was having problems with her hind legs. Our vet diagnosed her with a neurological problem and sent us to a veterinary neurologist. About $4,000 later it was determined that she had some genetic condition that can not be treated nor specifically diagnosed without additional costly and very invasive testing. The neurologist strongly advised that we get our money back and return the dog. I could not do this because we were so attached to her.

When we called Ms. Belcher and told her, she gave us the same story she has given many others -she has never had a problem with any of her dogs. Not long after she wouldn't return our calls and her email address was no longer active.

My dog is wonderful, loving, and has the sweetest disposition. Unfortunately she has several medical problems. Her neurological problem causes her to frequently fall. Occasionally this leads to painful bruising. She also is on thyroid medication. I don't know if that is considered a genetic issue or not. Also, she has stomach problems with vomiting and gas. We are able to treat these occurrences with medication as well. We are obviously very regular visitors at the vet.

One of my dogs litter mates goes to the same veterinary office. Because there is no HIPPA for animals, the vet openly discussed problem the litter mate was having with kennel cough as soon as he was brought home from Ms. Belcher's. Apparently when contacted by the owners, she claimed the reason the dog had kennel cough was because the owners were smokers. The vet told me that it wasn't possible for this dog to have gotten kennel cough from his new owners, that he had to have had it already.

Both vets referred to Ms. Belcher as "unethical." There really is no other way to describe her practices. She obviously lies every time she tells someone she has never had a problem with her dogs. She disappears when people attempt to contact her. I would STRONGLY advise against buying a dog from this woman. She has made a business out of selling sick dogs. I would hate to see anyone else go through the heartache and expense we have had to endure.


United States of America
It almost Happened Again

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, February 21, 2010

I just want to thank you for posting this. I was suppose to pick up my Vizsla puppy this weekend from Jacqueline Levan, previously Jacquelin Belcher. She is now located in Monroeton, PA as Jacquelin's velcro Vizslas. I have already mailed her the $100 deposit, and was suppose to pay the remaining $750 this weekend. Now that will not be happening. I would really like to get my $100 back, but am not sure if that will happen. I am willing to help with anything that will put this thief to a stop. 

Ps. Jacqueline Levan is posted on pets4you.com, do not fall for this.


New Jersey,

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

My story is not much different than Elaine's, I made the trek up to Newton, NJ after speaking with Jackie when I was responding to an ad in the newspaper for puppy weimaraners. Not knowing much about them at the time I had no idea where to get one but I knew I didn't want to go to a pet store and contribute to the puppy mill business. It didn't turn out to be much different than a puppy mill. I entered the same aweful kitchen and was immediately hooked on one of the five female puppies I had to select from. This was back in 1999 when Jaqueline Belcher was known as Jaqueline Levan. She was breeding weimaraners, viszlas and weimaraner-dalmation mixes at the time. I purchased a beautiful female weimaraner in March, 1999 from Jacqueline for $750.00. Was asked nothing about myself or how much I new about the breed and was never asked to sign any sort of contract. After having her for two days, I noticed that she was running into things. I had an appointment at my regular vet anyway so I asked if she could check her eyes. At that time she indicated she thought she had cataracts but referred me to a specialist. That week I went to two different opthamalogist and they both confirmed the cataracts. I called Jackie and advised her of what the vet had said and told her that I put a stop payment on my check to her until I was able to see the specialists. She immediately told me that there was no such thing as cataracts in puppies and did offer to allow me to return the dog so she could put her down. I refused to return her and refused to pay her the rest of the money until I had proof of her condition. At this time she started to yell at me telling me she was going to call the cops and have me arrested. I of course knew this was ridiculous especially since I never signed a contract or anything with her but it was upsetting nonetheless especially after being told that she would have this little puppy euthanized. After seeing the specialists I sent her both reports confirming the diagnosis. In the interim, she sent me a certified letter stating that she was going to sue me. The reports were sent to her by my attorney with a letter stating that she owed me money for the cost of the exams. I never heard from her again. My dog is now 8.5 years old and is a very intelligent, healthy and beautiful dog. She gets her eyes checked at UPenn every few years but despite the cataracts which have gotten a little worse over the years, she runs and plays like normal. She can not see very well on real sunny days and can't see anything up in the sky but loves to retreive her tennis ball and only needs to hear it bounce once before she knows exactly where it is. She was just this year diagnosed with a low thyroid which was found out after repeated anal gland infections and is now on thyroid medication and doing well. She was also diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. But neither things affects her much at all. She was a crazy puppy and very willful. But she has calmed down some and is a great, great dog. She is wonderful with people and loves people of all ages. She did however, become aggressive with other dogs after maturing at about 2 years old. This having been after two years of regular doggie daycare and 4-5 days a week at the dog park. I feel that her eyesight might make he feel vulnerable and therefore aggressive because she was certainly socialized well. However, she in every other way a very confident, dominant and independent girl. Jacqueline is highly unprofessional and clearly interested only in making money which was evident to me in her reaction to my dog's eye problem. It pains me to see that she continued to breed dogs, probably from the same line, who have eye problems even worse than my dog and continues to say she knows nothing about the cataracts. I guess I was very lucky that my dog's health was not as bad as the others. On aside, I was told that my dog's parents (who were present at her home) were Duchess and Windsor, in case there is anyone else out there who has a dog from those parents. Email me if you think our dogs were from the same litter. [email protected]. Thanks.


New Jersey,

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

My story is not much different than Elaine's, I made the trek up to Newton, NJ after speaking with Jackie when I was responding to an ad in the newspaper for puppy weimaraners. Not knowing much about them at the time I had no idea where to get one but I knew I didn't want to go to a pet store and contribute to the puppy mill business. It didn't turn out to be much different than a puppy mill. I entered the same aweful kitchen and was immediately hooked on one of the five female puppies I had to select from. This was back in 1999 when Jaqueline Belcher was known as Jaqueline Levan. She was breeding weimaraners, viszlas and weimaraner-dalmation mixes at the time. I purchased a beautiful female weimaraner in March, 1999 from Jacqueline for $750.00. Was asked nothing about myself or how much I new about the breed and was never asked to sign any sort of contract. After having her for two days, I noticed that she was running into things. I had an appointment at my regular vet anyway so I asked if she could check her eyes. At that time she indicated she thought she had cataracts but referred me to a specialist. That week I went to two different opthamalogist and they both confirmed the cataracts. I called Jackie and advised her of what the vet had said and told her that I put a stop payment on my check to her until I was able to see the specialists. She immediately told me that there was no such thing as cataracts in puppies and did offer to allow me to return the dog so she could put her down. I refused to return her and refused to pay her the rest of the money until I had proof of her condition. At this time she started to yell at me telling me she was going to call the cops and have me arrested. I of course knew this was ridiculous especially since I never signed a contract or anything with her but it was upsetting nonetheless especially after being told that she would have this little puppy euthanized. After seeing the specialists I sent her both reports confirming the diagnosis. In the interim, she sent me a certified letter stating that she was going to sue me. The reports were sent to her by my attorney with a letter stating that she owed me money for the cost of the exams. I never heard from her again. My dog is now 8.5 years old and is a very intelligent, healthy and beautiful dog. She gets her eyes checked at UPenn every few years but despite the cataracts which have gotten a little worse over the years, she runs and plays like normal. She can not see very well on real sunny days and can't see anything up in the sky but loves to retreive her tennis ball and only needs to hear it bounce once before she knows exactly where it is. She was just this year diagnosed with a low thyroid which was found out after repeated anal gland infections and is now on thyroid medication and doing well. She was also diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. But neither things affects her much at all. She was a crazy puppy and very willful. But she has calmed down some and is a great, great dog. She is wonderful with people and loves people of all ages. She did however, become aggressive with other dogs after maturing at about 2 years old. This having been after two years of regular doggie daycare and 4-5 days a week at the dog park. I feel that her eyesight might make he feel vulnerable and therefore aggressive because she was certainly socialized well. However, she in every other way a very confident, dominant and independent girl. Jacqueline is highly unprofessional and clearly interested only in making money which was evident to me in her reaction to my dog's eye problem. It pains me to see that she continued to breed dogs, probably from the same line, who have eye problems even worse than my dog and continues to say she knows nothing about the cataracts. I guess I was very lucky that my dog's health was not as bad as the others. On aside, I was told that my dog's parents (who were present at her home) were Duchess and Windsor, in case there is anyone else out there who has a dog from those parents. Email me if you think our dogs were from the same litter. [email protected]. Thanks.


New Jersey,

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

My story is not much different than Elaine's, I made the trek up to Newton, NJ after speaking with Jackie when I was responding to an ad in the newspaper for puppy weimaraners. Not knowing much about them at the time I had no idea where to get one but I knew I didn't want to go to a pet store and contribute to the puppy mill business. It didn't turn out to be much different than a puppy mill. I entered the same aweful kitchen and was immediately hooked on one of the five female puppies I had to select from. This was back in 1999 when Jaqueline Belcher was known as Jaqueline Levan. She was breeding weimaraners, viszlas and weimaraner-dalmation mixes at the time. I purchased a beautiful female weimaraner in March, 1999 from Jacqueline for $750.00. Was asked nothing about myself or how much I new about the breed and was never asked to sign any sort of contract. After having her for two days, I noticed that she was running into things. I had an appointment at my regular vet anyway so I asked if she could check her eyes. At that time she indicated she thought she had cataracts but referred me to a specialist. That week I went to two different opthamalogist and they both confirmed the cataracts. I called Jackie and advised her of what the vet had said and told her that I put a stop payment on my check to her until I was able to see the specialists. She immediately told me that there was no such thing as cataracts in puppies and did offer to allow me to return the dog so she could put her down. I refused to return her and refused to pay her the rest of the money until I had proof of her condition. At this time she started to yell at me telling me she was going to call the cops and have me arrested. I of course knew this was ridiculous especially since I never signed a contract or anything with her but it was upsetting nonetheless especially after being told that she would have this little puppy euthanized. After seeing the specialists I sent her both reports confirming the diagnosis. In the interim, she sent me a certified letter stating that she was going to sue me. The reports were sent to her by my attorney with a letter stating that she owed me money for the cost of the exams. I never heard from her again. My dog is now 8.5 years old and is a very intelligent, healthy and beautiful dog. She gets her eyes checked at UPenn every few years but despite the cataracts which have gotten a little worse over the years, she runs and plays like normal. She can not see very well on real sunny days and can't see anything up in the sky but loves to retreive her tennis ball and only needs to hear it bounce once before she knows exactly where it is. She was just this year diagnosed with a low thyroid which was found out after repeated anal gland infections and is now on thyroid medication and doing well. She was also diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. But neither things affects her much at all. She was a crazy puppy and very willful. But she has calmed down some and is a great, great dog. She is wonderful with people and loves people of all ages. She did however, become aggressive with other dogs after maturing at about 2 years old. This having been after two years of regular doggie daycare and 4-5 days a week at the dog park. I feel that her eyesight might make he feel vulnerable and therefore aggressive because she was certainly socialized well. However, she in every other way a very confident, dominant and independent girl. Jacqueline is highly unprofessional and clearly interested only in making money which was evident to me in her reaction to my dog's eye problem. It pains me to see that she continued to breed dogs, probably from the same line, who have eye problems even worse than my dog and continues to say she knows nothing about the cataracts. I guess I was very lucky that my dog's health was not as bad as the others. On aside, I was told that my dog's parents (who were present at her home) were Duchess and Windsor, in case there is anyone else out there who has a dog from those parents. Email me if you think our dogs were from the same litter. [email protected]. Thanks.


Toms River,
New Jersey,
Other Victims

#14Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2008

NJCAPSA.com victims other than Elisabeth Coviello : OTHER NJ BREEDERS, BROKERS and SCAM ARTISTS Jacqueline Belcher, Wantage Township, Sussex County, NJ Weimaraner - multiple health & genetic problems. Sold puppy in August 2005 that was soon diagnosed with detached lens and retina in one eye. When the puppy was spayed, it was discovered that many of her internal organs were deformed and she had "floating kidneys", all of which are genetic defects. The dog will need lifelong medical care. Sold another Weimaraner puppy in June 2007 who was diagnosed with severe premature cataracts. The puppy is almost blind at age 7 months and will need expensive surgery to correct the genetic condition. Read the complaint -


Jacqueline Belcher and the lies told about her

#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 02, 2007

Hello I am writting this due to the fact that I am completely disturbed and disgusted with the things that Elisabeth Coviella has spread about Jacqueline Belcher. There are always two sides to a story and i was there in which ELisabeth Coviella was not aware of. Mrs. Belcher and I say Mrs. because Elisabeth Covialla had the nerve to say that Jacqueline supposedly had a husband when she was there herself standing next to Mrs. Belchers' husband. She is a very loving woman and takes pride in her dogs and treats them as if they are her own children! This report filed against her is completely ridiculous! The things that she said about Mrs. Belcher are disgusting and completely untrue she says things how she was deceptive was is again disturbing Mrs. Belcher is truly a wonderful person. As I read what she wrote over and over it really does make me quite upset! I know everything that happened that day and the despute that when on after the fact as well. The puppy that she speaks about in the crate that had a bump on his head he was to the vet several times for it and ended up having surgery that wasnt infact needed. Mrs. Belcher bought this puppy from another breader and he was in the crate because he was being trained he now roams around the house as he pleases and is a very well behaved dog. He went to the vet and had surgery on his head which cost $900 dollars. He has a scar on his head now due to it when in fact a month later the bump came back so he was taken to a different vet this time and Mrs. Belcher was told that it would go away and he shouldnt have been operated on in the first place because it sometimes happens to puppies when they play. This vet was correct, in a week it went away and the puppy is now perfectly healthy and very happy in fact he sleeps with Mrs. Belchers son. The father of that litter of puppies that she speaks of that died, he did infact die and it was due to hunters leaving the ramians of a dear behind in Mrs. Belchers field. In which the dog ended up eating some and he ended up bloating. Mrs. Belcher was aware that he wasnt acting right and took him to the vet immediatly where everything was done to try and save him but as he was being opened up he went into cardiac arrest and died on the table. I know because I knew this dog and was there when it happened he was a wonderful dog whom I truly miss and we all tried everything to save him, but when a dog bloats theres no telling what will happen. Not to mention this breed is notorious for bloating and Elisabeth was aware of this because when she bought her puppy she took home food for it because these dogs can bloat from simply changing their diet on them. I also happened to buy the remaining puppy that she had considering how much I loved the father of them that had passed away. Mrs. Belcher was going to keep her but she knew how much I loved their father so she let me get her and she is a wonderful dog. I love her very much and am completely grateful, she is nothing but a joy. The problem that she speaks of with him having diarrhea could have been caused due to her changing his food once the puppy leaves we have no idea unless they keep in contact with us. In fact she didnt call because i tried to keep in touch with all the puppies from this litter due to their dad dying because again I really love him. The problem with the puppies eyes wasnt known to us there has never been a case like it in all of the litters that Mrs. Belcher has raised and if it were know she would have taken care of it immediatly. When the puppy was in Mrs. Belchers care it showed no signs like the ones that Elisabeth claimed their had been it was a happy puupy and he was very good again I know because i spent much time with these puppies, I would take them outside and let them play in the grass with me and they were all completely healthy and fine. Also once Mrs. Belcher became aware of the situation she explained that she would take back the puppy and take care of it and would give a full refund to Elisabeth or she could have the other puppy, the one that I know own and I am glad that she didnt take her but also distressed about it. Mrs. Belcher did infact contact her and told her these things, but she said no to her and wanted Mrs. Belcher to pay her vet bills instead. Which she could have lied about anyway. Mrs. Belcher tried to handle this in the best way possible but Elisabeth was impossible to talk to. I also tried to state that this was the first time this has happened there was only one problem with another puppy from a litter from a few years before and it had an ingunial hurnia which she had fixed and took to the vet, she was going to keep the dog but her friend really wanted it and was aware that it had surgery, yet she still got the dog and I see him very often he has grown into a beautiful dog and is very healthy. The only other things I can say is that more than half the things stated in Elisabeth's report is completely untrue. Also Mrs. Belcher tried to take care of it but Elisabeth was very unreasonable so it is her own fault that it progressed that far. It is stated that 1 out of 69 children are born with autism so dont you believe it is possible for a puppy to be born with a defect. Not to mention this is a puppy and there could be ten in a litter you dont know and just like children its not garanteed that everyone will be perfect! It is life for animals and humans to have problems there are mentally challenged children along with mentally challenged dogs too along with other animals, but luckily most of these things can be fixed and again Mrs. Belcher so tried and again Elisabeth was completely unreasonable. Again I am very upset about what was said about Jacqueline and find it disgusting so I hope you put this into condsideration. I also no for a fact that Elisabeth is still harrasing Jacqueline which offends me and makes me very angry. There is no reason for this lady to be putting Jacqueline through this type of stress. Again Jaqueline is a wonderful person and doesnt deserve this crap that Elisabeth is putting her through she tried to comprimise with Elisabeth and it seems like fighting and harrassing are all that Elisabeth is capable of. Please believe me in what i say and I thank you for your time, again Jaqueline truly is a wonderful person and doesnt deserve this her dogs are wonderful and she is truly kind to them and loves them like she loves her children! Thank you! Jennifer Sussex, NJ U.S.A

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