  • Report:  #1206891

Complaint Review: James Gale - Internet

Reported By:
Flippa User - New York, New York,

James Gale
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


ATTENTION: Flippa Users
I would like to share with you about my bad experience I have had with a Super seller on the Flippa.com website. The Super seller name is James Gale and goes by the username: TurnkeyZilla on Flippa.com Buying, Selling websites, and domains platform. You can see James Gale account listing here on Flippa: https://flippa.com/users/554253/listings
You may also visit his website directly by going to this link: http://turnkeyzilla.com
The reason why I would like to share my bad experience with you all about this Super seller on Flippa is because he hides behind his Flippa rating and is Not a good loyalty person to do business with at all. Don't be fooled by his Flippa rating!!! This person James Gale is a fraud and thief!!!
Here is the breakdown from my bad experience of doing business with James Gale one of Flippa Super Sellers. I purchased a website from him on Flippa for $125.00 which I Won for bidding on his website. After I carefully tested out the website to see do everything works as promised. I founded several bugs that was discovered in the website script he had sold to me. Although, he had fixed some of the bugs that was founded, but I am still left with a bug that he have not yet fixed. Because of this setback I have not been able to launch the website. This bug issue has prolonged for over 15 months now. I have tried on many occasions to work with James Gale about the ongoing bug issue regarding the website he had sold to me. He decline to fix the bug issue and I am left with a website that will not function properly due to the bug issue.
The only thing close to a solution for my dissatisfaction for the website I purchased from him. He offered me a New website script. Which was by his standards a better website script. With that said, I had to come out of my pocket to purchased the New script at a discounted price. Which I agreed to just to have a website that was better in quality and without any bug issues. He agreed to install and make the necessary customizations to the website script for me at my expense. He boldly encouraged me to get a Host Gator hosting account. As he claimed that my current host was the primary reason for the website script bug issues. So, I took him up on his advice and went out and purchased a Host Gator hosting account for which I paid over $150.00 dollars. Including purchasing a domain for the New website installation.
A couple of days later after I tried to contact him regarding my purchases of my New Host Gator hosting account and domain. So that he can start the customization work and install the script on my server. I did Not get any reply back from him after like 10 emails attempts. His only explanation was after 10 unsuccessful attempts with No reply's that he was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I investigated his claim and discovered that he was Not telling the truth that he was indeed in the hospital for that long period of time. I discovered that he had not been truthful with me as his Flippa account was very active promoting and selling website doing that time period that he claimed to be in the hospital.
   I have lost a substantial amount of money by doing business with this person James Gale which contributes
   to about $500.00 in total lost. This person just can not be trusted at all cost! Do Not buy from him

   on Flippa.com are you may end up like me with a website Full of  bugs.
   You have been Warned!!! Beware!!!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The Truth And Proof About Flippa Super Seller James Gale

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 22, 2015

James Gale you are at it again trying to paint a story to make you look good. I was one of your first customers on Flippa.com and I Shall tell the TRUTH! I Will Not deceive the people that read this report about my business experience with you. I have every right to share my dissatisfaction and warn others about you. You boast behind your 100% Flippa seller ratings is just a show. I gave you every opportunity to settle this matter before it came to this complaint against you and your business on Flippa.com website. You showed me and every way that you did "Not Care" that I was one of your very first customers on Flippa.com. You did Not honor your "Word" that you would sale and install the New website script for me. This would have mended our differences and my dissatisfaction for the website script you sold to me that still has a bug issue!


James Gale you very well know that the website that you sold to me was Not in 100% working condition! How can you say that when you said it yourself that you fixed issues that came up with the website script you sold to me. So if the website script was in 100% working condition when you sold the website to me. Then why did I find "Numerous Bugs" in the website script like over a "Dozen Bugs" related issues. I bought some bugs up to your attention days after the sale. It took me another week to fully test the script for more bugs which I did find plenty more and mention them to you as well.

I Dare You!!!!.... to say I was the reason for the bug issues with the website script! There was nothing that I did on my end that caused the bugs related issues. By the way, All I ever did was change up some HTML text for the website content. I simply purchased the website script with bugs! So what you are saying does Not make any sense James Gale claiming that the website was in perfectly condition is totally False! If, this was True! then why did you have to fix bugs after the sale? You claim that you check all websites before every sale. Well, you certainly did Not do a good job checking the website script out entirely before you sold it to me. Besides, the website script appeared to be a abandoned development website script you wanted to get rid of fast.


James Gale what do you mean that you purchased Addons for the script. I paid for All the additional Addons for the script myself. I paid you installments fees for All Addons that you installed for me. I still have my invoices from Pay Pal to support this! Regarding the "password bug" issue you fixed it while it was on your server. Yes, the "password bug" issue at one point was working. You claimed that it was my server and Host Gator was a better option to host the website script. That is Not True... To this "Day" the "password bug" issue will Not work on a Host Gator account I purchased for the website script after taking your advice. I will even "Challenge" you that the "password bug" issue is still Not resolved after I purchased a Host Gator hosting account recommended by you.
James Gale you go as far to say that you gave me eight months of Free hosting is totally Not True! When I purchased the website I was given "Only" a month of Free hosting. Which is typically standard after a sale of a website on Flippa.com to give the customer time to move the website. After about three weeks I told you that I would like additional time to keep reviewing over the entire website script to make sure everything was functioning properly before I moved the website to my server. Your reply was "No Problem" and "Take Your Time" wasyour response!
So during this time I was still "Testing" the entire website script out for additional issues which I did find more bugs issues. I told you James Gale that it will be "Best" that I don't move the website to my server until you "Fix" all the bugs issues first. That way you have full access to the website to fix the issues. So, don't try to sale that you gave me eight months of Free hosting is absolutely False! I Did Not "Benefit" from this at all when the website had bugs related issues that prolonged me from moving the website over to my server.


James Gale during the time that you told me about your New development website script. Which you said that was far more advanced in features. At that time, I Did Not think it was wise for me to abandoned the website script after all the investment money that I had put into the website script. I purchased the website for $125.00 and paid $65.00 for Addons and paid you around $35.00 for installment fees. I Did Not want to just throw away my totally investment and time spent on the website changing up the HTML text content.
You also claimed that "No Payment" was "Never" accepted for the New installment script is Not True! I paid you in advance in the amount of $80.00 USD.
See the below details:


James Gale Email Response: I will send over Pay Pal invoice shortly and will get started first thing in the am. James G. (12/16/2014 06:05 PM)

Invoice Date: 12/17/2014

Due Date: 12/17/2014



James Gale

P.O. Box 706

Fillmore, CA 93016

United States

Phone: 805-933-9376

TE Install & Setup - LIC0987465738881


Price: $80.00


RECAP: James Gale for you to say that "No Payment" was "Never" accepted for the New installment script is False! The Pay Pal invoice is proof that you are Not being Honest!


James Gale you say that you had "Absolutely" nothing to do with my account getting banned on Flippa.com is Not True! You claim I slander your name and that was the result of getting my account banned on Flippa. First of all, Flippa.com holds "No Merit" nor "Law and Order" when it comes to judging this matter.

The support team for Flippa.com told me "Directly" that you complained to them about my comments. Here is the "SMOKING GUN" form Josh W. a support personal from Flippa.com support team.


Josh W. Flippa Support Response: The user complained that you continued to publicly message them about your affairs for an almost year old sale. I understand your frustration but my job is to enforce our rules and I have done so, you can now take the time to familiarize yourself with them and I would be happy to discuss it with you after that.

Please let us know if you need further information or assistance.

Kind Regards,


Flippa Customer Success Team

9am - 5pm Monday-Friday (Melbourne, Australia GMT+10)

WOW...!!!! :( So James Gale you Did Not have "Anything" to do with my account getting banned is totally False! You have been caught again James Gale Not Telling the Truth!!!!
Flippa.com banned my account because I was being bold "Honest" for sharing my comments about theexperience I had with you. Flippa.com will ban any user that make any "Negative" comments or leave "Negative Feedback" towards one of their beloved "Super Sellers" that they are profiting off of for the use of their services. Flippa.com do this to protect their brand and business model so that they will Not get any "Bad" publicity. So this is a "Shady" business practice Flippa.com uses to police their website from receiving Any "Negative" comments! I told Flippa.com regarding my issue about this and how I felt and I got No response! Flippa.com knew that I was telling the Truth about their "Shady" business practices! I quote myself telling them that in The United States Of America people have the right of "Freedom of Speech" which I have the right as a customer to express myself regarding to my comments whether they are "Good or Bad" on their website. Flippa.com Did Not honor my comments!
So after Flippa.com Did Not honor my comments about James Gale. I sent them a request email to "Delete" my account. Flippa.com then deleted my account as I requested. Note: Flippa.com is Not based in The United States of America so they Do Not honor our Constitution Rights for "Freedom of Speech" in my opinion. That is the simple way to put it why my account got banned. You can read for yourself below the comments that I made to James Gale that got my Flippa.com account banned. There was No really harm done!
Flippa Customer Response: Thank you! Very much James Gale for not responding!

Your true self is really showing now about how you treat customers of yours. I have gave you high remarks on Flippa regarding your support. I hope that you enjoy your 100% positive feedback on Flippa that I help contributed too also. If I would have knew what I know now, I would have not gave you such high remarks. Note: Flippa still contact me from time to time suggesting feedback about the website I bought using there service. I will definitely, will give them feedback regarding the issues I still have with the site. You are not worthy of 100% feedback you are receiving on Flippa!

Flippa Customer Response: Hello, James Gale

I see that you are very active on Flippa lately. Your internet connection must be working nicely now! Your last response to me was on August 24, 2014. Since then I have emailed you back 3 days ago and you still have not responded back to me. I am very disappointed in you. You told me a lie that you was going to get your programmer to look into the bug issue. I thought that you cared for your customers overall after the sale! Also, the sad part about it is that I keep a watch on your listing on Flippa all the time. As, of right now I am not sure if I will EVER buy from you again. I really don't appreciate the lie you told me as a long standing customer of yours. Thank You, For Your No Support.
Really!!!!.... :( That is the "Reason" why Flippa.com banned my account! How "Unjust" are Flippa.com for their actions!!!! Shame on Flippa.com...!!!!

RECAP: So I am a customer that have purchased a website from a seller on Flippa.com. I left a "Negative" comment toward a seller and my account got banned! What kind of life you and Flippa.com are living in to think that customers don't have the right to leave "Negative" comments is totally ridiculous! You also claim that I bombarded your email account with threats is False! The only thing that I "Ever" said to you was that I was going to file a "Report" on you on the RipOffReport.com website and may take you to court to recover my loses.
Find below the "Word by Word" reference emails to the threats that he claims that I did which is totally Absurd! I have the "Right" as a customer to "Share" and "File" a complaint against any user, or business. If I feel like I was wrongly justified! In No way I "Ever" said any thing to James Gale that was ("Physical In Nature") as a threat! He make claims that I abused him is also Absurd!
However, after All the frustration James Gale put me through I called him a Liar! Only after my "Final Conclusion of Investigation" and what customer would "Not Feel" that way after all the "Incidents" that I have gave "Proof of Reference" to in this report where James Gale on too many occasions was Not Telling The Truth! I have provided many "Incidents" in this report that supports my "Feelings" and "Actions" to relate him as such. What he calls threats are Not threats! Below is the reference emails regarding what he calls abuse, slander and threats is totally Not True!!!!


Flippa Customer Response: Also, I know how much you adore your Flippa ratings which you hide behind. But I know the real you! So, I will be sharing my experience about you to the RipOff Report site and the FTC.gov site. I will backlink to your Flippa account so that other customers will know all about you.


James Gale Response: First of all I have always responded to you as quickly as possible I have not been able to respondbecause I have been in the hospital for over two weeks and was just released last night. My health has not been the best over the past year. As for you nasty wishes... Bless you. I don't know why you paid so much for hosting all you needed was a shared account to get started I told you that. You can share whatever you want, where ever you want and it may just come right back around and bite you in the arse. Have a blessed day :) James G.


RECAP: So you can see James Gale that your email simply reads out "Loud In Clear" that you Did "Not Care" if I filed or shared any comments about you or your business. So why do you care now? Could it be something is eating at you? Could it be something is coming back to haunt you for doing me unjustly!!!!


James Gale so you claim that you "Never" told me to "Invest" in a Host Gator account. Why can't you be Honest! You have always recommend to me about getting a Host Gator account since my server was lacking a function was always your solely claim.
Find below the "SMOKING GUN" reference email regarding to James Gale claim that he "Never" gave me advice or recommend to me to buy a Host Gator hosting account.


James Gale Email Response: Hi, It's not working on your server. I don't know what the issue is with your hosting as I don't have any issues with other customers hosting only yours. ( I'd ditch that host if I were you... just my 2 cents )  I don't have the time to play back and forth with the host either trying to find out what the issue is... so you'll need to either create a hostgator account or you can sign up with me at http://webhostwunder.com and I'll get it setup. Thanks, James

James Gale Email Response: It works perfectly fine on hostgator servers as well as ours, you saw the script running as well as the admin backend so that should tell you something about your hosting provider. If not then I don't know what to tell you.

I asked you from the start to have a hostgator account as it's been tested on hostgator servers... but I went ahead and tried on your host anyhow when I knew what the outcome was going to be before I even got started... just trying to help you out but it did not work, the script failed to run.


James Gale Email Response: Hi, Take a look here http://webhostwunder.com our plans are very affordable and run on hostgator servers. (daily site backups are no longer available at this time) you'll need to keep your own backups, however we will add this feature back once we've switched over to our new backup software. If not go ahead with a hostgator account. I will be away until the 27th and can get to it after. If you don't hear from me by then please send me a reminder email. Happy Holidays! Thanks, James G. 

RECAP: So James Gale you "Never" gave me advice or recommend to me to purchase a Host Gator hosting account is totally False! Just like I always do... I always catch you Not telling the TRUTH! The above reference emails say otherwise!!!! That is the reason why I felt the way I felt after about Ten No responses email attempts to you. Cause on too many occasions just as this one I have founded you Not telling the TRUTH!


James Gale you say that I don't have "No Weight" to make a claim about whether or not to believe that you was in the hospital. First, of all my "Dispute" have always been that if you were in fact in the hospital you certainly was Not in there for over two weeks. That Is What I Am Disputing!


James Gale so you still want to stick to your story that you were in the hospital for over two weeks and that doctors told you to take a rest before you got back to work. Ok, fine.... Using your health as an excuse was the same card you chose to play again and again on me. This does Not explain why your "Activities" on Flippa.com over the two weeks time span you were claiming that you were in the hospital. I monitored your listings and saw that you was selling websites and making "Comments" back to your New customers you had sold the websites to prior to being so ill and in the hospital.
Continuing with my investigation I kept monitoring James Gale Flippa listings "Time Stamp" of the websites that he sold during over the two weeks time span he claimed to be in the hospital. James Gale dispute is that on Flippa.com they allow sellers to schedule listings. If, this was the scenario then during that time frame of over two weeks he sold about seven websites. I know once a customer purchase a website on Flippa.com the release of the website "Must" be turned over to the New owner immediately after the sale, typically in 48 hours. So James Gale had to get the websites transferred out to his New customers in a timely matter or they would have complained or flied a buyer dispute against him.
Also over the two weeks he claimed to be in the hospital. I monitored James Gale "Flippa Account Active Status Login Time" which was "Very Active" during the two weeks I was trying to contact him regarding the setup for the New website script install. Additional, to see the websites he had sold and leaving "Comments" to his New customers that he had sold the websites to within the time frame of over two weeks he claim to be in the hospital. That was the "SMOKING GUN" for me to see that much "Activities" going on his Flippa listings when he claimed to be in the hospital over a two week time span and against his doctor orders to do anything!!!!
So, once I saw how James Gale was extremely "Very" active taking care of his business on Flippa.com without responding back to me in a timely matter after about Ten email attempts to him with No responses. I felt Duped....!!!! I felt that I was Lied to....!!!! Yes, I was very upset with James Gale and any customer of his would be after a year and months of patience and prolonged bug issues for a website script I purchased from him on Flippa.com


Now would you feel some type of way....? Would you feel Duped....? and Lied to....? You would have been very upset to after you purchased a Host Gator account recommended by James Gale for the New installment script and the purchase of a domain that cost you over $150.00 dollars. Afterwards, to find out your investments for the New script installment was a total loss!!!! Cause of a person that would Not honor their agreement to install the New script. I am sure that your answer will be Yes!!!!

RECAP: Below is the listings of the websites that James Gale sold to his New customers on Flippa.com during the over two weeks time span he claimed to be in the hospital.



Established: Dec 2014

Won $155.00

6 bids



Established: Jan 2015

Won $129.00

9 bids



Established: Jan 2015

Won $99.00

4 bids


Established: Jan 2015

Won $65.00

6 bids



Established: Jan 2015

Won $80.00

7 bids



Established: Jan 2015

Won $99.00

8 bids



Established: Jan 2015

Won $125.00

10 bids


NOTE: The "Last Email" I received from James Gale was when he told me that he was going to setup the New installment website script for me on my server. See the reference email again below.


Time: 12/21/2014 12:55 PM


James Gale Last Email Response: Hi, Take a look here http://webhostwunder.com our plans are very affordable and run on hostgator servers. (daily site backups are no longer available at this time) you'll need to keep your own backups, however we will add this feature back once we've switched over to our new backup software. If not go ahead with a hostgator account. I will be away until the 27th and can get to it after. If you don't hear from me by then please send me a reminder email. Happy Holidays! Thanks, James G.

RECAP: The above email response was the last email I received from James Gale over a two weeks time span he claimed to be in the hospital.
***Remember my "Dispute" has always been if he was in the hospital for over two weeks he most certainly "Exaggerated" his stay!!!!***

James Gale is also making "Bogus" claims that he has "Thousands" of satisfied customers on Flippa.com is False! James Gale has only made 164 transactions at the time of writing this report. Generally, this translate to the number of "Customers" that have purchased from him on Flippa. The 164 transactions in terms mean customers. However, this number can vary much lower when you take into account his repeat customers. His claim of having "Thousands" of satisfied customers on Flippa.com is Far Beyond The Truth!!!!
Feel free to see for yourself here: https://flippa.com/users/554253/listings

So once again people James Gale is Not being "Honest" in his report. How many times "Do I" have to show you people that James Gale can Not be Trusted!!!!
CLOSING: I gave James Gale every opportunity that I could to make the situation right before it came to this last result for me sharing this report here on RipOffReport.com. My only intentions and purpose for sharing this report to the public people about my business dealings and experience. Regarding to the person related in this report as the Name: James Gale was to solely protect buyers on Flippa.com and online to beware of this person here in this report described as the Name: James Gale and his associated websites businesses online.

James G.

James Gale

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 08, 2015

First I would like to say I tried everything I could to make this customer happy. I went well over and beyond for over a year! The website sold to the customer was in 100% full working order, we test all websites before listing them for sale. So after the customer purchased the website I received a few complaints about a week or so later. I tended to those issues not knowing if they were due to changes made to the website by the customer or possibly something we may have over looked. 
I fixed everything for the customer as well as installed additional addons to the website for the customer at my cost with a small install fee. Everything was fine... then a few days later the customer complained that the password reset feature on the site was not working correctly. I spent days trying to figure out the issue, not knowing if possibly it was a conflict with one of the addons or again something the customer may have done... keep in mind, I did not develop the website script. I contacted the developer and got no response at all about the issue. I then hired a programmer at my expense, we went back and forth trying to get the issue resolved. Finally at one point we had it fixed. Later I advised the customer to move the website to another host because we would no longer offer web hosting on the current server. We had hosted the customers website for over 8 months free of charge and never asked for a penny.
So when the website was moved again there was an issue with the password reset feature and after some time we came to the conclusion that this time it was not actually the script but yet the customer was lacking a needed function on their new hosting account. I let the customer know, they contacted the host and the customer said it's not the host, it's the script. I installed the script on another host and showed the customer the password reset feature was working just fine and again let them know they were lacking what was needed on their hosting account. No reply.
Ok so now after all this time and work, emails back and forth, dealing with programmers etc... I asked the customer if they would like me to just upgrade the site to a much newer and better website script, the customer said NO I want the site fixed. So again I tried to explain to the customer they were lacking a function on the host, and it would be in their best interest to just update to a newer website script, the old one was lacking modern features anyhow and the requirements for the features to function 100% again were lacking on the customers hosting. The customer then agreed to upgrade to the new script but on a new domain and keep the other site, and wanted custom design, logo, etc... Ok so no problem however for the custom work I'll need to charge a small fee and the customer agreed. And wanted to get started... well I ended up a few days later in the hospital ill and was there for several days. When I returned home I rested up for about a week or so, doctors orders before I got back to work.
Now also understand that NO payment was ever accepted for the upgraded website script / custom design work on the new domain. I took NO money from the customer at this point.
Now when I got back to work, checked my emails I was bombarded with nasty emails from the customer, found slander all over my flippa listings. Flippa suspended the customers account due to posting slander on my listings. The customer emailed me threatening me and wishing me ill because I was the cause of there account on flippa being suspended, called me a liar, thief, etc... and again continued the slander. 
Well it was in NO way my doing, I made a few replies on the slander via flippa telling the customer to not post the slander on my listings and to simply contact me via email instead. The customers account on flippa was suspended because they violated the flippa comment section policy, flippa does not tolerate slander / threats in the comment section of listings... I had nothing to do with the customers account being suspended. He was asked to stop and didn't, flippa suspended their account.
After all this I still tried to help make the customer happy... The customer and I then went back and forth again through a few emails and I tried to be as civil as i could after all this but again I was eventually bombarded by slander, threats, etc... I told the customer to forget it and that I did not wish to work with them as I don't work with people who do this. It was the final straw, I had had enough of the abuse!  were just too much. After this how in the world can I possibly make this person happy ?? I asked the customer several times to stop they did not so I blocked all emails from them, after I did that they sent emails from other email accounts again with the threats and slander.
Never did I tell the customer to invest whatever they did in a hosting account or domain name, I only recommended Host Gator to them as I knew the new website script for the new domain would function without issue and did not want to get into a situation again with issues due to the hosting. Shared hosting cost less that $10 so what the customer chose to buy is on them not me. Same goes for the domain name purchase, never did I take any money from the customer for any new work to be preformed and never did the customer ask for a refund.
I'm not what this person makes me out to be and my customers have always been my number one priority and always will be. So yes look at my feedback on flippa... what am I hiding behind ?? it's great feedback means I'm doing right by my customers and that I'm there for them. I have thousands of satisfied customers. I'm sorry I could not make this customer happy, but honestly I'm sure anyone else would have cut ties long ago after all the abuse. Please also note that you can schedule flippa listings. So the customer trying to say that I was posting listings and not in the hospital stands no ground.

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