  • Report:  #424362

Complaint Review: Jason Elliott Clark Jason E. Clark Jason Clark Graham Newmarch Terry McClosky - Saint Paul Minnesota

Reported By:
- Twin Cities, Minnesota,

Jason Elliott Clark Jason E. Clark Jason Clark Graham Newmarch Terry McClosky
658 Minnehaha Ave. Saint Paul, 55103 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Jason Elliott Clark, aka Jason E Clark, Jason Clark, Graham Newmarch, Terry McClosky

is a sociopath who has swindled dozens of women out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Minnesota and Virginia. He was in jail for felony identity theft in Virginia and again in Minnesota, but incarceration has not stopped him from preying upon innocent, trusting women in the Twin Cities and elsewhere. He has fathered 5 children with 5 different women, lying to each of them that he had cancer and cannot father a child. Once pregnant and vulnerable, he builds a woman's trust in him by promising support, love, and even marriage. This posting is a warning to all who encounter him.

If you question what is written here and elsewhere on the internet about Jason Elliott Clark, background check him at the Minnesota Judicial Branch website for free. You will find that he owes multiple women child support, has numerous civil judgments against him for opening credit card accounts in women's names, theft by swindle, etc. and that he was convicted of felony identity theft and continues to commit these crimes. He is a very convincing liar, and as a sociopath, it is highly unlikely that he can ever be rehabilitated even if he wanted cease his criminal and immoral behavior. Do not believe anything he says, no matter how sympathetic or remorseful he appears to be. He has not changed, despite recent exposure of his crimes on the internet and in the Twin Cities area. He is currently keeping a low profile, but all evidence suggests that it is simply a matter of time before there is a another victim. Don't let it be you. Keep reading if you're not convinced.

According to his sister, Jason Clark has been speaking with a fake British accent since high school, because "it made getting a woman easier for him." This technique eventually transformed into an elaborate lie that he was born in Wales, and his parents are well-off business people, particularly his mother, who lives in Germany. He creates a complex web of stories that are difficult to penetrate or disprove because he is such a skilled liar, and because he claims that his whole family lives in Europe.

He claims to be well-educated with a Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences, but this is a lie, as is virtually everything he will tell you. He claims to be a consultant, and that's why his employment history can't be tracked. He garners sympathy from women in telling them about his sad upbringing, the child of a single mom, his father abandoned him at age four and all but disappeared. He claims to have had melanoma and moved to Minnesota for treatment at the Mayo Clinic. This is all a lie. He was never a cancer patient anywhere, he was born in Minnesota, and there is no evidence that he has traveled outside the U.S.

Jason Elliott Clark is a vicious misogynist. He finds pleasure in causing women pain, humiliation, and has physically abused at least one woman, according to Ramsey County records. He only preys on women, and uses his male friends as proxies for his cruel deeds. Some of them know he is lying to infiltrate a woman's life, get access to her credit, get her pregnant and dependent on him, and game her for as long as it is profitable for him. He gets off on the idea that he has impregnated a woman, as it makes him feel powerful and important, and the woman vulnerable and distracted from what he is truly doing to her. He wins money from sports gambling or steals it from other women, and buys the expectant mother maternity clothes, cooks her nice dinners, and offers to marry her. He seems generous with gifts to her friends and family, but he is simply laying the foundation for his scheme.

The women he deceives are usually educated with professional careers, and these are chosen as the mothers. Other women: restaurant servers, massage therapists, hair stylists and other service professions are used for sex and potentially for their good credit scores as a way to finance his more "paternal" and choice scams.

Jason Clark is the classic sociopath: glib and cunning, a brilliant liar, charming and funny, he becomes furious over insignificant issues, and seems unaffected by what would upset a genuine person. Jason is a narcissist who lives only to fulfill his own selfish needs for money, attention, and admiration. He is a good actor, and because he lacks the discipline and focus required to actually make a profession of it, he has turned his life into a series of false roles that make him the center of attention. If you google his name in quotes, he comes up on a playlist for the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis as does his father, Preston Crews. It has been reported that his father also speaks with an affected accent, as does his sister, Sabrina Crews, who apparently is an actual aspiring actress.

When a woman discovers his duplicity, particularly if she is the mother of one of his children, she has no choice but to rid her life of this amoral criminal. Jason Elliott Clark owes a woman in Virginia, W.C., the mother of his first child, over $60,000 in child support. He punishes women for simply protecting themselves from him by not providing financial support. He has fathered four other children and Minnesota, shunning all of them because the woman has called his bluff and refuses him access to the child.

Not one woman has allowed him visitation due to his criminal behavior and lies. K.P., the mother of one of his sons, is owed over $10,000 in child support. Another son has severe disabilities, and Jason not given him any financial support. His youngest son is two, and the mother lost her home, savings, and owes more than $100,000 because Jason Clark forged cash advance checks on her credit card accounts. He has not provided support for this youngest child, even though he participated in raising him for 18 months before the mother discovered his lies and deceit.

Jason Clark swindled a woman, Rebecca K. of Arden Hills, MN who was unfortunate enough to enter into a "business partnership" with him, of over $300,000 in a restaurant venture. Instead of opening the business in good faith, he stole money from her and funneled it into buying expensive cars, jewelry, and a condo for himself and the mother of his youngest child. When Rebecca discovered his deceit, she demanded repayment, and Jason then turned to stealing from the mother of his child instead to maintain his lavish lifestyle and finance his affairs with other women: expensive hotel rooms, sporting events, dinners, expensive clothes and gifts, and so forth. Rebecca was forced to sell her $700,000 home for $580,000, and for reasons unknown, she refuses to press charges against him.

If you encounter Jason Elliott Clark, do not get believe any explanation he offers for his criminal record, this Rip Off report, the post of him on Don't Date Him Girl.com, the forum that appeared as a result of a newspaper article about him opening a restaurant. He has lie after lie prepared to fool you into trusting him. Do your own background check, and walk away from him. I am a reporter who is interested in doing a story on Jason, and I have verified all of what is written here.

Lady Justice

Twin Cities, Minnesota


25 Updates & Rebuttals

One of the witness

Twin Cities,
United States
Jason E. Clark's trial days

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 19, 2020

Hello everyone who have been following this case and the victims of this individual.

Hope you are all well. I would like to up date for the latest crimes this scumbag did and he has been in jail in Scott county since January 2020. Due to COVID-19 the trial days were delayed many times. Now they are set in July 07, 2020. You are welcome to attend.

I will update for the final court's decision.

Take care and be safe.


Twin Cities,
United States
jason E. Clark, trial day in April 24 2020

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 24, 2020

Hi everyone

Something to update about this criminal Jason Elliott Clark. The court orders trial day in April 24, 2020 at Scott county court house, Shakopee. Please attend if you want to hear about this case.

He is still in jail.

Be safe.



United States
Jason Elliott Clark is still in custody, more charges pending

#4General Comment

Wed, January 29, 2020

Per my continued investigations, Clark's sister, Shawna Marie Clark, is a wanted fugitive from justice.  Meanwhile, other victims are encouraged to come forward and contact the Shakopee police department.

Read about his arrest and charges here: https://www.swnewsmedia.com/shakopee_valley_news/news/charges-shakopee-man-took-nearly-k-from-two-victims/article_78b792ab-5735-5e6a-92f3-cedba1be571e.html

Report Attachments


United States
Jason E. Clark has been in jail today 01/09/2020

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 09, 2020

Hello to all the victims. I would like to inform you that Jason, Martin, Graham, Terry whatever names he used to steal your money - has been arrested today as January 09 2020.

Thanks to Lady Justice for this report, we used this helpful information to investigate his current crimes. I am another victims among you who used this report to provide to the Detective. He admitted everything he did to me was lies, fraud and was not from UK or Wales.

Also he stole his current girlfriend identity to open 4 credit cards as he did to you all. I am not sure what he will be sentenced for but for my case the Dective told me he will be charged with "Theft by swindle". I have lost a lot of money. This is a hard lesson to learn and forget. I hope the Court will issue the retituition so he will pay me back some. 

Thank you for whoever provided helpful information about this scum bag. He needs to be off the street.

Thanks to God for justice that what I have been praying. Beleive in God he is real, so is Karma. I hope will be no more report for this scum bag.

Take care and hope for year 2020 things will be better for all of us LADIES !


United States
Jason/Martin Clark, You can stop your lies here

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 09, 2020

Martin or Jason E. Clark. MJ, H. Santigo now? What next you will do? Go try an Asian Name?

You pissed me off more with your defense here ! Someone who is Private investigator she or he is doing the right things. She or he is helping victims of yours to bring you to justice. Better place or not WITHOUT scum bag like you sure is better and safer. Do not try to prove who you are. Police will do.

Don't try to save your dirty face here. It is bettert to shut up if I were you. Sure you have no shame or human sense that was why you still get in here to prove WHAT? To prove you are innocent? Did not do anything wrong?

Your writing I can recognize because that was how you used to intermediate me, talked me down as I am stupid person. YOUR WRITING I CAN TELL " Santiago" ???? You want to be another Mexican? A guy from Wales not enough huh? You want to be Asian "Nguyen" too? STOP !

"To be clear, you took time enough to write into this site, but didn't bother to list concrete facts? These women aren't going to be helped with your shoddy 'private investigator' work. The commas are inverted here, for you apparently know nothing of his old haunts - places he frequents nearly every week, returns to often, and is known at least by first name. But yes, let's give fair warning to suburbanite single mothers that he could easily prey upon.

You're making the world a safer place, and with whatever write-up and soliciting you partake of these women, we will all know you as a hero. What matters most to these women (or "Tina" and "Megan" posting the same day, with one other typo-laden 'victim', posting several times here) is to have him returned to jail.

Is your stellar private investigator work going to achieve that? Anyone that's reduced to reading here - even without having met him, and laughing at your contribution knows that answer. Well done"

I do not need to dig much deeper through Rip off report to prove your crimes. What you did to me past 21 months WERE ENOUGH To prove that you are a theft, fraud, swindler who fakes trust funds, father's death, health problem, book publising, Las Vegas gambling...

You know what you did nothing was good, horrible, inhuman. After you found I revealed more of your fraud here on Monday January 06, you threatened me that " further and further away from repayment. You will learn what laughable is"....You think you can walk away from my money by your threats???

You know my family is suffered by your fraud, criminal acts. You have no heart, no dinigty. I had money to buy birthday presents and Chrismast presents for my children year 2019. You still lied that you would pay $30,000 to start with so I could buy presents and pay the debts you created on my shoulders.

My mother had a heart attach after she learned you stole our money for your needs paying your criminal debts, child support debts and your girlfriend Van Sloun's debts. You both gained benifits from our money, while family is SUFFERED, I am paying the debts you created for me. You have time to write something stupid to defense yourself here, why don't you find JOBS to work hard and pay your debts?

You claimed you are human. Do something as human with a heart do.

 Many many people know d**n well you are criminal, crook, scammper, cheater. You tried to use many names to cover your criminal acts. Now getting to Rip Off report with MJ, H. Santiago??? What else you will you do instead of making money to pay off your debts to me Julia. I am not scared to post my real name here.





United States
Detective Corey Schneck, Shakopee Police

#7General Comment

Wed, January 08, 2020

H. Santiago = Jason Elliott Clark, but nice try, man.  I've been extremely useful to all the mothers of the children you abandoned after their moms ceased to be "useful" to you, as well as oh, about a dozen other women with stories to tell. 

Anyone else with information on Martin/Jason Clark can contact the police.  I'm not even going to dignify all of the lies and nonsense in the Santiago post with a response, except to say that Clark is getting all anxious and squirmy out there, isn't he.

I'll post an even more "useful" photo than my own face or business card; every smart PI uses an alias online when gathering this sort of information.  Your kind makes me seethe with disgust.  

Report Attachments

H Santiago

United States
Private Investigator?

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 08, 2020

Looks as if we have an imitation Mickey Spillane here. If you're worth your mettle in that burgeoning private investigator career, you wouldn't lead these baby mamas astray. Other than creep them out, what could you possibly contribute to the cause? Clark is protected by most statute of limitations. This site has proven nothing but its draw for any swingin' d*ck (there's the rub and the pun) to post their two cents, and not offer anything more. Give these ladies something USEFUL. 

"86'd" from local bars? How does that work? It's 1988 all over again, and there's a Polaroid of Clark at these establishments host stand? Due to womanizing, he simply can't step foot in a place? Afraid most of your "bar fly friends" would be shown a swift exit as well, if these were, in fact, actual grounds for not being permitted.

It took precisely three minutes and $3.99 to find Clark was born in Campbell Hall, New York. You surmised and assumed something that was complete fiction. He didn't suddenly become bad in 1999 - and one thing you had correct is that he started off with petty driving offenses. He has lived in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and Minneapolis. These are records that are available for FREE. Minnesota BCA shows nothing. The state Judicial Branch website reflects most of what everyone else has already written here. 

To be clear, you took time enough to write into this site, but didn't bother to list concrete facts? These women aren't going to be helped with your shoddy 'private investigator' work. The commas are inverted here, for you apparently know nothing of his old haunts - places he frequents nearly every week, returns to often, and is known at least by first name. But yes, let's give fair warning to suburbanite single mothers that he could easily prey upon.

You're making the world a safer place, and with whatever write-up and soliciting you partake of these women, we will all know you as a hero. What matters most to these women (or "Tina" and "Megan" posting the same day, with one other typo-laden 'victim', posting several times here) is to have him returned to jail.

Is your stellar private investigator work going to achieve that? Anyone that's reduced to reading here - even without having met him, and laughing at your contribution knows that answer. Well done.

No one claimed he was an Adonis - this is evident by the attached photos. Why don't you post your photo and list your legitimate private investigator business information, and this might offer some glimmer of true hope for the "several women" that have turned to the site for "justice" and putting him back behind bars?

In the interim, take a number and add your phishing to the other faceless, nameless keyboard crusaders that have assisted in absolutely nothing. 


United States
MJ you are Jason E. Clark. You stole money from me to pay child support

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 06, 2020

MJ the one who posted "search rather than troll" is Jason E. Clark. He is still trying to prove he did the right thing as "paid child support" but all money he used to pay child support and other debts was STOLEN MONEY.

 Jason E. Clark was trying to cover his new crimes by denying that is this rip off report is not true, gossip website. All crimial do the same, never admit their crimes even the evidences right in front of them.

Jason Clark went to prison, records, news reveled everything but he still lied he was in "custody protective program", laugable ! He is trying to save his dirty face saying that "you are not direct victims", what you said was not true !

He is cunning, manipulative creature. He can make up anything to cover his crimes. He lies everything. I learned enough and was tricked enough to learn who he is.

Jason E. Clark was trying to save his " dirty face" that the rip off report was not from the FIRST VICTIM, some Lady Justice was not his victime posted this Report not "reliable". However, what he committed in the past and current was true because I am, who writing this report is another victim of his fraud and scheme.

I did not have any children or live with him. I worked with him and he was my team lead. That was how I trusted by his fake personality, pretened he was high class individual who had a master degree, appearance a gentle man, wearing expensive clothing. He claimed he is a writer a book called "goodbye Ploy". ALL FAKES, DECEITFUL CONDUCTS.

Not sure how he landed the job at Walmart and Sam's Club in Shakopee as supervisor position. This is another thing that people have question. How he passed the background check with his criminal 4 year prision criminal conviction ???

He posted that "search, don' troll" the same thing he told me that he paid all the child support debts. NOT SURE IF IS TRUE. He tried to prove he paid child support. But the money he used to pay for child support all from my money.

He stole money from me with scheme and fraud by using a bait as non resisited "inherited trust fund" $680,000 from the late mother who lived in Germany and had restuarant. Another the inhuman being fraud of his new criminal act was faking his father's death to lure my money.

He claimed he won a third place of writing award $30,000 from Amercia Writing Progam. He deceived me with reason his father who died in UK June 2018. He needed to leave US urgently, duped my money for the trip to UK as  a son's fulfill duty, funeral service. He claimed his father left him and his siblings with some properties in UK. He would pay my money back when his "trust funds" were processed. ALL FRAUD.

His father Preston Cews recently died in Minnepolis, MN year 2019. But I recently learned the horrible truth was he did not go to UK for any funeral but for having a good time, summer vacation with his girlfriend. He stole more of my money for many trips with his girlfriend to Portland, Oregon and New York city, while I was suffered with the debts that he created for me.

He stole money from me to pay for his crimial debts, child support debts and other debts that he has had. His current girlfriend who has been covering him, supporting his crimes. She lives in Shakopee. This woman appears nice and innocent but not, they acted nice and gentle in front of people and that how we were fooled and scammed.

She took money from him which he stole from me to pay for her credit cards debts that they both shared 4 cards together. She claimed "nothing to do with his action" but accepted money from him. Still he cheated, betrayed her all for MONEY. Still she still living with him. How skillful Jason E. Clark is, that he could convince her to allow him to stay in her house even she learned who is is !

He tricked and stole more than $100,000 from me with many false statements that he had $680,000 inherited trust fund from mother, properties from father in UK, $30,000 Grant from Writing program, $120,000 book contact. He claimed he is a writer. He claimed his family was in UK, no one in US. But all lies. They have been living and were from Minneapolis, his half sister Sabrina Crews who posted a few posting here is from Minneapolis.


He is truly a scum bag, trash of this society and the worst white collar criminal. His sister who did the same things she scammed, stole money from men. She was convicted with many felony charges as forged checks, theft as well. Her name is Shawna Marie Clark 1969. Check her records you will see.

This family is a disease for our society. They did not want to work but want to have good life by stealing money from people to live off. 

If you are involved with him and he duped your money, report him to your local Police and get your local police to contact Shakopee Police. They are investigating his crimes right now.


United States
Private Investigator looking to compile the whole story on local con artist JEC

#10General Comment

Mon, January 06, 2020

First off, I just want to say that I'm sorry to all the women that have gotten scammed by this guy.  I first heard about him from a bar fly friend, and as a private eye, I started looking into him and was pretty shocked with what I found. 

I think I've talked to most of the moms he dishonestly got pregnant with his fake cancer story, and clearly they and their kids are much better off without this piece of human scum.  None of them will have anything to do with him and they all agree he's a sociopath. He has arrest records going back to at least 1999, and has been identity thieving and drunk driving and cheating women out of their money and credit cards all these years in addition to going to prison for bank fraud. 

Clearly he's at it again, obviously he didn't learn anything from going to jail for the second time.  He's not from Wales, and was apparently born in Brooklyn Center.  He's been 86'd from just about every bar in Minneapolis due to all the women he has screwed over, so it makes sense he's in the 'burbs now. His mom is dead, and his father is a loser "talent agent" who lives in St. Paul last I checked.

  I also talked to some law enforcement guys who had the misfortune of having to deal with him.  I'm thinking to write a journalistic-type piece on this guy, so contact me at [email protected] and I can tell you how many kids there are and probably most of his crimes, which are also available on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website or from the BCA.  

Report Attachments


Saint Paul,
United States
Research Rather Than Troll

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 30, 2019

A simple, cursory phone call to either of these counties (Anoka and Hennepin) will reveal that Clark pays his child support. There is no active nor expired case with Ramsey County.

The multiple postings from 06-20 November 2019, claiming to be more than one victim, are from the same person. Added false claims were posted on 27 December, with two names "Megan" and "Tina", where it seems this person is relying on secondhand knowledge and outright hearsay. 

When you DO NOT pay child support, it comes with substantial penalty at the discretion of the hearing officer assigned. This includes, but is not limited to, no less than ninety days in jail. 

You will find one self-proclaimed victim here, stemming from the November postings. This is also a single mother that is in the midst of litigation against Clark. She will no doubt reach any troll and curious passersby that happen on this posting. 

When "Megan" & "Tina" urge those that read this to have their lawyers and police "search the internet", it comes down to this website alone, and a criminal case of which Clark had already paid his dues - in prison sentence and a probation period that has since expired. 

Most everything else can be researched and substantiated from judicial websites and county and state records. 


United States
All new victims - please make your own RipOff Report detailing whatever you know about Clark

#12General Comment

Fri, December 27, 2019

Jason Elliot Clark owes tens of thousands dollars in back child support to 3 women and children.  If you want justice, contact Hennepin County and Anoka County child support services with his address and whatever other information you have about him. 

If he has stolen money from you via theft or swindle, then get a lawyer and contact the police and file a report and show them everything on the internet about him and all the documentation you have.  Find his probation officer.  Contact the prosecutors who put him in jail for a federal crime for 4 years and ask them to help you work with law enforcement.  

New victim

United States
Are you still there?

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 20, 2019

Hi Lady Justice

I hope you are still following this case. If you are still there please reply. I wish to get in touch with you for more information about this crimal, theft and scammer Jason E. Clark. I found out about this posting too late ! Lost so much money and whatever you said here all true. I appreciate you posted this and hope will help someone in the future.



United States
Jason E Clark

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 07, 2019


I am a new victim of this con man. Please tell me if you know more where is the high school he went to. I was duped and scammed as well my life time saving money and even got big debts becauase of this con man. Where did he from actually? He was not from Wales was he?

I need to collect more information about this convict to bring him back to justice.


Report Attachments

New victim

United States
new victim

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 06, 2019


I am a new victim of this convicted  man. After 4 years in sentenses he did not stop his convict act. He swindled, lured my money with non existed inherit trust  fund from his monther. I was scammmed big amount of money. I will not let this criminal go free to damage more people.

Do you have any further information about this man? I know where he lives now. He has been living with a woman 5 years and of course cheated her for me and obviously FOR MONEY. I am trying to get more victims so we can bring him again.

Sabrina Crews

Saint Paul,
My (Sabrina's) Irrelevant Activities

#16General Comment

Wed, December 24, 2014

Actually, acting was a hobby for me, not a career aspiration. I performed at the U in my free time; it was was not my major. I haven't performed in over two years, so how ambitious of an actress can I be? Nothing I've written here contradicts your research, Lady Justice, so there's no need to call me a liar. Also, the assumption that lying or deceitful behavior "runs in the family" is simplistic and immature. I can't control who I'm related to, but you can control how you direct your anger. And since you seem so interested in my activities - irrelevant to the subject of this post, for the record - I'd be happy to discuss them with you privately (you know how to find me). You seem like a sane and intelligent person, but your decision to include me in this report was unethical.

Alias Aramark

St Paul,

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, June 02, 2014

Clark is already released.

When you look on the BOP website, don't be confused by RRC in Minneapolis.

What matters is he's no longer in prison.


Isn't this site geared toward reporting bad businesses?

In its place ...?

I hate liars

New York,
New York,
Sabrina Crews is an aspiring actress

#18Author of original report

Mon, April 28, 2014

Sabrina Crews claims that she is not an aspiring actress, but she "has done theater" and actually did a voice for a PBS cartoon series, was in the theater program at the U of M, and has recently worked as a professional actor in the Twin Cities.  In fact, in 2012, she was in a production as follows while she worked in underwriting for KFAI:


You can catch underwriting director Sabrina Crews in "The Lark," 

which opens Friday, February 10th, at Theater in the Round. Sabrina 

tells us more about her role:

Sabrina says in the press (City Pages):

>I play French historical figure Agnes Sorel in Lillian Hellman's 

>adaptation of "The Lark", at Theatre In the Round.


>More information available here:


Pam Hill Kroyer

KFAI Membership & Volunteer Director

KFAI Radio Without Boundaries


I believe that participating as an actress in theater productions at the U while attending school there, working as a professional voiceover actress for PBS and being a professional actress in local theater qualifies someone as an "aspiring actress."  However, she claims here that she is not.  Like her con artist brother Jason Elliott Clark, Sabrina Crews, also going by "Sabrina Faydra" on Facebook, appears to be liar when she denies that she is an actor.  That's what Jason is best at: looking at someone in the face, and telling them a blatent lie.  Guess this lying impulse runs readily in their family.  


Jason E Clark the Scam Artist

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2014

I went to Patrick Henry High School with Jason and he was developing his fake British accent even back then! Then in 2009, at the high of his scams, he even contacted me while I was in Bulgaria on business and tried to get me in to invest in his fake restaurant, "A Knight's Tale" (which never even opened, I think) and via which he was extorting many women out of their life savings. I'm glad he at least got a four year prison sentence for all of his scams, but you can bet that as soon as he's out in the Fall of 2014, he's be right back to them!

Sabrina Crews

Saint Paul,
United States of America
Factual Errors Here

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 02, 2012

Hello, I'm Sabrina. I am not an aspiring actress (although I have done theater), and I do not speak with an affected accent. I am Jason's much younger half-sister but I barely know him. It was pointless to mention me at all in this report, and again, what's reported here is inaccurate. Still, this is one of the first links to surface when anyone (that includes potential employers!) types my name into a search engine. I'm amazed that this article, a report that attempts to set the record straight, contains such inaccuracies. I take it you're not a journalist, Lady Justice, so neglecting to fact-check your statements may strike you as insignificant, but false reporting is an egregious offense. From what I understand, this report was published to prevent more women from becoming victims of Jason's ruthlessness, and yet ironically, it has set me up to be one. I'm very hurt and angry. There's no need for the public to know about the lies you've unintentionally told about me. There's a word for this, and it's called defamation. Defamation isn't just offensive, it's illegal. If you have anything more to say about me, tell it TO me instead, and in private (You can google search me and find my contact information quite easily). I cringe to think of what you've been though. You couldn't have written this without experiencing Jason's destructive behavior firsthand. But open your eyes and realize you aren't the only innocent victim here. You're victimizing others with your own anger and bitterness. And that ain't justice.

Sabrina Crews

Saint Paul,
United States of America
From Sabrina Crews

#21General Comment

Sun, December 02, 2012

Hello, I'm Sabrina Crews. I am not an aspiring actress (although I have done theater), and I do not speak with an affected accent (anyone who knows me personally can tell you that). I am Jason's much younger half-sister but I barely know him. It was pointless to mention me at all in this report, and again, what's reported here is inaccurate. Still, this is one of the first links to surface when anyone (that includes potential employers!) types my name into a search engine. I'm amazed that this article, a report that attempts to set the record straight, contains such inaccuracies. I take it you're not a journalist, Lady Justice, so neglecting to fact-check your statements may strike you as insignificant, but false reporting is an egregious offense. From what I understand, this report was published to prevent more women from becoming victims of Jason's ruthlessness, and yet ironically, it has set me up to be one. I'm very hurt and angry, Lady Justice. There's no need for the public to know about the lies you've unintentionally told about me. There's a word for this, and it's called defamation. Defamation isn't just offensive, it's illegal. If you have anything more to say about me, tell it TO me instead, and in private: [email protected]. I cringe to think of what you've been though. You couldn't have written this without experiencing Jason's destructive behavior firsthand. But open your eyes and realize you aren't the only innocent victim here. You're victimizing others with your own anger and bitterness. And that ain't justice.


United States of America
Aramark- Background Check?

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 11, 2011

Jason was hired by an Aramark location in Maplewood, MN and was employed from January to May 2011. While there he made various excuses for his absences, including a 'shoulder injury' in February during the same time of his conviction. He disappeared in late May 2011 which turned out to be because the police had taken custody of him.

This user worked with Jason and noticed inaccuracies of his "British" accent, but assumed he spoke a dialect this user was not aware of.

Aramark has a strict policy that every applicant be given a full background check after passing a drug test before being hired.

This user finds it difficult to see how Jason could have been given a background check, when a simple googling of his name will lead to evidence that he is and has been a criminal, much less a several-hundred dollar background check.

Lady justice

Jason Elliott Clark convicted and sentenced to 4 years in Federal Prison

#23Author of original report

Sun, August 21, 2011

Jason Elliott Clark was tried and convicted on February 18, 2011 to 48 months in federal prison for identity theft, bank fraud and bank fraud conspiracy.  He is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2014.  The Justice Department Press release can be found here:


With regard to the complaint posted by "Joseph" and "SRC" about the address posted on this report, it is impossible to edit content after it is posted on Rip Off.  Nothing can be changed or removed once it is posted.  It is suggested that you complain directly to the website if it is such a problem.  So let it be known that Clark doesn't live at this address in St. Paul.  Why don't you post yourself that he never lived there and won't ever live there, if that's the case?  That is all that can be done.  There is no "malice" or "cruelty" intended.  It was his only listed permanently address where he received mail, and the public had a right to know.  That's all.

Report Attachments


St Paul,
MyPersonal Address falsley appears on this Report!

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 24, 2011

I want to know why my Personal Home Address appears on this report titled "Jason Elliott Clark"
He has never lived here, I have been here 9 years and I am afraid for my safety and family's safety that some one could be this cruel and vindictive, and blatantly put my address out there.
I am reading that one of the guidlines is NO personal Home Addresses.
Please remove this from the report.
 Who is this person that calls herself lady justice?

Thank You, SRC

Lady justice

Photo of Jason Elliott Clark

#25Author of original report

Sun, March 28, 2010

His present look is different from this.  He is 6'4", green eyes, and now has shoulder length medium brown hair.

Report Attachments

Lady justice

March 2010 Update on Jason Clark

#26Author of original report

Sun, March 28, 2010

Another RipOff Report has been filed in the "Deadbeat Dads" section # 582800 under the author "KW" however his name is misspelled with only one "t" in Elliott, so it does not come up when you google search Jason Elliott Clark. 

Clark presently has no employment, no permanent address and continues to evade and ignore the court ordered mandates to pay child support for three of the children he has produced.  He is a menace to society.  If you meet him and are tempted to get involved, spend $40 run a professional background check on him.  A small invesment could save your life.

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