  • Report:  #491960

Complaint Review: Jason Reis - Selden New York

Reported By:
Pistbuyer - Everywhere, California, USA

Jason Reis
16 Pine St Selden, 11784 New York, United States of America
Coward dnt
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Jason and I "met" through webequity.com somewhere around July 24th. We started talking in detail about my project on July 28th. By August 5th all agreements were in place, and I sent a 50% deposit with an agreed upon 2.5 week time-line for completion of my project. By August 17th, Jason and I had about 25 e-mails sent between us to continue the progress on my project each day.

Backing up, on August 12th when I e-mailed for an update, Jason e-mailed me back to say that "work" was actually taking place on a different URL then the one that he originally sent for me to monitor progress. I now believe that this was an excuse to hide the fact that no work was being done at all.

Flash forward five days. August 17th represented a huge turning point in my project as this was the last time that I ever heard from Jason. It was also the first time there was more then a day without hearing some type of update from him. When Jason finally e-mailed me on August 17th after a five day gap, he admitted to being "off the grid" a bit, as i had put it. He made efforts via this one e-mail to convince me that work was being done, but I wasn't so sure and he provided no proof of such.

Five days later, August 22nd the deadline for my project passed and not a single reply from any of my cordial e-mails. I actually thought he was in some type of tragic accident as it was just so strange for a seemingly hard working guy to just DISAPPEAR! Then, I noticed a tweet on twitter from Jason Reis. That same day, August 22nd! So he was alive! And, for whatever reason was not replying to me. His tweet was about the music he was listening too. "Maybe Jason bought a CD with  my deposit", was my thought.

At this time of this writing, it is September the 8th. It's 17 days past my project deadline, and now 22 days since I have heard anything from this dishonest "business man." No refund, nothing. I have learned from a gentlemen who finally replied to one of my e-mails (I sent e-mails to every e-mail address on either of Jason's site) anyways no reason to name the individual as far as I can tell he is innocent of any wrong doing, but he informed me that he just bought hostedsessions.com from Jason. Jason represented to me that hostedsessions.com and sessionsmedia.net were both one in the same and they were both listed in his e-mail auto-signature when we did business.

How could Jason not be aware that he was selling one of his companies? And if he was aware, how could he acquire my business without making any mention of the fact that ownership might be changing hands? Additionally, how in this day in age could he find no way to communicate with me almost a month later?

Lastly, I do find it a bit ironic that one day after I open a Pay Pal dispute I get the e-mail from the "new owner" at hostedsessions.com,  regarding the situation with Jason and how he was un-ware of anything. Another strange thing was that this reply was to a 10 day old e-mail that I had sent. And, the dispute was with Jason's Pay Pal ID - [email protected] so the timing of this reply to a 10 day old e-mail is pretty speculative. All the more reason that the name hostedsessions.com should probably not be trusted.

Who knows if Jason Reis is actually with hostedsessions.com any longer or not. I think that he is, and either way the new "owner" of hostedsessions.com bought it's names sake and unfortunately for him that name carries the burden of a monetary debt to me along with unprofessional treatment. Buyer Beware.

By the way, I found another of Jason's clients who had to hire new designer as he skipped out on them too. Said he just stopped returning calls about the same time. Lastly, I gave Jason a chance to reply to me before moving on and yet another chance to contact me before posting this report. He never replied and left me no choice. Careful out there buyers. Times are tough and people seem to be willing to do stupid things.

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