  • Report:  #78995


Reported By:
- Kalamazoo, Michigan,

3718 STADIUM DRIVE KALAMAZOO, 49008 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a vehicle from JD Byrider/CNAC Finance/Harold Zeigler Auto Group on July 11, 2002. I was fully aware of the fact I was purchasing a used vehicle at the legal limit loan interest rate of 24.90% APR, but heck..I needed a car. I bought a 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix, thought it was a decent vehicle and sales personell guaranteed me the car was without problem in any area. I drove the car approximately 2 miles from the dealership on that same day in July of 2002 and the front driver's side window fell down, unable to be put back in place using electric switch.

I pulled out my cell phone immediately, enraged, spoke with Service Manager who assured me that the problem would be resolved immediately! I felt better, but to my suprise this car window had been back in for repairs on 8 seperate occasions for the same related problem since then.

In Feb of 2003 I lost my job and had to become delinquent in payments on the loan. Personnell in Finance (CNAC) were very understanding, stating they just wanted communication about my situation. I did what i could for payment on the loan. I became employed with the same JD Byrider/CNAC/Harold Zeigler Auto Group on August 2, 2003 as a part time clerk in the finance department. I was treated like s**t! I still made payment arrangements to catch up with the delinquency. I was the only person of ethnic backround on-site and was never allowed to forget that. I had heard account reps speak to people with so much disrespect! Example: I read in notes on a coversation with a customer and a Representative: "Have a good trip back to Africa... I hear they have mammoth sized bugs!"

I also was attempting to get the same d**n window fixed, which was now taped up with yellow duct tape, and had been courtesy of service personnell for about 2 months. I was blowed of an blowed off, given the "Well, you know, you did buy a used car", speech several times by the service manager. I went to his supervisor asking that something be done, It worked for a minute, I got a new door for the car, hoping that would handle the window problem. The only thing is, the motor that operates the window was never hooked back up and now the window won't come down at all! After that happened my husband confronted the service manager, who was very rude, telling him it's not his fault and that the door costed him $500 to replace! Big deal.. the d**n window was broken when I bought the car!... He knew that. My husband became extremely angry and left the building.

I went to my supervisor 45 minutes before my shift was to end and explained what happened, she said.. well it's not going to get fixed until you catch up with your payments anyway.. I told her then that I needed to leave early to try to calm hubby down. She said to me: "You have a job to do.. you need to sit back down!"... Now my mother and father are dead and NO ONE...REPEAT... NO ONE.. will be allowed to speak to me in that manner, especially for a 20 per week, 7.50 per hour job... so i told her to kiss my a*s.. I quit!

I advise anyone in the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, MI or Lansing, MI area.. Do not purchase a vehicle from them... I know inside and out how they work!


Kalamazoo, Michigan

9 Updates & Rebuttals


OBVIOUSLY does not know anything about the Harold Zeigler Auto Group up here. We have had more than our fair share of TROUBLE with them also.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 04, 2004

Patricia Hi there, we need to contact Channel 3 and Channel 8 on this. It makes me very angry to see the responses of Jayson. He OBVIOUSLY does not know anything about the Harold Zeigler Auto Group up here. We have had more than our fair share of TROUBLE with them also. We need to contact the Att. General. Our Senators. County Commissioners. anyone that we can. I think we could make a huge impact on them if we went public with all the trouble we've had with them. So lets contact Channel 3 and Channel 8 under their consumer rip-off/fraud division. I was appauld to see how many more reports there were on JD Byrider/CNAC since I last checked the reports. Patricia we need to come together and take JD Byrider/ CNAC out of Kalamazoo and anywhere else that we can. Can you tell me if Chris is still the account manager there? If you can that would be great. Good Luck


Rip-off....Harold Zeigler has to stand by the car

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 25, 2004

Just to let everyone know, a large car dealership such as Harold Zeigler has to stand by the car that they sell. AND LEGALLY, they cannot sell a car that is known to have problems, and not have them fixed right way. By what patricia is saying she let them know about the window first hand when buying the car. I too have bought a car from Harold Zeigler, and also had to pay a ridiculous amount in APR. And after test driving the car, I called to the attention the need to fix what needed to be fixed on the car. They wrote me a blue slip, and yes the car was fixed. But it took 6 TIMES for the same problem. And instead of eating the cost of fixing a car that they sold, they instead charged my warranty company instead. As a WOMAN, I know alot about cars, and what they thought they were going to do was rip off a young girl that didn't know crap. And ripping off they definatetly did. And they also took advantage of me, because I was in a desperate situation at the time. Words are cheap if you can't back them up, and their so called "help" is in the form of nice words to beat around the bush and no action. Sorry for your trouble PATRICIA, I understand.


strongly recommend that you give your dealership a call to alleviate the situation

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 20, 2004

According to a well known dictionary, the definition of proud is as follows- "Filled with or showing excessive self esteem and justifiable SELF RESPECT". If you think that a comment that speaks only the truth is just "stupid", then good luck in your future endeavors. I would strongly recommend that you give your dealership a call to alleviate the situation. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to call you. I'm sorry Patty, but, I don't think that you have done all that you can do to get your window fixed. P.s. I don't work in the car business, let alone at Jd Byrider. I'm done typing for you.


Something's up, hate to see people down on their luck taken advantage of

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 17, 2004

I say something's up. Jayson you are absolutely right, why did the auto dealer do all that just for little 'ole Pat? I do not know what Pat's skills are, but you can make more an hour at Mcdonald's. As for the door-- I used to be a professional mechanic on everything from heavy equipment to passenger vehicles. I am assuming from the $500 cost the door was brand new. If the door was new all the mechanic would have to do is replace the door at its hinges and hook the wiring up. The repair would be complete. If the door was not brand new, I definitly would question the credibility of the person who stated it cost him $500 especially seeing how you can get a factory replacement for less. If he has a non-certified mechanic doing the install, then he is in violation of the law, unless Pat signed a waiver acknowledging such. If an apprentice did the install, guess what, a certified mechanic must underwrite him. And who employs the certified mechanic? The people that are tearing your car apart and not returning it in a satisfactory manner -- which by the way, you do not have to accept. Pat as a consumer you do have rights. In particular Michigan does have lemon laws, and we do have a group that protects consumers. Besides, you can always write the Attorney General, the Governor, State Senator, etc.... I am sure they would be especially interested in the deragatory racial remarks! You can even cross reference your cars VIN number on the web to see if it has ever been in a accident. Check it out, it's free! I hate to see people down on their luck taken advantage of, and even after all the frustration you have been through, to post a message with the undertones that you owe them something. I assume you are paying your loan? Ask them if they will reimburse you for the cost of another mechanic to do the work--correctly. I bet they wont. Because Something is definitly up!


I suppose you know me well enough to call me "Patty"!

#6Author of original report

Sat, April 17, 2004

Jayson... well now lets see... You think you know enough about this situation to make a comment.. and that is all it is, a stupid comment, please take the time to know whom you are talking to. My name is NOT Patty.. I suppose if I were the type of person that is willing to be treated like a low-life for a measly part time job, I could have left when I wanted to without a word to me.. but you see Jayson, I don't have to bow to Christine or anyone else there. Leaving that job was not a matter of being proud, it was a matter of self-respect. (There is a difference you know) I was not getting respected there, so took a stand and would not allow her to speak to me as if I was her child. Just yesterday, I came in to make payment as scheduled and was berated by the receptionist regarding further payment. I let it be known at that time that I have agreed arrangements for past due balance and she should speak to my acct rep regarding that. No mention of repair mind you. A major point of customer service is standing behind your promises... THE d**n WINDOW WAS BROKEN THE DAY I BOUGHT THE CAR AND WAS PROMISED TO BE FIXED... IT NEVER WAS!!! The fact that I got a job there has nothing to do with it. If that is slack, then sue me for the wages paid for work not completed. It is that simple. Me getting ahead in life is none of your d**n business, you don't know anything about me, what I am going to do, let alone, am now doing. If ANYONE affiliated with JD Byrider, CNAC, or Harold Zeigler Auto Group wants to come repo this piece of crap that was sold to me for any reason, come get it.. As a matter of fact, Jayson why don't you do something, obviously my comments effected you in some way. I am tired of this company talking and not walking. I don't have to make a call to stand up to my promises.. I already have, obviously no one there, including you my dear Jayson, has the initiative to do it. All I wanted was to have what was promised to me delivered. I continue to make the payments as scheduled, that was my promise. Once again, and for the last time, JD Byrider/Harold Zeigler Auto Group has my contact information, at least they do when it comes to discussion regarding payment, they know how to contact me regarding the initial promise to repair the front driver's side door on the 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix, sold to me $9,000.00 with a loan at 24.90% interest on July 11, 2002. That is the bottom line. If this company has anything else to say to me, I strongly suggest that you contact me. (Or at least anyone that matters!)


Patty Patty Patty, Scott has obviously gone the extra mile.

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 17, 2004

Legally he didn't have to fix your broken window...but he did (or at least put in the effort and money). You got behind on your payments....he lent you some slack. You lost your job....he gave you a job. Now thats customer service at its best. If I got behind on my payments to National City, do you think they would cut me some slack....let alone give me a job.......NO.....they would come to my house at three in the morning and repo the darn thing. WHAT MORE COULD A CUSTOMER ASK FOR!! You'll never get ahead in life if you wait for things to happen.....you need to take the initiative...stand up from your computer desk and make a call. p.s. When your boss says you need to finish your job before you leave....you should proabably do it.....unless of course you already have enough money to pay the bills.....but from the sound of it.....you didnt.. (Don't be so proud.....Dam)


Actions speak louder than words, Proven here!

#8Author of original report

Sun, March 21, 2004

Well folks, just as I predicted the so-called help that was offered never came. It has been almost a month and I have received no contact from JDBYRIDER/CNAC/HZAG since the rebuttal and my response were posted! The only contact I have received from this organization has been regarding my payments. Nothing makes me more pissed off than to be lied to, let alone disrespected. This just once again proves my claim that this company's level of morality and business ethics is non- existent. I am more than sure that even after all of the chaos and confusion regarding my vehicle, financing and especially maintenance issues will go ignored and unresolved. People ask me all the time where I got my car, I tell them and when they ask me if they should go there to secure a vehicle, I tell them they would be better off buying a skateboard and a helmet! There were some other things I stated in my orginal report that were never addressed in the rebuttal as well; such as the racist attitude towards this company's employees and especially it's customers. One will have to only conclude these practices are welcomed and accepted, the door on my car, which was broken, very much to their knowledge, when the car was sold to me, has not been repaired, it still does not work and the inside panel is falling off. You can beleive me when I state now, that I will never, EVER, do business with them again. I don't give a d**n what my credit looks like or what the situation is. I would rather walk or take the city bus. It is much more reliable!


How can you help me?

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 26, 2004

Alright Scott.. You say that you want to help.. I assumed that the first time around. It is common knowledge between the both of us what the situation is. Yes it is true, initially.. I repeat initially, I was very happy with JD/HZAG, since that time my opinions have changed. I was very grateful to have been given the job.. Never thought until now it was to be considered a "CHARITY GESTURE". I was wrong to assume that I landed that position based on skill and ability. I also would like to know when this new program surrounding maintenance issues began.. it must have been sometime after I left (01-23-04).. of course I am sure it only pertains to new sales. I purchased the 18 month/18,000 mile warranty...it expired via milage some time ago, and via date on January 11,2004. It was never honored.. the door still does not operate. You stated on this site that you want to help.. not sure what you can, or should I say, WANT to do to help. I am willing to discuss this with you. You have my contact information. Let's just see if anything will happen.

Scott Hofheinz

bent over backwards to help

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 25, 2004

We have tried to help Pat many times. We covered the window and replaced the door all at our own expense. None of these repairs were required . The service agreement she purchased states that these are not covered items. We fixed them to make her a happy customer. When Pat lost her job we offered her part time work to help her and her family. We allowed her to be delinquent on her payments and worked out arraingements to let her keep her car. I know of no other lender or dealership who would do as much for a customer as we have done for Pat. We treat out customers very well.All customers recieve an 18 month/18000miwarrnty at no cost. This is a new program starting in 2004. This covers even the brake pads and rotors. Allcustomers recieve free oil changes for as long as they own the car. All customers recieve free 24 hour road side assistance when they buy a car from us. We do more for out customers than most Mercedes dealers. Also of note Pat wrote a letter to J.D. Byrider corporation Talking about how great we are to work with and how happy she was with us. I would like the opportunity to help her if she will let me. Thank You. Vice President/General Manager

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