  • Report:  #126492

Complaint Review: Jefferson Medical College - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Jefferson Medical College
1020 Walnut Street Philadelphia, 19107 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This univerisity is racist and fraudulent. They take your money and try to mold you into a n**i. Their doctors commit Medicare fraud and perform unncessary procedures for money. They are greedy and lack empathy.

If you are a non-white student there you will have a very difficult time. The corporate culture is racist. The people there pay their way in and so you end up with most students coming from upper class backgrounds. If you are from a working class background, watch out! They will discriminate against you daily.

The abuse is psychological and social. Do not trust this school. They promise lies. They will take your money and laugh all the way to the bank. The doctors create a cult-like atmosphere. You have to behave like them if you want to pass a class. The doctors produced from this school are not well-rounded. They cannot compare to Harvard, UPenn or other medical school doctors that learn empathy and cultural understanding. The doctors and medical professionals produced by schools within Thomas Jefferson University are cloned to put biology before people.

Not too many of them make any important discoveries in medicine or become world-reknowned. They have to recruit from the outside because they are such poor medical professionals. The dean and the administration condone racism and sexism. They have puppet administrators and a hollow Diversity Dept. to cover up their racist, classist, sexist, homophobic past and hide their crimes against humanity. They also perform unncessary operations on patients for profit. Some operations are experimental and not adequately explained to the patient.

The doctors here are there for monetary reasons. Stay clear of this greedy hospital and university. They pay for their ratings which are totally false. One look at their yearbooks from the past will show you the fraudulent and racist history of this institution. Watch out for organized medicine too in general because they racketeer and basically operate above the law. It all comes down to greed and profit. Medicine is no longer the noble profession! Doctors are money hungry. Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University play a big part in organized medicine. Pharmaceutical companies buy their way into the hospital and they are allowed to put their unsafe products before the safety of patients.

The FBI recently found that doctors were performing illegal operations on patients by allowing resident to perform the operations unsupervised and still collecting the payments as if they were present while the patient was asleep. This shameful practice needs to be stopped. Stay away from Jefferson Hospital and this corrupt corporation in general. Essentially, what it all boils down to whether they admit it or not is putting profits before people.


Boston, Massachusetts

47 Updates & Rebuttals


Shysters Love Jeff doctors

#2General Comment

Mon, December 30, 2013

I hear from the grapevine that  shysters and pettifoggers love Jeff docs because they'll readily testify against other doctors in malpractice cases, even in hopelessly meritless cases.  Jeff doctors are good in finding something, as long as the money is right.


Psychopaths and Bullies at Jefferson Med College

#3General Comment

Fri, December 27, 2013

I believe you.  Most of the people that I've met who've graduated from or are affiliated with Jeff (those that came from JMC call their med school "Jeff") are psychopaths, cut throats, and bullies.  "They have no honor, no integrity, no moral compass; and God is watching."  (I couldn't resist putting this line inspired from the movie "A Few Good Men").  Sooner or later, those corrupt Jeff docs and the corrupt Jeff establishment will get caught.  Just keep the address and telephone number of the U.S. Inspector General, the U.S. EEOC, and the U.S. Dept of Justice nearby; , and don't be intimidated.  Be strong!  And don't tolerate corruption, fraud, abuse!


New York,
New York,
United States of America
Jefferson Medical College Produces Shantytown Baby Butcher

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 25, 2011

It looks like another Jefferson Medical College graduate, aka the Shantytown Baby Butcher, is in the news. This time for performing illegal third trimester abortions and storing dead babies in his freezer. Jefferson sure is good at producing quacks that like to rip people off. It will be interesting to see how their marketing department tries to cover up this mess. News excerpt below:

"As a result of the grand jury's work, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who ran the Women's Medical Society in the Mantua section of West Philadelphia, was charged in the deaths of seven babies - allegedly killed when their spinal cords were severed with scissors - and one woman, who allegedly received a lethal dose of painkillers and sedatives during a medical procedure. Nine former Gosnell employees also were charged, four with murder."

Report Attachments


The Truth is Hard to Digest

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 03, 2010

The corporate whores defend Jefferson Hospital all in the name of the almighty dollar.  Greed is their middle name.  Jefferson is being sued again for discrimination by a top-notch doctor.  Jefferson show no loyalty to anyone.  Corporate greed is all they know.  I work here and I see people of color being treated like dirt every day by racist employees.  Discrimination is alive and well.  Read below...

Oral-polio-vaccine luminary, 93, suing Jefferson for discrimination

By Marie McCullough


In a dispute with an air of dj vu, Hilary Koprowski - the brilliant and feisty 93-year-old researcher who developed the first oral polio vaccine - is suing Thomas Jefferson University, where he moved in 1992 after being ousted as director of the Wistar Institute.

In legal papers filed Friday in federal court in Philadelphia, Koprowski claims Jefferson has violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by refusing to let him retain - at his own expense - five employees who help him deal with age-related infirmities that "affect his ability to sit, stand, walk, and hear."

He also alleges that the university has plans to take his offices and lab equipment.

The university's only comment came in two terse e-mails sent by public relations director Jackie Kozloski: "Thomas Jefferson University has the utmost respect for Dr. Koprowski," she wrote. "It's unfortunate an issue concerning office space was brought to federal court. . . . Thomas Jefferson University denies all of the allegations in his complaint."

Also read about how Dr. Richard Edie sued Jefferson for age discrimination. 

Looks like the Good Old Boy System is falling apart.  Those rich prep schools can only get you so far nowadays.  Hahahahahaha!

Report Attachments



#6Consumer Comment

Sun, March 28, 2010

This page appears to be a venting place for those who have been taught that they are always the "victim"

Instead of blaming the institution for "racism" against blacks because of the difference between minority students and white students, why don't you look into other aspects, such as GPA or eligibility.

I don't believe that affirmative action has done anything to help African Americans.  It has only created a self-entitlement among blacks simply based on the color of their skin.  Why should a black person with a lower education level, GPA, etc... be given a spot in a program over a white person with higher GPA and education level simply because they need to have a certain number of each race??  When we stop playing this victim role, and feeling entitled to things simply because of the horrible things that happened in American history, than true equality will begin.  Many on here speak of the "token" students.... I would like to point out this was not the whites idea, it was the blacks.  Affirmative action has churned out generations of lazy, self-righteous, small minded, and unqualified students.

I am biracial, and I currently am a premed student.  I work VERY hard, and have a 4.0 GPA.  When I apply for med school, and hopefully am accepted, I will be able to look anyone in the eyes and say I EARNED my place due to hard work and perseverance, not just due to the color of my skin.  I have friends who have slacked off during their entire education experience, yet they are accepted into highly respected institutions strictly because there was a quota that needed to be filled.  Then, once they entered the institution, they failed miserably.  After failing miserably, them and their families pulled out a full deck of race cards.  I find it ridiculous.

Self accountability would be nice.  Stop making everything into a conspiracy theory. How come those who work hard and don't play the victim role never seem to have these problems?


United States of America
current med student opinion

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 29, 2010

Hello to Dr. Datto and various other individuals (or personalities) who have commented on this post: (I apologize for my spelling.  I'm not uneducated.  I just can't spell.)

I am currently an underrepresented minority medical student from a working class background at Jefferson and have had contact with some, though not all, of the physicians implicated above.  First, I have been treated with nothing but respect and have had no cause to believe I've ever been discriminated against.  In the same vein, Jefferson offers scholarships to deserving students.

I'm not sure what this school was like in the past, and I know it was the last medical institution in the United States to admit women, but I can assure you that any racism or sexism that may have been present is certainly no longer a real factor. I'm sure that these things pop their ugly heads up here every now and then, but I doubt it occurs any more frequently at Jeff than it does at UPenn, Harvard or Hopkins.

Second, Dr. Schmidt was a more than adequate anatomy professor (Do you remember "Roses are red, violets are blue, and the long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior muscle?"  I don't think I'll ever forget it), and while Dr. Cohen's lecture can be a little long-winded and he's perhaps too attached to his venn diagrams, he is extremely warm and is very good at keeping his door open to students.  (Admittedly, I have not had the experience of being in therapy with him, so I cannot dispute those claims directly.)

Third, I have luckily never been in a position where I was afraid to speak out.  I haven't seen many things in this hospital that have made me uncomfortable, but when I did (a matter of broken sterilization on an endoscopic case--in retrospect, not a huge deal considering the GI tract isn't sterile to being with, but not ideal and certainly worrisome for me at the time), I went through the proper channels.  The matter was dealt with openly and I've felt no repercussions.

More importantly, I _like_ it here.  It is a warm place, and most of the physicians I come in contact with really, really care about both their patients and our education.  It's kind of intimidating, actually.  It's a lot to live up to.

I concede that the administration can be...inflexible.  I've had some run-ins having to do with test conflicts and missing mandatory sessions that have put my teeth on edge, but it was actually far worse at my undergraduate institution.  Also: ICM--boo.

I will also concede that Jefferson is not always the best when it comes to making accomodations for mental illness, as I've seen in the case of some of my fellow students here.  Jeff is fantastic at having people available for students to talk to (and good psychiatrists, at that), but they are not always understanding or accomodating when it comes to allowing the student to stay on track with the class or matriculating.

While this can be extremely frustrating for the student involved, especially if it happens to be the focus of their mental illness, I believe that this recalcitrance on the part of the school may actually be a protection for patients.  Academic achievement is not the only thing that patients require of their doctors--they also require their doctors have a certain level of stability.  Otherwise their physicians may inadvertantly put them in jeopardy.

This is a good place.  Certainly not a perfect one, but a good one.

Okay, I'm done defending my future diploma.

In any case, even if Jefferson had good reason to dismiss you, I feel for you.  I really do.  I can't imagine what it would be like to be on the verge of a promising career, ready to reap the benefits of all that delayed gratification that is medical school (not to mention getting a PhD--wow), and then to have it all taken away.  That would stink so, so much.  I mean, I've worked my behind off, and I assume you did, too, and it would just be...awful.

I hope my post hasn't upset you too much. I understand that you feel cheated. And I'm glad that you have an outlet for these feelings (this site). May I suggest that even as you continue with your legal proceedings, you find someone to talk to. Certainly not anyone affiliated even remotely with Jeff.  But someone who can help you with these frustrations.

Hope it all works out for you,

Sandra (not my real name, please don't come looking for me)


New Jersey,
Dr. Mitch Cohen needs therapy

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 14, 2009

If Dr. Mitch Cohen is dehumanizing students and patients with psychiatric disabilities, why is he in the medical profession?  He needs to leave the profession or be fired from Jefferson Hospital due to negligence and malpractice.  The hypocrisy of the doctors at Jefferson Hospital is unacceptable in my humble opinion.  I hope health care reform addresses the possibility of eliminating profiteers from medicine.   

Report Attachments

Russel Weiss

Jefferson Hospital Psychiatrist Makes False Claims for Profit

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

Pfizer has also entered into a five-year integrity agreement with the U.S. Health and Human Services Department as part of the settlement after being investigated by the Department of Justice. The criminal case resulted from allegations that Bextra, a painkiller, and thirteen other drugs including Zyvox and Geodon, were promoted by Pfizer for uses other than those approved by the FDA.

In the case of Zyvox, Ronald Rainero, a former district manager at Pfizer in NYC, alleged Pfizer pushed Zyvox off-label for use against all infections of the superbug MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).  Zyvox costs eight times as much as vancomycin, and catheter patients given Zyvox have an 8% greater chance of dying than if treated with vancomycin.

Pfizer allgedly paid a doctor $4,000 a day to promote the anti-psychotic Geodon. The doctor charged Pfizer to use a private helicopter to get to off-label speaking events, according to a lawsuit that was part of the Bextra settlement.  Mark R. Westlock was a sales rep for Pfizer from 1991 to 2007. He brought a suit against Pfizer, after he was forced to resign.  Westlock alleged that Dr. Neil S. Kaye of Wilmington, Del., an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Jefferson Medical College, received $4,000 a day in speaker fees to talk to other doctors about the off label use of Geodon in adolescents. Hell sell his services to anyone, especially lawyers. He was used so frequently by Pfizer that he was flown by copter to some of his gigs testified Westlock.

Giving drugs to kids for personal profit is unacceptable.  This is the way the Jefferson community treats people.  Most Jefferson doctors belong on Wall Street, not in the hospital. 


This medical school is one of the worst in the world!

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 16, 2009

I realized how poor of medical school this was when I attended NYU and found out that Dr. Richard Schmidt had a poor reputation in academia.  I always thought he was a dummy because he didn't know much about anything else except the minute nomenclature of cadaver parts.  He is also suspected of having connections to other anatomy professors who were involved in illegally selling body parts for money, namely Dr. Henry Reid, who is spending five years in prison for selling UCLA's cadaver parts to pharmaceutical companies.   

Russel Weiss

Dr. Mitchell J. Cohen, MD and Dr. Profeta - Questionable Doctors


Thu, September 10, 2009

Dr. Mitchell Cohen is known for abusing medical students and patients at Jefferson Hospital.  He dehumanizing people by labeling them with false mental illnesses, all for the sake of lining his pockets.  He also smells and has a God-complex. 

Dr. Bernadette C. Profeta, M.D. also practices at Jefferson Hospital.  She is known for having poor rapport with patients and sloppy surgical skills, including poor manual dexterity.   

If you want a good doctor, go to a UPenn doctor.

Jeremy Levitz

Medical School Corruption


Tue, August 25, 2009

Jefferson Medical College should probably be closed down at this point.  There is just too much fraud and corruption for it to exist much longer, especially during health care reform.  An easy way to shut it down would be to suspend federal funding due to a history of Medicare and Medicaid fraud.  What people need to realize is that most doctors are struggling to make a living and balancing their lives, and this is what has led to corruption in medicine.  Physicians also go through an indoctrination process during training and part of this process includes violentization towards staff on lower rungs of the medical hierarchy, and patients.  This is expressed through callous actions towards others.  Most patients are aware that physicians do not really care about them, as much as their paycheck, and are beginning to check the backgrounds of their physicians.  Over medicating patients, both young and old, is big business.  Maybe some day the government will fund non-profit entities that investigate doctors and publish results online, especially of those doctors that lose their license in one state due to malpractice, and then move to another state to regain their license.  This type of abuse towards patients is perpetuated by physician associations such as the AMA.  Undermining the AMA would be a good starting point.  


Agree - Do NOT apply to Thomas Jefferson University - SCAM !!!!

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 10, 2009

Warning to anyone that is thinking about applying to Thomas Jefferson University (TJU) !!!! This school is a scam! TJU staff will do anything to lie to you to get you into the school and you will suffer. TJU staff will paint a great picture of you being happy in this school. They will tell you that you will have a great job after you graduate. Please do your homework. Do NOT trust anything they tell you. The staff are rude, impatient and racist. Most importantly - they do NOT care about you or your education at all. Make sure you talk to current or former students. Let studentl tell you how disorganized TJU is and what they really think about TJU. TJU staff disrepect students and you have absolutely NO right to complain. TJU have many deans to back up their rude staff which leaves you absolutely without any rights at all. All TJU want is your $$$$ tuition $$$$. They will do anything to help you get a loan and please think about the amount with interest that you will have to pay back. There are many great universities out there that cost way less than TJU and offers quality in education. TJU is not the school you should consider !!!!!


I'm a little confused about the motive here.

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, April 25, 2009

I have absolutely no affiliation with the university, or direct experience with it; however my experience with other complaints of this nature/the internet in general tells me that many of these comments (if not all) were all written by the same person. The number one thought that comes to mind for me is: is this a joke? I'm not advocating that the voice of the minority be dampened, but this seems like a hoax or a 'boy crying wolf' kind of thing. Perhaps I am stating the obvious. I just couldn't help but comment, because it appears that some of the comments posted here could very well be impersonations of real people.

Pam Bijorensen

The ripoff complaints are legitimate

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, October 26, 2008

I have heard from reliable sources at Harvard Medical School and many physicians at the university where I teach that Jefferson Hospital and Jefferson Medical College have poor reputations. My assumption is that some people cannot be taught ethics. Maybe a change in management would help this place overcome such a tainted reputation.


To the PERSON repeatedly making malse claims on this site

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2008

To the person who finds it necessary to file false claims on this website to avenge their own personal issues with the school, I am warning you that I will be contacting officials at the school with regards to the names and false associations being used on this site. The statements you have made on this website and what you are currently engaged in is clearly slander, especially with regards to use of certain physicians' names and the filing of a false post claiming to be a prof. at the institution. Having known some of the people referred to in this person's bizarre posts, the claims are clearly absurd and border on laughable. I have personal knowledge of Jefferson medical college and the hospital and have nothing but amazing things to say about both. The bizarre allegations of racism and crimes at the school are clearly meant to slander the good name of this great institution and its rich history. Its sad that someone finds it necessary to take their petty personal grievances out by creating multiple screen names and filing multiple false reports; and for those that say this isn't the case, all the proof is in the person's poor grammer and use of similar phrases in their posts.

Chris Wong

Legacy of Racism at Jefferson Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 08, 2008

I am a well-known cardiologist at John Hopkins University and here at Hopkins we've heard many horrible things about Jefferson Hospital and their colleges. The Feds should stop funding research for these racist institutions. I have a friend that graduated from Jefferson Medical College and she has nothing but negative things to say about it. One of her comments had to do with the n**i-like corporate culture. I advise all pre-med students I mentor, especially those of non-caucasian descent, to look elsewhere.


New York,
New York,
Gerald, above complainant, had a bone to pick:

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

I believe I knew "Gerald" while at the University - he was dismissed on two separate occasions and tried to laywer his way back in anyway! He was dismissed for repeated inappropriate behavior, plus academic deficiencies. You can assess his writing skills as well. Indeed, Jefferson was/is an extremely rigorous, demanding, conservative institution. It was not particularly flexible, but it holds high standards. Many nationalities are represented there.

Dr. Schmidt

Thomas Jefferson University on USNews.com

#19UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

The only things I can attest to are that, yes, we pay for our medical school rankings by donating money to USNews.com and yes, some students are blackballed even though they are qualified. It's a simple slandering process. I have seen many students dismissed from the medical college for whistleblowing and not following the code of silence. Students who break these rules will never receive a diploma from our fine institution. It may seem unfair, but life itself is unfair. We also racketeer if that is what you want to call it. We stick together to manipulate evaluations and pursuade peer review committees to terminate employees and students. If you violate the hierarchy, in one way or another, you will receive a termination notice. We usually have a party afterwards. In some cases, we pay doctors and residents with incentives to blackball students and employees. I would have to agree, a type of corruption is widespread at Thomas Jefferson University, but most corporations have the same types of problems in Philadelphia. Philadelphia itself is run by the mafia!

Dr. Schmidt

Thomas Jefferson University on USNews.com

#20UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

The only things I can attest to are that, yes, we pay for our medical school rankings by donating money to USNews.com and yes, some students are blackballed even though they are qualified. It's a simple slandering process. I have seen many students dismissed from the medical college for whistleblowing and not following the code of silence. Students who break these rules will never receive a diploma from our fine institution. It may seem unfair, but life itself is unfair. We also racketeer if that is what you want to call it. We stick together to manipulate evaluations and pursuade peer review committees to terminate employees and students. If you violate the hierarchy, in one way or another, you will receive a termination notice. We usually have a party afterwards. In some cases, we pay doctors and residents with incentives to blackball students and employees. I would have to agree, a type of corruption is widespread at Thomas Jefferson University, but most corporations have the same types of problems in Philadelphia. Philadelphia itself is run by the mafia!

Dr. Schmidt

Thomas Jefferson University on USNews.com

#21UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

The only things I can attest to are that, yes, we pay for our medical school rankings by donating money to USNews.com and yes, some students are blackballed even though they are qualified. It's a simple slandering process. I have seen many students dismissed from the medical college for whistleblowing and not following the code of silence. Students who break these rules will never receive a diploma from our fine institution. It may seem unfair, but life itself is unfair. We also racketeer if that is what you want to call it. We stick together to manipulate evaluations and pursuade peer review committees to terminate employees and students. If you violate the hierarchy, in one way or another, you will receive a termination notice. We usually have a party afterwards. In some cases, we pay doctors and residents with incentives to blackball students and employees. I would have to agree, a type of corruption is widespread at Thomas Jefferson University, but most corporations have the same types of problems in Philadelphia. Philadelphia itself is run by the mafia!

Lucas Simogian

Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson College of Health Science

#22Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

This corporation sounds like a complete scam. Why do people trust them? It sounds like they violate RICO statutes. I am considering getting licensed in Pennsylvania so that I can handle the Jeffrey Peter Datto case, pro bono. Based on the facts of the case and Jefferson's moral disregard for the law, I believe Mr. Datto is probably going to receive a multi-million dollar settlement. I am sure though, that the defendant's attorneys are conspiring within the university to further ruin Mr. Datto's career. I would seek damages of at least $5 million and a transfer to a higher ranking medical school outside of Pennslvania - the equivalent of a venue change when a client cannot get a fair trial due to local media attention and politics. I would also file a criminal complaint against Dr. James Youakim for inappropriately using his license and medications to narcotize, sedate, and defame a potential whistleblower. If Dr. Youakim is utilizing his license for these purposes under the guise of medical treatment, he is violating criminal law and could very well be placed under house arrest. I also think that the fact that Dr. Nasca quickly decided to step down from his post as dean indicates to some degree the wrongdoing of the university. I would put him on the witness stand and tear him apart until he cried. Actually, I would present evidence showing conspiracy, defamation and unlawful medical racketeering activity. I know I could win this case. My client would certainly be made whole. Good luck to you Dr. Datto. In the meantime, I would welcome you to Georgia as my personal physician anytime. Please consider looking into other medical colleges as a transfer applicant. Based on the cover-up of the medical malpractice that you reported, this whistleblower case should not be too difficult to win. Be prepared for more slander on the part of Thomas Jefferson University. In addition, be prepared to deal with heartless people. Certainly, I think you will have God and morality on your side, which is what law is really about. Take care Doctor.

Lucas Simogian

Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson College of Health Science

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

This corporation sounds like a complete scam. Why do people trust them? It sounds like they violate RICO statutes. I am considering getting licensed in Pennsylvania so that I can handle the Jeffrey Peter Datto case, pro bono. Based on the facts of the case and Jefferson's moral disregard for the law, I believe Mr. Datto is probably going to receive a multi-million dollar settlement. I am sure though, that the defendant's attorneys are conspiring within the university to further ruin Mr. Datto's career. I would seek damages of at least $5 million and a transfer to a higher ranking medical school outside of Pennslvania - the equivalent of a venue change when a client cannot get a fair trial due to local media attention and politics. I would also file a criminal complaint against Dr. James Youakim for inappropriately using his license and medications to narcotize, sedate, and defame a potential whistleblower. If Dr. Youakim is utilizing his license for these purposes under the guise of medical treatment, he is violating criminal law and could very well be placed under house arrest. I also think that the fact that Dr. Nasca quickly decided to step down from his post as dean indicates to some degree the wrongdoing of the university. I would put him on the witness stand and tear him apart until he cried. Actually, I would present evidence showing conspiracy, defamation and unlawful medical racketeering activity. I know I could win this case. My client would certainly be made whole. Good luck to you Dr. Datto. In the meantime, I would welcome you to Georgia as my personal physician anytime. Please consider looking into other medical colleges as a transfer applicant. Based on the cover-up of the medical malpractice that you reported, this whistleblower case should not be too difficult to win. Be prepared for more slander on the part of Thomas Jefferson University. In addition, be prepared to deal with heartless people. Certainly, I think you will have God and morality on your side, which is what law is really about. Take care Doctor.

Lucas Simogian

Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson College of Health Science

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

This corporation sounds like a complete scam. Why do people trust them? It sounds like they violate RICO statutes. I am considering getting licensed in Pennsylvania so that I can handle the Jeffrey Peter Datto case, pro bono. Based on the facts of the case and Jefferson's moral disregard for the law, I believe Mr. Datto is probably going to receive a multi-million dollar settlement. I am sure though, that the defendant's attorneys are conspiring within the university to further ruin Mr. Datto's career. I would seek damages of at least $5 million and a transfer to a higher ranking medical school outside of Pennslvania - the equivalent of a venue change when a client cannot get a fair trial due to local media attention and politics. I would also file a criminal complaint against Dr. James Youakim for inappropriately using his license and medications to narcotize, sedate, and defame a potential whistleblower. If Dr. Youakim is utilizing his license for these purposes under the guise of medical treatment, he is violating criminal law and could very well be placed under house arrest. I also think that the fact that Dr. Nasca quickly decided to step down from his post as dean indicates to some degree the wrongdoing of the university. I would put him on the witness stand and tear him apart until he cried. Actually, I would present evidence showing conspiracy, defamation and unlawful medical racketeering activity. I know I could win this case. My client would certainly be made whole. Good luck to you Dr. Datto. In the meantime, I would welcome you to Georgia as my personal physician anytime. Please consider looking into other medical colleges as a transfer applicant. Based on the cover-up of the medical malpractice that you reported, this whistleblower case should not be too difficult to win. Be prepared for more slander on the part of Thomas Jefferson University. In addition, be prepared to deal with heartless people. Certainly, I think you will have God and morality on your side, which is what law is really about. Take care Doctor.

Saul David

Key West,
Drug Compaines Abusing African Americans in Hospitals at Home and Abroad

#25Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 16, 2008

Pharmaceutical companies are performing experiments on the Black community. This report attests to many of the things reported above. Thank God that some leaders are brave enough to stand up against huge and dangerous corporations. In addition to the article below, visit the medical apartheid website. The following excerpt proves to me that there is a dire need for cultural diversity and compassion within the field field medicine. It looks like the following is a modern day Tuskegee experiment carried out abroad. Let's all get together to discuss and stop racism in medicine. God bless you all. BMJ 2008;336:11 (5 January), News Nigerian judge orders arrests of Pfizer officials Jeanne Lenzer A Nigerian judge has ordered the arrests of three Pfizer officials for failing to attend court to respond to criminal charges against Pfizer for treating children with an experimental drug during a deadly meningitis outbreak in Kano, Nigeria, in 1996. Judge Shehu Atiku in Kano ordered arrest warrants for the head of Pfizer in Nigeria, Ngozi Edozien, and the senior officials Lare Baale and Segun Donguro, after they failed to attend court on 6 November. Government prosecutors in Nigeria say that Pfizer used critically ill children as "guinea pigs" to study Pfizer's experimental drug trovafloxacin. Four separate legal actions have been filed in Nigeria against Pfizer, including 31 criminal counts against 10 people. Plaintiffs seek a total of $9bn (4.5bn; 6bn) in civil suits. Pfizer says that it will "vigorously defend itself against the untrue allegations' in the government's lawsuits," and it says that the children died from meningitis and . . . [Full text of this article]

Saul David

Key West,
Medical Racketeering

#26UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 15, 2008

Medical racketeering is so widespread because the courts are being steered towards favoring doctors via political contributions and lobbying by the AMA. Even physician who have recently retired are beginning to tell the truth about their profession and their lack of control within the profession due to heavy influence by HMO's and pharmaceutical companies. One doctor reported the following which is all too common and certainly reflects what was probably done to Dr. Jeffrey Datto: "Many hospitals offer physicians incentives to hospitalize insured patients and to not hospitalize indigent patients. These may be positive incentives, ranging from subsidized office space to non-recourse loans, or negative incentives. Negative incentives can include termination of medical staff privileges, usually in the guise of a peer review proceeding.[6]" Beware of your physician! Pretty scary stuff, don't you think. Imagine what they will do to you for profit.

Kent Oppliger

Dr. Jimmy Tayoun aka Dr. James Tayoun

#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 15, 2008

Dr. Jimmy Tayoun works for Jefferson Hospital and its affiliates and is a known mobster. Beware! His dad wrote a book about going to prison and talks about the mob in prison, mafia correctional officers, and political corruption. Watch the movie, "Mafia Doctor" and you will see that this movie is a mirror of Dr. James Tayoun. The Italian mafia is connected throughout Philadelpia. The Jefferson Hospital and University attorneys are puppets for the cold, greedy and unethical physicians. The Jefferson attorneys do not care about anyone but their paycheck. These lawyers are sharks out to make a buck at the expense of innocent, hard-working, qualified students and employees. They are just pawns protecting evil administrators and money-hungry doctors. These drug abusing lawyers lie, cheat and steal. They scam students for their student loan and scholarship money. They perpetuate the abusive learning environment at Jefferson Medical College through their unethical and twisted interpretation of the law. Actually, they enjoy making peoples' lives miserable because misery loves company. In some cases, due to having to look the facts square in the face, they have been known to make settlements with employees in order to avoid having their wrongdoing publicized on the Philadelphia airwaves. Hopefully, one of these days, the federal government through the FBI will examine racketeering among medical doctors who use their status to scam money from innocent victims and abuse others that they see as a threat. Doctors racketeer by means of secrecy, a code of silence and a devious, modern-day, camouflaged brotherhood. Hopefully, the agents of the federal government will crack the very complicated nationwide network of abuse and fraud that exists in medicine, and is perpetuated and solidified via the American Medical Association and its corrupt money-worshiping attorneys. For anyone interested in the racketeering and mafia at Jefferson Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University, read the following excerpt from an interview with the father of Dr. Tayoun to get an idea of the poor social/learning environment at Jefferson Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University. "Jimmy Tayoun hides in plain sight now. The feds got him back in 1991. He served a little over three years for racketeering, mail fraud, obstruction of justice, and tax evasion. Free again, he was a soon enough big man in this town, a city councilman, a state rep, a mover. He ran for Congress twice. Lost twice, but the legend didn't suffer. He's got an office where he puts together a newsletter. There are old jazzy tunes crooning on the radio right now. Like a lot of people, Jimmy Tayoun misses Sinatra. ''We hustle,'' he says about his newsletter. Friends - old allies, old enemies - keep dropping a little ad business his way. ''We cover everything below the radar screen of the dailies - and they copy us.'' He cackles. He first got into politics in 1968. He charged right into crowds - blacks, whites, immigrant - shaking hands, slapping backs. He liked going into the housing projects. It got so folk would just see him coming and cry his name out. Jimmy Tiiiunnn! He says the feds had it out to get him. ''I pleaded guilty to everything,'' he says. ''I didn't have the money to fight. They wanted to indict my wife and kids. ... If I had O.J.'s money, I'd of won. I'd be mayor.'' He's behind the wheel of his car now, offering a tour of his town. Driving through neighborhoods, the windows down, slowing, waving, letting the greetings float to him. Hey Jimmy. Hiya Jimmy. Tayoun! Hiya doing Jimmy. Councilman. How you doing? A life gone bad, but hardly gone. No sir. He points to some men sitting in front of a small building. ''This is a mob place,'' he says. ''Hey fellas.'' Heads turn. They squint, and squint some more. Do they recognize the great Jimmy Tayoun? ''It's Tayoun, you blind bastards!'' ''Oh. Hey. Jimmy. Hiya doing Jimmy.'' He starts driving away. ''They can't see anymore,'' he laments. ''They don't wear glasses. It's vanity.'' Like so many who've done time and who have connections, Jimmy Tayoun wrote a book. ''Going to Jail,'' it's titled. An outfit out of Maine published it. ''It's in libraries,'' Jimmy Tayoun softly brags. ''Criminal lawyers have bought it.'' He turns down another street, looking and waving, human voices chattering at him like insects. Another mob hangout. Pink arms rising and lowering like weak tree limbs. ''The mob is a skeleton of what it used to be,'' he offers. ''It used to be a second culture.'' He says something dark about politics and the mob. ''The mob sold me out,'' he says, eschewing elaboration. He talks about his old district. ''I had the entire waterfront for approximately 13 miles. I had housing projects, blue collar workers. Everybody loved me.'' He's over near Indiana and 11th now. It's a tough neighborhood. Never mind the toughness. It's a Tayoun neighborhood. ''That's a senior citizens' building. I put that in.'' You ask the name of the building to jot it down. ''I don't remember.'' He's rolling on. Three of his six children are doctors. While he was away in prison, his wife, Delores, steadfastly stood by him. ''The feds put me away for nothing,'' he says, curving around another street corner. ''I could deliver 10,000 votes at the top of my game. Guaranteed, like clockwork.'' A prayer for Jimmy Tayoun then. The Republicans will come and go. They will leave a city behind. The black man says he will indeed vote in the general election, even though he believes a lot about modern politics is ''a sham.'' The black man is alive to vote, you see, because the young white man died. Robert Welton was walking home up Wharton street one day. He could hardly breathe. Doctors told him he needed another heart. He worked his whole life here, a city traffic agent. He grew up near an Italian neighborhood. ''Everybody took care of each other. We didn't have race fights.'' His wife, Norma - ''my sweetie'' - nearly lost it when he was diagnosed, he says. She went through as much pain as he did. It was Dec. 12, 1992, when the transplant happened. A 20-year-old white man had died in a car accident. ''They just don't put this in you and say go home,'' he says, pointing to his chest, the hidden heart. One life lost. Another life reborn. ''A psychiatrist asks you, 'Why do you want to have this heart?' I said, 'I want to see my oldest grandson graduate high school and go to college.''' The grandson's name is Dustin Berke. He's just gone off to college orientation in New York. Welton says the need to see his grandson go to college willed him through surgery. ''This is why I'm living,'' he says. ''I'm one of the lucky people that came through this life. It's not always dollars and cents. It's the peace. If I should go today, or tomorrow, I wouldn't mind. Life don't owe me nothing now.'' Robert Welton has just dropped a tear. He swivels his head, looks up the street into the sunshine of Philly. Norma, his sweetie, should be coming on home in a little bit.' Don't forget that Jim Tayoun is the noted author of the 'Going to Prison?' handbook, based on his first-hand experience: Going to Prison? 5th Edition by Jimmy Tayoun Audenreed Press Going To Prison? is a practical guide for the soon-to-be-inmate. It helps ease the transition to prison life and has been praised by inmates and prison staff alike. This essential handbook not only contains invaluable information for the new prisoner and his or her family and friends, but also for probation officers, attorneys, social workers, clergy, prison staff and administration, law and criminology students, prisoner advocates and even for the general public. Whether personally, professionally or financially - prison affects us all. ISBN: 1-879418-33-9 2002 $9.95 US Softcover ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jim Tayoun has peppered his six plus decades in this life with three 2-year terms in the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives, four 4-year terms on the Philadelphia City Council, 19 years as a newspaperman, while sandwiching all the above with his role as manager of his family's famed Middle East Restaurant in the historic district of Philadelphia. He received a 40-month Federal prison sentence in 1991. He considers his prison time as his fourth career, and looks to further writing as his fifth.


New York,
New York,
Dr. James Youakim aka Jim Youakim

#28Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 26, 2007

Dr. Youakim was a psychiatrist used by Jefferson Hospital to get rid of students and residents that are blackballed. Dr. Youakim uses slander and defamation by pinning an incorrect diagnosis on people to stigmatize them and make it easier for committees to dismiss students and fire residents. The Psychiatry Department at Jefferson Hospital is a defamation center. Beware! Dr. James Maurice Youakim, aka Jim Youakim, Dr. Youakim is the son of a quack opthamologist in Florida. Dr. Youakim has clearly followed in the footsteps of quackery. Beware of this unethical physician who will slander and defame you for money. He is a known "hitman psychiatrist" or "corporate hitman" who is used by medical corporations to "finish off" students and employees who the hospital or university wishes to blackball and terminate. Reports indicate that Dr. Youakim no longer works for Jefferson Hospital and Jefferson Medical College. He skipped town and now has a solo practice in the suburbs of central Pennsylvania. There is plenty of corruption at Jefferson Medical College, Jefferson Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University. I know of cases where women had sex with doctors to pass classes and advance their career. In addition, if you have any kind of disability, you will be a marked man, and anything you do wrong will lead to blackballing and termination. Beware!! Recently, a very evil physician named Dr. Philip Wolfson died under mysterious circumstances. It appears that it may have been a suicide. Dr. Wolfson was heavily involved in the corruption at Jefferson Medical College. Dr. Shane Litvin also died about 2 years ago of an apparent suicide. He was a good man who stood up against corruption at Jefferson Medical College and Thomas Jefferson University. The establishment was attempting to blackball him and ruin his career. He wasn't even 30 years old yet. May he rest in peace. May God be with anyone who stands up against this corrupt institution. The Guardian Angels will always be by your side.

Dr. Jeffrey Peter Datto, Ph.d.

Thomas Jefferson University retaliated and dismissed from the program after reporting medilcal malpractice ....

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 14, 2007

I was dismissed from that University 2 days before geting my MD degree. I was a MD PhD student and a Principal Investigator on a NIH grant. I reported gross negligence and malpractice at that hospital and they retaliated against me. More info can be found at www.drjeffmdphd.com if you are reading this please don't hesitate to contact me at any time. [email protected] I filed a lawsuit and still searching for the right attorney.

Helen Mcgraw

Dr. Brian Shrager loses license in Pennsylvania due to Operating while Intoxicated with Cocaine

#30Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 08, 2007

This doctor now practices in Niceville, Florida. He is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College. He operates on patients while under the influence of illegal drugs, namely cocaine. BEWARE! Do not trust him with you or your loved ones!

Helen Mcgraw

Dr. Christian Barotti

#31Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 08, 2007

This doctor is very dangerous and is a known drunk. Do not trust him with your health! He is money hungry! Beware, do not let him put you under anesthesia. He cannot be trusted. He almost killed my friend.


Dr. Wolfson, Dr. Edie, Dr. Carl Mele, Dr. Nasca, Ed Christian, Dr. C. Barotti, Dr. Michael Hoffmann,Jefferson Hospital Doctors are Cold Greedy Doctors

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, June 21, 2007

Stay away from Jefferson Hospital. The doctors there are cold and greedy. Also watch out for the racist Jewish doctors. If you are not a Jew, they will lie and cheat to make your life miserable and take all your money. I watched Sicko the other day and it reminded me of these sick doctors - sick in the sense that they see illness as something to profit from instead of seeing illness in a human way. What consumers need to do is probably Nationalize healthcare and get rid of the greedy, hearless physician and replace them with truly compassionate souls! Beware, all the doctors above have ripped people off!


Criminals at Jefferson Medical College and Jefferson Hospital

#33Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

It has always been rumored that some of the physicians at Jefferson Hospital are involved with organized crime. Being that medicine is becoming more and more of a greed profession this is nothing new. Organized medicine is run by the huge conglomerates, i.e. pharmaceutical companies. The Italian physicians at Jefferson have known organized crime connections. A horror story occurred at Jefferson Medical College which pre-med students should be informed about for their safety and peace of mind. I would recommend that students stay away from this corrupt and cryptic institution. Read below: Lea F. Sullivan '01, a former Cabot House computer science concentrator, passed away Monday after a medical school acquaintance attacked her with a baseball bat on a crowded Philadelphia street corner. Philadelphia detectives allege that Nader Ali, who attended Jefferson Medical College with Sullivan, struck her on the back of the head outside a Whole Foods supermarket Sunday afternoon. Ali reportedly drove away from the crime scenebut not before bystanders took down his license-plate number. Officer Sheila Smith of the Philadelphia Police Department said that Ali was arrested Monday morning at his parents' home in Bergen County, N.J. Police told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Ali and Sullivan had very limited contact while the two were at Jefferson Medical College. Ali was placed on a medical leave of absence during the last academic year because of an extreme change in behavior, said Phyllis M. Fisher, a spokesperson for Thomas Jefferson University, which oversees Jefferson Medical College. She declined to elaborate, citing the confidentiality of Ali's case. Sullivan was rushed to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital after the attack. She never regained consciousness, and doctors pronounced her dead at 2:36 p.m. on Monday, Fisher said. Sullivan, 25, was in her third year of study at Jefferson Medical College and had been involved in the school's student council. Fisher said that, in deference to the wishes of the victim's family, the school has yet to issue a public announcement of Sullivan's death. At Harvard, Sullivan lived in Thayer Hall as a freshman and played on the varsity lacrosse team for two years. Those who played lacrosse with Sullivan are devastated and heartbroken, said former teammate Megan Austin '01. She was an incredible woman, said Courtney H. Leimkuhler '01, who described Sullivan as a quiet force on the team. She was one of the nicest people I've ever knownvery soft-spoken, always had a smile on her face, said former teammate Lauren E. Corkery '01, a former Kirkland House psychology concentrator. Before coming to Harvard, Sullivan was a three-sport athlete and homecoming queen at Radnor High School in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. Karen C. Tseng '01, a third-year at Harvard Law School who also attended Radnor, said that Sullivan easily gained the universal affection of her high school classmates. No question she is one of the kindest, most down-to-earth, sweetest people I ever met, said Tseng, who first met Sullivan when the two were in second grade. She was a class act, Tseng said. Sullivan's family has yet to release details of a funeral or memorial service, Tseng said.


Criminals at Jefferson Medical College and Jefferson Hospital

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

It has always been rumored that some of the physicians at Jefferson Hospital are involved with organized crime. Being that medicine is becoming more and more of a greed profession this is nothing new. Organized medicine is run by the huge conglomerates, i.e. pharmaceutical companies. The Italian physicians at Jefferson have known organized crime connections. A horror story occurred at Jefferson Medical College which pre-med students should be informed about for their safety and peace of mind. I would recommend that students stay away from this corrupt and cryptic institution. Read below: Lea F. Sullivan '01, a former Cabot House computer science concentrator, passed away Monday after a medical school acquaintance attacked her with a baseball bat on a crowded Philadelphia street corner. Philadelphia detectives allege that Nader Ali, who attended Jefferson Medical College with Sullivan, struck her on the back of the head outside a Whole Foods supermarket Sunday afternoon. Ali reportedly drove away from the crime scenebut not before bystanders took down his license-plate number. Officer Sheila Smith of the Philadelphia Police Department said that Ali was arrested Monday morning at his parents' home in Bergen County, N.J. Police told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Ali and Sullivan had very limited contact while the two were at Jefferson Medical College. Ali was placed on a medical leave of absence during the last academic year because of an extreme change in behavior, said Phyllis M. Fisher, a spokesperson for Thomas Jefferson University, which oversees Jefferson Medical College. She declined to elaborate, citing the confidentiality of Ali's case. Sullivan was rushed to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital after the attack. She never regained consciousness, and doctors pronounced her dead at 2:36 p.m. on Monday, Fisher said. Sullivan, 25, was in her third year of study at Jefferson Medical College and had been involved in the school's student council. Fisher said that, in deference to the wishes of the victim's family, the school has yet to issue a public announcement of Sullivan's death. At Harvard, Sullivan lived in Thayer Hall as a freshman and played on the varsity lacrosse team for two years. Those who played lacrosse with Sullivan are devastated and heartbroken, said former teammate Megan Austin '01. She was an incredible woman, said Courtney H. Leimkuhler '01, who described Sullivan as a quiet force on the team. She was one of the nicest people I've ever knownvery soft-spoken, always had a smile on her face, said former teammate Lauren E. Corkery '01, a former Kirkland House psychology concentrator. Before coming to Harvard, Sullivan was a three-sport athlete and homecoming queen at Radnor High School in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. Karen C. Tseng '01, a third-year at Harvard Law School who also attended Radnor, said that Sullivan easily gained the universal affection of her high school classmates. No question she is one of the kindest, most down-to-earth, sweetest people I ever met, said Tseng, who first met Sullivan when the two were in second grade. She was a class act, Tseng said. Sullivan's family has yet to release details of a funeral or memorial service, Tseng said.


Criminals at Jefferson Medical College and Jefferson Hospital

#35Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

It has always been rumored that some of the physicians at Jefferson Hospital are involved with organized crime. Being that medicine is becoming more and more of a greed profession this is nothing new. Organized medicine is run by the huge conglomerates, i.e. pharmaceutical companies. The Italian physicians at Jefferson have known organized crime connections. A horror story occurred at Jefferson Medical College which pre-med students should be informed about for their safety and peace of mind. I would recommend that students stay away from this corrupt and cryptic institution. Read below: Lea F. Sullivan '01, a former Cabot House computer science concentrator, passed away Monday after a medical school acquaintance attacked her with a baseball bat on a crowded Philadelphia street corner. Philadelphia detectives allege that Nader Ali, who attended Jefferson Medical College with Sullivan, struck her on the back of the head outside a Whole Foods supermarket Sunday afternoon. Ali reportedly drove away from the crime scenebut not before bystanders took down his license-plate number. Officer Sheila Smith of the Philadelphia Police Department said that Ali was arrested Monday morning at his parents' home in Bergen County, N.J. Police told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Ali and Sullivan had very limited contact while the two were at Jefferson Medical College. Ali was placed on a medical leave of absence during the last academic year because of an extreme change in behavior, said Phyllis M. Fisher, a spokesperson for Thomas Jefferson University, which oversees Jefferson Medical College. She declined to elaborate, citing the confidentiality of Ali's case. Sullivan was rushed to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital after the attack. She never regained consciousness, and doctors pronounced her dead at 2:36 p.m. on Monday, Fisher said. Sullivan, 25, was in her third year of study at Jefferson Medical College and had been involved in the school's student council. Fisher said that, in deference to the wishes of the victim's family, the school has yet to issue a public announcement of Sullivan's death. At Harvard, Sullivan lived in Thayer Hall as a freshman and played on the varsity lacrosse team for two years. Those who played lacrosse with Sullivan are devastated and heartbroken, said former teammate Megan Austin '01. She was an incredible woman, said Courtney H. Leimkuhler '01, who described Sullivan as a quiet force on the team. She was one of the nicest people I've ever knownvery soft-spoken, always had a smile on her face, said former teammate Lauren E. Corkery '01, a former Kirkland House psychology concentrator. Before coming to Harvard, Sullivan was a three-sport athlete and homecoming queen at Radnor High School in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. Karen C. Tseng '01, a third-year at Harvard Law School who also attended Radnor, said that Sullivan easily gained the universal affection of her high school classmates. No question she is one of the kindest, most down-to-earth, sweetest people I ever met, said Tseng, who first met Sullivan when the two were in second grade. She was a class act, Tseng said. Sullivan's family has yet to release details of a funeral or memorial service, Tseng said.


Criminals at Jefferson Medical College and Jefferson Hospital

#36Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

It has always been rumored that some of the physicians at Jefferson Hospital are involved with organized crime. Being that medicine is becoming more and more of a greed profession this is nothing new. Organized medicine is run by the huge conglomerates, i.e. pharmaceutical companies. The Italian physicians at Jefferson have known organized crime connections. A horror story occurred at Jefferson Medical College which pre-med students should be informed about for their safety and peace of mind. I would recommend that students stay away from this corrupt and cryptic institution. Read below: Lea F. Sullivan '01, a former Cabot House computer science concentrator, passed away Monday after a medical school acquaintance attacked her with a baseball bat on a crowded Philadelphia street corner. Philadelphia detectives allege that Nader Ali, who attended Jefferson Medical College with Sullivan, struck her on the back of the head outside a Whole Foods supermarket Sunday afternoon. Ali reportedly drove away from the crime scenebut not before bystanders took down his license-plate number. Officer Sheila Smith of the Philadelphia Police Department said that Ali was arrested Monday morning at his parents' home in Bergen County, N.J. Police told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Ali and Sullivan had very limited contact while the two were at Jefferson Medical College. Ali was placed on a medical leave of absence during the last academic year because of an extreme change in behavior, said Phyllis M. Fisher, a spokesperson for Thomas Jefferson University, which oversees Jefferson Medical College. She declined to elaborate, citing the confidentiality of Ali's case. Sullivan was rushed to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital after the attack. She never regained consciousness, and doctors pronounced her dead at 2:36 p.m. on Monday, Fisher said. Sullivan, 25, was in her third year of study at Jefferson Medical College and had been involved in the school's student council. Fisher said that, in deference to the wishes of the victim's family, the school has yet to issue a public announcement of Sullivan's death. At Harvard, Sullivan lived in Thayer Hall as a freshman and played on the varsity lacrosse team for two years. Those who played lacrosse with Sullivan are devastated and heartbroken, said former teammate Megan Austin '01. She was an incredible woman, said Courtney H. Leimkuhler '01, who described Sullivan as a quiet force on the team. She was one of the nicest people I've ever knownvery soft-spoken, always had a smile on her face, said former teammate Lauren E. Corkery '01, a former Kirkland House psychology concentrator. Before coming to Harvard, Sullivan was a three-sport athlete and homecoming queen at Radnor High School in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. Karen C. Tseng '01, a third-year at Harvard Law School who also attended Radnor, said that Sullivan easily gained the universal affection of her high school classmates. No question she is one of the kindest, most down-to-earth, sweetest people I ever met, said Tseng, who first met Sullivan when the two were in second grade. She was a class act, Tseng said. Sullivan's family has yet to release details of a funeral or memorial service, Tseng said.


New York,

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, April 22, 2007

I have read through this report and have a question... just how is this institution racist?? Not a single posting gives any evidence of racist behavior...


Jefferson Medical College = Racism & Fraud

#38Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 22, 2007

Jefferson Hospital and Jefferson Medical College need to be shut down due to ethical violations. The Federal Government should overhall these racist institutions or stop giving them monies.


Jefferson Medical College -- Alumni Ray Sahelian

#39Consumer Comment

Fri, April 06, 2007

From the other reports for Jefferson Medical College, it seems that this school is good at producing shady doctors like Ray Sahelian. He is a self proclaimed ?internationally recognized? guru of nutrition. Doctor, if we can call him that, Ray Sahelian is an online DHEA peddler. DHEA is not a safe substance but a ?potent steroid hormone. DHEA has the potential for far-reaching side effects throughout the body. With DHEA and aging, there are no proven benefits and some potentially serious risks. Yet people are flocking to use this virtually unregulated substance, which troubles HealthNews associate editor Arthur Feinberg, MD. The potential for irreversible side effects is real," he says. "So given that there's no convincing evidence for any benefit of DHEA, I feel strongly that people should not take it." Reference link: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/dhea.html Quackwatch is run by Stephen Barret M.D. (A real doctor) ?Stephen Barrett, M.D., a retired psychiatrist who resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania, has achieved national renown as an author, editor, and consumer advocate. In addition to heading Quackwatch, he is vice-president of the National Council Against Health Fraud, a scientific advisor to the American Council on Science and Health, and a Fellow of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). In 1984, he received an FDA Commissioner's Special Citation Award for Public Service in fighting nutrition quackery. In 1986, he was awarded honorary membership in the American Dietetic Association. From 1987 through 1989, he taught health education at The Pennsylvania State University. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America and received the 2001 Distinguished Service to Health Education Award from the American Association for Health Education.? Reference link: http://www.quackwatch.org/10Bio/bio.html Do not listen to the advice of such quacks as Ray Sahelian. A doctor who is more interested in making money by selling people dangerous substances should be put in jail. Not sure if we can put all the blame on him though. It seems that the school where he got is ?medical training? could have a lot to do with it.


Texas Torture Case begins at Jeffeson Medical College

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, March 09, 2007

Cheating and doping scandals at Jefferson Medical College, fraud, deception, blackballing... See the Harold Mandel story... "Years prior to this case when I had learned there was a cheating scandal at Jefferson Medical College where I earned my MD I made a mistake and told Dr Edeiken about this matter. Dr Edeiken was professor of radiology at Jefferson Medical College at the time. This cheating scandal concerned me because in a traditional medical school where the exams are graded on a curve this scandal explained why many of my test grades were not as high as they should have been. Dr Edeiken, who clearly cheated in medical school, blew up when I told him about this cheating scandal and threatened to ruin my entire life and career if I ever told anyone about it. However, Dr McCoviak, who was the Dean of Students at Jefferson responded differently to this disclosure. Dr McCoviak, who was a friendly cardiologist, told me things were like that at Jefferson for a hundred years just like back when he was a student and to just please do whatever the other students were doing to do well on the exams and I would go to the top of my classes on my exams. He was right. That is what happened when an old friend from Dickinson College and a fellow Jefferson student, Dr Bob Mirabile, handed me copies of the exams at Jefferson which he told me most of the other students had and used for studying for generations. Each year there are only a small number of new facts to be tested in some of the clinical courses. Apparently Dr Edeiken heard through channels that I had mentioned the Jefferson Medical College cheating scandals to an old colleague, Dr Nancy Lucky, during our senior elective together in Hawaii at Kapiolanis Childrens Center in Honolulu. Nancy is an attractive blond from southern California who is still living out her dreams as a child psychiatrist in Hawaii because a son-of-a-b***h like Dr Edeiken never got in her way. And nobody, including me, tried to ruin Nancys career with accusations of mental illness when she pleasantly surprised me and stripped down naked on Diamond Head beach at lunch one afternoon in 1980. The texts say people suffering from bipolar disorder appear in public places naked. Our quick affair thereafter did not work out well because I was so pre-occupied with getting back to the hospital and doing my work well in my elective. Nancy obviously had more powerful friends than me in the medical education system."



#41Consumer Comment

Fri, March 09, 2007

Jefferson Hospital Settles Fraud Lawsuit for $12 million. Another case of greed and lies! Read below... "The PATH audit focused on whether there was adequate documentation of the involvement of an attending physician in the care of an inpatient at a teaching hospital, and whether Medicare was appropriately billed for the services that were provided. 19 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital settled the case for $12 million." [to avoid investigation]. see "HIPPA and Health Care Fraud" by David A. Hyman.


Bad Doctors at Jefferson Medical College - BEWARE!

#42Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 27, 2007

It sounds like this medical school is producing bad doctors. They are obviously not as good as they think they are. They should accept more minorities to reflect the population. Racism and elitism are outdated. They need to get with the program. Here is one of the doctors that they made sure graduated because he probably walked and talked just like them. Let's see what he did. Read below... Verdict: psychiatrist, a Jefferson Medical College graduate to pay damages In June 2002, a Hampden County Massachusetts jury awarded Joan E. Hamel $500,000 in damages against psychiatrist Kenneth Jaffe. Jaffe prescribed the antipsychotic drug Mellaril, resulting in a condition known as tardive dyskinesia, a serious nerve disorder that manifests as uncontrollable body and facial movements and for which there is no known cure. Jaffe, a member of the American Psychiatric Association, graduated from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and did his psychiatric residency at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. He treated Hamel from 1984 through 1995, but failed to inform her of the risks associated with the drugs and to adequately monitor her. psychcrime.org


Jefferson Medical College Racism and Tokenism

#43Consumer Comment

Fri, February 23, 2007

To me, tokenism is a part of racism! This school seems to be full of people with superiority complexes. Get real people!


Disadvantaged Minorities should avoid this school

#44Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 23, 2007

This school charges so much and to not give minorities the support they need just seems unjustifiable to me. I am not letting my son and daughter apply to this medical school. Thanks for the information. Sorry to hear that we still have these problems with race, class, sexism and homophobia in medical schools. Don't these physicians know that they are training doctors that will be going to work in communities without equal access to health care. They should give every student the support they need to be the best. I recommend that minorities go to medical schools where there is a critical mass of students of color so that they do not have to worry about getting burned behind the scenes by racist, unethical physicians who use their title to degrade others and make it difficult for them to reach their true potential. To me, that is flat our illegal discrimination. I would also watch out for the paid recruiters of these medical schools who will lie to minority applicants to get them to attend the school and be the TOKENS. These recruiters are just like athletic recruiters; they do not care about the student, only the numbers. Avoid this school like the plague!


Disadvantaged Minorities should avoid this school

#45Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 23, 2007

This school charges so much and to not give minorities the support they need just seems unjustifiable to me. I am not letting my son and daughter apply to this medical school. Thanks for the information. Sorry to hear that we still have these problems with race, class, sexism and homophobia in medical schools. Don't these physicians know that they are training doctors that will be going to work in communities without equal access to health care. They should give every student the support they need to be the best. I recommend that minorities go to medical schools where there is a critical mass of students of color so that they do not have to worry about getting burned behind the scenes by racist, unethical physicians who use their title to degrade others and make it difficult for them to reach their true potential. To me, that is flat our illegal discrimination. I would also watch out for the paid recruiters of these medical schools who will lie to minority applicants to get them to attend the school and be the TOKENS. These recruiters are just like athletic recruiters; they do not care about the student, only the numbers. Avoid this school like the plague!


Disadvantaged Minorities should avoid this school

#46Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 23, 2007

This school charges so much and to not give minorities the support they need just seems unjustifiable to me. I am not letting my son and daughter apply to this medical school. Thanks for the information. Sorry to hear that we still have these problems with race, class, sexism and homophobia in medical schools. Don't these physicians know that they are training doctors that will be going to work in communities without equal access to health care. They should give every student the support they need to be the best. I recommend that minorities go to medical schools where there is a critical mass of students of color so that they do not have to worry about getting burned behind the scenes by racist, unethical physicians who use their title to degrade others and make it difficult for them to reach their true potential. To me, that is flat our illegal discrimination. I would also watch out for the paid recruiters of these medical schools who will lie to minority applicants to get them to attend the school and be the TOKENS. These recruiters are just like athletic recruiters; they do not care about the student, only the numbers. Avoid this school like the plague!


Disadvantaged Minorities should avoid this school

#47Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 23, 2007

This school charges so much and to not give minorities the support they need just seems unjustifiable to me. I am not letting my son and daughter apply to this medical school. Thanks for the information. Sorry to hear that we still have these problems with race, class, sexism and homophobia in medical schools. Don't these physicians know that they are training doctors that will be going to work in communities without equal access to health care. They should give every student the support they need to be the best. I recommend that minorities go to medical schools where there is a critical mass of students of color so that they do not have to worry about getting burned behind the scenes by racist, unethical physicians who use their title to degrade others and make it difficult for them to reach their true potential. To me, that is flat our illegal discrimination. I would also watch out for the paid recruiters of these medical schools who will lie to minority applicants to get them to attend the school and be the TOKENS. These recruiters are just like athletic recruiters; they do not care about the student, only the numbers. Avoid this school like the plague!


I would have to agree with much of this report.

#48Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 08, 2005

When I went there in 1990 it was very racist but in an East Coast quiet type of way. I saw a lot of mistakes being made too but of course you cannot report them or there will be consequences. If you are a pre-med student stay away from this school because they just want your application fee. They get about 35000 applications for which they charge about $100.00. This is $350,000.00 to pay for about 10 individual yearly salaries. Avoid this scam!

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