  • Report:  #634661

Complaint Review: Jim Thomas - Hinesville Georgia

Reported By:
Ben10 - Hinesville, Georgia, USA

Jim Thomas
115 East MLK Drive Hinesville, 31313 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The Mayor of Hinesville, GA, Jim Thomas gave the order to a Lieutenant of HPD to evict me from 584 West Oglethorpe Hwy, Hinesville GA claiming to exercise the powers of his office. A Mayor cannot lawfully order an eviction. An eviction can only take place with a court order and a sheriff's affidavit delivered by the sheriff.

The Kirk Healing Center's board members established a reputation during my stay at the residence for gross negligence and other acts of malfeasance. They particularly gave me inferior treatment. I arrived there at the residence on Dec 2nd 2009, and by June 2010, their history of abuse was outstanding.

Dr. Alicia Kirk, 76, is the co-chairwoman of the Center's board of directors. The board has the purpose of making sure that the rules agreed to mentioned in the contract that each resident signs, are adhered to.Unfortunately,she, with the rest of them, did not display competence and moral integrity in the position.

She held a meeting on Wed June 23, 2010 at the residence to discuss "changes" that would be taking place. She was accompanied by a deacon from St. Philips Church.I took this meeting as opportunity to conversate about the mistreatment when she began to subtly deny one of my rights, pretending to address the entire group.

I was aware of the mentality of the board toward this right for quite some time, namely to apply for and work at the job sites of my choosing, ones that fit my skills and interests. It was my career, my future, not hers, and she along with the others sought to cause me harm.

She criticized the idea of not accepting any type of job, particularly not accepting low-level minimum wage jobs at fast food restaurants, a conversation which just ended, saying that "an employer will value a resume that has nothing but a list of ten minimum wage jobs because its shows that an employee is willing to work!!" People not willing to take these types of jobs, with these being absent from a job history, the employer will not consider hiring you because he understands that you are on your high horse!"


She continued her nonsensical ranting" And i notice this with anyone here who is not willing to scrub floors or be a fast food server. They are on their high horse. This is a negative mentality to have, and such a mentality is not tolerated at this Center."

Nothing in the contract mentions that i must search for jobs of their choosing. That would be a violation of basic human rights. I was the only resident ever harassed about job selection during my stay there. The relationship was that of landlord-tenant, an assisted housing program for lower income individuals.

Since this was one of many times they decided to overstep their boundaries, i voiced my disapproval. I first told her confidently 'Could i speak to you outside after the meeting", but i would have no more of her disrespect. I told her that i was sick of her discrimination.

We argued a bit infront of the other residents, then i went inside my room. After the meeting's conclusion, I mentioned to her one of Center's evil acts. I told her that if she ever gave me an eviction notice again in retaliation for calling the police on a resident who had threatened to kill me, (this took place in March 2010, with the eviction notice given in April), I would report her to Congress and her "organization"would become a government run institution.

Dr. Alicia Kirk after the meeting lied to the Mayor of Hinesville and told him that I threatened to kill her, due to her fear of Congress and the law. She calls me the next day, the 24th, and mentions nothing about an alleged threat. She called to ask me as if she were dumb, why i was so upset the day before. I mentioned to her on Wed that i would respond fully in writing, and repeated my self over the phone. "I am awaiting your letter" she says, and I hung up.

On June 26,2010, Pastor Nancy Kornegay holds a meeting at the VHS office, 105 N. Main St, Hinesville GA 31313, and brings up the subject of threats and mental instability. I heard from other residents in July that as soon as i entered my room that day, Dr. Kirk accused me of being mentally unstable, because she couldnt understand why i was so upset.

Pastor Nancy Kornegay, co-chairwoman mentioned that the Mayor of Hinesville authorized her to carry out on the spot evictions for any threats made or for mental instability. She has us sign paperwork. During the meeting, a man named officer Cid, begins to become angry with me and stare at me as if he was going to do me harm because i emphasized personal responsibility of residents involving cleanliness of  chore locations.

When i demanded that he stop looking at me disrespectfully, Pastor Nancy interjected, saying to him that i was mentally unstable. Later she mentioned that she wanted to see me after the meeting. After the meeting in her office, she said i was being evicted for making a threat to kill Dr. Kirk.

When Lester Donaldo Meena, the resident supervisor, informed her that he was a witness to the event and no threat was made, she switched the subject to jobs.

She asked me why i quit my job in Feb 2010 for Andrew L. Smith of Dublin Glass, on the board of directors for the Center back in Feb 2010. I told her what she already knew, that i did so to take a job at Sonic. And i mentioned other things like Andrew does not pay people on time.

Andrew's construction site wasnt even a full time job. You may work for a week, then not be offered to work again for a month, just depending on need.

 Sonic Drive Thru was not my free choice, they pressured me into applying for this type of job. She told me that i didnt have a right to quit my job, and that i must accept any job.

I also told her of workplace discrimination at Sonic Drive Thru, and i was left off the schedule for three weeks and falsely accused of not coming in, so i quit. I told her that this was an Equal Employment Opportunity issue. I also told her that i was not given equal opportunity at the residence. She responded 'What is this EEO crap?" I can tell you are mentally unstable.

She told me that she could tell by the fact that i disagreed with her about jobs, and answered questions with questions, that i was mentally unstable. "When i asked you have you ever been mentally assessed because of your opinions about jobs, you responded by asking me had i been mentally assessed?!!! "Did you know if  i showed the DSM III and DSM IV to a courtroom and pointed to them your contradictions of me and your answering questions with questions that the judge and jury would find you mentally unstable?" she said.

I already read the DSM's and understood what she was saying was not even in the manuals, and just contradicted common sense. Pastor Nancy is not a professional psychologist and with her bizarre conclusions, would not make a very good one.

We argued a little further about my job selection, with Officer Cid and another man brown skin probably on the board of directors yelling telling me to shut up, Pastor Nancy Kornegay emphasizing the fact that she was older than me, and then she called the police saying that it had already been decided to evict me by the Mayor, but she had been trying to give me a chance to explain myself.

"Its clear from the testimony of Lester that maybe there was a misunderstanding about what was said to Dr.Kirk, but since you keep contradicting me about jobs, you are clearly mentally unstable and we are evicting you tonight!!!By order of the Mayor!!! You are going somewhere where you can get some help!!!!

She called the police, and Officer Darel Shazer badge number 139 arrives. The first thing he says when Pastor Nancy says something to him "Oh im here for a reason other than what i was originally told" Whatever that meant. He told me he was waiting for confirmation from Lt. Watts that the Mayor ordered the eviction. He did in fact receive this confirmation over the radio. He never investigated the claims. When i asked to file a report about the lies, he told me no.

I continued to explain to him anyway, but was interrupted by Nancy who lied to 139 and said that he made threats in writing in the past. By threats, she meant a warning letter I sent after the original eviction notice was given to me pointing out the violations of Georgia state law in the letter and my intent to sue them for discrimination. The eviction notice was rescinded after the warning letter was given, and with the urging of house manager Derrick Johnson, who didnt believe i deserved to be without a place to stay.

Nancy claimed the threat of harm was in the letters, she never showed this to the officer, but he escorted me out after she said this, threatening me with arrest for noncompliance, saying i was being evicted from the residence. He said that he would not refuse to obey the Mayor's orders to evict me.

I was escorted to get a few things, barred from the residence and told by multiple officers that if i ever came closer than the sidewalk that i would be charged with criminal trespassing and taken away. One tall officer was present with glasses and a mustache, perhaps mid-40's along with Lt. Watts at the residence. Standing there as i was coerced and threatened by 139 to leave, at nightime June 26th 2009, said that "the Hinesville Police Department doesnt do evictions, so we'll have to write this off as something else."

I was told by Officer Cid,who was in civilian clothing at the sidewalk "You can either go that way, or you can go that way. You are evicted. If you come back here you will be charged with criminal trespassing and taken to the station.

I called the police soon after to inform that i had been illegally evicted from a residence by the police, and i got the same officer who had coerced me to leave. He came back and made more threats. They all conspired against my right to inhabit. I was escorted away without food or water.

The Mayor, The Hinesville Police Department and the Kirk Healing Center totally ripped me off. Their conspiracy is ongoing.





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