  • Report:  #90233

Complaint Review: JOHN BECK - Utah

Reported By:

Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?




17 Updates & Rebuttals


The John Beck Scam.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 23, 2004

Hey there Tricia, I hope that this update finds you along with everyone else in good spirits and health. I am really happy that you were able to receive your money back. I only hope that everyone else are able to do the same. I hope and pray to someday see hundreds or even thousands of victims of this scam, get refunded with a huge compensation. Since obviously no one is policing television networks and all the fraudulent infomercials, that are now being aired, I will continue to stick around this website to warn as many people about the fraudulent John Beck programs, as I possibly can. I am even willing to assist anyone and everyone through the long and painful journey of obtaining a refund, with compensation, from this fraudulent company. Trust me, the John Beck program is fraudulent. As a matter of fact,,, any and all "money making" programs, that charge any fees for enrollment are scams. Sad to say, that the majority of business opportunities that are published in business opportunity magazines, infomercials, received through the mail, etc, etc, are pure nonsense. Many if not all of these bogus "home based businesses" are really only interested in finding many who would be willing to advertise for them. Legitimate businesses NEVER charge fees for enrollment. Why should anyone pay a fee to a company, when they would be working for the said company? When was the last time someone paid his employer to be placed on the company payroll? Legitimate businesses are never interested in profiting from enrollements of any kind. Legitimate businesses are comfortable and confident in their products and or services. Many businesses that sell garbage via PAID infomercials are fraudulent, in that they blatantly mislead the public. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. Infomercials often contain many hidden fine print and if that in itself isn't bad enough, their fine print are often blurry, and just a mere flash on the screen. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. Far too many infomercials, often exagerate their program's earning potential, while fails to disclose their program's true success to failure ratios. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. Infomercials often fail to notify anyone, if an enormous investment awaits. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. Many infomercials feature over the hill celebrities. Why is that? Because it gives the public a false impression, that the company is legit, when it's most likely not. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. Testimonials prove absolutely nothing, therefore, means absolutely nothing. So why do infomercials feel obligated to use them? Testimonials provides companies with a false sense of credibility. Deceptive+Misleading=Fraudulent. The fraudulent John Beck program goes far beyond the points that I've stated. The fraudulent John beck Mentoring Institute has no professional website. The fraudulent John beck Mentoring Institute are constantly changing their business phone numbers. The fraudulent John beck Mentoring Institute's staff are rude and unprofessional, which further leads me to believe, that their company's a scam operation. Legitimate businesses are those that have truly created a win/win situation for both the company and their clients. Also, any legitimate business would never have allowed this many reports against them to have gone unacknowledged and unresolved. If any "home based business" truly had the earning potential, that they so fraudulently claim, trust me, they wouldn't peddle it through infomercials, magazines, internet, etc, etc. If any "home based business" truly had the "secret" to making money, they would definitely not market it through a PAID infomercial and it would definitely not be sold for $40.00 or so. So if you ever see an infomercial where a company is selling a program for around $39.00 or so, automatically assume that the program is fraudulent. Assume that the company is only interested in upselling you on more expensive products and services (websites, merchant account, "mentoring", banners, brochures, tapes, seminars, and the list goes on.) at a later time, because they are. So if there is anyone out there who have fallen victim to the fraudulent John Beck program, contact me through the rebuttal box. I will respond to your rebuttal, as soon as I possibly can and will do everthing that I possibly can to assist you. I want everyone to get a refund. I did, so there is absolutely no reason why everyone else shouldn't. I have already proven, that the John Beck program is a scam, by rolling the fraudulent company over in a credit card dispute, therefore, no one else should ever have to go through with a nonsense dispute ever again. There is no way for any program, that has once been proven fraudulent by someone, possibly be legit to others. Understand? So if you are one of the many victims of the fraudulent John Beck program, post a rip off report. Phone your credit card's dispute department immediately and explain your experience. Also, direct whomever is going to be handling your dispute to this website. Again, if you need further assistance contact me through the rebuttal box. If worst comes to worst, I would even be willing to personally contact your credit card's dispute department. If it becomes necessary to sue to get a refund, I am even willing to fly over (expense paid of course) and stand behind anyone. Until next time, take care Tricia and everyone else cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. $9.8 million. Hey Mike Evans, where are you now? I want to be your friend. Can we be friends again? No hard feelings alright? LOL. LMAO. You friggin' putz! Awwww! Did you have to repay the commission back to your fraudulent company? Were you laughing then? LOL. LOL. LOL. I havn't even started.


San Diego,
ripped off!!!!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 22, 2004

Dear Reid, I had been completely ripped off by these people, but thanks to what I read here on this site, I filed the next day, (which was my last day of eligibility to dispute) with my credit card company. Five months later, I just recieced a letter from american express, I recieved my 6,700.00 in full! Thank god and american express and you. I am a single mother who was so stressed out about this. Thank you again for your good info. God bless.


John Beck Scam

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 22, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this update finds you in good spirit and health. If you're a victim of the fraudulent John Beck "Mentoring" Institute, John Beck Free and Clear Program, John Beck's Amazing Profits or whatever the f#ck they've now titled their bull s#!t, contact me through the rebuttal box. I am compiling a list of victims so that hopefully someday, we may successfully launch a rip-off report campaign against this fraudulent company and their b#lls#!t infomercial. If we can succeed in accomplishing this, there's a very good possibility of using our successful campaign to help victims of other scams. You see, The John Beck program has already been proven fraudulent, it's not even a question. I won this fraudulent company over in a credit card dispute battle, because they haven't even come close to furnishing anything even partially relevant to my dispute. They've tried desperately to retain my money and have even resorted to threatening and extortion. Once someone is victorious in a tug of war battle over a company, there is absolutely no way for that same company to claim that they're legitimate to others. Everyone that has fallen victim to this scam are entitled to a full refund with monetary compensation, for time wasted, aggravation, and all other expenses related to the recovery of his or her scam monies. It's really difficult to obtain a refund from the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute, because they have somehow managed to take advantage of many credit card companies tremendous lack in fraud detection and investigating, but together we can all make sure to at very least, minimize the amount of victims that fall prey to this scam. And in the end, I whole heartedly believe, that this fraudulent entity will inevidibly self destruct. Separately, this fraudulent company will continue to chalk us up as "just another complaint". There is tremendous strength in numbers and together we can finally demonstrate this. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. $9.8 million! Hey Mike Evans! I want to appear on your fraudulent companies next infomercial! Laughing hysterically! FA-Q, MIKE EVANS!! P.S.S. I also have a really great idea for a television pilot. If any television producers just happens to stumble across this report, please contact me through the rebuttal box. I would love to sit down and share ideas for an upcoming "reality" based television show. Thank you much.


Refund assistance? I will do my absolute best to assist you.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 20, 2004

Hey Robert, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirit and health. There's a pretty good chance of you never recovering your money after one year has gone by. What you can do however, is phone the company and notify them of your report. Keep posting your negative experience here to warn others about the John Beck infomercial scam. Don't just request a refund for the amount these scumbags have stolen from you, but factor in the entire amount of time wasted, printing, postage, aggravation and all other expenses relating to the recovery of your investment. Let as many people involved with this scam know, that you have absolutely no problem continuing to exercise your constitutional right to warn the public about their scam operation. Contact the creator of this website and ask him if he still conducts mailouts. If so, ask him if he would be so kind as to publish the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute in one of his mass mailings. I should have done this a long time ago, but I have far too much fun typing on my computer. Believe me, you'll probably never see a refund from this fraudulent company after allowing one year to expire, but it feels very good knowing you have an opportunity to save many others from falling for this same scam. If you've paid by credit card, contact your credit card's dispute department and dispute the charges immediately. I disputed the charges awhile back and won, because my credit card company eventually discovered, that the John Beck Mentoring Institute was a fraudulent company, as they kept attempting to win me over in the dispute process, by constantly submitting ridiclous items on their behalf. Items such as a signed contract, shipping documents and many other items, all of which had absolutely nothing to do with the reason for my disputing the fraudulent program. I have not once denied enrolling in John Beck's fraudulent program, so for this fraudulent company to even attempt to furnish such irrelevant items in their defence, only proves their desperate attempt to extort money from me. Feel free to submit any and all of my reports to your credit card's dispute department and let them know, that there is absolutely no way, that any program, that has once been proven bogus by someone, possibly be legit to others. Let them know, that this is not an attempt to blackmail, bribe, or threaten their fraudulent operation in any way and that you will not take any responsibility for anything that happens to their business as a result of any of your postings regarding their scam. At this point, it will not be worth your while to attempt to collect just a refund, for they have obviously wasted much of your time. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. If you need any assistance, notify me through the rebuttal and I will respond as soon as time permits. P.S.S. Anyone heard of this Dean Graziozzi character? I could've sworn he once claimed to have made his fortunes selling automobiles, but now claims to have accumulated his wealth perpetuating the same scam that the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute is peddling. This homo looking fellow kind of adopted the same persona of the late Donkey Lapre.


looking for help to fight john beck

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

last year i got involved with the john beck program. i was sold on the "having access" to money to buy properties. after finding a property that was going to be auctioned for $6400, i called the "lending network". i informed them of the property which was on a lake with a land value of $100,000+. i told them the starting bid was $6400 and they informed me that they don't deal with anything under $30,000. i phoned john beck's company asking for a refund because the lending network was not what i was told it was. on the phone i was yelled at, hung up on, laughed at and sometimes all 3 at the sametime because they would use multiple lines while talking to me. i even had the help of the Tom martino show and that didn't do anything. i have been trying to get my money back for over a year now. $2400 down the drain. anybody else have any suggestions?


Fraudulent John Beck seminar on the loose.

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 16, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirit and health. The John Beck Free and Clear program, John Beck's Amazing Profit's, the John Beck Mentoring Institute, and all of the seminars and materials with the name John Beck affixed to them are scams. How do I know this? Myself, along with the many others, that posted reports on this site and other public message boards, that had their reports unacknowledged and unresolved proved so. My credit card's dispute department also determined so. There is no way in hell, that a business that had once been proven a sham, by someones credit card company, be legit to others. This will probably be my last rebuttal regarding this scam, until that is, others start coming foward to post their experiences of being scammed also. My posting all of these rebuttals are overkill and this fraudulent company is probably feeding off of the fact, that there is only one person constantly updating his report. They could actually use this fact to their advantage. I will sit back and monitor the behavior of this fraudulent company, for I am confident that they are just waiting for me to go away. Uh! Uh! The reason for my low profile, will be to allow others to slip through the cracks and into the trap of this fraudulent company. This is the only way that the reports against this fraudulent company will have a chance to grow, as it should already have. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and god Bless. P.S. $9.8 million. Not a payoff to shut me up. Not a threat. Not a bribe. Not blackmail. No amount of money could ever undo what has already been done. This is money owed to me, for the extortion attempt and to wipe the slate and the reputation of your fraudulent past clean once again.


Seminar scam on the loose

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 15, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this update finds you in good spirit and health. The John Beck Free and Clear, Amazing Profit's, Mentoring Institute, "mentoring", "Seminars" and "workshops" are all scams. Trust me I know. The fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute attempted to extort $6,400.00 from me about ten months ago, while delivering absolutely nothing of value in return. So $1000.00 for a seminar? SCAM!! The John Beck Free and Clear infomercial is deceptive, very misleading and flat out frudulent. The many fine print, which are often just a mere blur on the screen, automatically proves that this fraudulent company has much to be desired. SCAM!! Don't ever sign their contract or give anyone at this fraudulent company your credit card number over the phone. They use clauses in their contract as traps to literally extort money. They may attempt to use the "we're in the business of selling information" as much as they want, but the information that they provide is worth nothing more than the toilet paper you use to wipe you a## with. Take notice of a few things that without a doubt proves that these programs are nothing but scams. 1. If John Becks "mentoring" had been legitimate, why does everyones investment vary? Because it's a scam and all that they're really interested in is the maximum available line of credit on your credit card. That is the reason for the enourmous differences. 2. Why did my credit card's dispute department give up on this fraudulent company? We'll, because this fraudulent company gave them the run around too, just as they do everyone else, buy totally being unable to prove my dispute to the contrary. Throughout the entire dispute, this fraudulent company insisted on submitting ridiculous items on their behalf, all of which had absolutely nothing to do with my dispute. Signed enrollment contract? Nice!! This would have been the ultimate easy way out for a fraudulent business, had they been able to prove that the service that they provide is actually worth something. They can take this contract and wipe their a##es with it. Nothing to do with a quality of service dispute, so for the mere attempt, they can subtract even more brownie points. Always keep in mind that ninety five percent of the entire worlds population works for the other miniscule five percent, which means that the majority of all "home based business", "Work at home businesses", "opportunities", etc, etc must be scams. Sad but true. Out of the remaining five percent, two to three percent make up the population in Hollywood, are business owners, doctors, lawyers, certified public accountants, or inherited their wealth. Remember all of these statistics and you should be safe from the grips of all the fraud, that so freely roam the earth. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. That's enough for now. Wheeew!! They almost got me! P.S. $9.8 million. Wow, they must have instilled a lot of anger.


The John beck seminar/workshop scam

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 15, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this message finds you in good spirit and health. I am updating this message to inform everyone that any and all John beck seminars are scams. $1,000.00 for a seminar that explains the business of investing, and one on one coaching from the man himself? What a f$#king joke!! They attempted to charge me $6,400.00 for telephone mentoring... and couldn't even deliver on $6,400.00. So what makes these clowns think that anyone should believe, that they too can learn the "secrets" of the wealthy for only $1,000.00. SCAM!! GMFAO!! They attempted to rob me with their fraudulent "moneymaking" scheme, wasted much of my time, stressed me out, flushed nearly a year of my life down the toilet, and think they can just walk away from it all. Yes they may, however, I will be a pimple on their a*s until the day I die, just as I have promised. They may choose to live with this stigma for however long they wish. It does not bother me one bit. However, I have found a new hobby and that is to post my true experience on the Internet as much as I possible can. I now have a duty to warn the public about this "mentoring", "seminar", "workshop", bull$h#t. I will also attach myself to any and all businesses, that has the name John Beck affixed to it and continue to exercise my constitutional right to warn the public about my experience, until every ounce of my emotional distress has been resolved to the best of my satisfaction. The cost to resolve this issue to the best of my satisfaction is now well in the millions. This is no joke. Keep in mind that this payment is not a bribe, attempt to blackmail or threat. This money is owed to me, for they have literally robbed me out of much time, while attempting to steal my $6,400.00... and time is something that can never be replaced or made up. Once it's gone it's gone. The monetary compensation, which I am seeking is for the robbery attempt and to help me get my life back on tract. This fraudulent company uses blatant deception and fraudulently misrepresents themselves and their program. This fraudulent company uses deceptive advertising and many hidden clauses in their contract for enrollment, to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. These seminars are scams and the people behind it are con artists. Can you believe it? Ten months and not even ONE acknowledgement. Not one phone call, apology and or small offer to compenste me. This is because they feel that any apology, would be an admission of guilt. No need for that, my hard work with the assistance of my credit card's dispute department have already proven that. I bet that these crooks honestly believe, that by blowing me off as just a whiner makes their fraudulent company and offers look legit. Now their non apology will cost them over nine million dollars to remove the cancerous tumor, that I have now become. Pay up and start over fresh and legit, or forever hold your peace. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. Hey Mike Evans, are you still at the company? You ought to change your name. You may be successful at catching more people.


Warning!! Seminar scam on the loose.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 12, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirit and health. Don't ever fall for the fraudulent John Beck "mentoring" crap. The infomercial or the seminar. Do you honestly think that they have a special hidden secret, that when revealed, will make you successful? YEEEEAH!! Do you honestly believe they have the ability to provide an opportunity that most of our nations top universities can hardly provide? $1000.00 for a two day seminar, which will instruct ordinary folks like you and me to invest in real property and become financially free? This scam company attempted to swindle $6,400.00 out of me, for only ten scheduled fraudulent telephone "mentoring" sessions with a coach who knew very little if anything regarding real estate. For a good laugh, go check out the website that's peddling this fraudulent seminar crap. If the statistics on the website are even close to being true, it would be a hell of a lot more profitable for this scam company to do this on their own, rather than to conduct seminars. SCAAAM!! Basic math skills: Seminars limited to eight people for attention purposes (heavy laughter). 8 x $1000.00 = $8000.00 for a two day combined total of $16,000.00. For $1000.00, this opportunity can't be all that great. As I have said many times before, this fraudulent company attempted to swindle $6,400.00 out of me... and that service was nothing but a huge scam. Can you imagine what their $1000.00 seminar is all about? I bet this seminar B.S. is just an attempt to sell the attendees on more fraudulent and or non existant services. Don't believe me? There are many complaints on other sites regarding these fraudulent seminars. One in particular, has been written by someone who attended one of these fraudulent seminars in the bay area. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.


Warning!! Seminar scam in progress.

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 11, 2004

Hey Ann, I hope that his rebuttal finds you in good spirit and health. Thanks for your input. I just got through looking over the website that's selling John Beck seminars. What I saw proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that his telephone "mentoring" is a scam. The website claims, that they are limiting the attendance to the special seminar, conducted by John beck himself, to only eight people, so that they may give special attention to those that attend. The website claims that both scheduled dates to the seminars are sold out. Here's the clincher though... They are asking for only $1000.00 for admission to this seminar. So why the hell did they expect $6,400.00 from me? Just look at the thousands and thousands of dollars they ripped many out of. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. My one week offer has now expired. My request is again back to it's original amount, growing rapidly and exponentially. I didn't think this fraudulent company was going to take advantage of my kindness and come foward to squash this, because the John Beck "mentoring" program is a huge scam and they know it.


Yes Reid

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 09, 2004

I just got finished watching what you call their fraudulent infomercial.


John Beck Scam.

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 04, 2004

Hey Alan, I hope that this message finds you in good spirit and health. I thank you for the positive reinforcement. I say positive, because it's the truth. I must say though, I feel for the many who can keep a straight face and tell bald face lies on television in order to sell millions on a fraudulent program. It sure takes a lot of balls to do so. I personally could not do something like that, because I have to much morals and would be scared straight to leave my home at night. There will be many who would love nothing more than to rearrange my face, as I am sure one day one of these crooks will inevidibly stiff the wrong person and run into this one wrong person. When we finally hear about this one person, hopefully it will send a message to the many other crooks that peddle their garbage through ridiculous PAID infomercials...And hopefully he or she will feel it was worth the scam. You rob me, I break your face sort of thing. Until next time really soon, take care Alan and everyone else, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. Keep visiting this site and promoting it to others.


Saint Paul,
I hope everyone reads Reids comments and saves themselves from losing tons of money to these monsters.

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, July 03, 2004

I saw one of these informercials showing luxury homes being purchsed for $350.00! What! These homes are worth $500,000. You can't believe a word they are saying, the testimonials are all lies!. Even that slimy Dean guy, the guy that was selling cars is now all of a sudden a real estate guru! What? If everyone would stop giving these scumbags their money then we will see these people go out of business.


chalk up on more scam, that will continue to just linger around

#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 02, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this message finds you in good spirit and health. You can chalk up on more scam, that will continue to just linger around, stinking up the place, until the agencies, that are supposedly in place to deter scams, start doing what they are being paid to do. The company, that I am refering to, is the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute and the many other "mentoring" programs, that model their business practices after this scam company. Mentoring? FULL OF COW DUNG!! I am getting sick and tired of all the excuses as to why these fraudulent companies are continually allowed to stay in business. Is it because the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute has a merchant account? Perhaps it's because they spent millions of dollars for their deceptive, misleading, and flat out fraudulent infomercial? An infomercial so loaded with fine print and to make matters worst, very often nothing but a mere blur? Could it be their testimonials? Maybe it's because of the fact, they're members of the Better Business Bureau? Is it because, although they're a fraudulent business, they pay taxes as if they were legitimate? Yeah, that's gotta be it. There is a very simple solution, that would minimize the amount of scams, that plague this beautiful country and it's called D I S C L O S U R E. Yes... require all businesses, that advertise on television, regardless of the amount spent on their fraudulent infomercial, to disclose all material facts about their program. Facts such as success rate of their program, any future investments, no cancellation clauses, etc, etc. Deceptive trade is still against the law isn't it? So why are so many fraudulent businesses allowed to pass their crap around as something it's not? Where's all our tax dollars going? Why does it require so many agencies, to shut down so few fraudulent businesses? The John Beck Mentoring Institute is a scam and they know it. Obviously my credit card company agreed with me, otherwise, they would not have reversed the charges. Don't belive anything you see on television, especially infomercials. There's a d**n good reason why infomercials are so long and often aired at such odd hours. HMMMM? Does any one know whether or not this fraudulent infomercial is still being aired? If so, please let me know through the rebuttal. I am interested in recording it, so that I can post a picture of the infomercial on this website, just like Donkey Lapre's picture has been posted. Don't be fooled by the slowdown of rip off reports regarding the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute. There are many other UNACKNOWLEGED and UNRESOLVED complaints against them on other sites. Anyways, I am done ranting for now. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. Any media company or deceptive trade attorney who would be interested in my story or taking on a deceptive trade lawsuit, please feel free to contact me through this website. Thanks.


Just an update regarding my request for compensation.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 29, 2004

Hey Everyone, I hope that this message finds each and every one one of you in good spirit and health. If you've stumbled across this message, because you were conducting a search for the John Beck Free and Clear Program, be happy you did. The program is fraudulent! My credit card dispute department, along with myself, have already proven so. Believe me, this company had more than enough chances to prove otherwise, but instead decided to just d*ck me around in hopes to steal my money. It's very dificult to convince a credit card company of fraudulent activities, especially when a fraudulent company insists on dragging a dispute on, by constantly furnishing ridiculous items on their behalf. The John Beck Mentoring Institute have wasted over ten months of my life and my life will now never be the same, because of this scam. So if you like me, have fallen for this crap, return the program immediately. Phone your credit card company and dispute the charges. There is no way in hell that a program, that has once been proven fraudulent by someones credit card company, be legitimate to others. They have proven absolutely nothing, that I have said to the contrary. As a matter of fact, these cocky sons of b*1che$, havn't even come foward once to defend themselves. If you've already disputed the charges, you'll soon realize, that this fraudulent company will attempt to submit the singed contract as proof, that you've enrolled in their fraudulent and non existant program. HOGWASH!! What does any contract have to do with a quality of service dispute? Absolutely NOTHING!! But hey, they have assisted me, along with my credit card company, uncover their scam. Phone this fraudulent company, Tell them to crumple up that piece of paper, get undressed, bend over foward, insert the paper into the little crevice below their spinal cord and shove it way up there. Last but not least, don't ever allow anyone to intimidate you with frivilous accusations of slander and or libel. The TRUTH is an absolute defence against any of this frivilous fluff. Haven't you noticed the many people that so freely throw these words around? Most of whom don't even know the difference between the two. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless each and every one of you. P.S. I now need $4.8 million, after taxes, for compensation, to calm my nerves and to get my life back on track.


The John Beck Free and Clear Program is fraudulent from start to finish!!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 11, 2004

To everyone who may be interested in ordering the John Beck Free and Clear program, don't do it!! It's a scam from start to finish. Check out the many unacknowledged and unresolved complaints against this fraudulent company. No LEGITIMATE company would ever allow this many complaints to go unresolved, while just accepting to live with the stigma of being a scam. Also, be sure to view the many complaints against Leasecom. In case you are wondering why I've mentioned Leasecom, it's because they have also implemented the exact same "NO CANCELLATION POLICY", which is nothing but a trap and only used to steal huge sums of money from unsuspecting victims. I am in no way implying that these two companies are affiliated in any way. They just so happen to be using the same methods to lure people into contracts, which contain many clauses, the main one being a "NO CANCELLATION POLICY", which allows fraudulent companies the opportunity to literally steal money, even far after someone realizes he or she has been scammed. If you've recently ordered the John Beck Free and Clear program, immediately cancel the charge. If you have enrolled in their fraudulent/non-existing mentoring program, make sure to call your credit card disputes department and dispute the charge immediately. Once you've agreed to their fraudulent and non-existing mentoring and find out later that they have absolutely nothing to offer, it'll be far more difficult then you think to get a refund. Don't ever be fooled into thinking that they are standing behind their service, by providing a three day cancellation window. The three day cancellation policy is to give people the impression that their offer is legitimate, but means absolutely nothing, for once you've found out that these crooks have no intention of living up to any of their claims, it's too late. Keep in mind that your first scheduled mentoring assignment with your couch isn't until a week or so later, so what good is a three day cancellation policy? It is very safe to say that any and all companies that have this clause or stipulation on their contract, is a scam, unless PROVEN otherwise. I wonder why these companies are constantly allowed to receive merchant accounts. Isn't there ever a time a red flag goes up? How many people must be victimized by one particular company, that's engaging in fraud, extortion, robbery, deceptive trade, etc, etc, before the red flag finally goes up? Wouldn't it be nice if credit card companies someday really started to look out for their customers best interest, instead of just pretending to, by actually starting to monitor these types of fraudulent activities? Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless each and every one of you.


Call your credit card company and dispute the charge immediately!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 06, 2004

Hey Dave, My name is Reid and I to have been scammed by this Fu$#i*g company. Please tell me you paid by credit card, for this is the only chance you'll have of recovering any money. Call your credit card company immediately and dispute the charge. Don't waste anytime trying to contact this fraudulent company. This company is clearly a scam and they will do everything possible to avoid your call, especially if they're aware that you're interested in a refund. I suggest that everyone who's gotten scammed by this company call their credit card company immediately and dispute the charges. Then write a note explaining in detail, everything that has happend, make copies of the note and send it to as many government and law enforcement agencies as you possibly can. Feel free to make copies of any of my reports and mail it to your credit card company as proof, that you're not the only one who has been scammed. If everyone does this, and only if everyone does this, will this scam finally be exposed and receive the recognition it deserves. P.S. Any and all media company, attorney, FTC official, etc, etc, that may be interested in uncovering this scam and shedding light on this disease, please contact me through this website.

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