  • Report:  #665741

Complaint Review: John Temrowski - Sterling Heights Michigan

Reported By:
Mandy - Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA

John Temrowski
45109 Van Dyke Sterling Heights, 48317 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This man is the worse attorney I could have ever imagined.  First, he accepts a retainer, shows up ONE day in court then demands more money by stating that it could cost more than he had thought.   He tells you that you can't win without him then when he gets to court he doesn't have a clue.  I almost wanted to tell him to sit down and let me take over.

And after completely blowing my case, this married man has the gall to hit on me as he whines about his bad marriage and how he isn't ready to get divorced yet.

Beware!  Bad attorney, bad man. 

22 Updates & Rebuttals

S. Temrowski

United States of America
John Temrowski has tried to sue his own family

#2General Comment

Wed, April 25, 2012

As I already stated, Temrowski has attempted to sue his family on at least two occasions.  I don't care how much this man tries to pretend like ONE person is defaming him, he has made a lot of enemies.  The only chance he has to redeem himself is to try and accuse one individual of defaming his character.  I knew this man for many years and it is amazing at the lengths he will go through.

All I can say, is check him out.  Don't take my word for it.  I wouldn't.   But do your search and you will see that he has come up on many searches for many years.  Law licenses in many states, lawsuits with other lawyers and family members, real estate scams and even a pattern of not knowing the law which is kind of important if you are a lawyer.   The only thing to his credit is that no one has hit him with an actual crime. Lawyers are the hardest ones to nail. 


Sterling Heights,
Is this coming from the woman/guy that is in the MAFIA???

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, September 27, 2011

Let me get this straight.  You have someone that brags about being heavily in the mafia and now lives in New Mexico but they are 'standing by your side'.  LOL.  Too funny.  Don't they send a lot of people in those witness relocation programs that move to New Mexico.  Are you one of them?  A crook is a crook.  Sorry to tell you this Sondra, but you look like a minority here.  I have heard that John IS very good with the mafia.  At least as far as returning their calls.

As far as his crooked bid for Probate Judge, the mafia couldn't help him steal that seat in Macomb County. 

Keep laughing.  You should see how little the man has on his plate now.   What comes around, goes around as Mr. Temrowski is now finding out. 

Sondra L. Steers

Las Cruces,
New Mexico,
United States of America

#4General Comment

Sun, September 18, 2011

John, I just have one question.  Where do you find these friggin' idiots?  And you thought I gave you heartburn.   Miss ya'.

Try Harder

United States of America
Ohhhhhhh so you do recieve mail????

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 09, 2011

Did you ever think J.T.T could mean 'Just think twice'????   All I can say is thanks to you and ALL of your correspondence this is going to make things so much easier all the way around.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!  F.Y. I.........Macomb County Judges tend to NOT be interested in your personal life or there "lack of"  are you for real????  According to her she said it must be the company he's keeping, my understanding is your issues have never been their issues under any circumstances.  I'd put the paper and pencil down, you're literally hanging yourself! 

Kim Huddleston

His letter head says John F. Temrowski

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2011

Yet this rebuttal was signed JTT.  Which is it?  I would think that this attorney would at least get his initials correct.  UNLESS, it was someone else that wrote the rebuttal.  

Don't threaten me, sir.  And, at least have you clients write the correct initials on their reports.

Kim Huddleston

Here is the TRUTH!!!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, July 01, 2011

I want to let everyone know the TRUTH as opposed to what was stated.  You can not LOSE something where you do not show up.  Mr. Temrowski has threatened my husband and my family for quite some time now.  Mr. Temrowski was awarded A DEFAULT JUDGMENT.  What this means, is that no one cared to bother to show up for this stupid and frivolous law suit.  

He tried for months, or so he claims, to serve my husband with  these ridiculous lawsuit papers.  Now the law does state that if you can not serve someone, then you have to provide substitute service.  Well this idiot, especially for an attorney, filed his lawsuit in MACOMB county, all the while claiming that my husband lives in OAKLAND county.  So I'm happy to report that the judgment has been set aside and Mr. Temrowski can continue to lead his dishonest and corrupt lifestyle.

I might also add, that there is a HUGE conflict of interest in this case to begin with as Mr. Temrowski's frivolous claim, stems from his CLIENT which is also my husbands CRAZY ex-wife LISA HUDDLESTON, who even Mr. Temrowski has admitted is in deep need of psychological help.  

Please sue me too, Mr. Temrowski.  I LIVE IN OAKLAND COUNTY.  MAKE SURE YOU GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME.  If you're going to sue someone, do it to their face, not like a lying little coward as you are.  It is not MY fault that you have made so many enemies.  

I assure anyone reading this rebuttal that every thing I am saying is TRUE, as I am willing to stand by.  My name has been attached.

Try Harder

United States of America
Kirk Huddleston LOSES in Macomb Co.

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 17, 2011

On June 6th 2011 Mr. Kirk Huddleston lost his Def/Slander case in Macomb County Michigan.  Mr. Huddleston was sued by Utica Attorney John Temrowski ( The one and only) for Def/Slander.  The case # is 2010-005044-NZ.   The party was given $250,000.00 in damages b/c this guy or better referred to by the court as a callous Coward slandered a family business on the internet.  Can you say Karma????  I told his ex-wife Lisa Markowicz Huddleston that I was going to run this son of a b***h's a*s up a flag pole and thats exactly what happened.   
    Judge James Biernat Jr. was appauled at what was written on all of the examples that I brought in of Mr. Huddlestons work.  While he was so busy trying to slander my family name and businesses I kept my cool long enough to know that this idiot was to much of a p***y to show his face in the court room.  Not only was this guy running like a chicken when his wife filed for divorce in Feb of 2007 everytime I tried to serve him ,but he did it this time as well.   The guys on every dating sight known to man and or pervert and when she decides to get out of the marriage you'd think he'd be happy yet ran like a leopard to avoid being served ( must have been the tax return he lied about).   This time it was a little more difficult but well worthit.  
    I'm going to financially choke this guy like the chicken he is for what he wrote but no matter what its personal satisfaction just knowing he has to pay the $ to even file it in a Bankruptcy in 2016 LOL!
This would make 3 times this guy couldn't manage his affairs ( uhhhummm no pun intended) or his finances.  He lives off his wife who unfortunately has been nothing but a menace to the whole situation as well.  She called me in December and was crying to me how her husband walked out on her.  Though this didn't surprise his ex-wife at all to her it was simply 'typical' of the guy I actually almost dropped a tear for her sake and I don't even know why.  
    Lets not forget that he supposably was deceased according to his "mail" that came back to my office but I too soon found out No such luck.  You think this grown p***y would have learned by now that it just does you NO good whatsoever.  In January he lost visitation of his now young son for exactly this kind of behavior.  Like I've said many times before he simply has nothing better to do with his time and how happy can he be in his 'marriage' to spend so much time on me and others not named here.   All I can say is "Thanks Buddy"!!!!!!!!  I will be mailing this judgement out to people I am sure will appreciate it, businesses he's put an act on for and future victims I can see coming his way.
                                           He's Toast!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J.T.T


This character always like to talk about his bowel movements

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, February 01, 2011

In the few times I've actually talked to this man he always tells me that his sh* is bigger than me. I weigh about 200 lbs so I think this guy made need to see a doctor. He seems to be obsessed with his bowel movements.

I am really interested in starting a class action suit against this joker. Let me know if anyone is interested. It might be an avenue worth exploring.


I think I got the best of the guy today

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, January 29, 2011

Yes, this guy is a crook. I called him today and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. It was SO funny. He actually had the gall to call the Utica Police and accuse me of harassing him. They pretty much laughed it off. Apparently this guy isn't too well liked.

DON'T GIVE ANY MONEY TO THIS GUY. You will never see it again. He had me laughing so hard. I wasn't really listening to him but he did say something about suing me. He loves to say that he is going to SUE everyone. It's like I told him, I have my business in my wife's name, by far making more money than this chump makes. I my cars in other people's name. And I have a house with quick claim deed to my brother and my wife.

I have a small bank account that I keep about $50 in. So maybe he can hire his top FORMER DIRTY DETROIT COP, Frank Turner to investigate that and see if he can get his $50.00. But I highly doubt I will even have it open too much longer.

I would highly recommend someone to set up an appointment with this guy, pretend you are a potential client, and listen to him. He's pretty smooth with his con-games but the law, he KNOWS nothing. When I got divorced from my ex-wife he asked for $3,000 in court costs. I was going to fight it but my own attorney said, "hey, don't sweat it, you're getting a divorce anyways, your ex-wife has ruined your credit so you'll have to file bankruptcy and I guarantee that this guy is a complete idiot and won't even figure it out". I was skeptical at first, but sure enough he didn't see what hit him. My attorney said that most FIRST year attorney's would have been able to pick up on that ole trick. But he missed it.

Then he filed a motion and cried like a baby to the judge and got nothing. She said the papers were signed and it was a done deal.

If it weren't for his cousin owning a crooked little funeral home, he wouldn't get any business. He hangs around there for business. Now isn't that morbid?

Have fun, John. Can't wait for you to sue me. LOL


United States of America
John Temrowski stole $3,000 from me

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, January 27, 2011

This guy took $3,000 of a retainer from me and spoke to me for 15 minutes. Then he tells me that he can't help me and that my retainer is non-refundable. A real con-artist. I would not recommend wasting your money on this character.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Whatever you "got" from it...

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, January 27, 2011

Here is the break down...

This guy is a riot. And all I know about Ripoff Report is that it is hilarious.Vinny - Harrision Township (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I work at Trumps in Detroit. Temrowski stops in about 2-3 nights a week, usually wearing some stupid polka dot tie, stays for about an hour, gets some lap dances and whines about how ugly his wife is.

It's nice to get a regular customer as it helps put money in our pockets but this guy is always wanting a freebee and really acts like we want to go home with him. I don't date grampas,.

Attorney is a loser

LOL. I think Vinny's sister is a waitress at a strip club is what I got

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, January 27, 2011

I had to call the police department today on this guy and file a police report Walled Lake 11-643 because he has been sending some fat 'former' police officer to my door and pound on it for 20 minutes then threaten my 15 year old daughter.

The police instructed me to call him and make him aware that if this persisted that I would be filing charges for harassment. I mind you, I don't even know this man. So I think the guy is a loser. My understanding is that he is trying to con my husband out of some money and he is chasing him around like a little paper boy trying to collect $2.00.

He seems to like to make up his own rebuttals on this website and pretend to be other people. Apparently the part about him being a regular at Trumps is a hot spot for him. All I can say, is that he shouldn't go around bragging about all of the blowjobs he has gotten from strippers if he is so worried about his wife finding out.

The only person defending this man is Lisa Markowicz. And this woman has an open record with child protective services. Three false police reports that they have been proven and about 12 more that they just can't prove. My apartment complex has record of her breaking into my apartment with a key that she had her delinquent 12 year son steal from my home. So this is what kind of clients this man deals with. Oh, plus an embezzlement charge that she skated with. And did I mention the stalking. She has contacted my work, my co-workers, my ex-husband yet somehow she still has custody of her children. Unreal.


Knock on my door again, Mr. Temrowski and I will have someone knock on your head.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Well according to update by author #3...

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, January 26, 2011

"Vinny" is a lap dancer. And this John person keeps trying to get you to go home with him? Or was this your sister logged onto your account? If so, your sister is a lap dancer? I am lost on this one and it does seem to wreak of hoax.

If not, perhaps you can share what you needed a lawyer for? I am sure that would shed a little light on this hot mess.


United States of America
Okay Listen, JOHN

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, January 26, 2011

I was backing up my SISTER. I didn't feel the need to set up a new account. So JOHN can stop acting like he is someone else and protecting himself or having one of his prostitutes post rebuttals for him.

I just feel bad for my sister because I kind of referred him to her just because I had chatted with him one night.

So yes, you are correct, some people are too stupid to live. And no one falls for your BS, John. Get a real job!!!!!! And stop trying to molest women that are half your age.


Some people are just too stupid to live

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

I am laughing so hard right now at this idiot that thought he was outsmarting the system here.

Hey jerk off, you need to look at the posts you have made. Do you see the "update by author" thing? This means that these updates were done by the author of the original post. The system at ROR does this automatically based on your login on ROR.

You are not smart. You didn't get over on the system. You are a genuine idiot.


United States of America
When the guilty party starts to defend themself on THE RIPOFF REPORT then you know they are guilty

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

Another tidbit for everyone out there. The FBI has been investigating Temrowski Funeral Homes for about 4-5 years now. This is a 'family business' if you know what I mean. They have reports of 14 deceased people where their social security numbers, passports, and identities have reappeared in 2-3 years after their death. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I would watch your butt though. Even though I think this chump is the runt of the family, I still think they can make your life miserable. But if it's any consolation to the author, this guy or at least the family is under investigation. The bad guys always get caught eventually.


United States of America
I do get that you have been disbarred from two different states

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

This guy is obviously trying to cover himself but I do know that he has in fact been disbarred from practicing law in two states. That's why he has come to the Great Lakes state.

It's pretty bad when I attorney can't even keep his license with the small standards that they have in place for them.


Still not getting it.

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

To the original poster : Your fake rebuttals are still coming through with the "Updated by Author" tag.

Anyone who looks at your rebuttals will know that they are fake. Since you appear to have not been able to figure this out, even after my reply above, they will now also know that you are a half-wit.


Vinnie and Private

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

Hey Original Poster! Haven't you noticed that both of your rebuttal posts that you signed as Vinnie and Private show up as the author?

You are trying to play games but the system has exposed you as the phony you are.




Harrision Township,
This guy is a riot. And all I know about Ripoff Report is that it is hilarious.

#21Author of original report

Tue, January 11, 2011

I work at Trumps in Detroit. Temrowski stops in about 2-3 nights a week, usually wearing some stupid polka dot tie, stays for about an hour, gets some lap dances and whines about how ugly his wife is.

It's nice to get a regular customer as it helps put money in our pockets but this guy is always wanting a freebee and really acts like we want to go home with him. I don't date grampas,.


Thanking yourself????

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, December 03, 2010

"Thanks to the writer for this information. "

   Nice try, but you need to be more aware of how Ripoff Report works before trying to pretend to be someone else.   You can't just change the name on your account and pretend to be someone else.   If you'll notice on your rebuttal comment it shows that the rebuttal was made by the original author of the report.


I believe this attorney is running for judge in Macomb

#23Author of original report

Thu, December 02, 2010

I'm not sure where I saw it but I believe this man is running for a seat in Macomb County which would explain why he doesn't want to divorce his wife.  I can't imagine this publicity can be doing that too much good and I hope whomever wrote these reports is watching their rear-end.  This guy doesn't sound like someone I would want to mess with.

If there is any truth to these reports then I hope a full investigation is done on this attorney's family, friends, background and associates.  I would hate to see the courts being planted with mobsters. I thought in today's day and time, that we were done with this sort of organized crime.  The whole thing does make some sense; funeral homes, attorneys, and organized crime.

Thanks to the writer for this information.

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