  • Report:  #97014

Complaint Review: JON L HUSTON - MESA Arizona

Reported By:
- mesa, Arizona,

11145 E Quarry MESA, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This man is a dead beat dad! MY son is 3 years old and he has only paid 200.00 over the year and a half. And for that he thinks he has saved my life. He rarely calls, every few months. And when he does its only to say whats going wrong in his life. Am I suppose to feel bad for you?? Please! He doesnt know what it means to be a father. I feel bad for my son because I had a great father and I dont know what its like not to have one. But he does have a lot of family that is there for him and loves him. So DEAD BEAT DAD- who needs you anyway!

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Dead Beat Dad

Oh yea- and he has just told me that he has gotten a girl pregnant...someone who he didnt have a relationship with or like! So we'll soon see another post on here from her


mesa, Arizona

8 Updates & Rebuttals


To Jessica

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 21, 2004

"Okay, all you macho jerks: You scream and shout about how a woman could have done this and this and that to prevent a pregnancy,..." I don't remember reading about preventing pregnancy except abstinence is a choice for both genders. What I'm talking about is CHOICE to terminate parental rights and resposibilities. I apologize if it seems like I'm picking on Jessie. I'm not. If you read my earlier post carefully, you'll see that I consider ANY parent that CHOOSES to have a child as a scumbag for abandoning that child, emotionally or financially. In addition, it is unfair, un-American, and un-Constitutional to let women have additional LEGAL choices that are refused to men. I'm not talking morality here, I'm talking law. There has been no morality in the law since Roe v. Wade. "...but you fail to see that SO COULD THE MAN. There are not as many options open to them, but they are there none the less, #1 being KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!! If you don't want to run the risk of having a baby, bearing in mind that the only way to 100% prevent that is NOT HAVING SEX, then that's the choice you have to make!!!" Oh, for pete's sake, sex happens. "Furthermore, the original poster said the baby is 3 but it's only been a year and a half that she hasn't received support. So obviously this is a man who DID take responsibility for his business, and then backed out LATER." If that's the case, then he's scum. If she gave him no choice (he had no legal choice once conception happened) to be a father or not, she's scum. "Real men pay child support. Sissy baby girly-men try to shirk out of it." What do you call a woman who has an abortion, or legally abandons the baby, or gives it up for adoption? Aren't they avoiding paying up? "It takes 2 to make a baby; the mother is living up to her end of the bargain." Was there an actual bargain? How do you feel in cases where there was no "bargain?" Is this bargain you speak of an unspoken bargain wherein because a woman succumbs to maternalism, the sperm donor is now a father? Some bargain. "A financial contribution is not too much to ask from the father, from ANY father." It is if the father had NO CHOICE to be a father. What's your definition of a father? I'm willing to bet you stick by the legal definintion which is: a change in a man's legal and financial status once a woman CHOOSES to have a baby. Why is it that? Why does a woman's CHOICE force a man to be a parent? NOBODY, in this country, in this century, should be FORCED to be a parent against their will. Remember Roe v. Wade? "Anthony, you were right about one thing; She doesn't need that guy. But their son does. Child support is not for the mother, it's for the child. It's to put a roof over the baby's head, food in his mouth, and clothes on his body. It's to provide for daycare so his mother can work to do the job of 2 parents. I dare any MAN who refuses to pay his child support to take the woman's role of raising baby, working, and paying ALL the bills." When a woman CHOOSES to have a baby, she should know IN ADVANCE whether she can afford to support that child. (Remember, that's one of the reasons womewn give to abort; finances.) Instead, many women give in to filthy maternalist desires and use LEGAL resources (government) to suck the life out of a man that didn't have a CHOICE. "And no, I am not single, nor a mother, but I am the child of one, and there were times even WITH my child support we barely made it through to another paycheck. But then, MY father was not a deadbeat, and MY father took responsibility for the mistakes he and my mother made - I was an accident baby." Your biological male parent was very honorable, but then did he have a CHOICE? "Anthony, you also sound like one of those support-avoiding dads out there." Can't you read? I already stated that I raised my son alone, without benefit of maternal support. I made the CHOICE to do so. "Most men leave women with children for another woman." Many women have multiple children with multiple partners. Those multiple child support checks come in real handy. What's your point? There's bad on both gender sides, and I resent you using the term "MOST men.." " Many of them then get that new woman pregant, leave her, and start the cycle all over. Maybe you macho jerks should keep your pants zipped and take care of your business, instead of ruining the lives of innocent women and children - not to mention your own." You're talking good verses bad here, and that could go on all day, back and forth. What I'm talking about is CHOICE. Women have it, men don't. Once a couple decide TOGETHER to bring a child into the world, they should commit all financial and emotional resources to that child. If a man doesn't want the child, and the woman does, he's screwed. If he does want the child, but she doesn't, he's screwed. To put it simply, the Constitution guarantees EQUAL protection of the law to all citizens regardless of gender. The law protects women from being forced to be a parent, then turns around and FORCES a man to be a parent based on the woman's choice. The law CANNOT discriminate on the basis of gender, including biological functions that are characteristic of a specific gender. JUST BECAUSE ONLY WOMEN GET PREGNANT IS NO REASON TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST MEN. IT'S UN-CONSTITUTIONAL! It doesn't matter if you are pro-choice or pro-life, the Constitution is the law of the land. In previous generations, women were kept pregnant and "happy" in the kitchen. That's the way they were raised, and many didn't know better until they were told that women didn't HAVE to live that way. Women became "empowered" and learned they could compete with men in the workplace. They have overcome that "mindset" that kept them as "slaves" in their homes. Now it's time to overcome the mindset that requires a man to be a father once a woman has a child. When a single woman becomes pregnant, she should learn in advance whether the man wants to be a parent and if he plans on supporting it. If he doesn't, she should arrange her life accordingly. Why do you suppose so many women feel surprised that, in the warm fuzzy feeling that maternalism gives them, that the man doesn't feel the same way?


Woodland Hills,
Macho Jerks...

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

Okay, all you macho jerks: You scream and shout about how a woman could have done this and this and that to prevent a pregnancy, but you fail to see that SO COULD THE MAN. There are not as many options open to them, but they are there none the less, #1 being KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!! If you don't want to run the risk of having a baby, bearing in mind that the only way to 100% prevent that is NOT HAVING SEX, then that's the choice you have to make!!! Furthermore, the original poster said the baby is 3 but it's only been a year and a half that she hasn't received support. So obviously this is a man who DID take responsibility for his business, and then backed out LATER. Real men pay child support. Sissy baby girly-men try to shirk out of it. It takes 2 to make a baby; the mother is living up to her end of the bargain. A financial contribution is not too much to ask from the father, from ANY father. Anthony, you were right about one thing; She doesn't need that guy. But their son does. Child support is not for the mother, it's for the child. It's to put a roof over the baby's head, food in his mouth, and clothes on his body. It's to provide for daycare so his mother can work to do the job of 2 parents. I dare any MAN who refuses to pay his child support to take the woman's role of raising baby, working, and paying ALL the bills. And no, I am not single, nor a mother, but I am the child of one, and there were times even WITH my child support we barely made it through to another paycheck. But then, MY father was not a deadbeat, and MY father took responsibility for the mistakes he and my mother made - I was an accident baby. Anthony, you also sound like one of those support-avoiding dads out there. Most men leave women with children for another woman. Many of them then get that new woman pregant, leave her, and start the cycle all over. Maybe you macho jerks should keep your pants zipped and take care of your business, instead of ruining the lives of innocent women and children - not to mention your own.


Grow up Get over and move on -Jeese!!!!!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 20, 2004

And they don't want gay people to get married-how narrow minded and shallow can you get. Ya'll breed and subject you innocent children to your marital problems with conciously thinking about the kids part or point of view. You had the child so take care of it. If you don't want it give it up. You expect expect something in return for nothing. Earned(?) income credit child support/Food stamps/WIC and "Section Eight" and all kinds of other programs and privilages that aren't granted to those who struggle to make an honest freekin' living. People that struggle through hardships of their own (and others-hello) endure hardships and simply move on. While you sit around wining about some loser, you should be concentrating on trying to keep you son from becoming what his daddy helped spawned. Now, while the rest of the (higher) tax paying population has to listen to bickering idiots and subjected to unwanted children that grow up ignorant and bash/kill/rape/mug people that have the "opportunity" to lead better lives. I am just fed up with people bitchin about their own personal lives. Grow up and move on. Stop eating out, cook sensible meals, get in shape and go see a counselor. I am sure someone along the way told you to drop that looser but we blame that on L-O-V-E. Yeah right! Just think about it like this-if he was dead what would you do--exactly!


To Laurie in Seattle

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

"What choice was he given? I will tell you exactly what choices he was given. *He had the choice of not having sex.." So did she. "*He had the choice to use protection." So did she. "She didn't get herself pregnant." This was a result of the above choices, not something "he" did. These are choices available to both genders. The female gender has additional choices not available to men. 1. She can abort. ( Men can't abort, but they can sign a notorized document declaring their termination of parental rights and responsibilities. Signatures are a lot less gory.) 2. She can legally abandon the child at a police station, firehouse, emergency room, etc., within a predetermined time limit-usually 72 hours. 3. She can put the child up for adoption. "But is taking the responsiblilty of this child." As well she should. SHE made the choice to keep the child. Apparently some people still believe that just because a woman poops a tadpole some man has to pay. Sure, and women still belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Hey Laurie, go make me a sandwich, and grab me a beer while you're in there. "To all you Men out there running around and reproducing, start being "MEN" and stop being boys!" I guess a "man" by your definition is someone who slaves 60 hours a week to help support a woman and a child he didn't want, while he can afford no family of his own. " You Anthony from Ohio obviously fall into the second category." I'm a "boy" because I advocate equal rights? "If you are not man enough to take responsibility for YOUR actions, you should keep your pants on." If she is not woman enough to give him the same choice she had (choice to terminate parental rights and responsibilities) she should keep her panties on. "Obviously Jessie is taking responsibilty, keep up the good work Jessie." She had all of the choices, she should take all of the responsibility. BTW, I raised my only son alone, without benefit of maternal support. I made that CHOICE. His birth was by plan, not accident. If a man tells a woman that he wants a child she is carrying, or leads her to believe he wants it, then he is scum for not sticking around for the child when it's born. Anyone who thinks otherwise can go to hell, and probably will. I'm also against many feminist ideals that are destroying today's nuclear family, but d**n it, they want to scream about equal rights and reproductive choice, we're going to shove EQUAL REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS down their throats. "Laurie - Seattle, Washington U.S.A."


Oh the poor picked on man!

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, July 14, 2004

What choice was he given? I will tell you exactly what choices he was given. *He had the choice of not having sex.. *He had the choice to use protection. She didn't get herself pregnant. But is taking the responsiblilty of this child. To all you Men out there running around and reproducing, start being "MEN" and stop being boys! You Anthony from Ohio obviously fall into the second category. If you are not man enough to take responsibility for YOUR actions, you should keep your pants on. Obviously Jessie is taking responsibilty, keep up the good work Jessie.


You Both have soooo many choices

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 14, 2004

Both parents have parental rights and obligations. Believe it or not Jon's phone calls to you , complaining about his life is actually either a call for help (because he is not sure how to take care of his responsibilties) or fear that one day you will do what's fair for your son (file child support). Jessie, I am a single mother and I have gone through too much to mention. In order for things to happen for you , you must stop complaining and worrying about what Jon does not do, instead use your anger as a motivation to better your son's life. Whether or not Jon gets his life together-- if you do everything you can do, you will be rewarded and your son will grow older with more appreciation for a great mother whom he will respect. Jon will pay the consequences (good or bad) depending on the decisions he makes for his own life. He's not stupid-- he just doesn't think. http://www.attorneygeneral.state.az.us/children/cse.html http://www.alllaw.com/topics/family/


You Both have soooo many choices

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 14, 2004

Both parents have parental rights and obligations. Believe it or not Jon's phone calls to you , complaining about his life is actually either a call for help (because he is not sure how to take care of his responsibilties) or fear that one day you will do what's fair for your son (file child support). Jessie, I am a single mother and I have gone through too much to mention. In order for things to happen for you , you must stop complaining and worrying about what Jon does not do, instead use your anger as a motivation to better your son's life. Whether or not Jon gets his s**t together-- if you do everything you can do, you will be rewarded and your son will grow older with more appreciation for a great mother whom he will respect. Jon will pay the consequences (good or bad) depending on the decisions he makes for his own life. He's not stupid-- he just doesn't think. http://www.attorneygeneral.state.az.us/children/cse.html http://www.alllaw.com/topics/family/


What CHOICE was he given?

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

Did Jon have the same choices you had to terminate parental rights and responsibilities? No. This right does not exist for men anywhere in the U.S. Stop your bitching, get a decent job and raise the kid yourself. You don't need him, and apparently he doesn't need you or the kid.

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